2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破单元整合训练:2 Word版含解析.doc

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《2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破单元整合训练:2 Word版含解析.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步北师大英语必修五新突破单元整合训练:2 Word版含解析.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、单元整合训练(二)语言知识再落实.单句语法填空1He ran into the burning house to save the employee without hesitation.2No matter how busy he is,he makes it a rule to read at least 20 minutes a day.3After he was retired,his work was turned over to the secretary.4Whether the factory will be in the charge of me or not,I will

2、resign.5The demand for tea is on the decrease each year.6In case he arrives(arrive) before I get back,please call me.7Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in operation(operate)8I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working (work) on Sundays.9The

3、 product was developed in response to customers demand.10He asked me if/whether I was good at English.完成句子1我们绝对不允许在教室吸烟。In no case shall we allow smoking in the classroom.2有时要紧的是你说话的方式而不是你说什么。Sometimes it is not what you say but the way you say it that matters.3我认为理解英语并不难。I dont feel it difficult to

4、 understand English.4他一到北京就来拜访我。The instant he arrived in Beijing,he came to visit us.高考语篇再强化.阅读理解Walking home from work with a family friend,I found myself in a discussion about her daughters going to college.It started with the mother telling me that she had no money to help her daughter go throug

5、h college,which led the mother to push community college fiercely.She then started to say how she had been pushing “highpaying” fields on her daughterdoctor,engineer,lawyer,etc.When I asked her if that was what her daughter had interest in,she said no.I asked her what the point was to push her daugh

6、ter into something that she didnt like,and she responded with,“I just want her to make a good fortune.”After hearing her words,I would like to state that money is not everything.A highpaying job means nothing if you are miserable.I used to do a highpaying job,but it was very tiring and I had no time

7、 of my own.I didnt like it at all.Though the pay was good,I was not happy.So Id like to tell parents,please do not force your children into a major or a career just because you think they are going to make a lot of money.They would feel terrible for taking that major or job just to comfort you.The w

8、orst part is the feeling of guilty when they decide to change that major to something they actually want or when they quit that job.Being a member of a generation who are willing to give absolutely everything to our kids,we know we just hope our children could live happy lives.Please do not force a

9、career path on our children just because we think it is good for them.Give our children advice,but dont force them.【语篇解读】本文是对父母的忠告:不要为了让孩子将来多赚钱而逼迫他们学习自己不喜欢的专业或从事他们不喜欢的工作。1What do we know about that mother?AShe thought highly of community college.BShe got along very well with her daughter.CShe couldn

10、t afford her daughters college fees.DShe wanted to be a doctor when she was young.C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,那位妈妈没有足够的钱来供女儿上大学。故选C。2The mother chose the fields for her daughter mainly because .Aher daughter really liked those fieldsBshe thought those fields were interestingCthose fields wouldnt cost much at

11、collegeDshe considered them to be highpaying fieldsD细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知,这位妈妈之所以让她的女儿学那些专业,是因为那些专业的学生将来挣钱多。3Why did the writer mention her story in Paragraph 3?ATo prove that highpaying jobs mean nothing.BTo show that not all highpaying jobs are satisfying.CTo prove that highpaying jobs make people mis

12、erable.DTo show that lowpaying jobs are better than highpaying jobs.B推理判断题。根据上下文可知,作者通过提那位妈妈的故事来引出话题,再用自己的故事表明并不是所有的高薪工作都是令人满意的。4From the text,we can infer that the writer would most probably advise parents to .Achoose the best major or career for their childrenBavoid giving their children advice on

13、 their major or careerClet their children make the final decision on their major or careerDgive everything to their kids to make sure theyll have a good futureC推理判断题。根据文章最后两句可推知选C。.完形填空Robeson was born in a very poor family.At seven,he had to pick coal in a deserted mine near his home.Then he sold w

14、hat he had picked and 1 a few coins to help his parents.He had little 2 because of being so poor.How could his parents 3 his school fees?When he was fifteen,he worked 4 a servant in a school.Seeing other children studying in the classroom,he felt 5 for himself. How he 6 to have the same chance!He de

15、cided to study by 7 .In the daytime,after the sweeping and cleaning was over,he 8 stand by the window outside the classroom trying to catch what the teacher said.At night,he tried his best to remember what he 9 during the day.He worked so 10 at his lessons that he sometimes had just three or four ho

16、urs to sleep. The more he learned,the greater 11 he showed in his lessons. A maths teacher discovered him and liked this diligent boy and 12 him to sit at the back of the classroom.In one exam,he was the 13 one in the whole school who got full marks.He would have been given the scholarship if he had

17、 been a 14 student of the school.Robeson 15 through six long years with his study of maths and wrote several articles which attracted the 16 of some university professors.They admired his talent 17 his diligence. To give him a good chance,they hired him as a librarian and 18 him free guidance.Robeso

18、n felt 19 ,for he was sure that before him there was a broad road 20 success.【语篇解读】出身贫寒的Robeson在童年时几乎没有接受学校教育,在一所学校打工时他决定开始自学。他在数学方面的勤奋和天赋吸引了一些大学教授的注意,爱惜人才的教授向他伸出了援助之手,帮他铺平了通往成功的道路。1A.hid BsparedCborrowedDearnedD根据上文中的“.he sold what he had picked.”可知,Robeson通过卖煤赚一点钱补贴家用。earn赚钱,挣得。2A.foodBtimeCschool

19、ingDrestC根据下文内容可知,由于家境贫寒,Robeson几乎没有受过多少学校教育。schooling学校教育。3A.spendBaffordCwasteDsupportB根据语境可知,由于家庭贫寒,他的父母不可能支付得起他的学费。afford付得起钱。4A.asBlikeCforDbyAwork as意为“从事工作”,15岁时,Robeson在一所学校打工。5A.angryBashamedCproudDsorryD看到别的孩子在教室里学习,Robeson为自己感到难过(sorry)。其他选项不符合语境。6A.hatedBdecidedCwishedDregrettedC此处表达的是Ro

20、beson的心愿,他多么希望自己也能拥有同样的读书机会呀!7A.the teacherBhimselfChis parentsDhis classmatesB根据下文内容可知,Robeson决定自学。8A.couldBought toCshouldDwouldDwould表示“过去常常”,此处是说Robeson在白天干完活后,经常站在教室的窗外听老师讲课。9A.had learnedBhas been taughtChas heardDhad been written downA到了晚上,Robeson就尽最大的努力记住白天学到的东西。此处表示动作发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时。10A.we

21、llBhardCcarelesslyDhardlyB此处表示“他学习非常刻苦,有时只有三四个小时的睡眠时间”,故用hard,意为“努力地,勤劳地”。11A.joyBinterestCtimeDtasteB他学到的东西越多,就对功课越感兴趣。此处考查固定短语show interest in sth.意为“对感兴趣”。12A.allowedBagreedCletDrefusedAallow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事。这位数学老师非常善良,他允许Robeson坐到教室的后面听课。13A.worstBonlyClastDlaziestB根据语境可知,在一次考试中,Robeson是全校

22、唯一一个获得满分的人。14A.regularBparttimeCbestDwealthyA如果Robeson是学校的正式学生(regular student)的话,他就能获得奖学金了。事实上,他不是学校的正式学生。15A.learnedBgainedCmasteredDstruggledD对家境贫寒的Robeson来说,坚持长达六年的学习肯定不容易,所以只有struggle一词能描述他的境况。16A.breathBinfluenceCeyesDattentionD根据下文内容可知,Robeson写的几篇文章引起了一些大学教授的注意。attract the attention of sb.吸引某

23、人的注意。17A.except forBaccording toCas well asDin spite ofC教授们欣赏他的天赋以及勤奋。空前的talent与空后的diligence是并列关系,故选as well as。18A.taughtBofferedClentDsentB为了给Robeson一个好机会,教授们聘任他当图书管理员,并免费指导他。offer sb. sth.给某人提供某物。19A.sadBangryChappyDdisappointedC根据上下文内容可知,Robeson感到非常开心,因为有了大学教授的帮助,他对他未来的成功是确信的。20A.leading toBcoming fromCmade ofDcovered withAlead to在此意为“通向”,此处指Robeson感到前面有一条通向成功的宽广大道。


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