2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:2 Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Language points(Ⅱ) (Word powerGrammar and usage &amp Task) Word版含解析.pdf

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《2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:2 Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Language points(Ⅱ) (Word powerGrammar and usage &amp Task) Word版含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破课时分层作业:2 Unit 1 Section Ⅳ Language points(Ⅱ) (Word powerGrammar and usage &amp Task) Word版含解析.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、课时分层作业(二)课时分层作业(二) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1 Some modern teaching equipment as well as hundreds of books was donated(donate)to the rural school last week. 2Upon/On hearing the song Little Apple,many people cant help dancing to it. 3She is a(n)independent(depend)woman,and earns her own living. 4Af

2、ter graduating (graduate) from Harvard College,he became a lawyer. 5This keeps us informed(inform) of the progress of the program. 6He seemed undecided whether to go or stay. 7The more time you spend on a subject,the greater(great) progress you will make. 8Good use should be made(make)of our time to

3、 do useful and productive things. 9The boy whom/who/that you saw in the office yesterday was taken away by the policeman. 10All that can be done has been done. .完成句子 1. 不管开车来还是乘火车来,他都会准时到这里。 Whether he drives or takes the train,he will be here on time. 2一到达云南省鲁甸县,士兵们就立即行动起来搜寻幸存人员。 Upon/On arriving a

4、t Ludian County of Yunnan Province,the soldiers took action to search for survivors immediately. 3你越努力,学得越快。 The harder you work,the quicker you will learn. 4从上世纪初,人们便开始利用太阳能。 Solar energy has been made use of since the beginning of last century. 5 阿凡达是我曾经看过的最好的电影。 Avatar is the best film that I hav

5、e ever seen 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解 To most of us,school means classes,teachers,schedules,grades,and tests.But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts,school is very different. Firstly, there are no lessons.All the children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want. There are

6、 no teachers,only“staff members” The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn,because children want to learn anyway.“ You do not need to say to the three year olds, Go explore your environment. You cant stop them! ”says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school.“But if you mak

7、e children do what you want all day,they will lose all tastes for learning.” At Sudbury Valley School, you will permit children to talk, read, paint, cook, work on computers,study French,play the piano,climb trees,or just run around.Two boys spent three years just fishing! The other way that Sudbury

8、 Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules.Every week,there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote eacheven the fouryearolds.They decide the school rules,how to spend the school budget,and even which staff they want and do not want any more. When t

9、he school first opened in 1968,people said it would never work.But today, the school has 200 students,and 80% of its students go on to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all the time have successful careers today.One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist. 【语篇解读】 对大多数学生

10、来说,学校意味着老师、考试、分数等。但在 美国的一所学校却与众不同,学校里没有课程表,孩子们不用上课、做作业,可 以随心所欲做自己想做的事,甚至可以参与学校校规的制定。 1What is the main topic of the article? AAn unusual school. BChildrens hobbies. CA school without rules.DEducation in the US. A 主旨大意题。不用上课,不用做作业,随心所欲干自己想干的事,可以 参与学校校规的制定, 这样的学校确实罕见, 不同寻常。 故 A 项最符合文章主旨。 2What does th

11、e school believe? ATeachers cannot teach children well. BChildren learn best when they do what they want to do. CLearning is for adultschildren should only play. DChildren should only learn about one thing at a time. B 推理判断题。从第二段可知,该学校认为被迫学习毫无意义,学生做自 己想做的事才会学得最好。 3What does Daniel Greenberg say abou

12、t the threeyearolds? AThey love learning. BThey are very naughty. CThey want to be outside all the time. DThey are too young to learn anything. A 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“You cant stop them!”可推出此句完整 的意思是“You cant stop the threeyearolds going explore their environment” ,也由 此可知,他们热爱学习。 4What happens to the child

13、ren after they leave this school? AThey do the same things as children from other schools. BThey have problems getting into college or getting a job. CThey usually do very good jobs. DThey are not successful. C 细节理解题。从最后一段可知,200 个学生中 80%的学生上了大学,甚至 那两个总是钓鱼的学生也有了自己成功的事业:一个成为音乐家,另一个成为计 算机科学家。故 C 项正确。 .

14、完形填空 It was a very cold Thursday.When I observed the 1 falling onto my car,I really began to wonder if I was going to 2 it on time.Of course I must,because I have no 3 About two weeks ago,what my 4 Ellen had talked about was her Christmas concert to be held in her school and some rumors about it.“Mo

15、m,Rachel was 5 to sing alone,but shes not! Linda will replace her to do it.”“Mom,you wont believe it, 6 Lexies whole family is coming to the concert, even from another 7 ”Making a long way out of state to see third graders sing Christmas carols seemed to be a pretty big deal(待遇) for her. When I sat

16、in traffic, I thought about all the school 8 I had attended alone.Ellen never mentioned it,but I wonder 9 she felt about me being the only one who ever came to her events.My own family lived out of town,and her father and his family 10 quite succeeded in fitting those things into their schedules,I 1

17、1 if it bothered her. At eight oclock the 12 was scheduled to begin.With only a few minutes to 13 , I found myself running: first, through the snowdrifted parking lot, then through the school passage.I entered the 14 hall and found a vacant seat near the front.From her place onstage,Ellen saw me 15

18、for the chair,and she smiled.I was 16 enough to hear the loud conversation of the children onstage. “Look,Ellen,there is my uncle and my cousin.They came all the way from West Virginia.I cant believe my whole family is here!”Ellen 17 at Lexie and said, “My whole family is here,too! Look,there she is

19、!”Ellen gave me a big smile.I smiled back at her,never once 18 the melting snow dripping off my head.It 19 occurred to me that while we tried to teach our children all about 20 ,they actually taught us what life was all about. 【语篇解读】 本文讲述了作者的女儿在音乐会开始前就表达了对音乐会的 期待,也向作者暗示她的同学来了很多家庭成员去看,作者也联想到自己小时候 总是一

20、个人参加学校活动,所以特别能理解女儿的心情,因此冒雪也赶去学校, 只为女儿不失望。同时也告诉读者,陪伴的重要性。 1A.dust Brain CleavesDsnow D 考查名词。dust 灰尘;rain 雨;leaf 树叶;snow 雪。句意:那是一个寒 冷的周四。我看着落在汽车上的雪花。根据下文“her Christmas concert to be held in her school”和“the snowdrifted parking lot”得知作者冒雪去孩子学校参加圣诞音 乐会。可以判断当时是冬天下雪的天气。故选 D。 2A.doBmake CseeDappreciate B 考

21、查动词。do 做;make 制作;see 看见;appreciate 感激。句意:我不 知道自己能否准时赶到。make it on time 准时完成。故选 B。 3A.choiceBidea CchanceDtime A 考查名词。choice 选择;idea 主意;chance 机会;time 时间。句意:当 然我一定要准时,我没有其它的选择。根据下文得知自己特别能理解女儿的心情, 因此冒雪开很长时间的车也赶去学校,只为女儿不失望。故选 A。 4A.nieceBnephew CsonDdaughter D 考查名词。句意:两周前,女儿艾伦就开始谈论她们学校的圣诞音乐会。 niece 侄女;

22、nephew 侄子; son 儿子;daughter 女儿。根据下面女儿的称呼“Mom” 得知这是母女的对话。故选 D。 5A.supposedBreminded CforcedDpersuaded A 考查动词。句意:妈妈,雷切尔本来要独唱的。suppose 料想;remind 提 醒;force 强迫; persuade 劝说。be supposed to do sth.“应该做某事” ,根据下一 句琳达替代了她,得知本来是雷切尔的表演。故选 A。 6A.soBbut CorDand B 考查连词。 句意 : 妈妈你不会相信, 莱西全家都要参加音乐会。 so 因此 ; but 但是;or

23、否则;and 并且。前后表示转折,但情况就是这样。故选 B。 7A.townBcountry CstateDcity C 考查名词。句意:莱西全家从另一个州赶过来参加学校音乐会。town 城镇;country 国家;state 州;city 城市。根据“Making a long way out of state”得知 是跨州赶过来。故选 C。 8A.meetingsBexercises CexamsDevents D 考查名词。句意:在路上拥堵时,我也联想到自己小时候总是一个人参 加学校活动。meetings 会议;exercises 练习;exams 考试;events 活动。根据下面 的

24、 her events 可以判断出此处指所有学校的活动。故选 D。 9A.whichBwhat ChowDwhen C 考查关系词。句意:我是唯一一个参加她学校活动的家人,但是我不知 女儿对此做何感受。which 哪一个;what 什么;how 如何;when 什么时间。我 不知道她的感受如何。故选 C。 10A.alwaysBnever CoccasionallyDregularly B 考查副词。句意:她的父亲及其家人从来没有把这些事情安排到自己的 议程。always 总是;never 从未;occasionally 偶尔;regularly 固定地。根据“being the only o

25、ne who ever came to”得知大家没有关心过孩子学校的活动。故选 B。 11A.wonderedBignored CimaginedDhesitated A 考查动词。 句意 : 我不知道是否这会使女儿感到烦。 wonder 想知道 ; ignore 忽视 ; imagine 想象 ; hesitate 犹豫。 根据上面的 I wonder 得知我不知道, 故选 A。 12A.partyBclass CconcertDcompetition C 考查名词。 句意 : 在8点钟, 音乐会准时开始。 party聚会 ; class 班级 ; concert 音乐会;competiti

26、on 比赛。根据“but I wonder she felt about me being the only one who ever came to her events”得知我去参加女儿学校的音乐会。故选 C。 13A.startBuse CremainDspare D 考查动词。句意:只剩下几分钟了,我开始跑向音乐会。start 开始;use 使用;remain 保留;spare 腾出,匀出。根据下面的跑起来,说明距离音乐会开始 只剩下几分钟了。故选 D。 14A.hugeBempty CcrowdedDspecial C 考查形容词。句意:我走进拥挤的大厅找到前排一个空位坐下。huge

27、 巨大的;empty 空荡荡的; crowded 拥挤的;special 特别的。根据“there is my uncle and my cousin.They came all the way from West Virginia.I cant believe my whole family is here!”得知大厅挤满了孩子们的亲友们。故选 C。 15A.walkBrun CwanderDhead B 考查动词。句意:女儿看到我跑向座位笑了。walk 走路;run 跑步; wander 徘徊;head 朝走去。根据“I found myself running”怕自己在女儿音乐 会上迟到

28、,自己快速跑。故选 B。 16A.closeBeager CpreparedDhappy A 考查形容词。 句意 : 我离舞台很近, 能听到舞台上孩子们的大声对话。 close 接近的;eager 热切的;prepared 有准备的;happy 高兴的。根据“found a vacant seat near the front”得知我的座位离舞台近。故选 A。 17A.glaredBsmiled CglancedDlaughed B 考查动词。句意 : 女儿冲莱西微笑着说我的家人也来了。glare 怒视 ; smile 微笑 ; glance 瞥一眼 ; laugh 大笑。根据“Ellen g

29、ave me a big smile.”得知女儿很开心。 故选 B。 18A.consideringBstopping CnoticingDgetting C 考查动词。句意:我冲着孩子笑了笑没注意到头上融化的雪流下来。 consider 考虑;stop 停止;notice 注意到;get 得到。雪水流下来我都没有注意。 故选 C。 19A.suddenlyBeventually CgraduallyDsecretly A 考查副词。句意:突然我想到尽管家长们一直想要教育孩子人生是什么。 suddenly 突然;eventually 最后;gradually 逐渐;secretly 秘密地。这里是作者有 感而发。故选 A。 20A.loveBmusic CschoolDlife D 考查名词。句意:尽管家长们一直想要教育孩子人生是什么。love 热爱; music 音乐;school 学校;life 人生。根据“they actually taught us what life was all about”其实是孩子们在教给我们人生的意义。故选 D。


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