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1、河南农业大学华豫学院本科毕业论文(设计) AbstractCharles Dickens is one of the greatest British realistic novelists. He played a crucial role in the development of fiction and contributed greatly to the development of the writing style in British Literature. Through his numerous works, he presented to the readers diffe

2、rent aspects of the times he lived in and explored the unfairness and hypocrisy of the capitalist society. This thesis carefully analyzes the relationship between social circumstances and the develpoment of Pips character in Dickenss Great Expectations to achieve a better understanding of this novel

3、 as well as Charles Dickenss great power in criticism of society.This thesis includes four chapters.Chapter One is a breif introduction to this book as well as the author Charles Dickens.Chapter Two dicusses the six factors of social circumstances on the development of Pips character.Chapter Three f

4、ocuses on the relationship between each other.On the one hand,they are closely associated;on the other hand,the development of Pips character is not determined by the social circumstances,but also by Pip himself.The last chapter concludes that the development of a persons character is greatly influe

5、nced by the social circumstances.Facing the challenges in life,one should keep calm and get rid of illusions.KEY WORDS:Charles Dickens,relationship,social circumstances,character 摘要查尔斯. 狄更斯是英国最伟大的批判现实主义作家之一。 在小说的发展进程中,他担当了关键角色,对英国小说写作风格贡献巨大。他的众多作品从不同侧面向人们展示了他生活的时代,揭露了资本主义社会的不公道与伪善。本文旨在对他的后期作品远大前程中主人

6、公一匹普的性格发展与社会环境之间的关系进行分析,以达到对作品更好的理解,并更清楚的看到狄更斯作品中批判现实主义的强大力量。全文分四大部分.第一章是引言部分,简要介绍本书内容和作者狄更斯。第二章是针对狄更斯在远大前程中描述的社会环境进行的分析,将影响主人公性格发展的环境因素归结为六大类:并指出其影响。第三章侧重介绍社会环境与主人公性格发展的关系。一方面,两者密切相关,主人公的性格发展离不开社会环境;另一方面,主人公的性格发展并非完全是社会环境的结果,也有他自身的原因。最后一章为结论,即性格的发展与社会环境是紧密相连的,面对生活,一个人不应抱有幻想,而应踏实冷静,迎接挑战。关键词: 查尔斯. 狄更

7、,关系,社会环境,性格 ContentsAbstract1摘要2Contents3Chapter 1 Introduction41.1 Introduction to the Book41.2 The Inimitable Boz-Life and Career of Charles Dickens5Chapter 2 The Factors of Social Circumstances on the Development of Pips Character62.1The Hypocrisy of the Victorian Countryside62.1.1 Pips Sister-Mr

8、s. Gargery72.1.2 Uncle Pumblechook72.2The Pride and Dignity of the Working People82.2.1 Joe Gargery82.2.2 Biddy92.3 The Cruelty of the Bourgeoisie92.3.1Miss Havisham102.3.2Mr. Jaggers102.4 The importance of social class112.5 The Genuine Friendship and the Fatherly Love132.5.1 Herbert132.5.2 Wemmick1

9、32.5.3 Magwitch142.6 Pips Great Expectations and His Nature15Chapter3 The Develpoment of Pips Character and the Social Circumstances Are Closely Connected173.1The Childhood in Tears173.2The Gentleman life of Pip18Chapter 4 Conclusion21Acknowledgement22References23 Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduct

10、ion to the BookGreat Expectations is the 13th Dickens 15 novels. In this very late novel the usual features of his artproliferating sub-plots, legions of minor grotesques-are almost entirely absent. The simplicity is that of an art form that belongs to ancient type and concentrates on permanently si

11、gnificant issues. Great Expectations is conceived as a moral fable; it is a story of a young mans development from his first self-awareness, to that of his mature acceptance of the human condition.So natural a theme imposes an elemental form on the novel: the over-all pattern is defined by the proce

12、ss of growth, and Dickens employs many of the motifs of folklore. The story of Pip falls into three phases which clearly display a dialectic progression. We see the boy first in his natural condition in the country, responding and acting instinctively and therefore virtuously. The second stage of hi

13、s career involves a negation of child-like simplicity; Pip acquires his ”expectations, renounces his origins, and moves to the city. He rises in society, but since he acts through calculation rather than through instinctive charity, his moral values deteriorate as his social graces improve. This mid

14、dle phase of his career culminates in a sudden fall, the beginning of a redemprive suffering which is dramatically concluded by an attack of brain fever leading to a long coma. It is not too fanciful to regard this illness as a symbolic death; Pip rises from it regenerate and percipient. In the fina

15、l stage of growth he returns to his birthplace, abandons his false expectations, accepts the limitations of his condition, and achieves a partial synthesis of the virtue of his innocent youth and the melancholy insight of his later experience, then, with a more mature knowledge of himself and the wo

16、rld, works out his regeneration.The book manifests a very modern theme through its descriptions of the hero in search of his identity. It includes the several meanings of humanity; the opposition between social customs, institutions and mans natural instincts; and the nature of sin and guilt. At the

17、 same time it displays the power of love, loyalty and conscience, which proves to be more important than social advancement, wealth and class. Due to its profound enduring, theme, it is no wonder that “it may well turn out to be the most for the fastidious reader, of all the works of Dickens.1.2 The

18、 Inimitable Boz-Life and Career of Charles DickensCharles Dickens, one of the most influential writers of the 19th century, played a crucial role in the development of fiction. He contributed greatly to the development of the writing style in British Literature. Charles Dickens was born at 13 Mile E

19、nd Terrace, Landport, Portsmouth, on February 2, 1812. His parents did have some limited funds put aside to send one of their children to a university or an academy. Unfortunately that child was not Charles Dickens but his elder sister, Fanny. Charles Dickens lived in such shabby-genteel world and k

20、new at an early age that there were no safety nets for failures. At the age of twelve, Charles Dickens was sent to work at a blacking factory. This period was crucial to his life. He worked hard to turn his dream into reality.At the age of fifteen, he enrolled as a student at Wellington House Academ

21、y and also in that year, he began to make a living. He had worked as a solicitors clerk, a freelance shorthand reporter at the law courts of Doctors Commons, a reporter of parliamentary debates. All these early experiences provided rich materials for his future writing, and left him with a hatred of

22、 the toadyism and pretence produced by the English class system.Shortly before his was twenty-two, his professional writing career began when a comic fictional sketch was accepted by the Monthly Magazine. He started to use the pseudonym Boz. Charles Dickens married Catherine Hogarth, and began his m

23、arried life two days after the publishing of his first number of Pickwick Papers. After publishing his next two novels: The Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge, Dickens set out a tour to North America in 1842. During his stay in North America, he met most of the American important literary figures

24、of that time. As soon as he returned England, he began his American Notes. In all of his books, Dickens showed his great concern toward the society he lived in. He had the courage to change it even though he wrote I lose belief in the possibility of the progress, or even of the long existence, of an

25、 Empire, with such a mighty crime and danger at its heart (Dickens 193-94). And because of his immense popularity, he had an influence on the shaping of social policy. Politicians read him and knew they had to take into account what he wrote. He was also active in social activities. He advocated pub

26、lic action on social made numerous speeches at charity dinners and undertook private benefactions, argued for an Act of Parliament to regulate the employment of women and children in mines, visited the Ragged schools and campaigned on their behalf.Chapter 2 The Factors of Social Circumstances on the

27、 Development of Pips CharacterThe British society is experiencing profound changes, which generates a variety of sharp contradictions,so to a certain extent,Pips charact is the product of the society. In this sense, analysis of the social factors that lead to Pips character is obviously indispensibl

28、e in order to better understand the thesis.2.1The Hypocrisy of the Victorian CountrysideThe word hypocrisy means the act or practice of pretending to believe, feel or be something very diferent from and usually beter than, what one actually believes, feels or is.Great Expectations, we see this force

29、 was prevailing. The best examples of this are Pips sister and Uncle Pumblechook.2.1.1 Pips Sister-Mrs. GargeryMrs. Joe Gargery, Pips hot-tempered adult sister, who raises him after the death of their parents but complains constantly of the burden Pip is to her. Orlick (a blacksmith) attacks her and

30、 she is left disabled until her death. Mrs. Gragery is the first woman we encounter that possesses a destructive personality. She does not see motherhood as anything she should enjoy. In fact, she despises it. She tells Pip, Id never do it again! I know that. I may truly say Ive never had this apron

31、 of mine off, since born you were. Its bad enough to be a blacksmiths wife, and him a Gragery, without being your mother (Dickens 7). Here we see how she resents the responsibility of caring for her broth er as well as her lot in life. We also read that she not only raised Pip by hand but that she a

32、lso ruled Joe with her hand as well. We read that she was much in the habit of laying it upon her husband as well as upon me, I suppose that Joe Gragery and I were both brought up by hand (5). She is not happy being a housewife and she does not regard motherhood as a worthy responsibility. In fact,

33、she seems to make Pip pay for the fact that she must raise him by wearing an apron that is full of pins and needles (6) so she is not easily accessible. Here we can see how Mrs. Gragery is many things, none of which resemble a traditional wife and mother. In the novel, she is maimed. With her charac

34、ter, Dickens is painting the portrait of a woman that has deliberately stepped outside her traditional role as wife and mother. Mrs. Joe essentially created Joe to be the character that he allowed himself to be. With the slow death of Mrs. Joe, Joe reclaimed his life from his earlier insecurity. Mrs

35、. Joes importance in tying Joe to Pip made the relationship between the two significantly more beliveable, and without her, the great expectation of this book would never have been met. 2.1.2 Uncle PumblechookMr. Pumblechook, Joe Gargerys uncle, an officious bachelor and corn merchant. While holding

36、 Pip in disdain, he tells Mrs. Joe how noble she is to raise Pip. As the person who first connected Pip to Miss Havisham, he even claims to have been the original architect of Pips precious fortune. Pip despises Mr. Pumblechook as Mr. Pumblechook constantly makes himself out to be better than he rea

37、lly is. He is a cunning impostor. When Pip finally stands up to him, Mr. Pumblechook turns those listening to the conversation against Pip.He is the local seedsman (he sells seeds and stuff) and is charged with escorting Pip to Miss Havishams house for the first time. Because of this, Mr. Pumblechoo

38、k believes forevermore that he had a big hand in helping Pip to his fortune. He tells everyone he meets this, and Pip is thoroughly annoyed with him because, as he brags, Joe is silent. He hordes food, hes greedy, and he likes to pour water into Pips milk. Pumblechook offtered his hand in Pips new p

39、rosperity and hid indifference towards his sufferings.2.2The Pride and Dignity of the Working PeopleIn the capitalist society, the working people usually suffer more, but the virtures of human beings are frequently found in them.In Great expectations,we can find the pride and dignity from Joe and Bi

40、ddy.2.2.1 Joe GargeryJoe is a kind-hearted young man, who loved Pip very much. as you will now see. Joe always stood up for Pip. He married Pips sister, Mrs. Joe, only because he wanted to have Pip with him. Joe withstood all of Mrs. Joes meanness just to be with Pip, even though Pip does not show l

41、ove towards Joe. Joe is not very intelligent, but he is a strong man. He takes satisfaction in being a blacksmith, and he has pride in himself. He believes in integrity, and he always treats people politely. An example of how Joe treats people, i s at the beginning of the story, when Pips criminal i

42、s apprehended.When the criminal says that he is sorry for eatin g the pie, Joe says, God knows youre welcome to it-so far as it was ever mine!(Pg. 573) Joe helps Pip with anything, he is always with Pip when needed. Joe is one of the characters in this story, that Pip will always recollect.Joe has l

43、ittle education. His father was an alcoholic, and prevented Joe from going to school. He had to go to work at a young age to help support his family. Joe loves Pip as though he were his own son, but, as Pip gets too big for his britches thanks to his fortune, Joe becomes less and less a part of Pips

44、 life. Joe is proud and we hear his lifes philosophy in the advice he gives a young humiliated Pip. Joe tells Pip that if he wants to be extraordinary, he has to be ordinary first. He tells Pip that every king has to learn the basics first. In essence, everyone puts their pants on one leg at a time.

45、 When Jaggers tries to buy Pip from Joe, Joe nearly knocks his block off. Unlike Pip, Joe cares nothing for money. Joe can fight a man like Orlick, but he also cries at the drop of a hat. Pip says of him, I have often thought him since, like the steam-hammer that I can crush a man or pat an egg-shel

46、l, in his combination of strength with gentleness (1.18.93). Joe is embodied with both strength and softness, abrasiveness and gentility. Joe is out of place in London and calls Pip sir instead of Pip. He knows that Pip is beyond his reach, and so never visits Pip ever again. Joe has a powerful unde

47、rstanding of his place and role in society, and leaving that role is a very difficult thing. Joe loves Pip unconditionally, and is a beacon of friendship and loyalty throughout Pips life. It is this steadfast love that seems to really break Pips heart.2.2.2 BiddyBiddy, Mr. Wopsles second cousin; she

48、 runs an evening school from her home in Pips village and becomes Pips teacher. A kind and intelligent but poor young woman, she is, like Pip and Estella, an orphan. She is the opposite of Estella. Pip ignores her obvious love for him as he fruitlessly pursues Estella. After he realizes the error of his life choices, he returns to claim Biddy as his bride, only to find out she has married Joe Gargery. Biddy and Joe later have two chil


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