2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:Module 3 Section Ⅴ Writing——邀请信 Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:Module 3 Section Ⅴ Writing——邀请信 Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:Module 3 Section Ⅴ Writing——邀请信 Word版含答案.pdf(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Writing邀请信 文体指导 邀请信属于应用文,主要用来邀请某人参加宴会、庆祝活动或会议等。邀请 信可分为正式的邀请信(请柬)和非正式的邀请信两种。 我们平时所写的通常是非正式的邀请信。它与普通信件的格式基本一样: 1称呼; 2开头语; 3活动内容、时间及地点; 4结束语; 5落款。 亮点句式 1Im writing to invite you to. 我写信是想邀请您 2I wonder if you can come . 我在想您是否能来参加 3My family and I would feel much honored if you could come. 如果您能来

2、,我们全家都将感到不胜荣幸。 4We are looking forward to your coming with great pleasure. 我们高兴地期待着您的到来。 5It is my pleasure for me to invite you to . 非常荣幸邀请您参加 6I hope youre not too busy to come. 我期望您在百忙之中光临。 7Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. 是否参加,请早日告之。 8I am longing to see you soon.

3、 我盼望您早点来。 写作任务 假设你是美国的 Ann, 你的朋友 Susan 很想知道中国学校里常见的身势语。 你 应 Susan 的要求邀请中国的留学生李华于 5 月 12 日共进晚餐,并就以下问题做一 些介绍; 1学生如何向老师问好? 2在学校里拥抱常见吗? 3老师拍学生的头是不是无礼啊? 你们准备 6 点吃晚餐,这样就有较长的时间交谈。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题谋篇 体裁应用文时态一般现在时 主题邀请共进晚餐人称第一和第三人称 结构 第一段:介绍邀请的原因; 第二段:具体介绍中国学校的一些身势语; 第三段:希望对方回应。 遣词造句 .对接模

4、块词汇 1request n请求;要求 2invite vt.邀请 3vary vi.变化 4hug n.拥抱 5rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的 6prolong vt.延长 7body language身势语 8say hello to向问候 .巧用模块句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1应她的请求,我想邀请您在 5 月 12 日与我们共进晚餐。 At her request, Id like to invite you to have supper with us on May 12th. 2众所周知,问候因地而异。 People know that greeting vary from pl

5、ace to place 3在学校学生怎样向老师表达问候? How do students in China say hello to their teachers at school? 4无论是不是亲密朋友,在我们国家拥抱是很常见的。 Whether they are close friends or not, hugs are common in our country. 5我们计划 6 点开始晚餐以便能延长我们的谈话。 We plan to have supper at six to prolong our talk. (二)句式升级 6用 it 作形式主语或 as 引导的定语从句改写

6、2 句 Its known that greeting vary from place to place.(it) As is known greeting vary from place to place.(as) 7用 so that 引导的目的状语从句改写 5 句 We are planning supper at six so that we can prolong our talk. 妙笔成篇 _ _ _ _ _ _ 【参考范文】 Dear Li Hua, My friend, Susan is interested in body language in Chinese schoo

7、ls. At her request, Id like to invite you to have supper with us on May 12th, and introduce some body language to us. Its known that greeting vary from place to place. How do students in China say hello to their teachers at school? Whether they are close friends or not, hugs are common in our country. What about the students in your country? Whats more, we often see in some Chinese films that teachers pat students on the head. Is it rude? We plan to have supper at six so that we can prolong our talk. Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Ann


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