2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破讲义:Module 3 Section Ⅳ Using Language Word版含答案.pdf

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1、Section Using Language Part 1 阅读 P35教材课文,判断正(T)误(F) 1King Edward liked having a good time.(T) 2King Edward threw the tough end over his shoulder onto the floor behind him as the Polynesian guest did so as not to embarrass him.(T) 3Not everyone present at the dinner did as the King had done.(F) 4The

2、cleaners werent very happy,for the King didnt know how to entertain his guests.(F) 5The Polynesian guest was angry when he saw all present follow his example.(F) Part 2 阅读 P39教材课文,并从四个选项中选择最佳答案 1What does the writer think about Australian meat? AIts bad for your health. BIts not highly regarded outs

3、ide Australia. CIts mostly lamb and not mutton. DIts wellknown because its very good. 2What does fusion cuisine mean? AIt means only pure, fresh ingredients. BIt means fresh ingredients from all over the world,which are prepared in a variety of ways. CIt means typical dishes from different countries

4、. DIt means a love of good food. 3How can we describe the food in Australia? AAmple and abundant. BFamous and healthy. CFragrant and delicious. DModern and popular. 4 During the 1980s each person consumed a lot of meat a year, and the consequence was that Amany people were overweight Bmore and more

5、people ate huge amounts of meat Cpeople preferred lamb to mutton Dpeople were becoming healthier 答案 14 DBBA Part 3 .速读 P41教材课文,匹配段落大意 1Para.1 AWhen the plate is used. 2Para.2 BHow the love story ended. 3Para.3 CWhat the scene on the plate means. 4Para.4 DHow its design came out. 答案 14 ADCB .细读 P41教材

6、课文,选择最佳答案 1The passage is mainly about Aa willow tree Ba love story Ca pattern plate Dtwo songbirds 2The Mandarin tried to stop his daughter from marrying the young man,perhaps because Athe young man was too poor Bthe Mandarin looked down upon the youngman Cthe status of the young man was too low DA

7、ll the above 3Which of the following statements is false? AThe willow pattern plates are kept for special occasions. BThe first plates of this kind were made in about the 17th century. CNo original Chinese designs included all the designs together. DAt last the daughter of the Mandarin and the young

8、 man were burned to death. 答案 13 CDB .根据 P41教材课文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 One of the best known 1.designs(design) on British plates is the “Willow Pattern”They 2.are kept(keep) for special occasions when important guests come to dinner.The first British plates were based 3.on Chinese designs.Josi

9、ah Spode produced the willow pattern plates named after the willow tree in 4.the center of the design by 5.mixing(mix) elements from different Chinese designs. The scene 6.pictured(picture) on the plate tells of a story of the daughter of a rich mandarin, 7.who fell in love with her fathers gardener

10、.When the mandarin discovered it, he 8.locked(lock) the girl up in the house.But the two lovers managed 9.to run(run) to a small island.The mandarin and some servants followed 10.them(they) and set fire to the two lovers sleeping hut.The two lovers were killed, but their souls were transformed into

11、songbirds. .单词拼写 1.If climate continues, we will have to suffer the consequences(后果) 2The trend(趋势) of house prices in the city is upwards. 3A local newspaper remarked(谈到) that crime was on the decrease. 4When the artificial flowers are contrasted with natural ones, you can hardly tell the differenc

12、e. 5Female English teachers outnumbered their male colleagues by two to one. 6 The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown girl to a superstar. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1entertain v招待;款待;请客entertaining adj.使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment n招待;娱乐 2casual adj.随意的;随便的casually adv.随意地 3consume v(正式)

13、吃;喝consumer n消费者 4gradual adj.逐渐的;逐步的gradually adv.逐渐地 5abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的abundance n丰盛;充裕 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1in short 总之;简言之 2set fire to 放火烧 3eat up 吃光 4as a rule 一般说来,通常 5by nature 天生地 6on close terms with 与关系密切 7on the dot 准时地 8be based on 以为基础 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1Scientific theories must be b

14、ased on facts. 2The person who set fire to the building has been caught. 3Im surprised that he has eaten up all the food in the fridge. 4I go to work by bicycle as a rule 5We will finish this meeting at 17:00 on the dot 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.The perfect host is the one who saves his guest from embarrass

15、ment whatever the cost. 完美的主人是能够不惜任何代价帮 他的客人摆脱尴尬场面的人。 whatever 引 导 的让步状语从 句。 无论他做出什么决定,我 都会支持他。 Whatever decision he made,I would support him. 2.In many homes, the willow pattern plates .are kept for special occasions, when important guests come to dinner. 在许多家庭,柳树图案的盘子只 用于重要客人来就餐的特殊场合。 when引导的非 限制性

16、定语从 句。 我们将把公园的野餐推迟 到下周,那时天气可能会 转好。 We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, when the weather may be better. entertain v招待;款待某人;请客;使有兴趣;使快乐 (教材 P35)One evening he was entertaining the ruler of a small island in the Pacific. 一天晚上,他正在款待太平洋中一个小岛的统治者。 (1)entertain sb.to sth. (在自己家中)招待、款待某人

17、 entertain sb.with sth. 用某物使某人快乐 (2)entertaining adj. 使人愉快的;有趣的 (3)entertainment n. 招待;款待;娱乐 Tom and Jim entertained us to dinner last night. 汤姆和吉姆昨晚设宴款待了我们。 The children were entertained (entertain) with his tricks.他的戏法让孩子们快 乐。 This is a very entertaining(entertain) film. 这是一部很有趣的电影。 remark v谈到;说起;

18、评论 n评论;意见;言论 (教材 P35)As soon as the Polynesian guest tasted the asparagus he remarked how delicious it was.那个波利尼西亚客人一尝到芦笋就评论说它是如何的可口。 (1)remark on/upon 就发表意见;评论 remark that. 谈到;说起 (2)make a remark on/about 就发表意见;对评头论足 (3)remarkable adj. 值得注意的;显著的;非凡的 Shall I remark on the picture? 我可以评论一下那幅画吗? She c

19、ould hear the other girls making rude remarks (remark) about her. 她可以听见其他女孩在说她的坏话。 He has made remarkable(remark)progress in English. 他的英语已有显著的进步。 abundant adj.丰富的;充裕的 (教 材 P39) as well as abundant homegrown fruit, especially ripe peaches, grapes, melons and oranges. 此外,还有大量自家果园里种植的水果,尤其是熟透的桃子、葡萄、甜

20、瓜和橘子。 (1)be abundant in. 在方面很丰富 (2)abundance n. 丰富;充足;富裕 an abundance of. 丰富的 in abundance 大量;丰盛;充裕 China covers a vast territory and is abundant in natural resources. 中国地域辽阔,自然资源丰富。 The apple tree yields an abundance(abundant) of fruit. 这棵苹果树结果甚多。 Medicinal herbs grow in abundance in the forest. 这片

21、森林里盛产药材。 consequence n后果;结果 (教材 P39)The consequence was that many people were overweight. 后果就是许多人超重了。 (1)in consequence 由于 in consequence of 由于的原因 (2)of no/little consequence to sb. 对某人来说无关紧要 take/accept the consequences of 承担的后果 You have to take the consequences of your actions. 你必须承担自己行动的后果。 She c

22、ame late in a consequence of heavy rain. 由于下大雨她迟到了。 Dont worry.Its of no consequence. 别担心。这无关紧要。 set fire to sth./set sth.on fire 纵火烧;放火烧 (教材 P41)He and some servants followed Kun Xi and Chang to the island and set fire to the hut where they were sleeping. 他和几个随从尾随坤喜和阿常来到小岛后,在他们睡觉的时候,放火焚烧了 他们的茅舍。 ca

23、tch fire 着火 be on fire 在燃烧 make/start a fire 生火 play with fire 玩火;冒险 put out a fire 灭火 go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火;历尽艰险 Sparks from the fireplace could easily set the curtains on fire. 壁炉里出来的火花会很容易引燃窗帘。 The building has been on fire for 2 hours. 这座大楼燃烧了两个小时。 The firefighters put out the fire quic

24、kly. 消防人员迅速地扑灭了大火。 (教材 P41)In many homes,the willow pattern plates(named after the willow tree in the centre of the design) are kept for special occasions,when important guests come to dinner 在许多家庭, 柳树图案的盘子(得名于图案中央的柳树)只用于重要客人来就餐 的特殊场合。 【要点提炼】 本句中非限制性定语从句 when important guests come to dinner 修饰先行词 oc

25、casions。 在定语从句中,当先行词是 age,occasion(时机)等时间名词时,常用 when 引 导定语从句 ; 而当 case,situation,point,stage,scene,occasion(场合)等地点或情 形名词作先行词时,常用 where 引导定语从句。 This isnt an occasion when you can laugh. 这不是一个你可以笑的场合。 Ive come to the point where I cant stand her arguing any longer. 我已达到再也不能容忍她的争吵的地步了。 I am looking for

26、 a position where my research and writing skills can be made good use of. 我正在找一份能充分利用我的研究和写作才能的工作。 .单句语法填空 1I like all the activities as long as theyre entertaining(entertain) 2I think that the article is very remarkable(remark) 3The fashion show was cut short because the theatre was on fire. 4The y

27、oung should learn to take the consequences(consequence) of their actions. 5After months of discussion, a peaceful agreement is gradually(gradual) taking shape. 6He got into a situation where it is hard to decide what is right and wrong. 7China is the worlds largest consumer(consume) of tobacco. 8The

28、 ocean floor near the continents is abundant(abundance) in mineral and oil deposits. 9Nobody can casually(casual) succeed, it comes from the thorough selfcontrol and the will. 10What she wants to do is not going shopping but playing video games. .完成句子 1由于吸烟的缘故,迈克经常咳嗽。 As a consequence of smoking,Mik

29、e coughs frequently. 2他把沙发改造成了一张新床。 He transformed the sofa into a new bed. 3他讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 He entertained us with his stories and jokes for hours. 4对你不了解的事情不要妄加评论,不然的话,你会被嘲笑的。 Dont make remarks on/about what you dont know, or youll be laughed at. 5无论什么原因律师除了穿套装外,很少穿其他衣服。 The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit whatever the season (is)


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