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1、毕 业 设 计( 论 文 )任 务 书(指导教师填表) 填表时间:2011年1月 5 日学生姓名专业班级指导教师课题类型论 文设计(论文)题目浅析了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比的悲剧根源主要研究内容 菲茨杰拉德的了不起的盖茨比以丰富的想象力和富有诗意的表达方式向读者展示了盖茨比的悲剧根源,有力地抨击了当时美国中上层社会的黑暗。本文拟对了不起的盖茨比中主要人物及其悲剧根源即美国梦的破灭,旨在进一步了解那个时代上层人士的冷漠无情和金钱至上的价值观。文章将主要包括三部分:第一部分将对作者及其小说进行介绍,第二部分分析小说中盖茨比的美国梦,第三部分重点分析盖茨比的悲剧根源-美国梦的破灭。主要技术指标(或研究目

2、标)本文将首先对作者及小说进行简单介绍,然后通过分析小说中的重要人物及主人公盖茨比的悲剧根源,以展现菲茨杰拉德如何通过细腻的笔触展示了一幅幅人人都在醉生梦死、追名逐利的社会画面以及无数追求美国梦的人的自私、贪婪和孤独。进度计划2010年12月10日,召开毕业论文动员大会,分配指导老师,指导老师与所指导学生商讨并确定论文方向;15日,指导老师与学生讨论并拟定论文题目,填写论文题目申请表,报请审批;2011年1月5日,指导老师填写任务书,经系审查后下达给学生;2011年1月5日-2011年1月12日,学生收集资料,准备开题报告,撰写大纲;2011年1月14日, 交开题报告,批准开题;3月10日交初

3、稿;2011年3月20日至5月20日,修改第二稿,第三稿,第四稿并交终稿;2011年5月下旬,导师传阅论文,对论文进行评分;2011年6月上旬进行论文答辩。主要参考文献1 Chang, Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature. Tianjing: Nankai University Press, 1991.2 Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Qingdao: Qingdao Press, 2003.3 Miller, James E. F. Scott Fitzgerald-His Art and Tech

4、nique. New York: New York University Press, 1964.4 Tang, Soo Ping. York Notes on The Great Gatsby. Beijing: World Publishing Corporation, 1989.研究所(教研室)主任签字: 2011 年 1月6日河南科技大学毕业设计(论文)开题报告(学生填表)院系: 外国语学院 2011 年 1 月14 日课题名称An analysis of Gatsbys Tragic Roots in The Great Gatsby浅析了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比的悲剧根源 学生姓名专业

5、班级课题类型论文指导教师职称讲师 课题来源自拟1. 设计(或研究)的依据与意义依据:美国梦深深根植于美国文化之中,是美国文化的一个重要组成部分。本文通过分析了不起的盖茨比中的主人公盖茨比对美国梦的追求,其理想的破灭和最终的死亡来阐释盖茨比的悲剧根源。意义:本论文试分析了不起的盖茨比中的主人公盖茨比的悲剧根源美国梦的破灭,深入了解小说中人物对美国梦的追求及价值观对小说主题的揭示作用,以使读者更好地了解20年代美国人的生活,从而进一步挖掘该作品的现实意义及价值。2. 国内外同类设计(或同类研究)的概况综述了不起的盖茨比是菲兹杰拉德的代表作之一,这部作品无论从思想意义或是艺术水平上来看,都可以称作是


7、的冷酷无情以及整个社会的价值观的扭曲。因此对小说中主要人物的社会关系的分析也是深入理解小说主题的新的研究途径。3. 课题设计(或研究)的内容本文拟对了不起的盖茨比中主要人物及其悲剧根源即美国梦的破灭,旨在进一步了解美国梦的实质 及那个时代上层人士的冷漠无情和金钱至上的价值观。文章将主要包括三部分:第一部分将对作者及其小说进行介绍,第二部分分析小说中盖茨比的美国梦,第三部分重点分析盖茨比的悲剧根源-美国梦的破灭。4. 设计(或研究)方法本文运用的是资料文献法和分类分析法,同时在指导老师的帮助下,细读文本,查阅相关文献以及参考老师提出的意见与建议,对了不起的盖茨比盖茨比的悲剧根源即美国梦的破灭的进

8、行分析,进而深究其对主题的烘托和深化作用。5实施计划2010年12月10日,召开毕业论文动员大会,分配指导老师,指导老师与所指导学生商讨并确定论文方向;15日,指导老师与学生讨论并拟定论文题目,填写论文题目申请表,报请审批;2011年1月5日,指导老师填写任务书,经系审查后下达给学生;2011年1月5日-2011年1月12日,学生收集资料,准备开题报告,撰写大纲;2011年1月14日, 交开题报告,批准开题;3月10日交初稿;2011年3月20日至5月20日,修改第二稿,第三稿,第四稿并交终稿;2011年5月下旬,导师传阅论文,对论文进行评分;2011年6月上旬进行论文答辩。指导教师意见 指导

9、老师签字: 2011年 1 月 15 日 研究所(教研室)意见 研究所所长(教研室主任)签字: 2011年1月 16 日河南科技大学毕业设计(论文)题目申请表(指导教师填表)院系:外国语学院 研究所(教研室):英语系 填表日期:2010年12月15日课题名称 浅析了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比的悲剧根源课题类型论文课题来源自拟学生人数1指导教师职称讲师 学位硕士 主要内容弗朗西斯司各特基菲茨杰拉德的了不起的盖茨比以丰富的想象力和富有诗意的表达方式向读者展示了盖茨比的悲剧根源,有力地抨击了当时美国中上层社会的黑暗。本文拟对了不起的盖茨比中主要人物及其悲剧根源即美国梦的破灭,旨在进一步了解美国梦的实质 及

10、那个时代上层人士的冷漠无情和金钱至上的价值观。文章将主要包括三部分:第一部分将对作者及其小说进行介绍,第二部分分析小说中盖茨比的美国梦,第三部分重点分析盖茨比的悲剧根源-美国梦的破灭。目 标 和 要 求研究目标:本文将首先对作者及小说进行简单介绍,然后通过分析小说中的重要人物及主人公盖茨比的悲剧根源即美国梦的破灭,以展现菲茨杰拉德如何通过细腻的笔触生动刻画出一幅幅人人都在醉生梦死、追名逐利的社会画面以及无数追求美国梦的人的自私、贪婪和孤独。要求:1.按进度表安排完成毕业论文; 2.全英文撰写,5000字左右;3.要求论文内容新颖,结构合理,论点明确,论据充实,论证有力。进度安排2010年12月

11、10日,召开毕业论文动员大会,分配指导老师,指导老师与所指导学生商讨并确定论文方向;15日,指导老师与学生讨论并拟定论文题目,填写论文题目申请表,报请审批;2011年1月5日,指导老师填写任务书,经系审查后下达给学生;2011年1月5日-2011年1月12日,学生收集资料,准备开题报告,撰写大纲;2011年1月14日, 交开题报告,批准开题;3月10日交初稿;2011年3月20日至5月20日,修改第二稿,第三稿,第四稿并交终稿;2011年5月下旬,导师传阅论文,对论文进行评分;2011年6月上旬进行论文答辩。完成课题需要的条件说明:背景条件:国家教育部通过与各大高校领导商讨、探究认为应该大力培


13、路和研究内容的论述,并与该生进行了深入广泛的交流和探讨,对论文的写作提出了一些意见和建议,并推荐一些相关的书籍和论文等参考资料。与此同时,该生还与其他学生广泛交流,虚心接受学生们对其所写论文的意见和建议。2010年12月中旬,该生进一步对信息进行了整理和分析,初步拟定了一个论文题目范围,然后再有针对性的搜集资料。2010年12月15日,本人与该生讨论并拟定论文题目,填写论文申请表,报请审批。研究所(教研室)意见:主任签字: 年 月 日院系意见:院长(主任)签字:年 月 日注:1.课题类型一栏填写:工程设计、硬件设计、论文或软件工程。2.课题来源一栏填写:科研、生产或自拟。3.本表一式两份,一份

14、由院系保存,一份由研究所(教研室)保存。河 南 科 技 大 学毕 业 论 文题目An analysis of Gatsbys Tragic Roots in The Great Gatsby浅析了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比的悲剧根源姓 名 院 系 外国语学院专 业 英 语指导教师 2011 年 5月20日ABSTRACTFrancis Scott Key Fitzgerald was a Jazz Age novelist and short story writer who is considered to be among the greatest twentieth-century Ameri

15、can writers. The Great Gatsby, one of the finest novel of Fitzgerald, is regarded as a brilliant piece of social commentary, offering a vivid peek into American life in the 1920s.In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald offers up commentary on a variety of themes justice, power, greed, betrayal and the Ameri

16、can dream, which many Chinese and foreign scholars have analyzed. And this thesis mainly analyze The Great Gatsby from the perspective of Gatsbys tragic roots.This paper consists of three parts. Partbriefly introduces F.Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby. Partmainly describes Gatsbys American dre

17、am. Part offers three factors to support the reasons of Gatsbys tragic roots. From the point of view of Gatsbys tragic roots, the paper aims at making people understand this novel more deeply and contributing to building healthy values in todays society.KEY WORDS: The Great Gatsby; American Dream; T

18、ragic Roots摘 要菲茨杰拉德是公认的二十世纪美国最杰出的爵士时代的小说家。其代表作了不起的盖茨比则被视为最能生动形象地反映美国二十世纪二十年代的社会现实。在了不起的盖茨比中,菲茨杰拉德提供了众多已被中外学者分析过的主题,如公平,权利,贪婪,欺骗以及美国梦。本论文从盖茨比的悲剧根源这一视角来解读此小说。本论文包括三部分。第一部分简要介绍菲茨杰拉德和了不起的盖茨比。第二部分主要描述了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比的美国梦。第三部分重点分析盖茨比的悲剧根源。从盖茨比的悲剧根源这一视角分析,本论文旨在使人们更好的解读此小说,并有助于人们在现代社会建立健康的价值观。关键字:了不起的盖茨比;美国梦;悲剧根

19、源OUTLINEIntroduction The Great Gatsby, one of the most famous novel published by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the American Dream, and the demise of those who attempt to capture its false goals. Different people analyze The Great Gatsby from different perspectives, while this thesis mainly analyzes

20、The Great Gatsby from the perspective of Gatsbys tragic roots.I. Background information1.1 A brief introduction of F. Scott Fitzgerald1.2 An introduction of The Great GatsbyII. Gatsbys American Dream in The Great Gatsby2.1 Gatsbys pursuit of dream process 2.2 Disillusionment of Gatsbys dream. Analys

21、is of the roots of Gatsbys Tragedy3.1 Class differences3.2 Daisys moral characters3.3 Gatsbys illegal activitiesConclusionThe Great Gatsby is a great novel, not only for its deep thought and profound theme, but more importantly, also for its social meaning. This thesis tries to analyze Gatsbys tragi

22、c roots on purpose to offer a window onto the writing device, get a profound understanding of the novel and build healthy values in modern time.Introduction Written in 1925, F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby is often referred to as “The Great American Novel” and as the quintessential work which

23、captures the mood of the “Jazz Age”. Fitzgerald was born in 1896 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and educated at Princeton, although he dropped out to join the army before he completed his degree. Stationed near Montgomery, Alabama, he met and later married Zelda Sayre, a high-strung woman from a family m

24、ore prominent than his own. His first novel, This Side of Paradise, published in 1920, was a tremendous critical and commercial success. Fitzgerald followed with The Beautiful and the Damned in 1922, The Great Gatsby in 1925, Tender is the Night (1934), and was working on The Last Tycoon (1941) when

25、 he died, in Hollywood, in 1940.Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby was not a great success during his lifetime, but became a smash hit after his death, especially after World War II. It has since become a staple of the canon of American literature, and is taught at many high schools and universities acros

26、s the country and the world. Four films, an opera, and a play have been made from the text.Fitzgerald had an intensely romantic imagination; he once called The Great Gatsby “a heightened sensitivity to the promises of life”. The Great Gatsby received mostly positive reviews , and critics have viewed

27、 it differently in each decade. T. S. Eliot once concluded that it was the “first step that American fiction has taken since Henry James”. Ernest Hemingway, who had a lifelong love-hate relationship with F. Scott Fitzgerald once described Scotts talent “as perfect and delicate as the wings of a butt

28、erfly”. J.D Salinger simply put it “Theyre all a bunch of phonies.”In this paper, the author will firstly give a brief introduction of F.Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby, analyze Gatsbys American Dream in The Great Gatsby and mainly analyze Gatsbys tragic roots- the disillusionment of Gatsbys A

29、merican Dream.Through the tragic fate of the hero Gatsby, this paper shows the deep social crisis and people values and moral values depressing in the Jazz Era, and presents a loss of life and the disillusionment of the ideal dream in that time.I. Background informationFrancis Scott Key Fitzgerald (

30、September 24, 1896 December 21, 1940) was an American author of novels and short stories, whose works are the paradigm writings of the Jazz Age, a term he coined himself. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. Fitzgerald is considered a member of the Lost

31、Generation of the 1920s. He finished four novels, This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, Tender is the Night and his most famous, the celebrated classic, The Great Gatsby. A fifth, unfinished novel, The Love of the Last Tycoon was published posthumously. Fitzgerald also wrote many short st

32、ories that treat themes of youth and promise along with despair and age. The Great Gatsby proceeded with Nicks narration. Nick. Carraway was born in a Western family, going to the developed Eastern for his own ideal. Nick lived in the West Egg of Long Island neighboring Gatsby. Gatsby was very rich

33、and mysterious, and holding extremely luxurious banquet once per week. Nick attended Gatsbys banquet and made friends with Gatsby and understood that Gatsbys living here and showing luxury were all for attracting Daisy, who was Nicks cousin living in the East egg, near to the West Egg. In the past,

34、Gatsby and Daisy once fell in love with each other. But later, Daisy married a rich boyTom Buchanan. From then on, Gatsby made efforts to amass money for winning back Daisy. By Nicks help, Gatsby and Daisy ignited their love affair again. But in the conflict between Gatsby and Tom, Daisy dared not t

35、o leave Tom. After that, purposelessly, Daisy knocked Toms mistress-Mrs. Wilson to die by car. In order to protect Daisy, Gatsby took the responsibility. However, Tom hinted Mr. Wilson that Gatsby was the murderer. So Mr. Wilson who didnt know the truth killed Gatsby. At last, there were very few pe

36、ople attending Gatsbys funeral. Meanwhile, Daisy and Tom became reconciled and gone out for traveling together. Nick saw through the indifference of people and left Eastern.1.1 A brief introduction of F. Scott FitzgeraldF. Scott Fitzgerald was a famous writer of his own time. As Malcolm Cowley once

37、put it, he lived in a room full of clocks and calendars. The years ticked away while he noted the songs, the shows, the books, the quarterbacks. His own career followed the pattern of the nation, booming in the early 1920s and skidding into near oblivion during the depths of the Depression. Yet his

38、fiction did more than merely report on his times, or on himself as a prototypical representative, for Fitzgerald had the gift of double vision. Like Walt Whitman or his own Nick Carraway, he was simultaneously within and without, at once immersed in his times and able to view them and himself with s

39、triking objectivity. This rare ability, along with his rhetorical brilliance, has established Fitzgerald as one of the major novelists and story writers of the twentieth century.Fitzgerald attended Princeton University but was forced to withdraw in 1917 because of poor grades, and later that year jo

40、ined the army. In 1918 he met Zelda Sayre, the daughter of an Alabama Supreme Court judge. To prove himself and win her, he rewrote the novel which he had begun at Princeton; in 1920 This Side of Paradise was published and the two were married. Fitzgerald started writing for periodicals, publishing

41、early stories such as “The Diamond as Big as The Ritz”, later collected in Tales of The Jazz Age (1922). Fame and prosperity were both welcome and frightening; in The Beautiful and Damned (1922), he describes the life he and Zelda feared, a descent into ennui and dissipation. The Fitzgeralds moved i

42、n 1924 to the French Riviera, where they fell in with a group of American expatriates, described in his last completed novel, Tender Is The Night (1934). Shortly after their arrival, he completed his greatest work, The Great Gatsby (1925), which poignantly expresses his ambivalence about American li

43、fe, at once vulgar and dazzlingly promising. Some of his finest short stories of this period, particularly The Rich Boy and Absolution, appeared in All the Sad Young Men (1926). The stresses of fame and prosperity led Fitzgerald to drink excessively; Zelda suffered mental breakdowns in 1930 and 1932

44、 from which she never fully recovered, and she spent most of her remaining years in a sanitarium. By 1937 Fitzgerald had become a scriptwriter in Hollywood; there he met the gossip columnist Sheilah Graham, with whom he would spend the rest of his life. He told the story of his downward slide in The

45、 Crack-Up, published posthumously in 1945. His last work, the Hollywood novel The Last Tycoon (1941), was left unfinished at his death at 44 of alcohol-related causes. 1.2 An introducation of The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is Fitzgeralds favorite novel, also a most obvious sign that his thought a

46、nd style became mature. With strict designing of structure and special narrator, Fitzgerald expressed the motif of the disillusion of “American Dream”. By the standard of both art and profundity, the novel is the best works of Fitzgerald. The story is set in New York City and on Long Island, in two

47、areas known as West Egg and East Egg. The story is set in the early 1920s, just after World War I, during Prohibition, a time period that outlawed the manufacture, sale, or consumption of alcoholic beverages. This is significant not only because Gatsbys ill-gotten wealth is apparently due to bootlegging, but also because alcohol is consp


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