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1、 本科毕业论文 冷战后的美国对外战略学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206011 院(系): 外 国 语 学 院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科3班 指导教师: 二七年五月The US Foreign Strategiesin the Post-Cold War EraLi YunheUnder the Supervision ofYuan BinSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentContentAbstract.IKey Words.I摘要.关键词.I

2、ntroduction.1. Brief Introduction of US Foreign Strategies in History.2. Different Foreign Strategies in the Post-Cold War Era.3A. Foreign Strategy of Bush Government.3B. Foreign Strategy of Clinton Government.5C. Foreign Strategy of George W. Bush Government7 . Future Trends of US Foreign Strategie

3、s.10Conclusion .12Acknowledgements.13Notes.14Bibliography.15攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 AbstractAbstractIn the late 1980s and early 1990s, with the transformation of the East European socialist states, the reunification of Germany, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Cold War ended, and the United State

4、s found itself at another watershed. However, it is more difficult to define and determine the interests, objectives, and means of American foreign strategy. The Bush government advocated a foreign strategy of “New World Order”. The concept of “New World Order” includes the emphasis of American lead

5、ership in world affairs and the creation of a new “American century”. However, it was criticized for being ambiguous and impractical. Clinton paid more attention to internal affairs and promoted a foreign strategy of “Engagement and Enlargement”, which accelerated its economic development and enhanc

6、ed its leadership. In the year of 2000, George W. Bush won the presidency campaign. He acted a foreign strategy of Unilateralism. However, in recent years, America has been in troubles. Many powers are rising quickly, but at the same time, America sinks into Afghanistan and Iraq war. NPRK and Iran a

7、re busy developing their nuclear weapons, imposing threat to regional and international security. Undoubtedly, America encounters more problems in the post-cold war era. In the future, America has to adjust its foreign strategies to cooperate with others and depend more on its soft powers to maintai

8、n its national interests,.Key WordsUS; foreign strategy; post-cold war era; cooperation I攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要摘要20世纪80年代末90年代初,伴随着东欧巨变、两德统一和苏联解体,冷战宣告结束。美国也面临着全新的国际形势。但是,要重新寻找确定美国的国家利益、战略目标及其实现的途径却变得更加困难。 老布什上台后,指定了“新世界秩序”的对外战略政策,强调要确保美国在世界事务中的领导地位以实现“美国世纪”,但因其模糊性和不具操作性而遭到广泛批评。因此,克林顿得以在四年后的选举中胜出。克林顿政府推行“参与和

9、扩展”的对外战略,振兴了美国经济,增强了美国对世界的影响力和领导力。2000年小布什上台后,大力推行单边主义政策。但近年来却遇到了不少麻烦。在其他国家迅速崛起的同时,美国却深陷阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争的泥潭,纠缠于朝鲜和伊朗的核问题而不得脱身。毫无疑问,美国在后冷战时代面临着更多的问题。因而,美国今后必须调整其外交战略,与其他国家进行合作,并更多地依靠软力量来维护其国家利益。关键词美国;外交战略;后冷战时代;合作1攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionWhen Cold War ended, the world became more complex and l

10、ess predictable, and the domestic ambivalence and confusion over U.S. involvement in world affairs heighten pressures of immediate restructuring of foreign strategy. Naturally, it was predicted by many that the evolving environment of the post-Cold War world required the United States to refashion i

11、ts foreign strategy and the agencies that made it. Many scholars thought America was the winner and it was the right time to create an “American Century”. Therefore, the first Bush government advocated a foreign strategy of “New World Order”. However, it was more difficult to define and determine th

12、e interests, objectives, and means of American foreign strategy in fact. As the strategy was too oblivious, it was soon replaced by the strategy of “Engagement and Enlargement” of Clinton government which put more emphasis on internal affairs, but at the same time never allowed their external intere

13、sts being harmed. George .W. Bush carried out a strategy of unilateralism via Americas mighty power, which led America to a dilemma. Now, America sinks into Afghanistan and Iraq war, and NPRK and Iran nuclear problems are exhausting USs energy.At the same time, other powers are developing quickly. E

14、uropean countries are on the road of unity and their economic power is growing more influential. Japan is trying to play a more active role in world political and economic stage. China and India are booming in economic field. Russia is reawaking. Moreover, terrorism and nuclear problems are also hau

15、nting the world. However, if America withdraws from Iraq now, it may fail thoroughly in the anti-terrorism war and encounters fiercer opposition from Islamic world. Therefore, in order to hold its national interests, America has to seek more cooperation and assistance from international world. Besid

16、es, America will shift their attention to prevent other powers from rising, and depend more on “soft power” to maintain its dream of “second to none”.攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 BodyI. Brief Introduction of US Foreign Strategies in HistoryThe new land was found by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Over the following 15

17、0 years, the new continent played a role of market and material supply for the European Countries. With the famous document The Declaration of Independence, the Untied States of America was born and a new era had come.At the very beginning, America was weak and feeble compared to the UK, and the US

18、elites at that time thought the Old European Continent was a guilty and filthy place, so they did not want to attach their own destiny to the European Powers. Therefore, Isolationism was the main foreign policy for a long time since the new State was founded. After decades of development, the situat

19、ion changed, and the policy of Isolationism gave its way to the strategy of involvement embodied in Monroe Doctrine. Its real importance lay in the slogan of “America for Americans”. The US refused to be involved in European dispute, but it did not permit any European power to interfere in American

20、affairs either. During World War I, the US intended to take a neutralist foreign policy, but its complicated relationship with Europe made it impossible. So, soon her strategy changed into involvement. Then it was impossible for America to retreat to her homeland as an isolated island country. After

21、 World War II, America played a leading role in the building of the post-war world and became the most powerful giant. The Communist Soviet Union also grew strong after World War, so the Truman Doctrine was carried out with a strategy named “Containment”. The motivation was to consolidate her leader

22、ship in the western world and decreased Soviet Unions influence. The world became dichotomy. After competition for many years, the USA obtained superiority gradually and changed her policy to “Beyond Containment” which emphasized ideological influence and finally led to the transformation of the Eas

23、t European socialist states and the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Then, the Cold War was over.II. Different Foreign Strategies in the Post-Cold War EraWith the dramatic change of East Europe and the breakdown of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the international relation

24、ship changed extensively. America became the only superpower, so it was natural for US that many people thought it was the golden opportunity to rein the world. Many politicians and scholars thought that America was eventually the winner of the Cold War. Its in such an international environment that

25、 different foreign strategies of America were discussed and defined.A. Foreign Strategy of the First Bush GovernmentThe end of the Cold War eliminated a number of reliable and well-recognized reference points, established new, as yet ambiguous ones, and stimulated a vigorous debate on the nature of

26、Americas role in world affairs and an agile foreign strategy for the post-Cold War era. That debate focused in part on whether the United States was declining and to what extent the United States should be involved in world affairs. It also focused on how to define the national interests and America

27、n foreign strategy in the post-Cold War era, and how to implement the strategy to realize and maintain American hegemony and the national interests as well as American leadership in world affairs.Many Americans believed the United States was the only winner of the Cold War, and the “American Victory

28、” prevailed in this country; and they believed, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, there wasnt any opponent strong enough to challenge the United States, and it was just the right time to reshape the world with American values. Very soon, however, many American strategists and international issu

29、es experts were aware of the challenges and severe problems the changing international environment aroused, and began the search for a new foreign strategy for the new era. They had three key questions to answer: how does the United States define its national interests and the goals of its foreign s

30、trategy? To what extent should the United States be involved in world affairs? What policies and strategies should the United States adopt to realize its goals?It was in the atmosphere of the illusory “American victory” and extreme optimism about the future of American leadership that the Bush admin

31、istrations notion of “New World Order” was announced to the Congress during the Persian Gulf crisis.The concept of “New World Order” includes the emphasis of American leadership in world affairs and the creation of a new “American Century”, the cooperation with and collaboration of allies and intern

32、ational as well as regional organizations, the expansion of American standards of democracy, freedom, human rights and market economy to the world, and the building of an America-led international security system to settle international disputes and regional conflicts. Meanwhile, the Bush administra

33、tion stressed the fundamental means of realizing its “New World Order” strategy: strengthening its power, especially military and economic power; attaching great importance to the function of UN as well as international cooperation and coordination system; enforcing relations with its allies and mak

34、ing use of and leading them to realize the shift of U.S. role from the leader of the West to the foreign leader; and finally seeking the cooperation with Russia, promoting its domestic reforms, and bringing Russia into the orbit of the West. Obviously, the Bush administration intended, with the stra

35、tegy of “New World Order”, to create an America-led world order, and further realized and maintained American security and American interests, and advanced American hegemony in world affairs.After its public appearance, however, the strategy of “New World Order” met strong criticism. Many American s

36、cholars and strategists thought that the strategy of “New World Order” was ambiguous, and therefore, impractical. According to Joseph Nye, the “New World Order” involved an uneasy marriage between realism and Wilsonian idealism, and the problem for the Bush Administration was that it thought and act

37、ed like Nixon, but borrowed the rhetoric of Wilson and Carter.Besides criticism at home, the Bush administrations “New World Order” met strong rejection abroad. Mikhail Gorbachev warned in his speech “At the Threshold of the 21st Century” that “ a new world order based on the interests of only one p

38、ower or a group of countries would have negative, or even dangerous, consequences.” He believed that the very possibility of a new world order and its effectiveness depended on the principle that a new world order assumed the ability to manage the world in a rational way, taking into account the nat

39、ional interests of all countries in a interdependent, integral world.In addition, the Bush administrations “New World Order” was challenged in practice. The downfall of the Somali operation was just one of the typical examples.The Bush administrations “new world order” gradually lost its attraction,

40、 and the American people lost their patient, and they were anxious to improve their lives. They wanted the government to pay more attention to the internal affairs.B. Foreign Strategy of Clinton GovernmentWhen Clinton was elected the president, the Cold War just ended for a short time, and the inter

41、national environment was uncertain. America suddenly lost her only opponent, and the world order changed, which was beyond Americas recognition, so a large debate broke out. The debate consisted of three aspects: how deeply should America be involved into world affairs; what was Americas national in

42、terest in foreign relationship in the new era; which criteria should be used to measure Americas international behavior, realistic interest or ethic value; what means should be chosen to interfere the Post-War world affairs. In other words, there were three ways for America to choose to define its f

43、oreign strategy: Interfererism or Isolationism, Realism or Idealism, Multilateralism or Unilateralism. The Post-Cold War Era mainly started from Clinton Government. With the debacle of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991 and the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe, America adjusted her foreign strate

44、gy. Though Clinton shifted his priority to internal affairs, he vowed to “continue to lead the world”. He said, “When our vital interests are challenged, or the will and conscience of the international community defied, will act-with peaceful diplomacy when possible, with force when necessary.” He d

45、id act as he said soon as he found that, America, as the only superpower, could not keep away from the world affairs. He had to closely relate the domestic affairs with foreign affairs. On July 21, 1994, the Clinton administration further interpreted the new strategy as “the strategy of engagement a

46、nd enlargement” and identified the final goal of the strategy as building up and maintaining American hegemony and American leadership in world affairs.In the Post Cold War time, America does not have any tangible enemy any longer. Its a peak unreachable for other countries. But superficially speaking, Clinton government executed a strategy of retreat instead of expansio


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