2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破讲义:Module 4 Section Ⅰ Warming UpPre-reading &amp Reading Word版含答案.pdf

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1、网络已成为现代人生活中不可或缺的一部分。那么你了解网络英语吗?仔细 阅读下面的文章吧! Cyber English There are new and exciting ways to use the Internet to learn English while you are online.The Internet uses a lot of multimedia elements,like words,sounds,pictures, animations,and videos.This is perfect for studying a language because youve g

2、ot to see,hear,and repeat things as much as you can.Learning over the Internet is also fun because you can be a part of the conversations happening all around the globe! Special Internet sites are designed for people to learn English,just like yourself.These sites use multimedia to help you learn an

3、d are a great way to meet other people around the world. The language of the Internet On the Internet, English is the major language.As a result, it is now more important than ever to be able to understand English when you surf the web.It is not always easy,though.English can be difficult or have a

4、lot of cultural information that you have never seen. See you in Town! One site for students studying English and their teachers are Englishtown.At http./www.E,you will find a group of people interested in learning English.There are several buildings in the virtual town where you can play games,chat

5、 with friends,ask and get answers to language and cultural questions,and find an international pen friend who shares your interests.There are extra resources to help you learn, such as multimedia CD ROMs and books for language learning and translation.You can also have daily and monthly English less

6、ons delivered to your own email address.There is even an online school where you can take English classes over the Internet.Englishtown is the perfect place to prepare for a trip to the UK or the US! Would you like to become part of a virtual community of English speakers? 阅读障碍词 1multimedia n多媒体 2an

7、imation n卡通 3surf v(互联网上)浏览 4virtual adj.虚拟的 诱思导读 根据短文内容,回答下列问题 1Why is learning English through the Internet perfect? Because the Internet uses a lot of multimedia elements,which are perfect for studying a language. 2Do you think it is easy to understand English while surfing the web?Why? No.Becaus

8、e English can be difficult or have a lot of cultural information that we have never seen. Section Warming Up,Pre- -reading & Reading .匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思 ( )1.instantly An.节奏;韵律 ( )2.recognisable Bn.讨论;辩论 ( )3.matter Cadj.独一无二的;独特的 ( )4.count Dn.作家,作者 ( )5.unique En.祖先,前辈 ( )6.author Fn.联系 ( )7.ancestor

9、Gv.要紧,重要;有关系 ( )8.link Hv.很重要;很有价值 ( )9.rhythm Iadv.立即,马上 ( )10.debate Jadj.能辨认的,能认出的 答案 15 IJGHC 610 DEFAB .选择下列句中词组的汉语意思 A更确切地说 B只要 C以结束 D在于 E尤其,特别的 F区分开 G又,也,除之外 H对达成共识 1As long as you promise something to him,youd better do it. 2John,as well as his parents,has been to Guangzhou during their holi

10、day. 3Can you tell the twin sisters apart? 4 The key to solving the unemployment problem lies in creating more job opportunities. 5She stressed that point in particular in todays meeting. 6Ill meet him,or rather I will ask him to meet me. 7The peace talk between the two countries ended with signing

11、an agreement. 8Finally we all agreed on the problem. 答案 15 BGFDE 68 ACH Which English? When you receive a phone call from a friend, how long does it take you to know who it is? A few seconds, perhaps.The quality of someones voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognisable, even t

12、hough you cant see him or her.In this sense everybodys use of languagewhether English, Chinese, or any otheris different.You could say that there are as many varieties of English, or any other language for that matter, as there are speakers of it. 哪种英语? 当你接到朋友的一个电话的时候,你要花多久才能知道对方是谁?或许几秒 钟而已。一个人的音质及措

13、词都能让这个人立即被辨认出来,即使看不见是谁。 从这种意义上来说,每个人对语言的使用不管是英语、汉语或者任何其他语 言都是不一样的。你可以说,英语,或者就此而论,任何别的语言,有多少 使用者,就有多少种变体。 助读讲解 此处 When 引导时间状语从句。 even though 引导让步状语从 句。本句中包含形容词比较等级 as manyn.as .。 English is spoken as an official language in more than 60 countries across the world and it can sound very different from

14、place to place.Pronunciation, as well as grammar and vocabulary, can change very quickly from one area to another.For example, within London the most famous dialect(方言) is cockney.It is only usually spoken by people from the east of that city so it is not the only form of English you will hear.You c

15、an usually tell which part of the Englishspeaking world someone comes from by their accent, and there are some very recognisable accents all over Britain.It is also quite easy to tell British and American English apart. 英语在全世界六十多个国家被作为官方语言使用,但是各地的英语听起来差 别会很大。和语法、词汇一样,发音在不同地方都可能会有明显的变化。例如, 在伦敦,最著名的方言

16、是 cockney(伦敦腔)。通常只有伦敦东部的人说这种方言, 因此也绝不是你能听到的唯一一种英语。根据口音,你能够分辨出人们来自英语 世界的哪个地区,而在英国各地也有一些非常明显的口音。要将英式英语和美式 英语分辨开来也很容易。 助读讲解 you will hear 是定语从句, 修饰先行词 the only form of English, 省略了关系代词 that。which 引导宾语从句,作 tell 的宾语。 Although most people believe there is a right and a wrong way to speak English, there is

17、 not really a standard form that everyone can agree on.English spread across the world over hundreds of years because of trade, exploration and business, and this process produced many different Englishes.Professors of linguistics, writers and teachers all worry about providing a perfect model to fo

18、llow but as it is so widely spoken, it has become impossible to say which English is “correct” and which is “incorrect”.Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras long as speakers can understand each otherits communication that counts. 尽管大多数人都相信说英语的方式有正确与错误之分,但是确实没有一种人 人都认同的标准模式。几百年来由于贸易、探险以及商业的发展,英语已经传播 到

19、世界各地,在此过程中产生了许多不同种类的英语。语言学教授、作家以及教 师都在为提供一种完美的可遵从的模式而忧虑,但是由于英语使用如此之广,要 想区别某种英语正确与否已经变得不可能。也许正确与否不要紧只要说话的 人互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。 助读讲解 Although 引导让步状语从句, 该从句中又含有一个宾语从句作 believe 的宾语。that 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 form。as it is so widely spoken是原因状语从句。 and连接两个which引导的宾语从句, 作say的宾语。 as long as 引导条件状语从句,its communication th

20、at counts 为强调句型。 Australia Gday!Dya speak Strine? Or rather, Hello!Do you speak Australian? Australia is one of the youngest nations in the world.The first English speakers arrived little more than 200 years agoand they didnt want to.Most of them were prisoners sent there to work.They came from all

21、over Britain, but especially from Northern Ireland and the London area, which is why the Australian accent today has traces(痕迹) of both Irish and cockney speech patterns.The English speakers found a people who had been living in Australia for more than 50,000 yearsthe Aborigines, and an extraordinar

22、y variety of wildlife, unique to the continent.Many of the Aboriginal words for these animals, such as kangaroo, koala and kookaburra soon passed into the language. 澳大利亚 Gday! Dya speak Strine?更确切地说,Hello! Do you speak Australian? 澳大 利亚是世界上最为年轻的国家之一。第一批说英语的人差不多 200 多年以前就到 了这里他们并非出于自愿。他们中的大部分都是当时发配到那

23、里去劳作的犯 人。他们来自英国各地,但主要是来自北爱尔兰以及伦敦地区,这也是今天澳大 利亚英语带有爱尔兰以及伦敦语言模式的原因。这些讲英语的人发现了当地的一 个民族土著人,他们已经在澳大利亚生活了 5 万多年了;他们还发现了这片 土地独有的异常丰富的野生生物物种。土著人关于动物的很多词语,比如袋鼠、 树袋熊以及笑翠鸟,很快地进入到了英语中。 助读讲解 sent there to work 是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 prisoners。 which 引导非限制性定语从句,which 指代整个主句的内容,并在从句中作主语 ; 其中包含 why 引导的表语从句。who 引导定语从句,修饰先行词

24、 a people。 But the main differences between Australian English and other varieties of English lie in the individual sounds and intonation patterns.Sometimes it is difficult for British and American people to understand the Australian accent, and mistakes are common.A few years ago a wellknown Englis

25、h author was signing copies of his books in a Sydney bookshop.A customer came up to the author holding a copy of the book and said Emma Chissit.The author thought that Emma Chissit was the womans name.But when he asked how to spell the name, in case the customer wanted him to write her name in the b

26、ook (To Emma Chissit, with best wishes), he realised that the customer had been asking the question: How much is it? 但澳大利亚英语和其他几种英语最主要区别在于单音和音调模式。有时候英 美国家的人很难理解澳大利亚口音,所以也就容易犯错误。前些年,一位著名的 英国作家到悉尼的一家书店签售他的书。一位顾客手里拿着一本书走上前去,说 “Emma Chissit”。这个作者以为 Emma Chissit 是这名女士的名字。但当他询问如何 拼写顾客名字以便她要自己在书上签名之用时(献给 E

27、mma Chissit,并致敬意),他 突然明白过来顾客问的是:这本书多少钱? 助读讲解 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式复合结构 for British and American people to understand the Australian accent。holding a copy of the book 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。 Jamaica and Singapore Australian English comes directly from English spoken in Britain.But in other countries where Engl

28、ish is spoken as a first language this is not the case.The variety of English spoken in Jamaica, and other Caribbean countries, has some of the grammatical features of the African languages spoken by the ancestors of the Jamaican people, so that there is often no apostrophe s(s)(that woman house, in

29、stead of that womans house) or no link verb or article (He good man, instead of Hes a good man) Another feature is the rhythm.It is the rhythm of rap music, which became popular in the US in the 1980s. 牙买加和新加坡 澳大利亚英语直接源于英国英语。但是在其他将英语作为第一语言的国家, 却不是这样。牙买加以及其他加勒比海沿岸国家的英语变体就有非洲语言的一些 语法特征,牙买加人的祖辈们使用的就是这些

30、非洲语言,所以他们的英语中经常 没有所有格符号 s(s)(that woman house, 而不是 that womans house), 或者没有连系 动词或者冠词(He good man,而不是 Hes a good man)。另一个特点就是节奏。其 语言的节奏就像是 20 世纪 80 年代流行于美国的说唱音乐。 助读讲解 spoken in Britain 为过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰 English。 where 引导定语从句,修饰先行词 countries。so that 引导结果状语从句。 On the other side of the world, in Singapor

31、e, English is a second language, spoken by about half the population.Other languages include Malay and Chinese.Almost everyone in Singapore is bilingual(会讲两种语言的), while some people speak three or four languages.The most common variety of English spoken is known as Singlish.Sentences in Singlish ofte

32、n end with the word lah.The variety has been influenced in particular by Malay and the Chinese dialect Hokkien (language spoken in Minnan), both in grammatical features and vocabulary.Today there is a debate in Singapore about which variety of English is the best: Singlish, or a variety closer to Br

33、itish English, which is the aim of the Speak Good English Movement created in 1999. 而在地球的另一端,新加坡,英语作为第二语言被约一半的人口使用着。其 境内其他语言有马来语以及汉语。在新加坡,几乎人人都说两种语言,有些人甚 至说三种到四种语言。这里最常见的英语变体被称作 Singlish(新加坡式英语)。新 加坡式英语中句子通常是以 lah 一词结尾。 此种语言在语法特征以及词汇方面尤其 受到马来语以及汉语中一种叫作 Hokkien(闽南地区使用的语言)的方言的影响。至 今在新加坡有一个关于哪种英语最好的争论:

34、是新加坡式英语还是一种更接近于 英国英语的种类,这也是 1999 年展开的“讲好英语活动”的目的。 助读讲解 spoken by about half the population 为过去分词短语作后置定 语,相当于定语从句 which is spoken .。which 引导非限制性定语从句。 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P4445教材课文,匹配段落大意 1Paras.13 AEnglish spoken in Australia. 2Paras.45 BThough everybodys use of English is different,its communicatio

35、n that counts. 3Paras.67 CEnglish spoken in Jamaica andSingapore. 答案 13 BAC 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P4445教材课文,选择最佳答案 1Which of the following is TRUE? AEveryone can speak a different language. BAlmost everyone has a different way of speaking. CCockney is spoken by people from the west of London. DIts impos

36、sible to tell British and American English apart. 2Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? AHandwriting. BPronunciation. CGrammar. DVarieties of English. 3Its difficult for us to tell which English is correct because AEnglish has such a large vocabulary Bthere are many different vari

37、eties of English in the world CBritish English grammar and vocabulary change greatly Dthe standard form of English is only used by professors of linguistics and writers 4Which language comes directly from English spoken in Britain? AAustralian English. BJamaican variety of English. CSinglish. DCanad

38、ian English. 答案 14 BABA 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P4445教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形 式 English is spoken as an 1.official(office) language in more than 60 countries and it can sound very different from place to place.Pronunciation,as well as grammar and vocabulary,can change very quickly from one area to

39、2.anotherIn fact,there is not really a standard form 3.that/which everyone can agree on.Perhaps correctness doesnt matteras long as speakers can understand each otherits communication that 4.counts(count)Australia is one of the 5.youngest(young) nations in the world.The first English speakers arrive

40、d there little more than 200 years ago.They found a people who 6.had been living (live) in Australia for more than 50, 000 yearsthe Aborigines.Many of the Aboriginal words soon passed into the language.The main differences between Australian English and other 7.varieties(variety) of English lie 8.in the individual sounds and intonation patterns.But in Singapore,English is a second language 9.spoken (speak) by about half the population.The most common variety of English,which has been influenced in particular by Malay and the Chinese dialect Hokkien, 10.is known (know) as Singlish.


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