2019-2020同步人教英语选修九新突破课时分层作业:9 Word版含解析.doc

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1、课时分层作业(九)(建议用时:40分钟).单词拼写1A (漫不经心的) newspaper reader wouldnt like articles on politics every day.2Primary school teachers use a lot of (视觉的) aids.3I benefited much from my (联系) with him.4He always takes the lead in (响应) to the governments call.5I looked at the map to (使恢复) my memory of the road.6He

2、bought the house at considerable (费用)7The company has met their export (目标)8The event is (值得的) of being remembered.9He wont let it trouble his (良心)10Wet weather is a (特征) of life in this area.【答案】1.casual2.visual3.association4response5.refresh6.expense7.target8worthy9.conscience10.feature.阅读七选五Evalu

3、ating Sources of Health InformationMaking good choices about your own health requires reasonable evaluation. A key first step in bettering your evaluation ability is to look carefully at your sources of health information. Reasonable evaluation includes knowing where and how to find relevant informa

4、tion, how to separate fact from opinion, how to recognize poor reasoning, and how to analyze information and the reliability of sources. 1 Go to the original source. Media reports often simplify the results of medical research. Find out for yourself what a study really reported, and determine whethe

5、r it was based on good science. Think about the type of study. 2 Watch for misleading language. Some studies will find that a behavior “contributes to” or is “associated with” an outcome; this does not mean that a certain course must lead to a certain result. 3 Carefully read or listen to informatio

6、n in order to fully understand it.Use your common sense. If a report seems too good to be true, probably it is. Be especially careful of information contained in advertisements. 4 Evaluate“scientific”statements carefully, and be aware of quackery(江湖骗术) 5 Friends and family members can be a great sou

7、rce of ideas and inspiration, but each of us needs to find a healthy lifestyle that works for us.Developing the ability to evaluate reasonably and independently about health problems will serve you well throughout your life.AMake choices that are right for you.BThe goal of an ad is to sell you somet

8、hing.CBe sure to work through the critical questions.DAnd examine the findings of the original research.EDistinguish between research reports and public health advice.FBe aware that information may also be incorrectly explained by an authors point of view.GThe following suggestions can help you sort

9、 through the health information you receive from common sources.【答案】15GDFBA.完形填空A Toronto man is offering a free roundtheworld air ticket to the right woman.But 1 apply.You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian 2 Jordan Axani,28,said he and his then girlfriend,Elizabeth Gallagher,boo

10、ked heavily discounted roundtheworld air tickets in May,but their 3 ended and he did not want her ticket to 4 The ticket had a strict notransfer(不可转让) 5 ,but since passport information was not required when 6 ,any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can 7 it.“I just want to see the ticket go to good use an

11、d for someone to 8 a lot of joy,”said Axani.He posted his 9 on a social networking website,and received thousands of emails,including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the 10 passports,“More 11 ,there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in 12 their name to Elizabeth Gallagher,”Ax

12、ani said.“It was absolutely out of 13 ,thousands of emails,people around the world 14 their stories of travel.”Axani wrote in his post that he is not 15 anything in return and that the woman who uses the 16 ticket can choose to either travel with him or 17 the ticket and travel on her own.The 18 is

13、scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan,Prague,Paris,Bangkok and New Delhi before 19 in Toronto on January 8.He said the 20 woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章围绕人与社会的主题讲述了多伦多28岁的Jordan Axani为给前女友订的环游世界的机票寻找新主

14、人的故事。人们是否会对这张机票感兴趣呢?赶紧来读一下这篇文章吧!1A.benefitsBdepositsCrestrictionsDexaminations【解析】上下文语境题。根据语境可知,机票虽然是免费的,但是你必须符合限制条件(restriction),首先名字得是Elizabeth Gallagher。benefit益处;deposit押金;examination考试。【答案】C2A.originBpassportCaccentDfriend【解析】下文复现题。由第三段中的including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with th

15、e 10 passports可知此空应选passport(护照)。申请者除了名字得是Elizabeth Gallagher外,还得有个加拿大的护照。origin血统;accent口音;friend朋友。【答案】B3A.holidayBmarriageCdreamDrelationship【解析】上文语境题。由前面的his then girlfriend可知,现在他们的关系(relationship)结束了。因为机票还有效,所以还没有去度假,故排除A项holiday(假期);由前面提到的是girlfriend而不是wife可知,他们没有结婚,故排除B项marriage(婚姻);dream梦想,也

16、不符合此处的语境。【答案】D4A.go to wasteBcome to mindCgo on saleDcome into effect【解析】上下文语境题。由第一段首句中的is offering a free roundtheworld air ticket(正提供一张环游世界的免费机票)以及第三段首句中的“I just want to see the ticket go to good use(我只是想看到这张机票得到充分利用)”可知,他不想让机票浪费掉(go to waste)。come to mind立即被想到;go on sale出售;come into effect生效。【答案】

17、A5A.policyBorderCpaymentDschedule【解析】上下文语境题。机票有严格的不能转让的政策(policy),而不是命令(order)、支付(payment)或日程表(schedule)。【答案】A6A.applyingBbookingCcheckingDbargaining【解析】上下文语境题。根据but表示的转折含义可知,虽然机票有严格的不能转让的政策,但是预订(book)的时候并不需要提供护照信息。另外,第二段中的booked heavily discounted也给出了提示。apply申请;check核查;bargain讨价还价。【答案】B7A.useBborro

18、wCchooseDbuy【解析】上文语境题。因为前面提到预订的时候并不需要提供护照信息,所以任何叫Elizabeth Gallagher的加拿大人都可以用(use)这张票。另外,第四段中的the woman who uses the 16 ticket也给出了提示。borrow借入;choose选择;buy购买。【答案】A8A.sacrificeBexpressCexperienceDprovide【解析】上文语境题。上文提到这张票是Axani免费提供给对方的,他只是希望票能得到充分利用,能让用它的那个人体验(experience)许多快乐。sacrifice牺牲;express表达;prov

19、ide提供。【答案】C9A.answerBadviceCofferDcomment【解析】上文复现题。由第一段首句中的is offering a free roundtheworld air ticket可知此空应选offer(提供)。answer回复;advice建议;comment评论。【答案】C10A.sameBrightCnewDreal【解析】上文语境题。在这成千上万封电子邮件中,有30封来自真实的叫Elizabeth Gallagher的人,而且这些人有正确的(right)护照。这些人的护照不可能完全一样,故排除A项same(相同的);new新的,real真实而非虚构的,也不符合此

20、处的语境。【答案】B11A.interestingBannoyingCsatisfyingDconvincing【解析】上下文语境题。有这么多同名的人给他写电子邮件是一件有趣的事,更有趣的(more interesting)是,还有几百个加拿大人对Elizabeth Gallagher这个名字感兴趣。annoying令人烦恼的;satisfying令人满意的;convincing令人信服的。【答案】A12A.writingBgivingClendingDchanging【解析】上下文语境题。除了有30封来自真实的叫Elizabeth Gallagher而且有正确的护照的人之外,还有几百个加拿大

21、人对把她们的名字改为(change)Elizabeth Gallagher感兴趣。write写作;give给予;lend借出。【答案】D13A.touchBquestionCdateDcontrol【解析】上下文语境题。Axani只能提供一张免费机票,却收到了成千上万封电子邮件,这说明情况失去了控制(out of control)。out of touch失去联系;out of question毫无疑问;out of date过时。【答案】D14A.admiringBadvertisingCsharingDdoubting【解析】上文语境题。Axani是在一个社交网站上发布的信息,结果成千上万

22、的人给他发了电子邮件,因此全世界的人可以通过这个网站分享(share)他们的旅游故事。admire赞美;advertise做广告;doubt怀疑。【答案】C15A.leavingBlooking forClosingDdealing with【解析】上文语境题。文章首句已经指出这张机票是免费的(free),因此可以推断出Axani不是在寻找(look for)回报。leave留下;lose失去;deal with处理。【答案】B16A.singleBstrangeCregularDextra【解析】上文语境题。文章第二段已经指出,这张票是为Axani的前女友准备的,现在他们分手了,因此这张票对

23、Axani来说是多余的(extra),而不是唯一的(single)、奇怪的(strange)或定期的(regular)。【答案】D17A.returnBtakeCreserveDhide【解析】下文语境题。由后面的travel on her own可知,拥有这张票的女士也可以把票拿走(take)独自去旅行。return归还;reserve保留;hide把藏起来。【答案】B18A.interviewBprogramCtripDmeeting【解析】下文复现题。由本段最后一句中的the trip will be shared online可知,此空应选trip,这里说的是旅行的日程安排。inter

24、view采访;program方案;meeting会议。【答案】C19A endingBcallingCrepeatingDstaying【解析】上文语境题。由前面的start可知,此处说的是旅行的结束时间,故选ending。call打电话;repeat重复;stay停留。【答案】A20A.honoredBlovelyCintelligentDlucky【解析】上文语境题。由前面提到的旅行的日程安排以及目的地可知,能得到这张机票是一件幸运的事情,Axani说这位幸运的(lucky)女士将在网站上公布,而且这次旅行将会在网上被分享。【答案】D.阅读理解PeoplePeople is America

25、s No.1 magazine about fascinating people.Its a guide to who and whats hot in the arts,science,business,politics,television,movies,books,music and sports.It is published weekly.Publisher:The Time Inc.Magazine Company Cover Price:$211.47Our Price:$117.00Issues:53 issues/12 monthsLuckyLucky is the shop

26、ping magazine with the best buys,and the fashion tips youll need before you hit the stores.What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it.Publisher:Conde Nast Publications Inc.Cover Price:$35.40Our Price:$15.00Issues:12 issues/12 monthsParentsT

27、he most trusted magazine for parents who want to raise smart,loving and selfconfident children.Each issue has agespecific childdevelopment guidance,advice on your childs health and safety,and the best ways to encourage your childs learning.Publisher:Meredith CorporationCover Price:$42.00Our Price:$9

28、.97Issues:12 issues/12 monthsEntertainmentThis magazine covers movies,television,music,Broadway stage productions,books,and popular culture.Unlike celebrityfocused magazines like People,its main concentration is on entertainment media and reviews.Its intended for a more general audience.Publisher:Th

29、e Time Inc.Magazine CompanyCover Price:$199.50Our Price:$38.95Issues:57 issues/12 months【语篇解读】本文是一篇广告,对几本杂志进行了介绍。1Which of the following targets common readers?ALucky.BEntertainment.CParents.DPeople.【解析】事实细节题。根据Entertainment部分的Its intended for a more general audience.可知。【答案】B2According to the passag

30、e,what makes Lucky so special? AIts exclusive information related to shopping.BIts pictures of fashion stores.CThe access it provides to bargains.DIts competitive price.【解析】事实细节题。 根据Lucky部分的What makes Lucky really special is that it gets you the information you need before anyone else has it.可知。【答案】

31、A3Celebrityfocused magazines are probably ones focusing on Apolitical eventsBfestivals and celebrationsChot events and famous starsDtelevision programs 【解析】事实细节题。 根据People部分的第一、二句可知。【答案】C4Youre most likely to find the above information .Ain an educational magazineBon a magazine club websiteCin a gui

32、de to magazinesDin a magazine sales report【解析】推理判断题。文章介绍了杂志的内容、价格,所以是吸引消费者购买的,排除教育类的A项、导读的C项和销量报道的D项。【答案】B.翻译句子1我谅你不敢闭着眼睛跑过马路。(with复合结构) 2我讨厌那些不想努力的人。(have no use for) 3有很多人打电话响应你登的广告。(in response to) 4你可以永远信任他,他不会让你失望的。(rely on) 5妇女牺牲健康来减肥是不可取的。(at the expense of) 【答案】1.I dare you to run across the road with your eyes shut.2.I have no use for people who dont try.3.There are several people who have called in response to the ad you put.4.You can always rely on him;he wont fail you.5.Its unadvisable for women to lose weight at the expense of their health.


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