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1、 本科毕业论文 解读简.爱的帝国主义意识学生姓名: 学生学号: 院(系): 外 国 语 学 院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科4班 指导教师: 二七年五月On the Imperialistic Consciousness of Jane EyreZhu GeUnder the Supervision ofChen JianghongSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstract.IKey Words.I摘要.I关键词.IIntrod

2、uction1I. Some Treatises on the Imperialism.2II. The Deep Relations of the Imperialism, the Colonialism and the Culture3III.The Imperialistic Consciousness Embodied in the Background of Jane Eyre.5IV. Main Ideas of Explanation and Analysis about Jane Eyre.5 A. The Mad Woman in the Attic5 B. Religion

3、 Hero8Conclusion11Acknowledgements.12Bibliography.13攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstractCultural aggression is one of the ways that imperialistic countries conquer the colonies, as the production of the culture; Jane Eyre includes many factors of the imperialism. In the middle of 19th century, Britain began

4、 to expand to the outside rapidly, most of the British people revel in the dream of the White Myth. As one of the represents of ideological novel, Jane Eyre was inevitable to advance to the cultural empire, and Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre is one of the most important loops in the narration. In the n

5、ovel, the antagonism between suzerain and colonies, the superiority of the empire and discrimination to the colonies permeated through it. The imperialistic flavour pervaded in it. From Victoria times on, Britain began to develop colonization. At the same time, the cultural source of ideology played

6、 an important part. Jane Eyre includes the recessive structure of the imperialistic consciousness, exhibits all kinds of cultural characters in the period of the imperialism, and reveals the connection between the culture and imperialism. Key Wordsimperialism; colonialism; culture; feminismII攀枝花学院本科

7、毕业论文 摘要摘要文化战略是帝国主义国家控制殖民地的一种方式,作为文化的产物,包含了帝国主义的各种因素。19世纪中期的英国,以前所未有的速度向外扩张,人们普遍沉醉于白色神话的迷梦中,而作为意识形态表现之一的小说也在向文化帝国迈进。夏绿蒂.勃朗特的是其叙事链中举足轻重的一环。在这部小说里,宗主国与殖民地的对立,帝国的优越感和对殖民地的歧视都渗透其中,弥漫着十足的帝国主义味道。英国自维多利亚时代开始,就不断发展对外殖民事业。其中,作为意识形态的文化资源也起了举足轻重的作用。这部小说中也有着帝国主义意识的隐性结构,隐性话语,展示了帝国主义时代的种种文化上的特点,显示了文化和帝国主义之间的联系。关键词

8、帝国主义; 殖民主义; 文化; 女权主义攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionJane Eyre was created in the middle of 19th century. It is always a classical love story in peoples hearts. Charlotte Bronte also became very famous all over the world because of it. Jane Eyre was figured as a great woman,who was chaste, well-i

9、nformed and strong-willed. She lived in the bottom of the society, suffered enough from tribulations, however, she was stubborn, aggressive and brave to seek for her happiness and fairness. So her spirits was admired by people too. People never changed such kind of thought that it is just a love sto

10、ry, but after reading many times the writer got a lot of new views about it. According to the created time of the work, Britain began to expand to the outside rapidly and develop colonization. And at that time the imperialistic colonization was not only the expansion of the territory and pillage of

11、the source, but also the ideological colonization. At that time, as the ideology, the cultural source played an important part in the colonization and in the imperialistic condition, as one of represents of ideological novel, Jane Eyre was inevitably to advance to the cultural empire. Charlotte Bron

12、tes Jane Eyre that was created in this period implied strong imperialistic colour. There are full of the antagonism between suzerain and colonies, the superiority of the empire and discrimination to the colonies. The imperialistic flavour in this novel exhibited all kinds of the cultural characters

13、in the period of the imperialism. As one of the representative works in the period of British colonization, Jane Eyre was a very great work of the love stories. From a love story to the reflection of the imperialism, Charlotte Bronte was at pains indeed, the love was difficult to escape from the aff

14、ection of the imperialistic consciousness because in the period of the imperialism peoples live was related with the imperialistic consciousness in some degree.13攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 BodyI. Some Treatise 0n the ImperialismIn terms of the widest meaning, the imperialism refers to the structure of some empire,

15、 so if some country expanded its control to one or more neighbouring countries, the imperialism became one side in that period. According to the common meaning, Edward Said thought the imperialism was some metropolis centre of the control which ruled the distant possession it was a practice, a theor

16、y and a attitude, and the course was also different from colonialism which indicated migration and colonization in the distant possession.(Edward Said, 55) But generally speaking, the word “imperialism” as a public policy which through the way of the stratagem and politics to get the advantages of t

17、he economics and conquer the colonies appeared until 1880th. Before that time, the word “ empire ” , especially in Britain indicated a process that the Europeans expanded to the colonies on the flag of beneficentthe colonies were not occupied, but accrued. In the middle of 19th century, the word “im

18、perialism” was described for the government and the policy of Napoleon III who appointed the emperor for himself. Till 1870, the word was used in the British parties who slandered for each other. But after 1880, the “imperialism” became all kinds of political, cultural and economical reasons among E

19、uropean countries. It was obviously an aggressive policy.The modern meaning of the imperialism is that the empires grab the overseas colonies. The imperialism is concerned with Europeanization which has three periods: the great discovery of geography in the period of 15th and 16th; the commercialism

20、 in the period of 17th and 18th century; the imperialism in the period of 19th and early 20th. The Europeanization was not caused by the European governments and countries, but the ten thousand of colonists, businessmen, churchmen and adventurers spreading all over Africa and Europe. It is difficult

21、 to trace back to the root of Europeanization, but the very important thing is to understand how the European imperialism was laid the foundation by the usual travellers, adventurers, churchmen and colonists for several centuries.The imperialism is that a country conquers and robs to another country

22、, from Rome period to today, it has a very long history and the most obvious represent is that the historical power on its back is the plenty of the materials, the wide markets, and the cheapest labours are needed by the competitive economical system of the west countries. At the same time, the ideo

23、logy supplied the important support to the imperialism and made it lay the foundation on the cultural and political advantages of the imperialistic countries. The strong ideology and the bureaucracy system moving all over the world was the reason why the imperialism was different from colonialism. T

24、he imperialism kept up the kind of systematic hegemony by a lot of ways, which included the slavery, the civilisation, and modernization in the politics, law, religion, health and education. After World War II, the imperialism had new patterns which not leaned to the hostility, operation and arms ra

25、ce of the countries in Europe, but aimed at the economical relation between first world country and third world country. This kind of new stage of the colonialism became the research object of the post-colonialism finally.II. The Deep Relations of the Imperialism, the Colonialism and the CultureTher

26、e is a simple way to explain the close relation among the imperialism, colonialism and culture: making phrases respectively with the word “culture” by the words “imperialism” and “colonialism”, two phrases have formedCultural Imperialism and Cultural Colonialism. The two phrases can explain the deep

27、 relation among the imperialism, the colonialism and the culture very well.In order to give a perfect explanation of Cultural Imperialism to the learning world, there were a lot of savants had made good explanations of Cultural Imperialism. These explanations also embody the close relations of them.

28、 they mastered Cultural Imperialism according to the meaning that the economic was the pioneer and the culture was the aim and defined it according to the meaning of the culture was the pioneer and served for the economics and politics. Some savants thought that Cultural Imperialism was medium imper

29、ialism and some others believed that it was a national culture in place of another one. Hans J. Morgenthau thought that it was a policy which is not by the way of conquering the territory and controlling the economic lives, but conquering and controlling peoples mind. According to his ideas, if a co

30、untry carried out the policy of Cultural Imperialism to conquer the main peoples mind, further to rule the whole country, it was better than by the way of military affairs.The colonialism is also a policy that the capitalistic countries used the military affairs, politics and economics to conquer, e

31、nslave and exploit the weak countries, nations and the unenlightened areas and make them become the colonies or half-colonies. however, In the different periods of the capitalism, the colonialism have the different represent forms: in the primitive period of the accumulation of the capital, the colo

32、nialism take the ways of the bare violence such as the armed occupation, overseas colonization, plunder of the piracy, deceitful trade and bloody marketing of slaves; in the period of the liberal capitalism, it was mainly by the way of “ liberal trade ”capitalistic country made the undeveloped count

33、ries, nations and areas become its merchandise markets, the producing areas of the raw material, investment places and sources of the labours and employ soldiers; in the period of the imperialism, except for the above ways, the export of the capital was the main form to exploit these countries and n

34、ations. Between the late of 19th and the beginning of 20th century, the countries and areas of the world that were occupied as colonies or half-colonies had formed the imperialistic colonization system. After World War II, the nationalism ran up, most of the Afro-Asian countries got the independence

35、 and destroyed the imperialistic system. At the same time, the colonial countries used the ways of the indirect, covert and deceptive forms to maintain and figure for the more colonial benefits. On the politics, one side, they allow and admit the independence of the colonies and half-colonies; on th

36、e other hand, they educated and support their agent to control these countries. On the economics, they carried out the policy that economic assistant with the critical loan and unfair trade to control the economic vitals of these countries. On the military affairs, they used the form of “assistance”

37、 to build the military bases, station the armies, dispatch the military adviser and help them to train the armies and so on. In order to realize their strategic aims, they even planned the coup, provoked civil war and supported the puppet regime.From above these, I can say that the colonialism perme

38、ates in every stage of the capitalistic development. Cultural Colonialism is a policy that the west countries aggress undeveloped countries and make them lose the national culture; conquer the peoples hearts of these countries and make these countries become the colonies and half-colonies. Cultural

39、Colonialism is a form of the colonialism, but Cultural Imperialism is a behaviour that a country forces to another country in cultural value idea, it is the succession and development of the Cultural Colonialism under the new history. The imperialistic consciousness needed the culture to spread and

40、the culture needed a lot ways to spread too. As one of the ways, the novel played a great role in spreading of the imperialistic consciousness and Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre was the representative work of the kind of the novel.e Imperialistic Consciousness Embodied in the Background of Jane EyreCul

41、ture aggression is one of the ways that the imperialistic countries conquer the colonies, as the production of the culture, Jane Eyre includes many factors of the imperialism. In the middle of 19th century Britain began to expand to the outside rapidly, most of the British revel in the dream of the

42、White Myth. As one of the represents of ideological novel, Jane Eyre was inevitable to advance to the cultural empire. Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre is one of the most important loops in the narration. In the novel, the antagonism between suzerain and colonies, the superiority of the empire and discri

43、mination to the colonies permeated in it and pervaded pure and simple imperialistic flavour.IV. Main Ideas of the Explanation and Analysis about Jane EyreA. The Mad Woman in the Attic.In the Jane Eyre, empire eagle with the White Myth hovered in the air of Caribbeanthe birthplace of Bertha Mason. Sh

44、e was Rochesters wife and also one of the most important characters in the novel. As the woman born in colony, Bertha Mason was the variety in the high-system empire, the wedding between Rochester and she was not accord with the basic benefit of the empire. For the pureness of the empire, the weddin

45、g should be overset and the variety should be cleared off too. In this novel, the combat began with Jane broke into Thorn field, end up with Bertha Masons destruction, the “illegal” family composed by Jane and Rochester defeated the legal family composed by Bertha Mason and Rochester. The imperialis

46、tic ideology offered reasons for Janes wedding which from illegal to legal. In these reasons, as first world woman Jane formed strong contrast with Bertha Mason who was third world woman.As the same as all the colonialism of the time, there was a trend existed in suzerain Britain that was all the despicable behavior of human being that they had known ascribed to colonial. In the Jane Eyre, Bertha Mason was a humble, devilish and cruel Creole. In order to confirm Creoles truculence, through numerous descriptions, the novel repeatedly narrated the clich that hags ate th


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