2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破讲义:Module 5 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含答案.pdf

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1、Section Learning about Language .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1The novel is based on historic(历史的)facts. 2By their joint(共同的)efforts they managed to complete the project on time. 3People here are not going to take a leap(跳跃)in the dark. 4Without more training or advanced(先进的)technical skills,theyll lose t

2、heir jobs. 5We assume(假定)his innocence before hearing the evidence against him. 6He used to live in the country,but now he is accustomed to living in the city. 7I would like to tune in to watch the football match on TV. 8A witness is a person who sees what happens with his or her eyes on the spot. 9

3、Youre going to burst the balloon,if youre not careful. 10I havent the patience to hear your complaints again. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1accustom v使习惯于accustomed adj.习惯的 2history n历史historic adj.历史性的,有重大历史意义的historical adj. 有关历史的 3assume v假定,假设assumption n假想 4patient adj.耐心的patience n耐心 5advance v前进adv

4、anced adj.高级的,先进的 寻规律、巧记忆 n.icadj.adj.去 t 加cen. heroic 英雄的 classic 第一流的 economic 经济方面的 importance 重要性 absence 缺席 confidence 自信 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1set foot on 踏上 2slow down 减速 3be/become accustomed to 习惯于 4be aware of 意识到 5make it 做成,成功 6in shock 处在震惊中 7in spite of 不管,尽管 8at the beginning of 在一开始的时候 9

5、take off 起飞 .选词填空 用上述短语的适当形式填空 1In spite of the heavy rain,we went on working. 2No one has set foot on Mars so far. 3He has been accustomed to the country life. 4He stood there in shock and didnt know what to do. 5The plane took off at 10:00 am.yesterday. 寻规律、巧记忆 inn.介词短语takeadv.动词短语 in surprise 吃惊地

6、 in silence 安静地 in horror 恐怖地 take up 占据,开始从事 take on 呈现;雇佣,承担 take over 接管 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television, their hearts in their mouths, aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was, and what risks had to be taken. 数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了 首次登月

7、,他们的心提到了嗓子眼 儿, 因为他们十分清楚这次是多么艰 难多么危险,以及要冒多么大的风 险。 独立主格结构。 他进入了房间,鼻 子冻得通红。 He entered the room, his nose bright red with cold. 2.By the time the Challenger took off in 1986, the world seemed to have lost its fear and wonder at the amazing achievement of people going up into space. 到 1986 年“挑战者”号起飞之前,

8、人们似乎已经沉醉于人类走进太空 这一巨大的成就而忘记了恐惧, 也失 去了好奇心。 seem to have done .“似乎已 经” ,have done 表 明发生在谓语动作之 前的动作。 随着电脑的发明, 社会似乎已经大 大地改变了。 With the inventing of the computer, society seems to have changed greatly. accustomed adj.习惯的 (教材 P58)Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July, 1969,

9、people have become accustomed to the idea of space travel. 自从尼尔阿姆斯特朗在 1969 年 7 月 21 日首次踏上月球以来,人们对太空旅 行这一概念已经非常熟悉。 (1)accustom vt. 使习惯于 accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于;养成的习惯 (2)be/become/get accustomed to习惯于 Youll soon get accustomed to the custom here. 你会很快习惯于这里的风俗。 I will accustom myself(me) to the dese

10、rt sun. 我将会适应沙漠里的阳光。 We were accustomed to working(work) together. 我们习惯了一起工作。 witness v目击,亲眼看见;亲身经历 n证人,目击者;证据 (教材 P58)But this was going to be a special flight and so millions of people tuned in to witness the takeoff on TV. 但是这次将是一次特殊的飞行,因此数百万人打开了电视来一睹这次起飞。 (1)witness to (doing) sth. 为(做)某事作证 (2)i

11、n witness of. 作为的证明 be (a) witness to 目睹,能证明 bear/give witness to. 为作证 The police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. 警察呼吁事故的目击者出来作证。 He witnessed to having seen(see) the man enter the building. 他作证看到那个人进入这座大楼。 His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment. 他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。 a

12、ssume v(想当然地)认为,假设;假定;担任 (教材 P58)The world was in shockmaybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane. 全世界都震惊了也许他们原本都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什 么危险。 (1)assume that 假定;认为 assume.to be. 认为是;假定是 (2)assuming that 假定(作状语) (3)assumption n. 设想;假定;承担;担任;夺取 I had assumed

13、him to be Belgian. 我本以为他是比利时人。 A lot of people make the assumption(assume) that poverty only exists in the Third World. 许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于第三世界。 Assuming(assume)that it is true,what should we do now?假定那是真的,我 们现在该怎么办? patience n耐心 (教材 P59)We didnt have much patience waiting for the launch. 我们迫不及待地等着(航天飞机的)发

14、射。 (1)be out of patience with.对忍无可忍 have no patience with 对不能容忍,对没有耐性 with patience 耐心地 (2)patient adj. 有耐心的 n. 病人 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 be patient of sth. 忍耐某事 (3)patiently adv. 耐心地 Our teacher always explains the problems to us with patience.我们老师总是耐 心地给我们讲解问题。 Im out of patience with his rude

15、 words. 我对他粗鲁的话忍无可忍。 The patient is just a small child,so you should be patient(patience)with him. 那个病人只不过是个小孩子,你应该对他耐心点。 in spite of 尽管;虽然;不管;不顾 (教材 P59)In spite of all our advanced technology,the world is still only at the very beginning of its voyage into space. 即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术,我们这个世界依然只是处于太空旅行

16、的起步阶段。 in spite ofdespite(n./pron./v.ing 形式) 尽管,不管 despite/in spite of the fact that. 尽管 The boy went out in spite of/despite his fathers orders. 那个男孩无视他父亲的命令,径自出去了。 Kelly loved her son in spite of the fact that he is slow in his study. 凯勒爱她的儿子,尽管他学习不是很好。 Despite/In spite of his advanced age,he is l

17、earning to drive. 尽管他年纪大了,他还是在学开车。 burst v(使)爆裂;爆炸;突然出现 n突发;爆裂 (教材 P59)to burst with a lot of force and loud noise 伴随着强大的力量和巨大的声响而突然爆炸 burst in/into 突然闯入 burst into sth. burst out doing sth. 突然开始做 burst sth.open 猛然打开 There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然一阵笑声。 Hearing the news,she b

18、urst into tears. 听到这个消息,她突然哭了起来。 She burst out laughing(laugh) at the joke. 她听到那个笑话突然大笑起来。 (教材 P58)Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television, their hearts in their mouths,aware of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was,and what risks had to be taken. 数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了首次

19、登月,他们的心提到了嗓子眼儿,因 为他们十分清楚这次是多么艰难多么危险,以及要冒多么大的风险。 【要点提炼】 their hearts in their mouths 为独立主格结构,在句中作状语。 独立主格结构的构成:名词或代词非谓语动词、形容词、副词或介词短语, 其中名词或代词作为结构的逻辑主语,非谓语动词、形容词、副词或介词短语作 为结构的逻辑谓语,这种结构有自己的逻辑主语,且其逻辑主语与句子主语不一 致,故通常被称为独立主格结构。在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、 伴随状况等。它的位置相当灵活,可置于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号将其与句 子其他部分分开。 Class over al

20、l the students went to play on the ground.下课了, 学生们都到操场 上去玩耍了。 He lay at full length upon his stomach,his head resting(rest) upon his left forearm. 他的脊背朝天,四肢伸展,头靠着左前臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。 The experiment done(do),the students went on to take notes in the experiment report. 实验做完了,同学们继续在实验报告上做笔记。 名师点津 在“名词介词短语”的独立主

21、格结构中,逻辑主语有无修饰语与介词短语 中名词前有无修饰语必须保持一致。 The teacher came in,(a)bag under(his)arm. 老师进来了,腋下夹着个包。 When I heard,a few weeks later,that the bodies of the astronauts and even the teachers lesson plans had been found at the bottom of the ocean,I was not so sure it was worth it at all. 【分析】 本句是一个复合句。主句是 I was

22、 not so sure,其中 sure 后跟宾语 从句;when 引导时间状语从句,其中 that 引导的宾语从句作动词 heard 的宾语。 【翻译】 几个星期后,当我听说那几位宇航员的遗体以及那位老师的教案 在大洋底部被找到的时候,我不再肯定这一切是值得的。 .单句语法填空 1It is difficult to be patient(patience)when you are stuck in a traffic jam. 2English people are accustomed to driving(drive)on the left. 3Recent years have wi

23、tnessed(witness)the rapid development of the Internet and its influence on society and people. 4At the very beginning of this term, he showed great interest in English 5Could we see each other at 3 oclock this afternoon? Sorry,lets make it another time. 6He is spending a year in advanced(advance)stu

24、dies. 7I carry a spare tyre in the boot of the car in case one bursts(burst) 8It is a congress of historic(history)significance. 9Her glasses broken(break), she couldnt see the words on the blackboard. 10He serves the public wholeheartedly in spite of his personal gain or loss. .完成句子 1他同我一样根本不适合当老师

25、He is no more fit to be a teacher than I am. 2很多人不习惯没有手机的生活。 Many people are not accustomed to living without mobile phones. 3观众们看到表演者在走钢丝,心提到了嗓子眼儿。 The audience watched the performer walking on the tight rope, their hearts in their mouths 4她刚听到这个悲伤的消息,就失声痛哭了。 Scarcely had she heard the sad news when she burst out crying/burst into tears 5小女孩比赛之前一点也不紧张,她好像做好了充分的准备。 The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition.She seemed to have prepared for it pretty well.


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