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1、梁启超趣味美学新论 【论文标题】梁启超趣味美学新论 【英文标题】【中文摘要】 作为中国古代独具特色的美学范畴趣味,在中国近代文化宗师梁启超的演绎下幻化成将审美与生活联系在一起的桥梁和纽带。他运用自身独特的学术方法创新趣味理论,首次提出“趣味是生活的原动力”这一论断,从感性生活层面出发对具有古典哲学玄思的趣味范畴进行了理性尚实的现代理性阐释,使趣味从高雅的美学殿堂植入我们常人的世俗生活之中。梁启超深入发掘中国传统文化的精髓、认真思考中西文明的差异并结合艺术审美实践的切身体会将古今中外美学家的趣味理论融会贯通,使趣味美学秉承、体现了中国传统文化中广纳百流、兼容并包的学术宗旨与传统。在趣味美学理论框




5、特色,同时也辩证地看待梁启超实现趣味理想手段的疲软乏力和他缺乏现实基础的审美理想主义。为扩展理论的现实指导意义,就趣味美学对改善当代人生存状态的启示做了进一步地辩析和阐释。结语部分指明作为特定时代产物的梁启超趣味美学思想虽不免时代与个人的局限性,但已完成了对时代文化标度的超越。梁启超通过对中国古代传统文化的解读探索出一条中国现代化的道路,给现代生活中亟待解决的审美化生存以崭新的现实启示。【英文摘要】 As an unique aesthetic category of ancient China taste, becomes the bridge and link connected with

6、 aesthetics and life in the interpretation of Liang Qichao who is famous as Master of Chinese modern culture .By his own unique academic methods,he proposes the assertion that“Taste is the first motive force of the life”. He makes a modern and rational explain of taste while the category is characte

7、rized with ancient philosophical thinking from the aspects of perceptual life, so that taste is implanted in the secular life of ordinary people from the elegant aesthetic palace. Liang Qichao combines and integrates theories on taste of all Chinese and foreign aesthetes after exploring the essence

8、of Chinese traditional culture deeply and pondering the differences between Chinese and western civilization seriously together with his own experience getting from aesthetic practice. Thus his tasteful aesthetics is compatible and inclusive adhering to the academic principle and tradition of Chines

9、e traditional culture. In the theoretical framework of tasteful aesthetics,Liang Qichao places taste in the core to be dominant and explains the hierarchy, the formation, the characteristics and the practical way of taste systematically and focuses on the nurturing role of emotion, advocating emotio

10、nal education to cultivate aesthetic taste and attain the ultimate goal of improving personal character accomplishment and remolding the ideal people. Though Liang Qichaos theory of tasteful aesthetics is not perfect, it surpasses the contemporary era and has a leading value and realistic significan

11、ce comparing with the age in which it generated. It offers important and profound inspiration for continuatorsfurther researches such as the related topics of “artistic survival” as well as analyses of academic origin and character of Chinese aesthetics in twentieth century .The advocated spirit of

12、tasteful aesthetics played an enlightening role in inspiring the spirit and enlightening the intelligence of people at that time, for example“moving person”and“remolding ideal people”.Meanwhile in the background of new era, it remains the realistic significance for guiding us to resist the material

13、desires and transcend the secular life.This paper is to study Liang Qichaos thought of tasteful aesthetics. In order to reproduce the historic look and excavate the central idea of the theory in depth,the paper is divided into the following five parts in the structural design:The part of introductio

14、n begins with a brief overview and interpretation of the ontological update, evolution and breakthrough regarding modern aesthetic significance of taste -the unique aesthetic category in China-in the development process of Chinese literature and art .Liang Qichaos thought of tasteful aesthetics mani

15、fests the distinct features and academic style in the history of aesthetics development throughout the twentieth century. And then derivate the theoretical value of putting Liang Qichaos thought into perspective today.In the first chapter, the social and historical background, personal experience an

16、d theoretical origin which boost the thought of tasteful aesthetics is elaborated as detailed as possible relying on sociological research methods. Grasp the social and cultural environment in which the theory of tasteful aesthetics generates from the macroscopic angle. Conclusion comes out that lia

17、ngs aesthetic theory is the product of specific era background and individual ideological trait and that it is the pioneering integration of Chinese and western aesthetics.The second chapter generalizes and analyzes the basic theories of tasteful aesthetics from the perspective of artistic essence.

18、By systemizing the research results in relating books and papers about Liangs thought of tasteful aesthetics, it is clear that the concrete practical means and research approaches are weak underlying his rich theory. This part raises a new definition and analyses theoretically of the taste. Taste is

19、 not merely comprised of emotion, creation and life which were summarized by ancestors, its inner essence should be a way of understanding the world and knowing the value of life thoroughly, and the unity of simply perceptual forms and generatively rational implications. Liangs aesthetic theory insp

20、ire people to the practice of operating tasteful life and design for artful survival in dimensions of nature, art and life,finding approaches and breakthroughs to realize the aesthetic design and implement for tasteful life.The third chapter is the overall evaluation of Liangs life aesthetic. Sum up

21、 and summarize the theoretical achievements and features, realizing of the weakness of ideal means and aesthetic idealism for lacking of realistic basement dialectically at the same time. For the extension of the theoretical significance, further arguments and interpretations are made about enlighte

22、nments of tasting aesthetics for improving contemporary survival state.The end of this paper indicates that as the product of a specific time, Liang Qichaos thought of tasteful aesthetics cant avoid the limitations of the time and personal mind invariably, but it has transcended the cultural scales

23、of an era. Basing on reading the traditional culture of ancient China, Liang Qichao explores a way to Chinas modernization and gives us a few brand and practical enlightenments to aesthetic survival which is demanding in our modern life. 【中文关键词】 梁启超; 趣味; 美学; 人生观 【英文关键词】 Liang Qichao; Taste; Aestheti

24、cs; Outlook on life 【论文目录】中文摘要 5-7 Abstract 7-8 绪论 9-11 第一章 社会背景、个人经历及思想渊源 11-26 一、国内外社会历史背景 11-15 二、个人经历及个性色彩 15-19 三、趣味美学思想理论渊源 19-24 四、趣味美学哲学基础 24-26 第二章 趣味美学基本内容 26-49 一、趣味理论的提出 26-28 二、理论内涵界定及本质辨析 28-29 三、趣味的四大主体 29-34 四、趣味的审美特征 34-38 五、趣味的分类及标准 38-39 六、趣味的生成条件 39-42 七、趣味生成的途径 42-45 八、趣味的实践方案 45-49 第三章 趣味美学理论的评价及现代启示 49-57 一、成就及特色 49-51 二、局限及不足 51-54 三、现代启示 54-57 结语 57-59 注释 59-65 参考文献 65-67 致谢 67-68 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文目录 68


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