2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破阶段综合检测:3 Word版含解析.pdf

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1、阶段综合检测(三)阶段综合检测(三) .阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Upcoming Exhibits Step through our doors and discover a world of treasures!The Latino Arts Gallery is showing the work of Hispanic and Latin American artists.All our exhibits are carefully selected for their cultural and educational value. Admissio

2、n is a suggested donation of $1.The public is invited to attend our opening reception.Advance reservations(预定)for group tours are required;reserve your groups spot on our For Teachers page or by emailing infolatinoartsine.org. Use this guide to get a better experience. Hombres de Arcilla By Alberto

3、Villalobos Hombres de Arcilla (Men of Clay), is a collection of handmade clay(黏 土)masks.“In Mesoamerican cultures,masks had a strong connection with life and death.To me,clay represents the fragility(脆弱)of life,yet the resilience(坚韧)of the human spirit, ”expresses Villalobos. On view:February 1March

4、 10 Gallery hours:MondayFriday 9 am.to 8 pm. Dia de los Muertos Ofrendas Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead),a Mexican celebration,is a day to celebrate,remember,and prepare special foods in memory of those who have passed away.It is believed that the spirits of the dead visit their families on

5、 that day. On view:March 15April 16 Opening reception:Friday,March 15 at 5:00 pm. Gallery hours:MondayFriday 9 am.to 5 pm. Diego y Frida:A Smile Halfway Through the Journey This exhibition takes a look at the life and relationship between artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, as seen through the len

6、s(镜 头 )of some of the most famous photographers of their time. A selection of works from local artists inspired by Kahlo and Rivera will also be on show. On view:May 3June Opening reception: Friday,May 3 at 5: 00 pm.Gallery hours: MondayFirday 9 am.to 8 pm. 【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了拉丁美洲艺术画廊的三个展览。 1How can

7、 a visitor attend the exhibit? ABy donating one dollar. BBy booking a ticket in advance. CBy emailing infolatinoartsinc.org. DBy reserving a spot on the For Teachers page. A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 Admission is a suggested donation of $1 可 知,捐款一美元便可以进入展馆。 2When can people see Hombres de Arcilla? AIn May and J

8、une. BIn early April. CIn late March. DIn February. D 细节理解题。根据 Hombres de Arcilla 部分中的 On view: February 1 March 10 可知,Hombres de Arcilla 的展览时间为 2 月 1 日至 3 月 10 日。 3What does Diego y Frida focus on? AThe life of two artists. BThe festival for the dead. CThe clay masks made by Villalobos. DThe photos

9、 taken by Kahlo and Rivera. A 细节理解题。根据 Diego y Frida: A Smile Halfway Through the Journey 部分中的 This exhibition takes a look at the life and relationship between artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera 可知答案。 B It was around the 4th grade when I started noticing that I didnt fit in that well with a lot o

10、f kids in my grade.While the other girls were starting to wear makeup,style their hair,and only wear fashionable clothing,I stayed the same.At first I didnt care,but then I started to feel a little worried.I was afraid that the other girls wouldnt like me.I wanted to be like them,but I really hated

11、that. After I entered the 5th grade my mom found a local vocal (歌唱的) studio.I had always loved to sing,and taking lessons seemed like fun.I was thrown into a brilliant world of music.Something inside me just clicked,and I had finally found where I belonged.Music gave me a place of my own in the worl

12、d. Starting voice lessons was the first of many times that music has changed my life.In the 7th grade,I really didnt fit in at middle school.Being an athlete is what made you popular,and I was not super athletic.Music saved me again.Every day I knew I could come home from school and sing.I would bec

13、ome someone else.I would let the music fill my body and shine its light in the darkest corners.The light gave me strength.I became friends with other people who were into music.Music also gave me courage. Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “Life without music would be a mistake.” This is true for me.Wit

14、hout music,my life would be a mistake.Maybe I would have found another hobby,but I doubt that it would help and change me the way music did.I know that music had changed my life. 【语篇解读】 作者在学校时并不是很合群,幸好她有音乐,是音乐给了她 勇气,改变了她。 4What was the problem that faced the author in the 4th grade? ANo one around h

15、er liked her. BShe had no fashionable clothing. CShe didnt know how to dress up. DShe didnt fit in well with others. D 细节理解题。根据第一段的“It was around the 4th grade when I started noticing that I didnt fit in that well with a lot of kids in my grade.”可知, 作者当时的问 题是不很合群。 5Taking music lessons made the auth

16、or most probably Aworried Bdisappointed CcheerfulDsurprised C 推理判断题。根据第二段的“I was thrown into a brilliant world of music.Something inside me just clicked,and I had finally found where I belonged.”可 推断作者很高兴。 6When the author was in middle school,she Afell in love with sports Bbecame very popular at sc

17、hool Cdecided to become a great athlete Dmade friends with those who loved music D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“I became friends with other people who were into music.”可知作者在初中时跟一些喜欢音乐的人成为了朋友。 7What would be the best title for the text? AMusic Changed Me BMy Young Life CI Found Myself DMy Hobbies A 标题归纳题。根据文章内容可知,作者

18、在学校里并不是很合群,后来是 音乐给了她勇气,改变了她,故选 A 项。 C Only one native speaker of Livonian remains on Earth,in Latvia.The Alaskan language Eyak went extinct last year when its last surviving speaker passed away.Those are just two of the nearly 2, 500 languages that UNESCO said are in danger of becoming extinct or ha

19、ve recently disappeared.Thats out of a total of 6,000 world languages. In a presentation of a new world atlas(图解集) of endangered languages in Paris, linguists stressed the list is not restricted to small or faraway countries.They also sought to encourage immigrants to treasure their native languages

20、.“Language endangerment is a universal phenomenon, ” said Christopher Moseley, an Australian linguist who edited the third edition of the atlas,which is to appear in digital and paper versions.The atlas says 200 languages have become extinct in the last three generations,and another 199 languages ha

21、ve fewer than 10 speakers left. More than a quarter of the 192 languages once spoken in the United States have disappeared.Another 71 are severely endangered,according to the atlas.There is Gros Ventre,spoken by fewer than 10 people in northern Montana.All are elderly,and none is fully fluent.The la

22、st fully fluent speaker died in 1981.Menomonee,spoken in northeast Wisconsin,has just 35 speakers left. Not all is bleak, however.Some endangered languages, like Latvias Livonian, are being revived by young people and through poetry.Marleen Habard,editor of the atlas Andean regions,said indigenous(土

23、著的) groups in South America have been at the forefront of preserving their regional tongues by pressuring governments to recognize indigenous rights.Francoise Riviere, deputy director of culture at UNESCO, said raising awareness of the importance of mother tongues is a crucial goal of the project. “

24、We are trying to teach people that the language of the country from where we come is important,and what counts is being proud of ones own language , ”she said. 【语篇解读】 本文主要报道联合国教科文组织对世界上一些濒临灭绝的语 言进行的一项研究。 8Which of the following has the largest number of speakers at present? AGros Ventre. BLivonian.

25、CEyak.DMenomonee. D 细节理解题。文章第三段说到,Gros Ventre 不到 10 人会说,第一段说到 Livonian 只剩一人会说,唯一在世的会说 Eyak 的一个人已经去世,第三段最后一 句说 Menomonee 剩 35 人会说。由此可以判断应选 D 项。 9Why did linguists encourage immigrants to treasure their native languages? AThey wouldnt be fluent in their languages if they didnt speak them for long. BIt

26、 expressed their great love for their countries. CIt helped to protect their native languages from becoming extinct. DIt would be good for recognizing indigenous rights. C 细 节 理 解 题 。 由 文 章 第 二 段 中 的 “They also sought to encourage immigrants to treasure their native languages.Language endangerment i

27、s a universal phenomenon, said Christopher Moseley” 可知, 因为一些语言处于濒临灭绝的边缘, 所以语言学家才鼓励人们重视自己的民族语言。 10The underlined word “bleak” in the last paragraph probably means“ ” AsimpleBbad CencouragingDlucky B 词义猜测题。根据最后一段第二句谈到的“一些濒临灭绝的语言,如拉 脱维亚的利沃尼亚语正由年轻人通过诗歌的形式得到复兴”和该单词后面的 however 可推知该句意思是“然而,并非所有的消息都是不好的消息”

28、,故正确答 案为 B。 11What is the best title for the passage? AUNESCO:2,500 Languages at Risk of Extinction BThe Only Native Speaker of Livonian CEndangered Languages in the United States DThe Importance of Mother Tongues A 标题归纳题。本文主要对联合国教科文组织对一些濒临灭绝的语言所做 的一项研究进行的报道,所以选 A 项。 D Kindergarten outside? Yes, ind

29、eed.Its part of a growing worldwide trend toward outdoor education.The schools are called Forest Kindergartens.The numbers are small so far in the US.,but the idea is well established in Europe,with schools in Britain and Switzerland.By far the most of such schools are in Germany,which has more than

30、 400 Waldkindergartens. Some schools feature several hours of outdoor schooling.Children enjoy a good amount of outdoor education each day, rainy or sunny.In all cases, students are active not sitting at desks but walking,running,jumping and solving problems like how to get the mud off the bottoms o

31、f their shoes before their parents find out. Seriously,the focus is on activities at these schools.All of these activities just have to be good for the childrens physical wellbeing as well.Childrens immune systems actually get stronger after all of the outdoor activities.Other studies have shown tha

32、t graduates of Waldkindergartens show a higher ability to learn when they progress through their academic careers. Other schools are all outdoors,all the time.This is the case with the Cedarsong Nature School,on Vashon Island,Wash.Students at this school come dressed for the weather, because they sp

33、end their whole threehour day outdoors, in a private fiveacre forest,not only doing all manner of physical activities but also learning much more than “just what nature has to offer” The school,begun in 2008,runs four days a week.Organizers,one of whom traded in her law practice to help start the sc

34、hool,hope to expand the school week to five days soon. In a time when so many children are being classified as obese (肥胖的) because they watch too much television and play too many video games.These outdoor schools serve as a reminder that children should open their eyes to the nonvirtual (非虚拟的) worl

35、d around them. 【语篇解读】 森林幼儿园正在逐渐兴起,孩子们可以尽情地在大自然的怀 抱里接受启蒙。 12 According to the passage, which is NOT the benefit of the Forest Kindergarten? AIt provides enough exercise. BIt helps choose future careers. CIt builds up the immune system. DIt develops problemsolving skills. B 细节理解题。根据第二、三段可知,森林幼儿园能让孩子们很

36、好地锻炼、 增强免疫力及培养解决问题的技能。 13. What can be inferred from the passage? AThe outdoor education is popular in the US. BSchools dont provide outdoor classes on rainy days. CThe Cedarsong Nature School arranges 3hour schooldays. DMost of the European countries have built Forest Kindergartens. C 推理判断题。根据第四段第三

37、句“Students at this school come dressed for the weather,because they spend their whole threehour day outdoors.”可知,在每个 上学日里,该学校的学生每天只需要学习 3 个小时。 14Whats the writers attitude towards the outdoor schools? ANeutral.BDisappointed. CNegative.DSupportive. D 作者态度题。根据文章最后一句“These outdoor schools serve as a re

38、minder that children should open their eyes to the nonvirtual (非虚拟的) world around them.”可知,作者对森林幼儿园是持支持态度的。 15Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage? ATo advise teachers to give lessons outdoors. BTo discuss the advantages of outdoor schooling. CTo introduce a new educational pattern to r

39、eaders. DTo persuade children to take part in outdoor activities. C 写作目的题。全文主要介绍了一种正在流行的户外教育模式森林幼 儿园,以及这种模式具体的教育方法和对孩子们的好处。 .阅读七选五(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) How to Stop Worrying About Being Perfect We dont have to be perfect all the time.Perfection is an illusion(幻影) because we are all human. 16 Even

40、something like a weather report or a stock prediction is out of date the second its released(发布) Question your thinking. 17 Its so subjective.Its up to us.Its not what someone else does,has,or delivers.So,ask yourself, “What do I really want?” When you find outooh! What a relief! 18 Sheryl Sandberg

41、explains that she constantly gets long emails from customers and colleagues that want long responses in return.But busy as she is,shell often reply in one sentence because its done that way.So forgive yourself for doing the similar thing when you need to.“Done is better than perfect”,as they say. Do

42、nt jump to judgment. Theres no one more critical (爱挑剔的) of you than you. 19 Because we tend to focus on whats going wrong in our study and lives over whats going right.If you have done your best,that is excellent.Go on! Enjoy the process. Life is 99 percent journey.Yes,we have those great moments th

43、at unforgettably bring us joythat praise from our teacher, the lovely touches from our parents, whatever it isbut that lasts.well.a few seconds,really.We get used to it pretty fast. 20 AHow to stop worrying? BWhat is perfect,anyway? CKnow not perfect but done. DWe all have our flaws(瑕疵) EJudge right

44、 or wrong before going on. FThen we buckle up (扣紧安全带)for the next journey. GYou dont have to be so eager to put yourself down as a failure. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。金无足赤,人无完人,人们不应过分追 求完美。文章就如何停止担心自己的完美提出了一些建议。 16D 空格前是说完美是一种幻影,因为我们都是人。空格后是说就连天 气预报和股票预测这些事情在它们发布的那一刻就属于过时消息了。 由此可知, D 项“我们都有缺点”与上下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故 D

45、 项正确。 17B 根据该段的小标题可知,该段主要是讲要质疑自己的想法。空格后 是说它是主观的,是由我们自己决定的。由此可知,B 项“到底什么是完美呢?” 与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故 B 项正确。 18C 空格处是该段的小标题,概括该段的主要内容。该段以 Sheryl 在很 忙的情况下也会用一句话回复顾客和同事的例子说明完成比完美更好的道理。由 此可知, C 项 “知道不完美但还是要做” 能概括该段的内容, 适合做该段的小标题。 故 C 项正确。 19G 根据该段的小标题和空格后一句可知,不要急着下结论,我们倾向 于关注我们在学习中出的错,并回忆着做对的事情。由此可知,G 项“不要急于 把自

46、己当作一个失败者”与下文之间为因果关系,符合语境。故 G 项正确。 20F 该段是说生活是一段又一段的旅程,我们要享受这个旅程的过程。由 此可知,F 项“然后扣紧安全带,为下一段旅程做好准备”符合该段内容。故 F 项 正确。 .完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) On Thursday night,my son Cooper realized that it was the night before the BIG DAYReading Day.Fast and madly, he 21 the house for the perfect books to brin

47、g to 22 I had handed my husband Jon 15 books.Some were too long,and others had words that Jon couldnt 23 !Jon is my sons stepfather, who is a 24 , knowing less English.Finally,Cooper 25 two books,The Very Cranky Bear and Giggle, Giggle,Quack. In Room 11 in the kindergarten,about 20 kids listened to

48、Jon 26 every word of the book.Faces lit up with smiles,kids let out 27 ,and a boy knew he had the best dad in the world.You see,Jon showed up.He 28 our son that dads mattered.Just like moms,dads need to show up.It 29 to the kidssometimes more than moms doing it.It didnt matter that Jon was so 30 He

49、sped through the first book in a matter of minutes.Who cared that he 31 screwed up (弄砸了) the first line of The Very Cranky Bear,and had to be 32 by Cooper? What mattered was that he showed up.Something magical that happened to Cooper was 33 felt by Jon.In the classroom full of kids,a dad couldnt feel 34 ! I wasnt able to see the sm


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