英语专业毕业论文-On the Motivation of Tourists to Lijiang and the Strategy of Lijiang Tourism Development.doc

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1、云南大学旅游文化学院毕业论文(设计)评审表题 目:On the Motivation of Tourists to Lijiang and the Strategy of Lijiang Tourism Development 姓 名: 学 号: 专业班级: 07级英语6班 指导教师: 云南大学旅游文化学院本科毕业论文(设计)评审表 学生毕业论文(设计)终稿摘要(由学生填写): AbstractNowadays, with the improvement of peoples life standard, an increasing number of people enjoy travell

2、ing. And Lijiang is a famous tourism destination which attracts more and more people in recent years. The article studies and analyses this phenomenon from the different angles of view on tourists to Lijiang. From the angle of age, the article gets to the youth, the middle-aged and old-aged. From th

3、e angle of gender, the article studies the male and female. From the angle of occupation, the article attaches importance to the student, the teacher, the worker and the white-collar. From the angle of character, the article analyses two kinds of tourists, the extroverted and the introverted. At the

4、 same time, the strategies of Lijiang tourism development which are made by Lijiang government and the local agencies attract a large number of people to travel to Lijiang. Lijiang government should improve image of Lijiang and make full use of resources of Lijiang to attract tourists. Local agencie

5、s should not only improve the image of Lijiang but also provide better service to tourists.摘要现今社会,随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择外出旅游。丽江就是一个非常有名的旅游目的地。文章交代了丽江旅游的背景。近几年,它吸引了越来越多的人来此地旅游。本文将从丽江旅游者的不同视角研究和分析这种现象。从青年者、中年者,以及老年者的角度着手。重点分析学生团、教师团、工人团,白领团来丽江的旅游动机。从内、外向性格分析旅游者的动机。同时,丽江政府和当地旅行社也应采取相应的措施加强丽江旅游的发展,吸引更多的游客

6、来丽江。丽江政府应提高丽江的形象并充分利用丽江的旅游资源。当地旅行社不但要做到提高丽江的形象,也要为游客提供更好的服务。学生签名: 年 月 日AcknowledgementsMy study will soon come to an end and, at the completion of my graduation thesis; I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have offered me invaluable help during the four years of my undergraduat

7、e study here at Tourism and Culture College of Yunnan University.Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor,Cui Lan, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminat

8、ing instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Secondly, I should give my hearty thanks to all the other faculty members of the Department of English for their patient instructions in various courses and their precious suggestions for my study here.Lastly, my thanks would go t

9、o my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the the

10、sis.On the Motivation of Tourists to Lijiang and the Strategy of Lijiang Tourism Development ContentsAbstracti摘要iiIntroduction11. The Background of Listing Tourism2 1.1 The development of Lijiang tourism2 1.2 The comparison of tourists to Lijiang between the past and present22. The Analysis on Motiv

11、ation to Lijiang3 2.1 The analysis on tourists from the perspective of age3 2.1.1 The youth3 2.1.2 The middle-aged4 2.1.3 The elderly4 2.2 The analysis on tourists from the perspective of gender4 2.2.1 The male5 2.2.2 The female52.3 The analysis on tourists from the perspective of occupation5 2.3.1

12、The students6 2.3.2 The teachers6 2.3.3 The workers6 2.3.4 The white-collar6 2.4 The analysis on tourists from the perspective of characters72.4.1 The extroverted tourists7 2.4.2 The introverted tourists73. The Strategies of Lijiang Tourism Development7 3.1 The strategies of Lijiang government7 3.1.

13、1 The development of resort83.1.2 The development of transportation83.2 The strategies of agency83.2.1 The improvement of tour-guide service83.2.2 The development of new travel routes9Conclusion10Bibliography11On the Motivation of Tourists to Lijiang and the Strategy of Lijiang Tourism Development A

14、bstractNowadays, with the improvement of peoples life standard, an increasing number of people enjoy travelling. And Lijiang is a famous tourism destination which attracts more and more people in recent years. The article studies and analyses this phenomenon from the different angles of view on tour

15、ists to Lijiang. From the angle of age, the article gets to the youth, the middle-aged and old-aged. From the angle of gender, the article studies the male and female. From the angle of occupation, the article attaches importance to the student, the teacher, the worker and the white-collar. From the

16、 angle of character, the article analyses two kinds of tourists, the extroverted and the introverted. At the same time, the strategies of Lijiang tourism development which are made by Lijiang government and the local agencies attract a large number of people to travel to Lijiang. Lijiang government

17、should improve image of Lijiang and make full use of resources of Lijiang to attract tourists. Local agencies should not only improve the image of Lijiang but also provide better service to tourists.Key words: Lijiang; Tourism; Motivation; Strategy 摘要现今社会,随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人选择外出旅游。丽江就是一个非常有名的旅游目的地。文章

18、交代了丽江旅游的背景。近几年,它吸引了越来越多的人来此地旅游。本文将从丽江旅游者的不同视角研究和分析这种现象。从青年者、中年者,以及老年者的角度着手。重点分析学生团、教师团、工人团,白领团来丽江的旅游动机。从内、外向性格分析旅游者的动机。同时,丽江政府和当地旅行社也应采取相应的措施加强丽江旅游的发展,吸引更多的游客来丽江。丽江政府应提高丽江的形象并充分利用丽江的旅游资源。当地旅行社不但要做到提高丽江的形象,也要为游客提供更好的服务。关键词:丽江;游客;动机;对策13IntroductionTourists motivation is an important factor which tour

19、ism industry should attach an importance to. Snice 1960s, foreign scholar approach the psychological changes of tourism and tourists motivations from the theory of sociology, economics and anthropology. Why do people travel? What is their tourists motivation? Many scholars have studied this problem.

20、 In fact, due to the different needs and the integrated social activities of tourism itself, peoples tourists motivation can display very complicated characters. The scholars home and abroad have analyzed and categorized the tourists motivation from different angles. Maslows hierarchy of needs is in

21、troduced to the research of tourism theory and American Robert W. Mackintosh divides the tourists motivation into four parts. The first one is the healthy motivations which include stamina reorganization, athletic sports, and entertainment on seashore, loosening emotion, removing intense and clearin

22、g tiredness. The second one is cultural motivations in order to find to find out the cultural coquette, such as music, dance, art, customs, painting, religion and history. The third one is the motivations of social relation. Making new friends, visiting old friends and relations, escaping from the d

23、aily affairs are all the motivation of social relation. The last one is motivations of prestige, which emphasize on the consideration about individual benefit and future.1 From the content, tourists motivations can be divided into four types. The first one studies the demographic characters of touri

24、sts, the different needs of tourists and the preference of tourists motivation and tourism. The second one puts emphasis on the tourist generating countries from the angle of the tourism destination. The third one studies the tourism action from the angle of the tourist generating districts. The las

25、t one analyses and compares the motivation of some special groups.2 In this article, the author compares and analyses the motivations of different groups to Lijiang, and makes an analysis of the strategies taken by both the local government and the agencies. Besides, some suggestions are also provid

26、ed in this thesis. 1. The Background of Lijiang Tourism1.1 The development of Lijiang tourismLijiang tourism started in the middle of 1980s. From 1985 to 1990, Lijiang tourism was in exploration stage. Later, Lijiang regarded the tourism as an industry to plan and development, and Lijiang tourism be

27、gan rapidly growing. Now Lijiang tourism has become a new economic growth point and a leading industry in the development of Lijiang. Since the 1990s, “culture is the soul of Lijiang tourism” starts to become the consensus of Lijiang people from all walks of life. The intangible cultural heritage of

28、 Lijiang plays an important role in the cultural tourism.Since the Richter magnitude 7 earthquake in February 1996, according to the principle “the ordinal recovery and instancing” and “to protect the ancient history, culture and artistic value”, people in Lijiang restored and reconstructed the old

29、city.In December 3rd, 1997, UNESCO world heritage committee unanimously passed that Lijiang Old Town will be included into the “World Heritage List”. After the successful application for the “World Heritage List”, Lijiang declared successfully that the natural heritage of three flowing rivers, the m

30、emory heritage of Dongba ancient documents, and Laojun Mountain-Dawn national geologic park, during the “tenthfive-years” period, which made the resources of Lijiang tourism into the domestic and international well-known brand series, built Lijiang reputation and expanded Lijiangs influence.In 1999,

31、 from the angle of the protection of ecological environment, Lijiang stopped the development of the natural forest,and on the premise of the development and protection of natural tourism resources, Lijiang strengthened the ethnic cultural development of Lijiang ancient city.In 2006, the performance,

32、 “The Impression of Lijiang”, directed by Zhang Yimou attracted 63 million audiences only in 2008; the income of tickets reached 6700 million yuan, and created tax of 30 million yuan, which became another cultural pillar industry of Lijiang.In October 2008, the central policy laboratory listed Lijia

33、ng national reform and opening-up 18 typical regions, which fully affirmed the Lijiang tourism industry achievements.31.2 The comparison of tourists to Lijiang between the past and presentFrom 1980s to present time, the great change of the tourists to Lijiang has happened. The author will list the c

34、hanges of the tourists home and abroad in the following table, overseas tourists, domestic visitors, foreign tourists and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan tourists. Then the author will analyze data and make out a conclusion, which can show the rapid development of Lijiang.4annualTourists at home and abroad

35、 (million)Overseas tourists (million)Domestic visitors(million)Foreign tourists (person-time)Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan tourists(people)In 19909.57790.577995179600In 199110.9410.9411069362474In 199215.96230.96231569022721In 199318.14781.14781790942384In 199421.68851.688520143992486In 199584.05183.051881

36、268933625In 1996110.59254.5925106438382087In 1997172.94214.9421168403839038In 1998201.26015.4601195.83892415677In 1999280.40236.9032273.55056918463In 2000290.42189.2218281.25761834600In 2001322.02310.523311.56037544855In 2002337.507614.8376322.675914189235In 2003301.48068.2406293.243241849988In 2004

37、360.189.21350.975650035600In 2005404.2318.28358.9510823174587In 2006460.0930.87429.22153782154945In 2007530.9340.07490.86273690127010total3932.429171.52023733.911044872670375From the above data form of tourists and changes, the number of tourists remains at an annual growth 23.33% from 1990 to 1994.

38、 With the holding of the meeting of northwest of Yunnan holding, there appeared that the tourism market became better and better with the highest level 287.54%. Owing to the impact of “23”earthquake news and the influence of declaring world cultural heritage of Lijiang Old Town, the visibility and r

39、eputation of Lijiang gets bigger rise. Tourism market first breaks through 100 million. After 2004 as the travelling propaganda, creating Chinese excellent tourism city and other measures benefitting sustainable and healthy development of tourism industry, Lijiang becomes the most favourite tourism

40、city European people like, the excellent city of living environment global choose, the most beautiful areas of China, Chinese excellent tourism city, and the charming Chinese city, etc.2. The Analysis on Motivations to Lijiang2.1 The analysis on tourists from the perspective of age The tourists age

41、plays the decisive part in choosing a tourism destination. The youth like new things and new place where they can have a risk. The middle-aged tourists like cozy place where they can have a rest. The elderly like a peaceful place where they can learn and understand the friendly reception. No matter

42、how old the tourists are, they can travel to Lijiang because Lijinags resorts are fit for every age level.2.1.1 The youth The youths travelling to Lijiang enjoy themselves because they are active and have the ability to accept new things. They are eager to probe the society and the secrets of nature

43、 and it is difficult for them to make compromise in the social phenomena. So the group consisting of the youths emerges interests to the places and new things.Lijiang is a new tourism destination and a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest of Yunnan plateau neighbour the Southeast side of the Tib

44、etan plateau, which is considered to be “the Roof of the World”. There are several ethnic nations such Naxi, Yi, Pumi, Lisu and Zang group. The youths travel to Lijiang for finding new things, visiting the families of ethnic nations, climbing the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and acknowledging the spec

45、ial culture and unique religion culture-Dongba culture. They can drive home to the culture of bar and living fossil-Mosuo girl country. They can taste the special food and understand the traditional technical process. They can catch sight of the danxia platform-Dawn Laojun Mountain.So many youths ch

46、oose Lijiang as their tourism destination, and do they want to satisfy their eager. They can see the new things and have a risk. So long as the youths come to Lijiang, they can achieve what they want.2.1.2 The middle-aged The middle-aged tourists have the certain foundation of work and carrier. They have much life experience. Therefore, to this kind of tourists, cozy travellings are important. They like travelling by group because of the safety. They believe that it is safer to take action together with other colleagues. They can study the Wall Painting in Lijiang and the


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