2019-2020同步外研英语选修九新突破讲义:Module 3 Section 3 Integrating Skills &amp Grammar Word版含答案.pdf

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1、Section Integrating Skills & Grammar protect.from.保护免受 (教 材 P36)In the 7th and 6th centuries BC, individual sections were built by different states in order to protect themselves from warrior tribes from the north. 在公元前第七和第六世纪,个别部分是由不同的国家为了保护自己免受北方 的武士部落侵害而建的。 He raised his arm to protect his face f

2、rom the blow. 他抬起手臂保护脸免受打击。 protect sb./ sth.againstfromsb./sth. 保护免遭 This special cream will protect your skin from/against the burning sun.这种独特 的乳霜可以保护皮肤免受烈日的伤害。 完成句子 你们应该保护孩子不让其受冻。 You should_the cold. 戴墨镜可以保护眼睛不受阳光刺激。 Wearing dark glasses can_the sun. 【答案】 protect the children from/against prote

3、ct your eyes from/against set off 出发;引发 (教材 P36)When Meng Jiangn did not get any news from her husband, she set off to visit him. 当孟姜女得不到丈夫的任何消息时,她便动身去拜访他。 The fouryearold dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and, being a city animal,lost both her sheep and her sense of direction

4、. 这只四岁的狗开始跨越好几个牧场去追那只绵羊,结果因为它是城市里长大 的动物,既没有追上绵羊自己还迷路了。 Do be careful with these fireworks, the slightest spark could set them off. 这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。 set up 开办;建立;设立 set out 动身;开始; set down 记下;登记;放下 set back (把钟等)往回拨;推迟 set aside 挑出;不顾;取消 set apart 使分离;使显得突出 set about (doing) sth. 开始干 It is now o

5、ur aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。 After several delays, he finally set out at 8 oclock. 几经耽搁,他终于在八点钟出发了。 He set aside a little money each week. 他每周都留出一些钱备用。 完成句子 我们现在动身去爬山。 We now_the hill. 他们在海滨附近搭起了一个帐篷。 They_near the seashore. 她把书放在一旁,点了一支香烟。 She_and lit a cigarette. 他在十岁时开始学中文。 He_Chin

6、ese at the age of ten. 【答案】 set out to climb set up a tent set aside her book set about learning/set out to learn (教材 P36)On_arriving_there,_she discovered that her husband had died. 到了那里,她发现她的丈夫已经死了。 【要点提炼】 介词 on/upon 作“在时 ; 一就”讲时,后跟 v.ing 或名词形式,相当于 as soon as 引导的状语从句。 On seeing the snake, the girl

7、 was very frightened. As soon as the girl saw the snake, she was very frightened. 一看到那条蛇,这个女孩就十分害怕。 On/Upon our arrival home, we were warmly greeted by our parents. As soon as we arrived home, we were warmly greeted by our parents. 一到家,我们就受到了父母的热烈欢迎。 英语中,表示“一就”的句型或结构还有: 用作特殊连词的名词短语 “the moment / the

8、 instant /the minute/the second从 句主句” 。 用作特殊连词的副词“immediately/instantly/directly从句主句” 。 结构 no sooner.than 和 hardly/scarcely.when。no sooner 或 hardly/scarcely 放句首时,句子用部分倒装形式 We started the moment we got your letter. 我们一收到你的信就动身了。 Ill go and help you immediately I have finished the task.我一完成这个任务就去 帮助你。

9、 Hardly had I sat down when the teacher came in. 我一坐下老师就进来了。 翻译句子 The very moment I saw you I knew you were angry with me. _ Directly I have had my breakfast I will come to the office. _ No sooner had they reached the school than it began to rain. _ 【答案】 我一看见你,就知道你在生我的气。 我一吃完早餐就去办公室。 他们一到学校天就开始下雨了。

10、collapse v倒塌;崩溃 n倒塌,崩溃 (教材 P36)She cried so long and so loudly that she caused part of the Great Wall to collapse. 她长时间的号啕大哭致使长城部分倒塌。 Having been neglected for years, the house collapsed.这所房子因年久失修而倒 塌了。 Their project collapsed for lack of money. 他们的计划因缺钱而宣告失败。 翻译句子 大洪水造成了桥的倒塌。 _ 他的身体因工作过度而垮掉了。 _ 【答案

11、】 A heavy flood caused the collapse of the bridge. His health collapsed because of overwork. am/is/are/been/go/gone/how/of/that am/is/arebe 动词 1助动词和行为动词的其他形式一起构成进行时态或被动语态。 The students are planting trees in the garden. 学生们正在花园里植树。 2作连系动词用。 (1)表性质、状态,意为“是的” 。 We are happy and healthy.我们幸福健康。 (2)表类似或同

12、一关系,意为“是,就是,为” 。 Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 (3)表等价关系,意为“等于” 。 This one is 20 pounds.这个值 20 英镑。 (4)表示存在,意为“在,发生” 。 He is away.他不在家。 3be 动词可作存在动词用,相当于 exist,live。 There is a red house in the distance. 远处有一座红房子。 4beto do 可表示将来、安排、义务、职责、意图、允许、命令、可能性等。 When are you to hand in your plan? 你们什么时候交计划? 5be do

13、ing 可表将来。 Im starting right now.我马上动身。 6“be of抽象名词”表属性。 The book is of great help to English learners. 这本书对英语学习者很有帮助。 been have/has been 到过/have/has gone 去了(某地)未回 My brother has been to Beijing several times. 我弟弟去过北京好几次了。 have been doing 现在完成进行时 had been doing 过去完成进行时 have been done 现在完成时的被动语态 had b

14、een done 过去完成时的被动语态 I have been learning English for five years. 我已经学了五年英文了。 He had been waiting for you a long time when I met him.我遇见他的时候,他已 经等你很久了。 go 1走,去 He goes to work by bus every day. 他每天坐公交车去上班。 2移动,行走 We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down. 我们行驶了大约 50 英里,汽车突然抛锚了。 3go doing

15、表示在移动中做某事 She went sobbing up the stairs. 她呜咽着上楼去了。 4go on sth.去做某事 go on a trip/go on leave 去旅行/去休假 5go for sth.去参加,去从事(某项活动或运动) go for a swim/a walk 去游泳/去散步 6goadj.变得 go mad/blind 疯了/瞎了 gone 1go 的过去分词 He has gone to Wuhan.他去武汉了。(人不在此地) 2adj.(表语形容词)用完,用光了 The coffee is all gone.咖啡都喝光了。 3adj.走了,离开了

16、Tom was gone before I arrived. 我来之前汤姆就走了。 4adj.不复存在 The days are gone when you want to get without working.不劳而获的日子一去 不复返了。 5prep.晚于;已过 Its gone six oclock already. 过了六点了。 how 1adv.怎么样,如何(引导特殊疑问句) How does it work? 它是如何工作的? 2(引导名词性从句)怎样 Ill show you how to load the software. 我将给你演示一下如何装入这套软件。 3(询问健康状

17、况)怎么样 How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉怎么样? 4(后接形容词或副词)多少,多么,多大等 How often do you go to see your parents? 你多长时间看望父母一次? How many people were alive in that accident? 有多少人在事故中生还? 5以任何方式,无论用什么方法等同于 however。 Ill dress how I like in my own house. 我在自己家里爱怎么穿就怎么穿。 6how about(征求意见)怎么样,如何 习惯搭配: How can/could you

18、!你怎么能这样!(表吃惊或不赞同) How come?为什么?怎么会? How do you do!你好!(初次见面语) Hows that?那是怎么回事? of prep. 1表空间或时间的距离 We are twenty miles short of Paris. 我们要抵达巴黎须再走二十英里。 2表“位置或方向”常接在 east,west,left,front 等单词之后 There is a picture on the front of the book. 书的封面有一幅图画。 3表“出身” She was born of good parents.她出身良家。 4表情绪或生病、死亡

19、的原因 be afraid of/be fond of/be tired of/die of 5表“部分,分量” He knows much of our business. 他知道许多关于我们的事。 6表“涉及,关于” accuse sb.of.控告某人 remind sb.of/speak of/know of. be aware of/be confident of/be sure of. 7“of抽象名词”等于这个抽象名词所对应的形容词。 a man of couragea courageous man 有勇气的人 of wisdomwise 明智的 of wealthwealthy

20、富有的 8“of名词”表所有格 The capital of Japan is Tokyo.日本的首都是东京。 9ofn.表同位关系 the city of Wuhan 武汉市 10of ones (own) ving 某人亲手的 This mistake is of his own making. 这个错误是他自己造成的。 This mistake is made by himself. 11It isadj.of sb.to do sth. It is kind of you to come to help me. 你真好,来帮助我。 that 1那,那个(远指) Look at that

21、 man over there. 看看那边那个人。 2(已知的人或物)那,那个 I was living with my parents at that time. 那时,我和父母住在一块。 3pron.那 Whats that? /What can I do about that? 那是什么?/我怎么办? 4作关系代词用来引导定语从句 Wheres the letter that came yesterday? 昨天来的那封信在哪里? 5作连词用来引导名词性从句 The fact (that) hes older than me is true. 他比我大,这的确是事实。 6so/such.

22、that.如此以至于 7adv.那样 I cant walk that far.我走不了那么远。 .微语法训练 1_will you deal with the waste paper?(疑问词填空) 2I,who_interested in music,have won three prizes in it.(be 形式填空) 3Dont handle the vase as if it_made of steel.(be 形式填空) 4How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! Its a challenge,I

23、 guess,_man against nature.(介词填空) 5Scientists study_human brains work to make computers.(疑问词填空) 6The notice came around two in the afternoon_the meeting would be postponed.(连接词填空) 7Do you think Mom and Dad_late? No,Swiss Air is usually on time.(be 形式填空) 8It was by cutting down staff_she saved the fi

24、rm.(连接词填空) 【答案】 1.How 2.am 3.were 4.of 5.how 6.that 7.will be 8.that .用 be/am/is/are/of/that/go/ been/ gone/how 填空 1_ is it going with the new job? Pretty good. 2Your mother and father must be very proud_you. 3It is reported_he has left the city. 4It was funny_we met. 5_either I or you the winner? 6

25、I_not finished with my dinner yet. But our friends_waiting for us. 7English_widely used by people in China now. 8How long will the strike_on, do you think? 9Wheres Jonathan? Hes_to visit the Great Wall.Hell_back this evening. 10Where have you_? Ive_to the Great Wall.It_wonderful. 【答案】 1.How 2.of 3.that 4.how 5.Am 6am;are 7.is 8.go 9.gone;be 10.been;been;was


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