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1、英语专业2016年毕业论文开题报告Proposal for BA ThesisI.Title: A Study on the Function of the Classroom Activities in English Teaching and LearningII.IntroductionMost of the traditional chinese English teaching methods are deductive method, the role of teachers is to initiate knowledge. It does help students to le

2、arn new words and sentence structures, but its difficult for them to form deep impression in minds, what students learn is quite plain and striped-pants, students lose interests and emthusiasm in English learning gradually because of teachers who hold this assumption view students as plants waiting

3、passively to be fed and watered. Actually, classes should be learner-centered, with meaningful, functional activities, I think the students should be regarded as explorers, active learner who bring a great deal to the learning process. In order to achieve this aim, to let the students participate in

4、 modern classroom activities and learn it efficiently, this paper, therefore, tries to emphasize the sorts of the classroom activities and the function of it.III. Literature Review3.1 Previous StudiesZhangCaiFeng points out in her paper 初中英语课堂活动的问题与对策 that there are many problems in arranging classr

5、oom activities in junior middle school, also she illustrates some solutions to handle it. In Read and Write Periodical ,ChenHong paid more attention to the principles and methods of classroom activities design in her article 课堂活动设计是提高英语教学质量的关键。 课堂教学是提高英语教学质量的关键From English Corner written by LiXiangP

6、ing, he indicates the terms and measures of the success in classroom teaching and learning.浅谈课堂活动和英语教学 written by JiYing focuses on how to arrange English classroom activities.In most of the teaching methods and customs papers, they are always concerned about how to carry out activities in the class

7、room, the important point we should pay attention to when arranging activities. And that these papers are always in their own teaching experience writing for the content and, where appropriate, together with some of the survey. Often told that we should abandon the traditional teaching of the New Cu

8、rriculum to adapt to carry out more activities in the classroom. However, each paper were only concerned about one or two focus and does not give a full description of the classroom to all aspects of activities. If you pay attention to all aspects of it, may be able to write a book, but my thesis ch

9、apter is limited, only can I focus on the point rare people pay attention to .According to previous studies showing above, I finally find out that many articles about classroom activities rarely focus on the functions of it. In my paper , I will analyse the functions of the classroom activities resp

10、ectively so that teachers can choose what kind of activities to arrange to meet his/her ideal objectives.3.2 Theoretical FrameworkThe Communicative Approach, advocates that language teaching should be student-oriented, teachers should set proper language environment for students to master a language

11、 by joining in large quantity of language communicative activities, thus it avoids the conventional approaches which initiate purely language knowledge.The Task-Based Language Teaching is the development of the Communicative Approach, but not the substitute of it. It also emphasizes that the Communi

12、cative Approcachs language acquisition comes from the language use. During the practice of Task-Based Approach ,real tasks should be designed first, after presented in the class teachers ought to guide students to master the knowledges and develop abilities by finishing the tasks. What the Task-Base

13、d Language Teaching emphasizes is to acquire knowledges and train abilities during the process of solving the tasks.So base on these theories, arranging classroom activities is very essential, and analysing the functions of them is very helpful for improving the activities efficiency, so that the st

14、udents can learn English more easily.3.3 SummaryAccording to previous studies, rare person have written such topic on classroom activities, so my subject is fresh. And base on the theories, my title is necessary significant.IV.Methods and MaterialsThrough reading materials from library and the Inter

15、net, I will select and analyze data relevant to the subject of research. I will take notes from the articles of classroom activities. See the booklist in the references below. I will also obtain certain data by means of classroom observation and interviews.V. DiscussionGuided by the reality classroo

16、m activities, I will discuss in turns the concept of classroom activities, activities forms and the characteristics of it ,discussing the functions of the activity one by one, and last the problem which we should pay attention to in arranging classroom activities.VI. Outline of the paper1.Introducti

17、on2. Classroom activities2.1Definition of classroom activities2.2The characteristics of classroom activities2.3The classification of classroom activities.3.The students and teachers role in classroom activities4. How to do classroom activities4. 1 Using situation method in teaching4. 2. Playing game

18、s in classroom.4. 3 hold some English competitions in classroom4. 4 The “three skills”4.5 two minutes of English report before class.5. The Functions of Classroom Activity5.1 Cultivating the students communicative competence5.2Active classroom atmosphere5.3Enhance student self-confidence5.4Co-operat

19、ion to develop study5.5Improve interest in study6. The problems we should notice5.1 The students problems and solutions5.2 The Teachers problems and solutions7.ConclusionReferencesAcknowledgementsReferences1陈(Chen)红.课堂活动设计是提高英语教学质量的关键J.读与写杂志.2007,4(10):1152郭(Guo)丽.挖掘非智力因素,促进英语课堂教学ZInternet.2008年10月2

20、0日,3季(Ji)英. 浅谈课堂活动和英语教学J新疆石油教育学院学报.2007,9(1):77-784季(Ji)云豪.浅谈英语课堂教学的技巧与艺术Z.Internet.2008年10月20日,5李(Li)春忆.趣味性:有效英语课堂教学活动的最基本原则J.宁波教育学院学报.2007,9(6):103-1056尹(Yun)锡荣,李(Li)家玉.激活大学英语语口语课堂气氛的策略研究N.安徽工业大学学报,2008-0125(2).7张(Zhang)彩凤. 初中英语课堂活动的问题与对策J.新课程研究.2008,25(112):58-608朱(Zhu)建政.浅谈中学英语教学中的动J.教学时空.2008,4

21、(9):799 Chen ShuangMei. Happy to Learn EnglishJ. English Corner.2007,3(11):4010 Li XiaoPing. Classroom Teaching is to Improve the Quality of English Teaching in the KeyJ.英语角.2007,3(11):3911 Yu QinLan. Interactive Teaching Activities for Primary and Secondary School Students to Increase Interest in L

22、earning English StudyD.WuHan:Central China Normal University,200312 Zhou Jiaqiu. Role-playing Activities in Theory and PracticeD.WuHan:Central China Normal University,2002英语专业2016年毕业论文开题报告题目:Return to NatureOn the Conflict between Nature and Civilization in Wuthering Heights 回归自然论呼啸山庄自然和文明的冲突。学 院:外国

23、语学院专 业:英语班级:*学号:*学生姓名:郭*指导教师:陈*开题日期:20*年4月22日一、选题的背景与意义:(一)课题研究来源在考研过程中遇到类型相关的题目,本人很感兴趣,于是确定选择该题。(二)课题研究的目的本文通过对呼啸山庄中象征主义,来叙述呼啸山庄中文明与自然的冲突。(三)课题研究的意义艾米莉勃朗特是英国维多利亚时期著名小说家和作家,是著名的勃朗特姐妹之一, 也是三姐妹中最具天赋的一个。她一生只写了一部小说呼啸山庄,但是这部伟大的作品却使她扬名于世。通过呼啸山庄,艾米莉勃朗特以维多利亚时代为背景,通过写两个截然不同的家族,三代人之间的爱恨情仇,充分表现了维多利亚时期文明和自然之间的冲



26、换了。作品表达了作者对自然的深深热爱,同时也反映了自然和文明的冲突和矛盾。叶利荣则在其追寻自我的历程主题探析一文中提出:艾米莉勃朗特在小说中塑造的两个富于激情和叛逆的人物形象希斯克里夫和凯瑟琳,展示了他们在迷失之后寻找自我回归的艰难历程表现了处于自我冲突中的人的内心世界。他们充满抗争的一生是生命个体追寻自我历程的真实写照。2. 王宏洁则在自然与文明的冲击中认为,自然和文明的冲突矛盾也就是呼啸山庄中的其中一个重要主题。自然,要求人们生活需要顺从内心情感和自然本性,得到自然错给予的舒适和自得。而文明,则是不同于自然的一种新的生活方式,要求人们生活遵从道德和理智。文明由此带来了物欲横流的社会以及追逐

27、自身利益的人类,因此纯净自然之人被文明所污染。而自然不会随着文明的出现和进步消失,自然会一直存在。所以自文明诞生开始,文明和自然的冲突就不断。(二) 国外研究现状1.英国著名女作家弗吉尼亚伍尔夫在一九一六年就写过简爱与呼啸山庄一文。她写道:“当夏洛蒂写作时,她以雄辩、光彩和热情说我爱,我恨,我受苦。她的经验,虽然比较强烈,却是和我们自己的经验都在同一水平上。但是在呼啸山庄中没有 我,没有家庭女教师,没有东家。有爱,却不是男女之爱。艾米莉被某些比较普遍的观念所激励,促使她创作的冲动并不是她自己的受苦或她自身受损害。她朝着一个四分五裂的世界望去,而感到她本身有力量在一本书中把它拼凑起来。那种雄心壮

28、志可以在全部小说中感觉得到一种部分虽受到挫折,但却具有宏伟信念的挣扎,通过她的人物的口中说出的不仅仅是我爱或我恨,却是我们,全人类和你们,永存的势力这句话没有说完。”2.英国进步评论家阿诺凯特尔(Arnold Kettle)在英国小说引论一书中第三部分论及十九世纪的小说时,他总结说:“呼啸山庄以艺术的想象形式表达了十九世纪资本主义社会中的人的精神上的压迫、紧张与矛盾冲突。这是一部毫无理想主义、毫无虚假的安慰,也没有任何暗示说操纵他们的命运的力量非人类本身的斗争和行动所能及。对自然,荒野与暴风雨,星辰与季节的有力召唤是启示生活本身真正的运动的一个重要部分。呼啸山庄中的男男女女不是大自然的囚徒,他


30、琳被内心的自然之情折磨致死。而西斯克里夫也因为凯瑟琳的背叛自然性扭曲到极端,他变成了复仇的恶魔。文明的侵犯使人性扭曲,约束人的真实自然之情,造成了悲剧。尽管文明带来了进步,但是文明却扼杀了人性。最终,艾米莉勃朗特让西斯克里夫在死前打开阻碍之窗文明,让两人的游魂在荒野间游荡。种种表明艾米莉勃朗特对两人爱情的同情以及要求人顺应人性,重返自然的思想。本选题拟从三个部分加以阐述:1. 自然和文明的定义2. 自然和文明的较量:a.自然和文明的象征:呼啸山庄和画眉山庄;西斯克里夫和林顿及其哈的顿b.自然和文明的斗争:凯瑟琳的爱情选择和西斯克里夫的疯狂报复导致人性的扭曲3. 结论人应该顺从自然,归顺自然。文


32、,得出一般性的结论。3、文献法:即历史文献法,就是搜集和分析研究各种现存的有关文献资料,从中选取信息,以达到某种调查研究目的的方法。4、文献综述法: 即针对某个研究主题,对与之相关的各种文献资料进行收集整理,对所负载的知识信息进行归纳鉴别,清理与分析,并对所研究的问题在一定时期内已取得的研究状况,取得的成果,存在的问题以及发展的趋势进行系统而全面的叙述,评论,建构与阐述.其中,确定一个研究主题,收集整理专题文献,阅读与挖掘文献内容,清理与记述专题研究状况,建构与阐明专题研究发展趋势。五、研究计划及预期成果(一)研究计划4月15日4月18日:指定论文指导教师,学生选定题目;4月19日4月25日:

33、完成任务书部分和开题报告;4月26日5月12日:完成论文第一稿;5月13日5月22日:完成并上交论文第二稿;5月23日5月31日完成论文三稿(5月31日上午11点之前上交,以便答辩老师阅读),指导教师分组阅读论文,师生做好答辩准备;6月1日6月9日:论文答辩(答辩后,学生对教师提出的意见要及时修改,以便装订论文终稿)。6月10日6月12日:二次答辩及论文装订、成绩评定。(二)预期成果按照规定的时间和进度提交一份具有一定的理论或应用价值的,字数在5000英文 单词左右、英美文学方向的的学术论文。六、参考文献:1 Bronte Emily. Wuthering Heights M.Foreign

34、Language Teaching and Research Press, Oxford University Press, 1999.2 Cecil, David.Early Victorian Novelists: Essays in Revaluation. . 19343 艾米莉勃朗特(Emily Bronte)著,方平译.呼啸山庄M. 上海译文出版社, 20014 夏洛蒂勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)著,宋兆霖译.勃朗特两姐妹全集M. 河北教育出版社, 19965 陈茂林. 回归自然 返璞归真呼啸山庄的生态批评J. 外语教学. 2007(01):69-736 栗华. “野孩子”的爱与恨对呼啸山庄意象和主题的一种阐释J. 北方论丛. 2001(6):80-837 裴双. 人类应有的前行姿态论呼啸山庄对野性与文明的取舍J. 绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科学版). 2007(04):80-858 邵旭东. 何以写出呼啸山庄也谈艾米丽勃朗特创作源泉问题J. 外国文学研究.1996(04):77-81七、指导教师评语:签名:*年*月*日


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