英语口语教学调查与研究 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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1、英语口语教学调查与研究Introduction Senior high school English Teaching Syllabuses (陈道明: 2002) proposes the main purpose of English teaching is to improve the ability to communicate in English, especially the innovative spirit and practical ability. With the development of global economy, English has become a k

2、ind of international all-purpose language, that is to say, it is an important political and economic resource. The basic goal of learning English is to communicate with it. Therefore, speaking ability is the main skill in English learning. In recent years, with the efforts of the teachers, foreign l

3、anguage teaching in most high school has made great progress. Meanwhile, students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are generally improved. However, in the vast rural areas, high school English level is still lagging behind. Although many students have learned English for many years, t

4、hey still can not speak English fluently, even to say a word when they meet with foreigners. As a result, there is the prevailing phenomenon of high marks but dumb English. After joining WTO, the single reading talent has been far from meeting the needs of modern society. Students in Rural high scho

5、ols fail to reach the goal of communication in English and obtain information in English.Based on the current situation, the author conducts an investigation among teachers and students in Baoding rural senior high school. The investigation takes Juncheng senior high school as the sample, using a qu

6、estionnaire as the main instrument to collect data. At last, the author analyzes the problems and insufficiency in the oral English teaching, meanwhile, gives suggestions to improve the current situation.I. Literature ReviewA. The Importance of Oral EnglishThere is no denying that the process of glo

7、bal economy is being accelerated constantly when we entered into a new century. Countries all over the world expand constantly in economy, culture, science, diplomacy, traveling etc. Profound changes taking place in our society asks for more unprecedented, urgent and enormous demand for English tale

8、nts. Therefore, the demand of new age is far greater than that demand the talent who is just good at written English.English is not only a tool of learning, but also a kind of international all-purpose language, that is to say, it is an important political and economic resource. Listening, speaking,

9、 reading, writing and translating are the five basic skills of learning a language. And the final goal of learning a language is to master the five skills. The basic goal of learning English is to communicate with it. But influenced by exam-oriented education in our country , generally speaking, the

10、 second skill speaking” is the weakest part in English studying, and also a serious problem for middle school students, and even for the college students. Students continue to memorize grammar and sentence patterns for a long time, so students brain has become a warehouse that is used to store vocab

11、ulary, sentence patterns and language knowledge, and they find it hard to communicate with others in English. So they often ask how to improve the spoken language. Another phenomenon often shows that several more outstanding students keep silent in the classroom. The students with worse foundation b

12、ecome auditors; they do not participate voluntarily. Many students go to universities to study but still can not say several English sentences. So it is imperative and urgent to improve teaching methods and students interpersonal skills of oral English.B. Current Situation ofOral English Teaching Th

13、e purpose that we study English is to communicate fluently with others. So fluency, accuracy and appropriateness are important in oral English study. That is to say, we have to pay much attention to practical communicating ability instead of only focusing on the grammar. So it needs us to know the r

14、ules of speaking, and the cultural characteristics as well, to express correctly and to use right styles under different situations or on the special occasions.Due to the influence of the old English teaching system and the language environment, Chinese students could not practice oral English and i

15、mprove their ability of spoken English. In the old English teaching system, teachers always play the main roles in classes, and they focus on paraphrasing text and language points. Though they do some oral practices in classes, these are not enough to improve students ability of spoken English. Stud

16、ents can understand English grammar, vocabulary and intonation clearly, but their ability of oral English is still poor. Maybe they can say the simple English but can not express themselves correctly. A nation-wide investigation shows that only 5% graduates in China think he or she can speak English

17、 fluently.There are many students have troubles with oral English. Some students are considered the best one in his or her class, but they dare not to speak English when he or she talks with the foreigner who comes from an English-speaking country. The reason is that he or she is not used to speakin

18、g English when he or she talks to others. The students can not express what they want to say clearly when they talk with others in English and people around him or her can not understand what he or she said. Such situations are not useful to the improvement of students oral English. So there is no a

19、dmitting to delay improving the ability of students oral English. We must find the effective methods to solve the problems as soon as possible.II. Research Design and Methodology In order to find out the problems and insufficiency in the oral English teaching, the author conducts an investigation am

20、ong teachers and students in Baoding rural senior high school. This chapter mainly introduces the research design.A. Research QuestionsThis quantitative study was designed to address the following questions:1. How about the oral capability of English teachers?2. How about the learning situation of o

21、ral English among students?B. Research SubjectsParticipants for the investigation are 20 teachers and 100 students chosen at random from the Juncheng High School in Tang county, Baoding, Hebei province. The teachers and students from Grade One are prepared to take part in the questionnaire investiga

22、tion in order to acquire information of oral English on teachers part and students part. C. InstrumentsThe investigation uses questionnaire as the main instrument. The investigation consists of two questionnaires. The first one contains 10 items, which are all be multiple-choice, aiming to make teac

23、hers evaluate their oral English teaching objectively. It involves the following contents: the educational degree of teachers, the time distribution of different skills, the present teaching situation, the teaching resource and auxiliaries. The second questionnaire with 6 items is used to investigat

24、e the current situation of students oral English. It contains the attitude toward oral English, the current level of speaking, the difficulties of oral English study and the causes leading to the situation.D. Data Collection and Data AnalysisDuring the investigation, the teachers and students were v

25、ery cooperative and careful. There were twenty teachers participating in the investigation. And teachers feedback was all considered to be effective. Meanwhile, we collected 100 pieces of paper among students, of which two was invalid for the lack of answers to some questions. The rest of the feedba

26、ck was considered to be effective and the valid rate is 98%.Firstly, the author collected all the data of the investigation. And then descriptive statistics listed the percentage of each choice. Finally, affective factors should be analyzed. In this way, the author obtains the final results shown in

27、 the following tables.Table 1 The Educational Degree of TeachersAccording to the above survey, we find many serious problems. 70% teachers (about 14 persons) graduate from colleges. Teachers with bachelor degree reach about 4 persons (20%). Besides, there are 20% teachers who only receive technical

28、secondary education. The present English teachers educational level is not high, that is to say, the number of teachers with high degree is rare. Table 2 The Time Distribution among Different SkillsIn the survey, most teachers pay more attention to grammar(32%), vocabulary(30%), and writing(19%) tea

29、ching. They do not have much time spending on oral English and listening skill. Some teachers say current teaching materials content more difficult. In the teaching, in order to drive teaching plan so that there is no time to spend on oral English teaching. At the same time, exam doesnt test speakin

30、g ability, so under the guidance teacher only pay attention to what will be tested. So there is less time that is distributed to oral English.Table 3 The Present Teaching Situation 问题是一般不是您掌握的英语知识主要来源于学生时代的学习吗?51%23%26%您经常设计业余自修计划吗?15%24%61%您经常参加教研活动吗?18%24%58%您经常用英语组织教学吗?26%32%42%您在教学中经常以学生为中心吗?26%

31、21%53%您经常组织练习口语的活动吗?13%35%52%From the data, we can easily find that English information source of teachers is narrow. 51% teachers knowledge is only limited in the learning at the student age. In addition, only 15% teachers have further study plan to update their knowledge. Because time flies, chang

32、es happen at anytime, and new things emerge constantly. Obviously, English is developing with ages. How can old knowledge keep up with the new age? So there is a long way to enrich the knowledge of rural school teachers.As to the scientific research ability, judging from the questionnaire survey res

33、ults, only 18% teachers often participate in research activity. It shows that the rural middle school English teachers scientific research consciousness and scientific research ability are generally poor.As to teaching language, 26% teachers teach lessons in English as much as possible. Only under t

34、he condition that the students couldnt understand, teachers will use Chinese to have further explanations. 32% teachers usually use English at first. Then explain in Chinese. 42% of the teachers mainly use Chinese in class. Therefore, in the rural middle school English class, the teaching language a

35、lso cannot guarantee in English. This phenomenon accounts for two aspects. On the one hand, teacher ability needs to be improved. On the other hand, students English foundation is not good so that they can not grasp the teacher. Two aspects restrict the improvement of teaching language in the rural

36、high schools. As to the relationship between teachers and students in class, 53% teachers think classroom should be teacher-centered and teaching should be the main part that controls everything in the classroom. Obviously, these teachers are influenced by traditional education idea. Only 26% teache

37、rs think students are the center and teachers should adjust the lesson according to the conditions of the students.In addition, only 13% teachers often organize the activity to create speaking circumstance. Most teachers run teaching task of more than 3 classes, so that they think the teaching task

38、is too heavy to have energy to organize some teaching activities to develop students speaking ability after class. A number of teachers emphasize the school hardware and software facilities all outdated lacking of speaking conditions and atmosphere, so that they cant carry out activity to practicing

39、 speaking.Table 4 Teaching Resources As to the teaching resources, the survey finds that most rural high school in Hebei province uses the new curriculum. 74% teachers prefer reference materials with the textbook as supporting material. Teachers using reference material from online resource accounts

40、 for 10%, and borrowing reaches 12%. Editing material by the teachers is nearly zero. Current edition of high school English textbook is more difficult than the old from vocabulary, reading, communication patterns etc. While the new edition put more emphasis on training comprehensive ability from li

41、stening, speaking, reading and writing ect. To accomplish the teaching assignment and achieve the default teaching effect, only a textbook is far from the goal. It should be supplemented by supporting materials and advanced electronic equipments. Table 5 Teaching Auxiliaries As to the teaching auxil

42、iaries and helping means in the rural middle school, in everyday teaching, about 74% teachers use recorder as the main teaching tools. Choosing speech room and courseware teachers are 10% and 12%. Choosing network is only about 4%. Teachers said they face difficulties to multimedia applications duri

43、ng the teaching and have bigger problems in control the teaching material and using teaching methods. Most teachers also say they seldom refer to network, newspapers, broadcasting television and other media in preparing process. The figures show that because of restriction of the rural middle school

44、, the English teachers ability of using modern teaching resource and equipment is still backward. Table 6 The Learning Condition of Students问题是一般不是你认为英语口语是英语学习中非常重要的一项吗?21%33%46%你对学习英语口语十分感兴趣吗?45%29%26%你对自己的口语水平满意吗?23%25%52%你能听懂老师全英授课吗?15%21%64%学校经常组织有关英语的课外活动吗?18%35%47%你积极在课用英语回答问题吗?13%35%52%From t

45、he above table, we find that only 21% students regard speaking as an important skill. 46% students can not recognize the importance of oral English and 45% students show less interest in learning spoken English. So we can see that students ignore the oral English learning. Because of the lack of int

46、erest, from the above findings we can easily discover that 52% students are not satisfied with their oral English and lack confidence. Having learned five or six years of English, most students only can speak several sentences, even can not open the mouth. New teaching concept advocates the target l

47、anguage teaching. The data shows 15% students can understand parts of the English teaching, which reflects that students are lacking of solid foundation of English, which is worth our attention and earnest ponderation. What is more, only 47% students admit that school seldom organizes activity of or

48、al English. It reflects that school lack speaking environment. At the same time, there are still quite a number of students (about 52%) are afraid of making mistakes, or too timid, leading to dare not speak English. So the physical obstacle plays a role in practicing oral English.III. Results and DiscussionA. Outdated Educational ConceptsThe most important factor is the Chinese education system, which just severs for examination. As a matter of fact, most teachers, parents and students detest the examinations because it does not do go


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