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1、 本科毕业论文 论雪莱的自由之路学生姓名: 学生学号: 200320207005 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科3班 指导教师: 二七年五月Analysis of Shelleys Freedom RoadHu PingUnder the Supervision ofMa DongSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstractIKey WordsI摘要关键词Introduction1I. Historical Co

2、ntext2II. The Life of the Rebellious Poet3 A. Field Place3 B. Punishment to the Antitheist3 C. The Marriage in Scotland4 D. The Christ of Ireland4 E. The Regeneration of the Goddess5 F. The Angel of the Poor People5 G. The Bright Spring in Rome6 H. The Last Storm6III. The Analysis of Some of His Mas

3、ter Pieces7 A. The Real Beginning of His Writing-Queen Mab7 B. The Philosophical Poem of the Revolutionary Struggle -The Revolt of Islam8 C. The Glorious Carol-Prometheus Unbound9 D. The Master Piece of Realism-The Cenci10 E. The Genius Prophet-Ode to West Wind11Conclusion12Acknowledgements13Note14B

4、ibliorgraphy15I攀枝花学院毕业论文 AbstractAbstractThe European Revolution broke out in 1848.There were impoverished peoplewho strived for the freedom everywhere. Shelley is rebelliouswhen he is achild. He pursues the individual freedom, the freedom of thought which is the common goal of people in his era. He

5、 merges the twointoa whole. For this reason, he has endured the pains that the ordinary people could not have beared.At first, the thesis introduces the social context, the living condition, and his characters. It introduces his living conditions from Field Place, the place where he was born, to Ire

6、land, to Italy, and to Rome. These are the places he visited, and also are the road of the developmentof his mind. And then the thesis gives analysis to some of his master pieces such as: Queen Mab written in 1813 which shows the path of his mental development, and symbolizes the beginning of Shelle

7、ys writing. As for his later works, The Revolt of Islam and The Cenci and Prometheus Unbound, they demonstrate that he tries to give an answer for the muttons by means of poem. He thinks the nature can give him inspiration. During his lifetime, he writes many poems about the nature, for example: To

8、Skylark, Ode to West Wind, etc. In the end, it comes to the conclusion that no matter what difficulty Shelley faces, he does not give up easily. He holds to his convictions in his entire lifetime and never changes. Key Wordsfreedom; progress; poetry攀枝花学院毕业论文 摘要摘要在1848年,欧洲革命四起,到处是贫困的人民,到处都是争取自由的斗争雪莱从


10、伊斯兰的起义、钦起、解放了的普罗米修斯,这三部作品都表明了诗人极力以诗歌的形式来对当前的问题做出回答.同时,作者本身还很热爱大自然.他认为自然可以给他灵感.诗人同样也作了很多关于自然的诗歌,比如:致云雀.在论文里,我介绍了他的另一篇代表作西风颂.最后,得出结论:不论遇到什么样的困难,雪莱都不轻易放弃.一生坚持他自己的信念一直没有改变过.关键词自由;历程;诗歌II攀枝花学院毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionLife is precious and love is merely valuable, yet for the sake of freedom both can b

11、e sacrificed. PetofiPercy Bysshe Shelley was born on August 4, 1792, at Field Place, near Horsham in Sussex, into an aristocratic family. Shelley, as a poet, is appraised in Great Britain Encyclopedia like this, at a great poetrys age, he writes the greatest love poetry, the greatest tragedy, the gr

12、eatest lyric poetry, the greatest elegy poetry, and much other incomparable poetry.Shelley writes many poems in all his life. He put his eyes on the glorious future through the political darkness and his own bitter. He aims at building a perfect world that everybody could enjoy the freedom and the h

13、appiness. After his death, his wife, Mary, publishes many of his poems. At last, Shelley becomes the heart of hearts(the epitaph to Shelley). Because what he knows and feels just is the inner feeling of the inner heart.Guo Moruo speaks very highly of Shelley, He is the child of nature, the Atheisms

14、disciple, the pioneer of revolutionary idea. His poetry is his life, and his life is a wonderful poem. The poem which is not written whole heartedly is not really a poem.13攀枝花学院毕业论文 Historical ContextI. Historical ContextLeontief has said, the analysis of an individuals mental process mostly depends

15、 on the individuals livelihood in the social condition and paeticular condition.In England, the Industrial Revolution changes the society thoroughly (at the beginning of 19 century).The society is divided into two parts. One group is the nobility, the capitalist and the riches. The other group is th

16、e poor proletariat. But the proletariat is very weak. The nobility holds the power in their hands. Under the control of the reactionary forces,the Labor Movement does not stop. So there comes into being the England romantic literature.The England romantic literature first originates in the poetry fi

17、eld, and the representatives all are poets. Because of advocating natural world, and stressing emotion, and perusing ideal, the new trying and satisfying get an unprecedented broad free space. As well as there are more talent poets, under their great efforts, the language art get into a brand new de

18、veloping stage. Especially the lyric poem, it gets into the unprecedented mature state.These romantic poets guide the England poetry to the stage of the heights of the world literature. But the highest achievement of lyric poems is made by Shelley. He is acknowledged as one of the few best lyric poe

19、ts. Even his philosophic poem, narrative poem, and his prose also are filled with strong emotion.Shelley is one of the learned persons (on 19th century). He is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but shows compassion for the poor people when he is a child. He engaged in thepolitical and social ac

20、tivity enthusiasm but failed. After that, he is forced to move to Italy, and then, becomes a professional writer.During the time of staying in Italy, he also pays close attention to the political struggle and social condition in England and some European countries.攀枝花学院毕业论文 The Analysis of Some of H

21、is Master PiecesII. The Life of the Rebellious PoetIn the normal conditions, the main inmpetus in producing literary works comes from the areas outside the literature. The most importantcreation mood is the social mood. The social mood is causedby the social life, and the social condition.A. Field P

22、lacePercy Bysshe Shelley is borninto a rich family.His father is a rather conservative member of parliament, and fears the new idea like fearing fire. His mother is the famous beauty in Sussex. Shelley, like his mother, is handsome, gentle and elegant. But his mother thinks that the ideal man shall

23、be strong and elegant. Sohis mother dislikes him. In his childhood, he always feels constrained, bounded, depressed and alone.In front of his house, there are the large square, and garden, and big forest. When spring comes, in the shade of the green, the house is so beautiful.And Shelley spends his

24、childhood here.The elegant nature edifies the poet. But the critical family rule leaves him with a feeling of deep hurt.B.Punishment to the AntitheistHe goes to Oxford University where he and a close friend write a pamphletnamed the Necessity of Atheism (in 1810).Every time he returns to Field Place

25、, therewill be full of happiness. Butbefore he writes the pamphlet, hehas written to his sister to publicize the Atheism idea, hismother does not allow her daughters to contact with him any more. And Harriet also is engaged herself to another gentleman. Thesudden changes make him suffer great strike

26、 in spirit. So when he returns to university, he writes the pamphlet.After the publication of the pamphlet, he and his friend are expelled. His father also breaks off all the economy supplies. This is another great blow to him. But for the great ideas, he does not lower his head to his father. For d

27、efending individual dignity and freedom ofbelief, he pays enormous price. Deprived economy is a intense cruelly oppression that he can not control, and it makes him dreadful and despaired. C. The Marriage in ScotlandFor defending individual dignity and freedom of belief, he pays enormous price. So S

28、helley goes to London and then fall in love with a young girl, Harriet Westbrook. The girl is attracted by Shelleys revolutionary ideas and doctrines. Shelley considers Harriet as the incarnation of the Goddess. Harriet also just pays more attention to his family and his money. To help the unlucky g

29、irl, he decides to elope with Harriet. They go to Edinburgh and get a runway marriage.Shelleys marriage shows his treasonous inspiration, and his distinct individuality. He maintains his dignity at any cost.D. The Christ of IrelandThey go to Kaxic, thecapital of Kenbelan, where the mountains, the ri

30、vers and the clouds give Shelley unforgettable impression (in 1811). However he pays more attention to the peoples poor life.He goes to Ireland where he encourages the people to stand up for their rights (in 1812). The pair spends the following two years distributing pamphlets and speaking against p

31、olitical injustice.There are tribulations everywhere in England. But under the control of the England government, the Irish people have more and more poor life.To realize the socialism, he goes to Duberlin where he finds that the people there are poorer than the people in Ireland. In the letter he h

32、as written to Godwin, the poor people in Duberlin are the poorest people. There are hundreds of thousands of people in a small alley. Ifelt that I must lesson those people who have trampled on the poor people and lead them to the worst condition more than death.So he publishes address to the Irish p

33、eople, and expresses the eroticization to the capitalists, and shows his famous view about the condition and calls up their minds of striving for independence. He publishes the Bill of Rights. The poem shows the Irish could get their freedom and independence by non-violent means. But he also realize

34、s that his struggle can not have any effects.He has a genius foresight, and realizes the unavoidability of the failure, and the coming victory.E. The Regeneration of the GoddessThe pair goes to Duberlin (in 1813).Harriethas a daughter, and then Harriet have a big change.She pays no attention to the

35、family, revels in enjoyment. Shelley always has a simple life. Because of the difference in life-style and aspiration, the barrier between them increases bigger. Shelley is very dejected. He finally realizes that his wife is not his real Goddess.He meets Mary (one day on July in 1813).He finds the p

36、erfect embodiment of the heros spirit, and the womans tenderness from Marry, and thinks Maryas the ideal woman.Mary knows Shelleys unlucky family from hiswords, and she also tells Shelley her inner pang. He thinks that Mary is the real incarnation of the Goddess.He wants to stay with Mary. He also k

37、nows thatHarriet have abandoned him. So he determines to tell Harriet his mind has been caught with Marry, and has no way to shake offMarys charm.Shelley often is sanguine. He tramples on the traditionalrules and laws. But he has suffered great pains in his mind. It just is the true embodiment that

38、the social pressure presses a kindhearted but woundedsoul. He tramples on the ruling classs marriage rule again, and decides to abscond with Mary.F. The Angel of Poor PeopleShelley gets marriage with Mary. After that, they want to have a real and lasting family. They buy a house in Mara town.The tow

39、n is very small. After living for a certain time, all the people know the handsome man just is evil person Shelley who has been banishedto deprive of bringing up the children. People pay more attention to the little girl, Alalie. She has no father. The upper class wants to beat him to death, so they

40、 frame that the little girl is Shelleys daughter. Mary has said the little girl is the child of her friend. But people find that Claire have special feeling to Alalie.But Shelley also becomes the towns Angel. Because of the Napoleonic Wars, the market is depressed, and the price have soared, and the

41、 salary have lowered, and the number of unemployment have increased in England, people always organize protests and strike to revolt. However the government suppresses their resistance by all means. Shelley helps the poor people in his power. For example, he walks on the road and meets an old woman

42、without any shoes, and gives her his own shoes, and then goes home. And these things change the peoples view to him. So as to forty years later, the Mara people say that everywhere that Shelley have been is holy.G. The Bright Spring in RomeShelley leaves to Italy with Mary and Claire and the childre

43、n (in 1813). Italy is the hometown of the traditional Rome literature. There he exerts his ability ofwriting.But the Claires death breaks the peace. For beguiling his sorrow, they decide to go to Rome (in 1819).The sun shines and it is very warm and suitable in spring in Rome. He feels the power of

44、life and the desire of writing.His only son Williams die (on June in 1819). The unlucky event takes outtheir happiness and peace. It is lucky that Mary have had another baby. For taking care of Mary, they decide to go to Florence.For the pairs who love the Rome literature and natural beauty, the Flo

45、rence itself is the best doctor, and also is the hometown ofDante whom is worshipped by Shelley.They feel comfortable living here.Mary have a boy named Percy Florence to commemorate the city that give them happiness and new hopes (on November in 1819).H. The Last StormShelley suffers many prosecutio

46、ns in his life. So he pays no more attention to the other things except his friends.He always indulges in reveries about the future, so as to forget who exists. He sees many ugly events in life, and only gets the beauty from nature and his friends to ease his heart.TowelcomehisfriendLeighHunt,hesailstoLeghorn. DuringthestormyreturnvoyagetoLerici,hissmallschoonertheArielsinkandShelleydrownwithEdwardWilliamsonJuly8,1822.III.The Analysisof Some of His Master PiecesJust like his life, his poems also have strong revolutionary temperament. In his works, he reseals the realitys evil, and longs for t


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