2019-2020同步人教英语选修九新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅳ Using Language Word版含答案.doc

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1、Section Using Language.阅读P27课文内容,从三个选项中选择最佳答案1Snakes attack humans Aonly if they are disturbed or feel threatenedBonly if humans are disturbed or feel threatenedConly if snakes are shy and disturbed2How many kinds of spiders are there in Australia?A170.B2,000.C160.3How many deaths have been caused b

2、y sharks in the last five years?A5.B3.C6.【答案】1.A2.B3.B.阅读P27课文内容,判断正误(T/F)1About two thirds of the snakes in Australia are poisonous.()2Many Australians are bitten by spiders and cant recover.()3Most of the sharks in the seas of Australia are harmless to humans.()【答案】1.T2.F3.T talk .into.说服某人做某事(教材P

3、26)Do you think by the end of the conversation,Bob has talked Wei Ping into going camping? 你认为到谈话结束的时候鲍勃说服了魏平去参加野营活动吗?She talked me into going to town with her.她说服了我跟她一块儿进城。talk sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事talk sb.out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事talk back 顶嘴talk over 商量;讨论talk of 谈到;涉及Never expect to talk hi

4、m out of doing that.不要指望能说服他放弃做那件事。How could you talk back to your boss like that?你怎么能那样与你上司顶嘴?He invited me to his home to talk over old times.他邀我到他家里去聊聊过去的事。完成句子他们说服我一起去游泳。They swimming with them.她极力劝他不要走。She tried to talk him 他们现在开口闭口都离不开世界杯。They could nothing but the World Cup.【答案】talked me into

5、 goingout of leavingtalk of wind vt.缠;绕(教材P27)Wind a bandage firmly around the whole limb if they are bitten on a limb.如果被咬了肢体,用绷带紧紧缠绕整个肢体。You have to wind a handle at the side of your telephone.你得转动电话机旁的摇柄。wind vt.(路、河等)蜿蜒;缠绕;给上发条;倒(磁带、胶卷等);转动(把手)wind ones way 蜿蜒前进wind down 使逐渐结束,平静下来wind up (使)结束;

6、愚弄The river winds its way to the sea.那条河蜿蜒地流入大海。She wound up her speech with a quotation.她以一句引言结束她的演讲。完成句子她叫我帮她缠毛线。She asked me to for her.工作一天后,我发现很难让自己放松一下。I find it hard to after a day at work.把那些金属丝绕在那边那些钉子上。 the wires those pins there.汤姆睡觉前给钟上了发条。Tom before he went to bed.小溪弯弯曲曲流过这个村庄。The strea

7、m through the village.【答案】wind the woolwind downWind;around/roundwound his clockwinds its way only if只有(当的时候/在的情况下才)(教材P27).so it is just as well that snakes are very shy and usually attack only if they are disturbed and feel threatened.幸好蛇类很胆小畏缩,通常只是在被搅扰和感到威胁时才会主动出击。Only if it is presented in this

8、way can your idea get over to the audience.只有用这样的方式提出来,你的意思才能使听众明白。I told him he would succeed only if he tried hard.我告诉他,只有努力才能成功。only if.位于句首时,后面的主句要倒装。if only 表示“要是就好了”,句子要用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的假设,用一般过去时。表示与过去事实相反的假设,用过去完成时。表示与将来事实相反的假设时用would do形式。If only hed remembered to send the email.要是他没忘记发那封电子邮件

9、就好了。If only we knew where to look for him!我们要是知道到哪里找他就好了!翻译句子要是我会像鸟儿一样飞那多好啊! 只有你吃合适的食物,才会保持健康。 【答案】If only I could fly like a bird!Only if you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit. all but 几乎;差一点;除了以外全都(教材P27)However,although they look dangerous because of their wide mouths and sharp t

10、eeth,all but two or three kinds are harmless to humans.尽管它们有宽大的嘴巴和犀利的牙齿,看上去很危险,然而除了两三种外,其余的对人类并没有危害。All but the morning star have disappeared.除了启明星以外其他的星星全都消失了。He was all but killed by the traffic accident.他几乎死于车祸。nothing but 只有above all 首先;最重要的是after all 毕竟all in all 总的说来His public expressions of g

11、rief are nothing but show.他公开表示悲痛只不过是做做样子而已。You should forgive him for his forgetfulness;after all,he is over seventy.你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了。完成句子除了没挂名以外,实际上他就是委员会的主席。He is the chairman of the committee the name.再回到小船上已经几乎不可能了。It was impossible to climb back into the boat.他思想上除了钱以外没有别的。He has money on

12、 his mind.【答案】all butall butnothing but snatch vt.攫取;抢走(教材P28).and from time to time a crocodile has snatched someone before he or she is even aware that the crocodile is there.就这样时常捕获那些还未来得及察觉到它的人。The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away.老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。I must learn to snatch at every chance tomeet hi

13、m.我必须学会抓住一切机会同他见面。明辨异同grasp/seize/snatch/grabgrasp表示“抓紧”。seize除了表示“抓紧”,还有“夺过、强占”的意思。snatch表示较为突然迅速的“掠夺”。grab匆忙,以有把握的动作抓住东西。选词填空(snatch/grasp/grab/seize)我抓住他的手臂。I him by the arm.他们抢走了农民的所有财物。They all the belongings of the peasants.那个人抢了她的钱包逃跑了。The man her wallet and ran away.你们每个人可以吃一块糖,但是不要抢。Each of

14、 you may have a sweet,but dont 【答案】graspedseizedsnatchedgrab电子邮件写作指导写email和写英文书信差不多,主要由称呼、正文和落款三部分构成。称呼和落款就不讲了,写作正文时要注意以下两点:1首先要明确写给谁。不同的收件人,语气不同。写给朋友的可用一些俚语或缩写词语,但正式的邮件就不能用俚语或缩写词语。2写电子邮件要直接,并多用短句,使意思清楚。当然,对重点部分要作详细介绍。试题中要求写的电子邮件,就必须根据(汉语或图画)提示,将要点写全,并注意语言的运用。也就是说,应把它作为一个小作文来对待,而不是像我们平时给朋友发的邮件,不讲章法。

15、佳作构建假如你是李华。你的笔友Tom给你发来邮件,与你探讨如何保持健康。他谈到他班有一些同学超重,而且还有的同学体质较差。现在,你需要给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1列举一些不健康的生活方式;2提醒他注意饮食均衡;3建议他多参加体育锻炼。注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。这是一篇关于给朋友一些健康方面建议的电子邮件。要求把握要点,适当列举一些事实,给出合理化的建议。句式应该多样化。时态使用一般现在时和一般将来时。.词汇1超重 2健康的 3规律的 4平衡的 5身体的 6提供 【答案】1.overweight2.healthy3.

16、regular4.balanced5.physical6.offer.句式1我写信给你提供一些如何保持健康的建议。I am writing to offer you some advice on 2这就是一些青少年超重,一些不健康的原因。 some teenagers are overweight and some are not healthy.3许多人花费太多的时间上网。Many people spend too much time 4垃圾食品和缺乏锻炼能导致一些疾病。Junk food and a lack of regular exercise can some diseases.【答

17、案】1.how to keep fit2.Thats why3.surfing the Internet4.lead toDear Tom, Yours,Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Tom,Im sorry to learn that some of your classmates are overweight and some are in poor health.I am writing to offer you some advice on how to keep fit.In recent years,with the computer becoming part of our

18、life,many people spend too much time surfing the Internet.Besides,the fast food we eat is high in fat and calories,which is bad for our health.Thats why some teenagers are overweight and some are not healthy.It is said that junk food and a lack of regular exercise can lead to some diseases.So I hope you should have a balanced diet and take plenty of physical exercise in your spare time.For us,health is more important than anything else.Do you agree with me?Yours,Li Hua


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