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1、铜仁学院 本科生毕业论文题 目 奥巴马教育改革计划中的绩效工资政策对师资的影响 The Influence of Teacher Merit Pay in ObamasEducation Reform Plan over Teacher Qualification系 别 外国语言文学系 专 业 英 语 姓 名 指导教师 截稿日期 2010年5月25日 ContentsAcknowledgements.Abstract. Introduction.1. The Background of Obamas Education Reform Policy.1. Presenting Mr. Obama

2、s Education Reform Policy.33.1 Recalling George Bushs Education Policy.43.2 Mr. Obamas Education Policy. 43.2.1 Early Education.43.2.2 K- Reducing Student Dropout Rates .53.2.4 Restoring Americas Leadership in Higher Education5 3.2.5 Teachers Affairs.53.3 Analysis of the Characteristics of

3、the Mr. Obamas Education Policy.6. Presenting theTeacher Merit Pay.64.1 The Improvement of the Teacher Merit Pay.64.2 Successful Cases on the Teacher Merit Pay.84.3 The Influence of Teacher Merit Pay on Teacher Qualification. 8 4.4 Studying Texass two Teacher Merit PayPrograms.94.5 Some Opinions and

4、 Strategies about the Teacher Merit Pay.114.5.1 Improve the Investment in Education Funding and Accountability Mechanisms for Monitoring Mechanisms.11 4.5.2 To Establish a Fair and Effective Performance Appraisal System for Teachers.11 4.5.3 Determine the Scientific and Rational Wage Structure for T

5、eachers.12 . Conclusion.12References.AcknowledgementsI must show my sincere thanks to those who offered me a large number of help during the course of my research. First, I must show my thanks to my supervisor Mr. Tang whose encouragement, enthusiastic instruction, valuable advice have a huge influe

6、nce on my research, which have greatly contributed to the completion of my thesis. Second, I am also grateful to those Chinese and foreign translators, such as Zhou Hongxia, Qianlei, GuoYugui and so on. From who I got plenty of abundant and useful referential materials, without them I couldnt comple

7、te my research smoothly.Finally, I also give my thanks to my dear teachers and classmates whose encouragements greatly support me and me lead to success. Thanks a lot again.The Influence of Teacher Merit Pay in Obamas Education Reform Plan over Teacher QualificationAbstract March 10, 2009, president

8、 Obama had a speech on Latin-American Chamber Of Commerce, putting forward the education policy to respond serious financial crisis. Teacher merit pay aims to form promoting effect of teachers in professional activities in the process of showing positive behavior of results, which is an accord with

9、the education reforms that emphasize quality and efficiency recently in the United States. Teacher merit pay is an adventurous reform in teacher management as well as a further reform in basic educationKey words Obama Education policy Teacher merit pay 摘要 2009年3月10日,美国总统奥巴马在拉美峰会上提出了教育改革政策来应对严重的金融危机,

10、它旨在通过工资和奖励制度,形成近年来美国教育改革政策中,注重质量和效率优先的扶优罚劣的教学激励机制。这既是美国基础教育和教师管理的深化,同时也是教师管理机制的一次大改革。关键词 奥巴马 教育政策 教师绩效工资. IntroductionMost of the books and articles tend to concentrate on a certain aspect of the issue.Li Shuishanfocuses on his argument that compares the content of Obamas education policy withintern

11、ational educationpolicy, then summarize some strategies to develop Chinas education.DaiWeiFen discusses that Obamas education idea , but point s out the United States will facegreat educational problem that investeducation .Feng HongXia focuses on Obamaseducation reform plan and talk aboutthe policy

12、ssignificance .Carolyn Kelley and Allan Odden summarized the teacher compensation system, and the improvement of the teacher merit pay. According to Mr. Obamas education policy, Michael Janofsky puts forward several opinions about ideals of America. The first of America is that as many people as pos

13、sible should have assess to as much education as they want. This ideal is an outcome of the Americas assertions about equality among people. The second ideal is that of producing a society that is totally literate and of local control. The third ideal is about the basic nature of knowledge and learn

14、ing. Meanwhile, Joshua H. Bamett said that although the United States has a highly developed educational system, it also has many problems. The most serious problems are poor educational quality, lack of equal opportunity for education, as well as school violence. All the books and articles give an

15、in-depth research on a specific ground. The article aims to find the teacher merit pay how to influence the teacher qualification and show the authors opinion on teacher merit pay to analyze the characteristics of performance wage itself. The Background of Obamas Education Reform PolicyOn nov4, 2008

16、, Obama became the president of the United States. He was the first black president in the USA. After his inaugural, some people compared Barack Obama to a great president Mr. Lincoln .Mr. Obama says, he would take new looking to the United States. But America society faced serious financial crisis,

17、 high unemployment, big corporation and Iraq War and so on, so it is necessary to make same measures to solve those problems. Obama pointed out same strategies; one of the strategies is education reform plan. Preparing our children to compete in the global economy is one of the most urgent challenge

18、s we face .we will prepare the next generation for success in college , ensuring that America children lead the world once again in creativity and achievement. March 10, 2009, president Obama had a speech on Latin-American Chamber Of Commerce. The United States can not put up with waiting the studen

19、ts achievement had gradually declined as Mr. Obama lamented, fourth grade readers in Mississippi can score 70 points worse than their peers in Worming. The Fordham Institute, a think-tank measured the same18 primary school by different states benchmarks. In rigorous Massachusetts, only one passed ma

20、ster In sloppy Wisconsin, Mr. Obama also correctly indentified another problem that most American public schools are pretty good, a significant minority are atrocious .Of course, noting that a mere 2000 high schools produce more than half all dropouts .Dysfunctional schools are concentrated in the r

21、ougher parts of cities, such as Detroit and Los Angeles and so on. The United States, a nation that has always led the way in innovation is now being outpaced in math and science education. Americans worry about in the public education system, many college administrators and business executives comp

22、lain that some high schools need remedial courses in the so-called three Rs: reading, writing and arithmetic. A recent study indicates that among todays high school graduates, there is a noticeable lack of reading skill. About 30%-50% of students entering junior college need help in reading skills.

23、The America education system can be hazardous; the teacher qualification can not keep with other countries. President Obamas education policy will go though “from cradle to career” to ensure all American receive a comprehensive education in the vagaries of the global economic situation. (郑颖, 2009: 5

24、6)His education policy consists of the following aspects: from early education to high school, from the individual achievement to the countries competition. To Inherit and improve successful education policy of ex-president Bush and then increase funding assistance for under-graduate, enlarge educat

25、ional investment and cultivating high quality teaching staff. (范悦, 2008: 32)While education spending has increased greatly from what it had been in the middle of the century, proficiency in core subject has dropped as an abysmal eighteen percent of fourth graders are project in history, 30% are prof

26、icient in science, 30% are proficient in math, and just 31% are proficient in reading. The decline in education appears to be worse as the grade level gets higher with higher average SAT scores dropping from over 540 in 1964 to below 510 today despite spending per student having risen from under $ 3

27、000 per year to more than $8000 per year. Other countries, even third world countries, are ahead of the United States in world ranking as in a survey of 21 countries that included everyone from Spain to Hungary to Jordan had the United States place fifteenth overall.( Bailey, 2009: 74)After graduati

28、ng high school, all Americans should be prepared to attend at least one year of job training or higher education to better equip our teacher qualification for the 21st century .We will continue to make higher education more affordable.Education has always been a great concern for Americans. The nati

29、onal goal of education in the United States today is to achieve university literacy and provide individuals with educational opportunities. America believe that education can create a common bound among the diverse groups that make up the America population and help preserve social stability. Educat

30、ion in America is regarded as both an individual benefit and a social necessity. It is a general view that every American has right and obligation educated. America believes that, though education, an individual acquires knowledge, skill and abilities which will enable them to fit into society and i

31、mprove their social status. Americans hold the view that the future of the nation depends largely on education. . Presenting Mr. Obamas Education Reform Policy3.1 Recalling George Bushs Education Policy (周宝娣, 2008: 66)On December 13,2001, the US .Congress passed the No Child Left Behind Act, a docum

32、ent of more than 1000 pages long which president Bush signed into law in 2002,which stipulates that schools should offer yearly testing and assessment of student performance and report to parents and public on school performance and teacher quality. The law requires states to test students in grades

33、 three though eight. Annually, in reading and mathematics in order to identify poorly performing public schools. If a school is found to have performed poorly, it also to adopt measures to improve. If a school continues to fail in meeting the state proficiency standard, it faces the possibility of b

34、eing restructured or taken over by the states. However, this law has not met much success as indicated in the supplement reading. Some states simply lowered the standards of proficiency in order to let schools pass the test.3.2 Mr. Obamas Education Policy (Retrieved from 2010.3)Mr. Obama says: in a

35、 global economy that the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity, and it is a pre-requisite. This education policy to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competition education from the day they are born to the d

36、ay they begin a career 3.2.1 Early Education A strong foundation for success providing a high quality education for all children is critical to Americans for all children and Americans economic future, the United States economic competitiveness depends on providing every child with an education that

37、 will enable them to compete in a global economy that will enable them to compete in a global economy, from cradle through career. One of the most critical times to influence learning in a childs life is the period before he or she reaches kindergarten .Make sure our children are prepared for kinder

38、garten to ensure that all of young children are ready to enter kindergarten.3.2.2 K-12K-12 means includes links to elementary, middle and high schools, teaching and student resources, curriculum standard, as well as sites devoted to reading. It must adopt world-class standards, assessments, and acco

39、untability systems to upgrade the quality of teaching and learning in Americas classroom. The president encourages an end to the practice of low-balling state reading and math standards and will promote efforts to enhance the rigor of state-level curriculum to better foster critical thinking, to mee

40、t the need in 21st century, Ending the use of ineffective “off-the-shelf” tests, and promote the new development and assessment system that provide timely and useful information about the progress of individual students The USA Department of Education will work with states to track students progress

41、 and measure the effectiveness of teachers.3.2.3 Reducing Student Dropout Rates It is serious problem about dropout crisis in America. Dropout will influence that citizens quality, societys development. Americas competitiveness demands a focus on the needs of our lowest-performing students and schoo

42、ls. Middle schools and high schools must identify students at risk of dropping out. The president supports a national strategy to address the dropout crisis in Americas community, and produce over half of Americas dropouts, president will invest in re-engaging and recovering at risk students, includ

43、ing those enrolled in the middle school. 3.2.4 Restoring Americas Leadership in Higher Education President Obama is committed to ensuring that America will regain its lost ground and have the highest proportion of students. The president believes that regardless of education path after high school,

44、all Americans should be prepared to enroll at least one year of higher education to better prepare our workforce for a 21st century economy. The president is committed to expand college financial aid, while making federal programs simpler, more reliable and more efficient for students.3.2.5 Teachers

45、 AffairsTeachers are the single most important resource to a childs learning, In America, in the past; the teachers can not responsible for the students score. Base to the elementary education is weak in America. Most people blamed for schools and teachers. Mr. Obama said that we will recruit an arm

46、y of new teachers and develop innovative ways to reward teachers who are doing a great job, and we will reform No Child Left Behind so that we are supporting schools that improvement, rather than punishing them. The president will improve teacher quality expand the teacher merit pay models and reward


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