2019-2020同步外研英语必修三新突破课时分层作业:1 Learning about Language Word版含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业(一)课时分层作业(一) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1The tsunami destroyed all the houses on the coast,more than 50 percent of which were built (build) in wooden structure in recent years. 2Samuel Clemens,known (know) as Mark Twain,wrote many popular stories. 3The farmers living conditions have improved (

2、improve) greatly ever since the policy of supporting agriculture was introduced. 4He got himself into a bad situation (situate) where he was likely to lose the game. 5Why did the teacher get angry? Because of what we had done the day before yesterday. 6He works in a city located (locate) in the nort

3、hwest of Canada. 7Out rushed(rush) the boy with his slippers on when he heard the terrible noise. 8Faced(face) with so many difficulties ahead,the girl doubted whether she could get through the task on time. 9 The bookstore is across the street, but we have to go there through the underground passag

4、e. 10There is a wide range of books in the bookshop,whose prices range from 1 dollar to 20 dollars. .完成句子 1山顶上坐落着一个能一览全城美景的古老的小屋。 At the top of the hill lies an old cottage which has a wonderful view of the whole city. 2面对这么骇人的数字,男孩儿们站在那里,不知道说什么。 The boys,faced with this terrifying figure,stood ther

5、e,not knowing what to say. 3那座三层的办公楼位于河的东岸。 The threestorey office building is situated on the eastern bank of the river. 4超过 60%的学生觉得掌握一些计算机技能是必要的。 More than 60 percent of students feel it a must to master some computer skills. 5由于大雾,今天早些时候公路上发生了数起事故。 Several accidents happened on the highway early

6、 this morning because of the heavy fog 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 Spain is a country that lies in southwestern Europe.Its surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the south and the east,while to the north of Spain lie France, Andorra and the Bay of Biscay.The west and northwest of Spain are surrounded b

7、y Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. The official name of the state is the Kingdom of Spain.Madrid is the capital city, which is also one of the famous places in Spain.Spain,which covers 506,000 square meters,is one of the largest countries in Europe. The weather in Spain differs from one area to anot

8、her.Most of the rain that happens in Spain is in the mountainous areas.The plains hardly receive any rainfall. Soccer in Spain is an important part of life of the people in Spain.Its said that Spanish children learn to walk and play soccer at exactly the same time.Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are tw

9、o Spanish soccer teams,which are respected by soccer fans not only in Spain,but all over the world.The popularity of the sport can be judged from the fact that three major soccer teams, which are Real Madrid, Atletico de Madrid,and Rayo Vallecano,were born in Madrid. If you are a tourist,then you wo

10、uld want to know about the driving rules in Spain.If youre not from the European Union,Switzerland,Norway,Iceland,or Liechtenstein,then for you to drive youll have to carry your international drivers license.Bad news if you havent celebrated your 18th birthday.If you want to rent a car, then you mus

11、t have completed 21 years of age.If youre driving,make sure you carry all the documents on you at all times during your stay in Spain. 【语篇解读】 本文介绍了西班牙的地理位置、首都、国土面积、天气、流 行全国的足球运动以及驾驶规则等。 1Paragraph 1 is mainly about Athe history of Spain Bthe location of Spain Cfamous cities in Spain Dneighboring cou

12、ntries of Spain B 段落大意题。通读第一段可知,本段主要介绍了西班牙的地理位置,包 括其所处大洲、邻国及所濒临的海洋。 2What is the best example showing that soccer is popular in Spain? AThree major soccer teams were born in Madrid. BSpanish people enjoy watching soccer matches. CSpanish people play soccer when they are walking. DSpanish soccer team

13、s have fans all over the world. A 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,最能体现在西班牙足球受欢迎 的程度的是三支主要足球队均诞生于马德里。 3Who is allowed to rent a car in Spain? ATom who is 17 years old. BJenny who is 19 years old. CMike who is 20 years old. DBrown who is 22 years old. D 细节理解题。根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,在西班牙,只有 21 岁以上 的人才能租用汽车,故选 D 项。 4The purpo

14、se of the passage is to Aexplain how to enjoy life in Spain Bprove Spain is a beautiful country Cmake readers know more about Spain Dattract more people to pay a visit to Spain C 写作意图题。本文介绍了西班牙的地理位置、首都、国土面积、天气、 流行全国的足球运动以及驾驶规则等。由此可推知,其目的是让读者进一步了解 西班牙。 .完形填空 It was 1952 and my father was away at war,

15、leaving my mother and me behind to face hardship alone.I was ten.My mother was a 1 and worked at the local clinic a few blocks from where we lived. The bell rang and 2 of Christmas were the only thing on my mind.I raced home.The apartment was empty and a note was 3 to the refrigerator.My mother was

16、working a double shift and 4 me instructions for the day.We had planned on making Christmas biscuits 5 ,but my mother 6 it. I carefully 7 through mothers closet, finding most of the 8 for Christmas wrapped in linen cloth,all but one toy,a model airplane.I was still 9 at my mother and I threw the air

17、plane onto the floor,breaking one of its wings.I stood 10 .How was I going to explain this? Then I heard my mother coming through the door.I 11 to my room. After telling my mother the horrible 12 ,I did not hear my mother 13 me.She just told me to follow her.Climbing the steps without catching our 1

18、4 ,we entered the clinic.There in a bed was a boy who looked very sick. “He is going to die,Danny, ” my mother told me, “ 15 today,maybe tomorrow.He loves planes.I knew his mother could not 16 to buy him one.So I did.I count my blessings every night and think of this boy and how 17 I am that you are

19、 not in that bed.” The 18 cut hard and sharp in my heart.The tears 19 down my face and I was so guilty.I ran home as fast as I could and into my room where I 20 myself to sleep. 【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。讲述作者非常不满妈妈不遵守圣诞节的承诺, 妈妈把作者领到医院说,我很感激那个躺在病床上的孩子不是我的儿子,让作者 泪流满面。 1A.saleswoman Bsurgeon Cteacher Dclerk B sale

20、swoman 女店员;surgeon 外科医生;teacher 老师;clerk 员工;句意: 我的妈妈是一个外科医生,在当地一家诊所工作,离我们住的地方有几条街。故 选 B 项。 2A.thoughts Bmemories Cdesires Dhopes A thoughts 想法;memories 记忆;desires 愿望;hopes 希望;句意:铃响了, 圣诞节的想法一直在我心中萦绕。根据“We had planned on making Christmas biscuits ”可知选 A 项。 3A.written Bfound Cattached Dsent C written 写

21、;found 发现;attached 粘;sent 送;句意:家里没有人,一张 纸条贴在冰箱上。attach sth.to 把贴在上,故选 C 项。 4A.reminded Bprovided Csaved Dleft D reminded 提醒;provided 提供;saved 挽救;left 留下;句意:妈妈在值班, 给我留下说明,故选 D 项。 5A.alone Bsoon Ctogether Dimmediately C alone 单独地;soon 很快;together 一起;immediately 立刻;句意:我们 本计划一块做圣诞饼干,但妈妈破坏了它,故选 C 项。 6A.r

22、uined Brefused Cforgot Dchallenged A ruined 毁坏;refused 拒绝;forgot 忘记;challenged 挑战;句意:我们本 计划一块做圣诞饼干,但妈妈破坏了它,根据语境可知妈妈不在,故选 A 项。 7A.walked Bhunted Cbroke Dgot B walked 走;hunted 猎杀;broke 打碎;got 得到;句意:我小心地在妈妈 的壁橱里面寻找,找到一些亚麻布包装的礼物。hunt through 寻找,故选 B 项。 8A.toys Bgifts Cclothes Dsupplies B toys 玩具;gifts 礼

23、物;clothes 衣服;supplies 供应物;句意:我小心地在 妈妈的壁橱里面寻找,找到一些亚麻布包装的礼物,故选 B 项。 9A.anxious Bpleased Cmad Deager C anxious 焦虑的;pleased 高兴的;mad 疯狂的;eager 迫切的;句意:我 对妈妈很生气,我把小飞机扔到地上,摔坏了机翼,故选 C 项。 10A.awake Bhappy Cwild Dfrozen D awake 醒着的;happy 高兴的;wild 野蛮的;frozen 冻僵的;句意:我僵 住了。故选 D 项。 11A.raced Bremoved Cstruggled Dw

24、andered A raced 全速前进;removed 去除;struggled 努力;wandered 徘徊;句意: 我快速跑回我房间。根据语境可知选 A 项。 12A.note Bidea Ctruth Dmessage C note 纸条;idea 想法;truth 真相;message 信息;句意:当我告诉妈妈 这个可怕的真相后,我没有听到妈妈对我的斥责。根据语境可知选 C 项。 13A.quarrel with Bshout at Cworry about Dcheer up B quarrel with 与争吵;shout at 斥责;worry about 担心;cheer u

25、p 欢呼; 句意 : 当我告诉妈妈这个可怕的真相后,我没有听到妈妈对我的斥责,故选 B 项。 14A.calmness Bsweat Crest Dbreath D calmness 平静;sweat 汗水;rest 休息;breath 呼吸;句意:我们一口气 到了诊所。catch ones breath 喘气,故选 D 项。 15A.Possibly BCertainly CProperly DRegularly A possibly 可能地;certainly 当然;properly 恰当地;regularly 有规律地; 句意 : 妈妈告诉我,他要死了,可能就是今天,也可能是明天。根据语

26、境可知选 A 项。 16A.encourage Bpersuade Cafford Dforce C encourage 鼓励;persuade 说服;afford 买得起;force 强迫;句意:我知 道他的妈妈买不起飞机就给他买了一个。could not afford sth.买不起某物,故选 C 项。 17A.wonderful Bgrateful Chopeful Dhelpful B wonderful 精彩的;grateful 感激的;hopeful 有希望的;helpful 有帮助的; 句意:我每天晚上祈祷,想起这个孩子,我多么感激躺在病床上的不是你。根据 语境可知选 B 项。

27、18A.scolds Bcomments Cphrases Dwords D scolds 责备;comments 评论;phrases 短语;words 语言;句意:这些话 常常刺痛我的心。根据语境可知选 D 项。 19A.floated Bdropped Cslowed Drolled D floated 飘浮;dropped 落下;slowed 慢慢;rolled 滚动;句意:眼泪从我 的脸上落下,我非常内疚。根据语境可知选 D 项。 20A.cried Bmade Cturned Dmoved A cried 哭;made 使;turned 转向;moved 移动;句意:我赶紧跑回家,回 到我的房间,哭着睡着了。根据语境可知选 A 项。


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