锅炉系统 毕业论文外文翻译.doc

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1、 锅炉系统1 冷凝器1.1 简介欧堡生产的冷凝器是用直管和一个外部密封浮头组成的管壳式冷凝器。这种冷凝器主要用作废气锅炉,蒸汽加热或洗舱海水加热器的转储冷凝器/冷却器排水。并取得权威船级社批准。 温度计,排水阀,空气阀,压力表的安装设计为“BSP内螺纹安装。这些组件可能是指定的。而蒸汽或水的控制设备是可选的。 1.2 安装空间要求 安装时必须有足够的空间供作清洗,检查或更换管的插入与撤出。 冷凝器必须安置在水平并稳定的表面。1.3 存储 如果冷凝器在安装前要闲置一段时间,应存放在干燥的储藏室里。如果储藏室潮湿,冷凝器必须放在装有硅胶的包装袋子里。为了避免破坏,建议冷凝器放在原包装中。 冷凝器已

2、经在交付前做过液压试验。试验中所用测试媒质含有一定的数额抗腐蚀保护物质。 当冷凝器需闲置的时间较长,建议使用指定产品作为防腐蚀物质1.4 安装 冷凝器设计为垂直或水平安装。在水平安装的情况下,蒸汽喷嘴必须朝上,而冷凝水出口喷嘴朝下。 如果是垂直安装冷凝器,蒸汽入口和海水出口端必须朝上。排水和空气排放阀必须安装在冷凝器在最低和最高点的中间线的位置。 任何选择性的控制设备必须根据具体指示安装。 步骤A:将冷凝器安装在水平平面上。 步骤B:钻基础固定螺栓孔。 步骤C:将螺栓放入孔中并拧紧。 连接冷凝器 步骤D:移除所有的塞子和盲板,然后再连接冷凝器。 步骤E:在连接中确保没有杂质进入。 步骤F:管道

3、连接起来,确保从管道和冷凝器之间没有强制力的产生。 1.5 调试 启动前要确保所有连接都牢固地拧紧是很重要的。同样重要的是,冷凝器和连接管道空气要彻底排出。 步骤A:如果装有安全阀,必须加以调整到最大设计压力或较低。 步骤B:法兰螺栓要拧紧。拧紧法兰螺栓时始终使用扭矩扳手。 步骤C:运行一小时,停止冷凝器,并重新拧紧所有螺栓。 步骤D:启动阶段,冷凝器的两边都要排出空气,必须认真仔细的检查回路的泄漏。1.6 性能 冷凝器性能须附和传热计算表规定的要求。,保持指定的蒸汽压力特别重要,因为压力降低可能导致进口速度过大,将会使其产生噪音并损害冷凝器,而较低的压力下会降低热性能。通常,有效评估冷凝器性

4、能的方法是通过监测评估冷凝水出口温度或海水出口温度。如果冷凝水温度过高或海水出口温度过低,要么是冷凝器需要清洗或操作参数不正确。需要检查其工作条件,并采取适当的纠正行动,以使性能恢复所要求的水平。 1.7 在关闭期间的保护 在关闭期间发生的腐蚀,主要是由于氧气的存在。如果存在非蒸馏水,如碱性或海水在冷凝器中,就很容易发生腐蚀。然而,即使在完全放空的情况下,冷凝器接触到残留的冷凝水仍然会造成腐蚀。因此,当停止工作时,应当通过使用淡水冲洗海水端,并仔细在两端泄放以保护冷凝器,如果冷凝器需在一个较长时期的停止工作 , 尤其是在寒冷的冬季 。必须小心清空。打开空气阀口并检查堵塞情况。 1.8 维护和清

5、洁 冷凝器应定期清理,每十二个月或当没有其他原因的情况下而输出下降的时候,应将内部的管子移出清洁。步骤A:检查是否有水在收集箱或管子中。 步骤B:将内部管束取出后,用有压力的液体进行外部清洗步骤3:将管束的上盖移除后,使用酸性的液体从内部进行清洁,表面的杂质可以用软质尼龙刷去除。但很重要的一点是进行机械清除时不要破坏管子的表面。步骤D:安全阀必须每年都要检查其设置点是否正确。1.9 拆卸和重装管束 当需要将管束从冷凝器中取出时 ,必须拆除海水连接头,拆下蒸汽进口处的水箱,松下其他水箱的连接螺栓需要利用水箱中的顶升螺栓将水箱和管架连接用的紧固O形圈拉开。在拉出管束前,应使用带状材料缠绕保护管架箱


7、更换新的垫片。应当尽量使用原装垫片和垫圈,并保证安装牢固紧密。需始终使用扭力扳手上紧法兰螺栓。运行冷凝器一个小时,停止,然后上紧法兰螺栓。对接头的紧密性进行压力实验。在运行期间,对冷凝器进行小心的泄放,并对循环回路进行检查是否漏泄。1.10 备件 订货时请注明零件的冷凝器(在铭牌上)的序列号。需要备件的进一步信息,请联系欧堡工业。2 化学定量泵 2.1 简介 化学定量泵是由微处理器控制的电磁定量泵。该泵能够准确显示液体化学品加药压力管道系统中的流量,并能进行容器的打开和关闭。化学定量泵的主要组成部分包括操作面板,电源端,液源腔 该泵的工作原理是液端定量膜由微处理器控制作动的电磁铁驱动,形成脉冲

8、作用在化学液体上,这就引起吸口端 ,液体腔和排出端之间产生压力差。这个压力差将引起吸口和出口的自动阀开启或关闭,从而供应化学液体。 泵的容量(供给速度)取决于行程长度和行程率。冲程长度使用行程长度调节旋钮在0和100间调节。最佳剂量是设置在30和100行程的长度。行程率10%和100之间使用的多功能开关进行步进调节,每级为10%。但在外部模式中,行程率是由电信号控制的。2.2 安全 在安装,调试,运行,维护和修理期间必须始终应遵守遵循以下安全原则请注意,泵的设计不适合用于:(1)气体化学物质或悬浮固体和容易爆炸的危险场所。(2)在紧急情况下的泵应立即关闭。断开电源的电源线。 (3)在任何时候都

9、应该能够方便地进行操作和管理。附近不能有障碍 (4)水泵和外围设备只有合格和有授权的维修人员才能对其进行维修和管理。 (5)当做有关泵的工作时,首先要断开电源(6)在做有关泵的工作前,必须泄放出口管路上的压力液体,放空液腔中的液体,并冲洗干净。 (7)务必阅读化学品安全数据。 (8)处理危险或未知的化学物质,务必穿上防护服时(9)如果排出管被封锁,切勿让定量泵运转,因为这可能会导致排出管道破裂。2.3 安装2.3.1 一般安装 化学定量泵通常预装在化工罐上。因此该泵安装或更换的地方必须遵守以下安装注意事项: (1)化学定量泵必须位于一个环境温度在-10 C至+45之间,在非冷凝的情况下相对湿度

10、不超过92%的环境中(2)泵的泵脚必须牢固地安装在牢固的基准座上,泵运行时不能震动 (3)启动和运行时不得超过其最大允许压力。这种泵的最大吸高为2 mmWC,最大工作压力为16巴。例如由于化学物质供应系统的位置,导致运行压力超标的情况下,在出口端必须安装一个安全阀,多余的液体回到吸口 (4)吸入和排出阀必须安装在垂直位置。 (5)其管子必须具备这样的要求,即如果需要,允许将泵和液腔拆开,在安装时不能产生应力和弯曲,所以只有原装的产品才能达到这种尺寸要求。 (6)吸入管应呈上升趋势并尽可能短以防止气泡的形成。 (7)由于在底部有化学品的沉淀和杂质,底阀的位置要高于它们的位置。 (8)连接到供应系

11、统的出口管的止回阀必须上紧。2.3.2 电气安装 该泵是和主电源的连接通过主电源线。如果泵连接到电源时与感应元件并联,必须对他们进行电器隔离,防止开关断开时产生的冲击造成损害。2.4 操作这个化学定量泵的操作面板配有支持泵的设置和运作操作开关,接线端子,和指示器。 该泵可通过手动操作控制或外部控制。如果泵仅需要手动操作模式时将不会提供可选的终端接到“外部控制”。当泵需要是通过“外部控制”和/或“浮动开关”控制时,必须提供可选的终端外部控制。“在化学品罐中装有测量液位的浮动开关,它能够提供液位信号到泵。由于液位的变化需要安装两个浮动开关到接线端子。同时泵也需要进一步安装故障监测继电器用于低水位报

12、警。 以下为泵操作指令的完整描述。如果化学计量泵包括零件或功能,不是用于定量供应系统,这些指令可以忽略。 2.5 泵的基本信息2.5.1 行程长度调节旋钮 行程长度可以在0和100通过调节冲程长度调节旋钮进行连续性的调节。在技术上只有再现性在调整范围30至100可行。 2.5.2 多功能开关 多功能开关用来选择操作模式和设置行程率。下面的操作模式是供多功能开关选择的模式: 停止。 外部。 手动(设置在10的行程步进率)。 测试(自吸功能)。 (1)停止 “停止”功能使泵电源未断开也可以停用。(2)外部 外部操作模式允许通过触点或者半导体的外部模式操纵设备单独调节其行程“暂停”功能,可以通过外部

13、终端远程操作使泵停止。(3)手动操作手动操作模式通过多功能开关对行程率进行10的步进调整。 (4)测试 “测试”功能检查泵的自吸的功能。开关设置在测试位时,多功能开关“测试”是自动的。 2.5.3 LED指示灯 运行和错误状态通过操作面板上的三个指示灯显示: 绿色LED指示灯,操作显示:此LED点亮时排出行程被激活。 黄色的LED指示灯,报警指示灯:如果设备装有浮动开关,LED灯亮时,表明液面低于第一触发液面。 红色LED指示灯,故障指示灯:如果装有浮子开关,指示灯亮起来时说明液位测量发生故障。它闪烁时表示未定义的运行状态2.6 保养.为确保化学定量泵工作安全和性能可靠,必须进行定期保养。正常

14、保养间隔为三个月。这是根据其运行时间大约为30时制定的。但在使用比较频繁的情况下,保养周期应缩短。进行以下维护工作: 检查泵短期运行时进给率是否正确。 检查排气孔处的化学品是否渗流。 检查排出管与液源端连接是否牢固。 检查排出和吸入阀是否牢固地固定。 检查液源端尤其是排气孔处的水密性。 检查膜片是否损坏检查液源端的固定螺丝是否上紧。 检查泄放阀是否牢牢地固定到位。 检查泄放功能是否正常运行。 检查电气接线有没有破损。Boiler System1 Condenser1.1 General description Aalborg Industries MD condensers are of th

15、e shell and tube type with straight tubes and an externally sealed floating head. The MD condenser is primarily used as dump condenser/drain cooler for exhaust gas boilers, or as steam heated tank cleaning heater for sea water. The condensers are approved by major marine classification societies.The

16、rmometers, drain valve, air valve, and pressure gauge can be fitted on designated BSP threads. These components may be supplied on request. Control equipment for either steam or water is optional.1.2 Installation space requirementsWhen mounting the condenser sufficient space must be allowed for with

17、drawal of the tube insert for cleaning, inspection, or replacement purposes. The condenser must be placed on a level and stable surface.1.3 StorageIf the condenser must be stored prior to the installation, it should be in a dry storage room. If the storage room is damp, the condenser must be wrapped

18、 together with bags of silica gel. To avoid damages it is recommend that the condenser is stored in the original packing.The condenser has been hydrostatically tested before delivery. The used test medium contains a certain amount of corrosion protection . When the condenser is kept in storage for a

19、n extended period of time, it is recommend to use Castrol Rustilo Aqua 2 as protection against corrosion.1.4 installationThe condenser is designed for either vertical or horizontal installation. In case of horizontal installation the steam inlet nozzle must face upwards, and the condensate outlet no

20、zzle face downwards.If the condenser is mounted vertically, the steam inlet and sea water outlet end must face upwards. Drain and air vent valves must be mounted according to the orientations of the condenser e.g. lowest and highest thread position on the shell.Any optional control equipment must al

21、ways be installed according to specific instructions.STEP A:Place the condenser on a level and plane surface.STEP B:Drill the holes for the foundation bolts.STEP C:Place the bolts into the holes and tighten up.Connecting the condenserSTEP D:Remove all plugs and blind flanges before connecting the co

22、ndenser.STEP E:Ensure that no impurities are present in the connectionSTEP F:Set up the pipe connections and make sure that no forces from the piping are transferred to the condenser1.5 CommissioningBefore start-up it is important to make sure that all connections are securely tightened. It is equal

23、ly important that the condenser and the connecting pipes are thoroughly air-vented.STEP A:If a safety valve is fitted it must be adjusted to maximum design pressure or lower.STEP B:Tighten all main flange bolts . Always use a torque wrench when tightening the flange bolts.STEP C:Operate the condense

24、r for one hour, stop, and retighten all bolts .STEP D:Both sides of the condenser must be carefully vented and the circuits carefully inspected for leakage during the whole start-up period.1.6 PerformanceThe performance of the condenser is subject to the conditions specified in the heat transfer cal

25、culation sheet. It is particularly important that the steam pressure is maintained as specified, since lowering the pressure may cause excessive inlet velocity which may be both noisy and harmful to the condenser, as well as the lower pressure will decrease the thermal performance. Usually it will b

26、e sufficient to evaluate the performance of the condenser by monitoring the outlet temperature of either the condensate or the water outlet temperature . If the condensate temperature is too high or the sea water outlet temperature is too low, either the condenser needs cleaning or the operating par

27、ameters are incorrect. Check the operating conditions and take appropriate corrective action to bring the performance back to the required level.1.7 Conservation during shut down periodsCorrosion occurrences in shut down periods are mainly caused by oxygen. The corrosion occurs if non-distilled, alk

28、aline or sea water remains in the condenser. However, even when fully emptied, the condenser is exposed to corrosion caused by water residues or condensation. Hence, when out of service, it should be protected against corrosion by flushing with fresh water on the sea water side and carefully drainin

29、g of both sides.If the condenser is out of service for an extended period of time in particular during winter seasons with frost it must be carefully emptied. Open the air vent valve and check for clogging.1.8 Maintenance and cleaningThe condenser should be cleaned regularly by removing the tube ins

30、ert every twelve months or at any time there is a decrease in output not related to other causes.STEP A:Check if any deposits have collected in the water boxes or in/on the tubes.STEP B:Cleaning of the tube bundle from the outside is carried out after removing the tube insert using a liquid jet STEP

31、 C:Cleaning of the tube bundle from the inside is carried out after removing the cover by flushing the tubes with e.g. citric acid. To remove scales or impurities a soft nylon brush can be used, but it is very important not to damage the tube surface during mechanical cleaning.STEP D:Once every year

32、 the safety valve must be checked for correct set point. 1.9 Dismantling and reassembling of the tube bundleWhen the tube bundle must be pulled from the condenser, the sea water connections must be dismantled and the water boxes at the steam inlet removed. Loosen the bolts for the other water box an

33、d use the jacking bolts in the water box to pull the water box off the tight O-ring fitting with the tube sheet. Protect the floating end tube sheet packing surface with a wrap of tape before pulling the bundle. Handle the bundle and water boxes with care, since both tubes and packing surfaces can b

34、e damaged by impact.Inspect the tube bundle, water boxes and the shell for damage and excessive wear, make necessary repairs and cleaning and reassemble the condenser. Fit new O-rings to the floating end water box gasket grooves and grease with heat resistant silicone grease to ease the mounting and

35、 increase the gasket life time. Mount the bundle in the shell and remember to protect the packing surface of the tube sheet before inserting the bundle. It is extremely important that the impingement plate is facing the steam inlet nozzle, otherwise the tubes may fail prematurely due to erosion. Mou

36、nt the fixed end water box. Remove the protective tape from the floating end tube sheet and gently slide the floating head water box on. Use the flange bolts to ensure a proper fitting without yawing of the water box. Set up the piping again and tighten all bolts.Gasket surfaces must be cleaned and

37、protected against damage. New gaskets should be fitted every time a connection has been dismantled. To ensure a tight fit only original spares should be used when replacing the gaskets and O-rings.Always use a torque wrench when tightening the flange bolts.Operate the condenser for one hour, stop, a

38、nd retighten all bolts A pressure test should be carried out to prove tight joints.Both sides of the condenser must be carefully vented and the circuits carefully inspected for leakage during the whole start-up period.1.10 Spare partsWhen ordering spare parts please state the serial number of the co

39、ndenser (located on the nameplate). For spare parts and further information please contact Aalborg Industries.2 Chemical dosing pump2.1 GeneralThe chemical dosing pump is a microprocessor controlled solenoid metering pump. The pump offers highly accurate reproducible metering in the dosing of liquid

40、 chemicals in pressurised pipe systems, and into open and closed containers. The main components of the chemical dosing pump are the operating panel, power end, and liquid end.The working principle of the pump is that chemical feed occurs as a result of pulsed deflections of the dosing diaphragm wit

41、hin the liquid end, which causes pressure differentiation between the suction side, liquid end cavity, and discharge side. The pressure differentiation causes the suction and discharge self-acting valves to open and close, resulting in chemical feed. The dosing diaphragm is driven by an electromagne

42、t, which is stimulated and controlled by a microprocessor.The pump capacity (feed rate) is determined by the stroke length and stroke rate. The stroke length is set between 0% and 100% using the stroke length adjustment knob. Optimum dosing reproducibility is achieved by setting the stroke length be

43、tween 30% and 100%. The stroke rate adjustable in 10% steps between 0% and 100% using the multifunction switch. However, in external operating mode the stroke rate is controlled by electrical signals.2.2 SafetyThe following safety guide lines must always be observed during installation, commissionin

44、g, operation, maintenance, and repair: (1)Please note that the pump is not designed for:Use with gaseous chemicals or suspended solids and in explosion-hazardous locations.(2)In emergency cases the pump should be switched off immediately. Disconnect the power cable from the power supply.(3)The pump

45、must be accessible at all times for both operation and servicing. Access must not be obstructed in any way.(4)The pumps and peripherals must be serviced and repaired by qualified and authorised persons only.(5)Before working on a pump always disconnect the mains power.(6)Before working on a pump alw

46、ays de-pressurise the discharge line, empty the liquid end, and rinse out.(7)Always read the chemical safety data.(8)Always wear protective clothing when handling hazardous or unknown chemicals.(9)Never allow the metering pump to operate if the discharge line is blocked, as this can result in a rupt

47、ure of the discharge line.2.3 Installation2.3.1 general InstallationThe chemical dosing pump is normally pre-mounted a chemical tank. However, in case that the pump must be mounted elsewhere or replaced please observe the following general installation notes (1)The chemical dosing pump must be located in an environment with ambient temperature between -10C to +45C and a maximum permissible relative humidity of 92% non-condensing.(2)The pump must be mounted with the pump foot resting on a firm horizontal base. Ensure that it is fastened into place firmly, and


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