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1、 本科毕业论文 交际法在中学英语课堂的应用学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206062 院 (系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科3班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Application of Communicative Approach to English Class of Middle SchoolQing XiaoqingUnder the Supervision ofFan XiyingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsCo

2、ntentsAbstractIKey WordsI摘 要II关键词IIIntroduction1. Communicative Approach2A. Four Skills2B. Two Versions of Communicative Approach2.Features of Communicative Approach3.Existing Problems in the Teachers Beliefs and Practice of Communicative Approach4A. Problems in the Teachers Beliefs41. Taking Commun

3、icative Approach as a Method42. Stressing Language Structures53. Misunderstanding of Communicative Approach5B. Some Practical Problems61. Some Differences between Reality and Theory62. The Teachers Problems63. The Students Problems74. Fluency or Accuracy85. Improper Testing System10. Ways to Apply C

4、ommunicative Approach to Practice10A.Getting Rid of the Misunderstanding10B. Designing the Introduction in the Class11C.Stimulating Students Interests, and Enhancing Their Desire of English Learning12D.Building up a Good Relationship Between Teacher and Students12E.Grouping the Students and Meet The

5、ir Needs13F. Focusing on Communicating and Teaching Approach14Conclusion17Acknowledgements19Bibliography20攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstractCommunicative approach appeared in the 1950s,it has been studied in China for almost 30 years. As a young teaching approach, it is widely accepted by many middle scho

6、ol English teachers. It is also a good teaching approach with many advantages. For example, it emphasizes the central position of students, and advocates that English is learnt to use, it emphasizes the communicative function of the language. Communicative approach helps the students to learn concis

7、ely and lively. Communicative approach in the class of middle school is adapted in accordance with the students psychological features. However, it still needs improvement. This paper analyzes the disadvantages of communicative approach. For example, it puts emphasis on fluency but neglects accuracy

8、; it stresses the communicative ability but neglects grammar, and the testing system is improper. This paper aims at rectifying these shortcomings in theory and practice. Firstly, we should get rid of some misunderstanding. Secondly, when it is adapted in practice, teachers need to design good intro

9、ductions in the class and stimulate students interests. Thirdly, teachers should create a harmonious atmosphere, and build up a good relationship between teacher and the students. Key wordsCommunicative approach; communicative ability; middle school English class; stimulation I本科毕业论文 摘要摘要交际教学法在中国的发展

10、仅三十年的历史。这种年轻的教学法在中国中学英语课堂得以广泛地吸收和采纳。它有诸多优点诸如他以按学生需要取材,教学过程交际化以求学用合一,学得精学得快为核心,它还根据儿童的特点教学。它要求英语学习的学以致用。但是交际教学法仍有许多不足之处有待我们改进。交际教学法有诸多缺点。诸如它重流畅性轻准确性,重交际轻语法,不适宜的考试制度等等。针对以上不足之处,本文提出了一定的见解。我们从应做到消除一些理论上的误解. 在实践上教师应设计适合学生的引入的同时要创造和谐的学习英语的环境,组织学生进行交流。同时学生也应该充分发挥自己学习的主动性在英语课堂中多交流多应用英语。关键词交际教学;交际能力;中学英语课堂;

11、 刺激20攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionCommunicative approach appeared in the 1950s,and it has been widely adopted and achieved a lot such as the improvements of listening ability, communicating ability and reading ability. However, it still has some disadvantages. The fluency of language certainl

12、y is important, but its accuracy shouldnt be neglected. Whether grammar teaching should be emphasized in teaching remains a problem. Communicative approach must be applied to English class according to Chinese educational situation. Especially in middle schools,communicative approach should be caref

13、ully researched. How do we use the existing theory? How do we correct the current mistakes on communicative approach? How do we improve middle school students comprehensive ability? All these questions will be provided with answers.攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 . Communicative Approach. Communicative ApproachIn order

14、 to answer the question of what is communicative approach, we must firstly try to define what communicative competence is. According to Littlewood, an English linguist, a persons communicative competence can be summarized as four broad domains of skill. A. Four SkillsFirstly, the learner must attain

15、 as high a degree as possible of linguistic competence.Secondly, the learner must distinguish between the forms that he has mastered as part of his linguistic competence, and the communicative functions that they perform.Thirdly, the learner must develop skills and strategies for using language to c

16、ommunicate meaning as effectively as possible in concrete situations.Fourthly, the learner must become aware of the social meaning of language forms. (Littlewood w.6)B. Two Versions of Communicative ApproachThere are two versions of communicative approach, one is the strong version of communicative

17、approach, and the other is weak version.Strong version of communicative approach advances the claims that language is acquired through communication. It is not necessary for the students to pay special attention to English learning; they would pick up the grammatical principals during the communicat

18、ive procedure. Within this version, one uses English to learn it. The weak version of communicative approach stresses the importance of providing learners with opportunities to use their English for communicative purpose, and characteristically attempt to integrate such activities into a wider progr

19、am of language teaching. According to what has been described, we get the information that攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 .Features of Communicative Approach one learns English to use it, namely only if one learns English well firstly, and can he have the ability to communicate with others. However, such description se

20、parates the English learning from approach. In China, most junior English teachers adapt weak version of communicative approach. During the language teaching procedure, most of the teachers remain apply the old teaching method into practice, and they only stress on language structure. The author of

21、the dissertation believes that one should use English to learn it, which should be supported in middle school English teaching. (Stern. 43-50).Features of Communicative ApproachIn order to understand communicative approach better, we should carefully study its features. Here we analyze eight feature

22、s in detail.Firstly, focus on meaning. In the communicative approach, the meaning seems much more important. When you are communicating with the students, you not only have to emphasize the fluency, but also have to emphasize its meaning.Secondly, one should learn to communicate. It means that one l

23、earns English to use it. Most people think that one should use English to learn it, which is a wrong idea. In the English class of middle school, the purpose of learning English is to help the students communicate in English.Thirdly, any device which helps the learners is accepted, but it should be

24、varied according to the age interests. In the English class of middle school, the atmosphere is significant. Therefore, some devices such as photos, media player, and computer software should be provided to induce the students interests.Fourthly, comprehensive pronunciation is sought. When we adapt

25、communicative approach, the fluency is emphasized. Meanwhile, its pronunciation should also be sought.Fifthly, translations may be used where students need or benefit from them.攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 .Existing Problems in the Teachers Beliefs and According to the feature of the middle school students, the teac

26、her should translate some difficult sentences for them, then they can recite them to use naturally.Sixthly, reading and writing can start from the first day, if desired. Reading and writing are two important factors in the English class. In the communicative approach, reading and writing are also co

27、nducive to communicating.Seventhly, fluency and acceptable language is the primary goal, and accuracy is judged by the context. It is known that fluency is the goal of communicative approach. When we use English we should not just focus on how to choose a correct word, actually, we should speak with

28、 fluency. Then, the accuracy is also required according to the context.Eighthly, students are expected to interact with other people through pair work and group work, or in their writings. In order to improve the students communicative ability, the teacher should create an atmosphere suit to communi

29、cate. There are various ways, for example, through pair working, group dialogue or writing.(Wang Liuxian,50).Existing Problems in the TeachersBeliefs and Practice of Communicative Approach Though there are some advantages of communicative approach, there are still some problems needed to be noted.A.

30、 Problems in the Teachers BeliefsFirst, well discuss the problems existing in the teachers beliefs in the following paragraphs.1. Taking Communicative Approach as a MethodCommunicative approach is an approach or an idea rather than a communicative method. However, many English teachers of middle sch

31、ool regard it as a teaching method. As a result, they wrongly believe that communicative approach is to demand the students do some exercise or have dialogues by themselves once and again. As a matter of fact, communicative approaches not only state the aim of learning and teaching in detail, but al

32、so illustrate the definition of acquiring communicative ability. As different teachers have different ways in teaching, communicative approach does not provide any regulations to restrict teachers mind, but encourage them to teach English by using teaching approach2. Stressing Language StructuresMan

33、y English teachers in middle school think that communicative approach only stresses the use of language. They neglect the choosing of vocabulary and grammar teaching. In this case, the students feel that they havent achieved anything. So grammar is important in all kind of language. If the grammatic

34、al teaching is neglected, the language will be illogic when communicating with others. In such a case, many people believe that some grammatical point should be firstly introduced, and then applied in the course of communication. Nevertheless, this kind of teaching is defined as structural teaching

35、of language; therefore it is wrong to separate grammatical teaching from communicative ability.3. Misunderstanding of Communicative Approach As we know, to learn English one must command four skills. They are listening, speaking, teaching, and writing. Many English teachers of middle school define l

36、istening and speaking as communicative ability. They believe that the students abilities will improve on condition that they have better skill in listening and speaking. As a matter of fact, reading and writing should be two significant factors involved in communicative capability. As we are reading

37、, we communicate with the author; as we are writing, we are communicating with those who read our works. Therefore when the teachers use Communicative Approach, they should better explore to what degree the students command the four skills, instead of putting emphasis on listening and speaking.B. So

38、me Practical ProblemsIf we want to solve the problems in the root, some practical problems need to be rectified.1. Some Differences Between Reality and Theory Communicative approach aims at drilling the students communicative ability. Language and communicating approach can be mastered through commu

39、nicating. But communication does not refer to exchanges between teachers and students in the classroom, but indicates that students should use English to communicate with others in their daily life. They should communicate with others in the dormitory, in the shopping center, English club etc. There

40、fore, it needs a natural context so that the students feel that they live in an English speaking country. However, among the Chinese students, a few of them often speak Chinese instead of English. It is only in the English course that they are forced to express their idea by speaking English, as soo

41、n as the English class is over, they think and talk in Chinese. Being lack of English speaking atmosphere, they can not deeply understand what communicative approach is.2. The Teachers ProblemsIt was nearly 30 years ago that Communicative Approach appeared in China. So it is a relatively new approac

42、h, which needs further improvement. Many middle school teachers do not really understand what Communicative Approach is. As a matter of fact, Communicative Approach is a special teaching approach which is different from the traditional teaching method. The middle school teachers, especially the Engl

43、ish teachers should engage themselves in Communicative Approach research. First of all, they have to prepare the lessons carefully and completely so that they can perform wonderfully in the class. Meanwhile, they play roles of leaders and organizers. Teachers should make effort to guide and organize

44、 the students. They should have to command some skills in case of the incidents in the classroom. Usually, students would ask some strange questions that no one would predict. Facing such questions, what can the teachers do? Teachers should be calm and solve the problems. Before the ending of the cl

45、ass, the teachers should conclude and comment on such questions. Actually, a teacher must be versatile, they must know all kinds of knowledge and abilities such as profound knowledge and well reaction. Lastly, they must be well command of the target language. However, the English ability of our Chin

46、ese teacher are not very optimism, especially in the rural areas, most of the middle school English teachers are badly lack of communication skill when teaching. They can not deal with some incidents in the class, which do not make them a good organizer. Very few middle school English teachers are c

47、apable of taking well advantage of communicative approach. These three points hinder the development of the application of communicative approach in middle school English teaching.3. The Students ProblemsIn china, many students are familiar with the traditional teaching model, they are passive in language learning, an


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