2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:6 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:6 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破课时分层作业:6 Section Ⅲ、Ⅳ Word版含解析.pdf(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业课时分层作业(六六) Section 、 语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1Generally speaking,a lack of sleep can make you feel tired and look pale. 2If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished(punish) 3Large amounts of water are(be) needed for the crops as a result of the dry climate. 4Youll find the map of great

2、 value in helping you get around Hong Kong. 5These books are intended(intend) for children under nine years old. 6The hunters killed the elephants illegally(illegal) for the valuable tusks in this area. 7Having worked(work) for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule. 8She began to f

3、eel at home in the school when she saw some familiar faces. 9The task must be accomplished(accomplish) within three days and it permits of no delay. 10Mr.Zhang accumulated(accumulate) a lot of experience in finance while he worked in the American bank. .完成句子 1他们做了力所能及的事来引起政府对这个案件的关注。 They did all th

4、at they could to bring the case to the attention of the government. 2当今很多人都关注环境的污染。 Nowadays many people are concerned about/for the pollution of the environment. 3只有你认识到英语的重要性,你才能全身心投入其中。 Only when you realize the importance of English can you put your heart into it. 4直到昨天你告诉我我才意识到全部错误。 It was not

5、until you told me yesterday that I realized all my mistakes. 5请帮我们把调查问卷分发给委员会成员们。 Please help me distribute the questionnaires to the committee members. 高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 A Flaubert had it that “one way of tolerating existence is to lose oneself in literature as in an unending party”It turns out that

6、reading doesnt only help us to tolerate existence,but actually lengthens it. A recent study by Yale University researchers,published online in the journal Social Science the research showed only an association between book reading and longevity,not a causal relationship.But the findings are not so s

7、urprising.Other recent research showed that reading novels appears to increase both brain connectivity and sympathy. 【语篇解读】 研究发现,阅读和长寿有一定的联系,阅读者的平均寿命比 不读书的人长将近两岁。 1Why does the author mention Flauberts words in the first paragraph? ATo stress the value of reading. BTo compare reading with a party. C

8、To introduce the study on reading. DTo support the findings of the study. C 推理判断题。 文章第一段引用 Flaubert 的名言说明读书的作用, 接着第二 段介绍了耶鲁大学关于读书与死亡风险之间关系的研究。据此可以判断,引用 Flaubert 的名言旨在介绍对阅读的作用的研究,故 C 项正确。 2From the text,what can we learn about the study? ANo similar study on reading has been carried out. BThe process

9、 of the study lasted more than ten years. CIt shows readers live two years longer than nonreaders. DIt shows time spent on reading increases ones love for it. B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“book readers.to nonreaders”可知,在 12 年的跟踪调查中发现,与不读书的人相比,阅读者的死亡风险降低了 20%。据此 可知,该项调查持续了十多年,故 B 项正确。 3What do the underlined words

10、 “thats the case” probably mean? AReading books enables people to live longer. BReading is similar to a healthy diet and exercise. CReading books is closely associated with longevity. DReading increases brain connectivity and sympathy. A 词义猜测题。根据上文中的“books appear to promote a significant survival ad

11、vantage”及上文所述的研究结论“读书可以 延长寿命”和该句“Why or how thats the case.not a causal relationship.”可知,阅读为什么以及以什么方式 延长读者寿命,人们仍然不清楚。据此可知,画线词指代研究表明的“读书可以 延长寿命” ,故 A 项正确。 4Where can we most probably read this text? Ahttps:/ Bhttps:/ Chttps:/ Dhttp:/www.thebookbag.co.uk/BookRecommendations. C 文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文主要说明了阅读和长

12、寿有一定的联系, 阅读者的平均寿命比不读书的人长将近两岁,阅读能增强大脑的功能。据此可以 判断,本文属于健康话题,因此最可能摘自健康网站,故 C 项正确。 B Matthew Ames returned to Brisbane from Melbourne at the weekend after experiencing one of many rounds of surgery, becoming Australias first bionic (仿 生 学 的 ) man.Matthew Ames was at home on Monday morning, adjusting to n

13、ational media attention and life with titanium rods (钛杆) in what remains of his arms and legs.If all goes to plan, later in the year he will have more surgery to fix bionic prosthetics (假肢) It all started 15 months ago,when the Origin Energy engineerwho lived with his wife Diane and four children in

14、 Camp Hill in Brisbanes eastbegan feeling like he was coming down with the “man flu”A week later he was in hospital,senseless and on life support,which was caused by a deadly form of bacteria. “He had a 99% chance of dying, ” Matthews son Luke,9,said in a program, Sunday Night which drew more than 2

15、.12 million viewers nationally. Matthews younger sons Ben,8,and Will,7,added:“And only 1% of living.” Proudly Will concluded:“And the 1% won against the 99%.” Matthews families were told Matthews only chance of survival was to have his four limbs removed.For Diane,the choice was easy.She could not a

16、llow their children to grow up without a father.Eventually,Matthew came to,only to find he had no arms and legs. On Monday,he is attending a Pride of Australia Medal ceremony for which he has been nominated (被提名) in the courage category.“The 40yearold is slowly getting used to a few more people know

17、ing about his story, ” his sister Kate told Fairfax Media.“We told his story so that he was known to the kids,and thus people wouldnt stop and stare, ” Kate continued.“Were not sure what to expect now that his story has aired across Australia.The effect it would have in a positive way on people is b

18、eyond our expectation.” 【语篇解读】 澳大利亚人 Matthew Ames 因病不得不截去四肢以挽救其生 命,手术后,Matthew 又通过多次手术安装了假肢,他战胜病魔的意志和决心鼓舞 了很多人。 5From the first two paragraphs we can learn that Matthew Ames Ahas finished all of his operations Bis the first bionic man in the world Cis becoming the focus of the public Dhad his arms a

19、nd legs cut completely C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“adjusting to national media attention”可知, 他正成为公众焦点。 6From what Matthew Ames sons say,we can conclude that Ait was a wonder for their father to escape from death Bmost doctors refused to operate on their father Cthe sons love is the cure of their fathers disease

20、 Dthe sons pray moved God and saved their father A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“He had a 99% chance of dying”和第五段中 的“And the 1% won against the 99%.”可推断出 A 正确。 7What was the attitude of Matthews wife when he was advised to cut his legs and arms? ADoubtful. BSupportive. CCautious.DCasual. B 推理判断题。根据第六段中的“For Diane,

21、the choice was easy.She could not allow their children to grow up without a father.”可判断出,他的妻子 Diane 是支 持他截肢保命的。 8What would be the best title for the passage? AA Lucky FatherBA Bionic Man CA National HeroDA Reliable Husband B 标题归纳题。 这是一则关于 Matthew Ames 因病截肢后安装人工假肢的新 闻报道,所以用 A Bionic Man 作为标题最合适。 .短文

22、改错 Dear Green, Im glad that you are coming to Beijing to travelling.Beijing is famous for its many places of interests,such as the Temple of Heaven,the Forbidden City the Great Wall.Its a good idea to buy the guidebook before travelling.When you will go around the city,you may pick up a little Chine

23、se,what brings you a lot of fun.A camera is necessary so that you can share what you see in Beijing with you friends when you go back.By the way,because it is usual hot in summer in Beijing,remember to bring a hat,a pair of sunglasses or some Tshirts with you.Im looking forward to your going. Yours,

24、 Li Hua 答案 Dear Green, Im glad that you are coming to Beijing to .Beijing is famous for its travelling travel many places of ,such as the Temple of Heaven,the Forbidden City interests interest and the Great Wall.Its a good idea to buy guidebook before travelling.When you the a go around the city,you

25、 may pick up a little Chinese, brings you a lot of fun.A what which camera is necessary so that you can share what you see in Beijing with friends you your when you go back.By the way,because it is hot in summer in Beijing, usual usually remember to bring a hat,a pair of sunglasses some Tshirts with you.Im looking or and forward to your . going coming Yours, Li Hua


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