2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅵ Language points(Ⅲ)(Project) Word版含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅵ Language points(Ⅲ)(Project) Word版含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020同步译林英语必修一新突破讲义:Unit 3 Section Ⅵ Language points(Ⅲ)(Project) Word版含答案.pdf(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Section Language points()(Project) .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词。 1Mary has gained(增加)a lot of weight recently. 2The British army suffered heavy losses(损失)on the first day of the battle. 3The student skipped(跳过)the difficult English words when he read the text. 4The students have devoted all their energie

2、s(精力)to their study. 5Roughness of the skin(皮肤)can be caused by bad diet. 6If you want to keep fit,you should eat proper food and do exercise regularly 7The students are mostly from America or Canada. 8Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 9Many reforms must be made to the education syste

3、m 10Her opinion may count because of her rich experience. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词。 1useful adj.有用的useless adj.(反义词)无用的,无效的 2approximate adj.大约的approximately adv.大约 3proper adj.适当的properly adv.适当地 4peace n和平peaceful adj.平静的;和平的 5concentrate vt.&vi.集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注concentration n集 中 寻规律 巧记忆 adj.lyadv.n

4、.fuladj. silentsilently 沉默地 slowslowly 慢慢地 suddensuddenly 突然地 harmharmful 有害的 hopehopeful 有希望的 painpainful 疼痛的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语。 1in the long term从长远角度看 2as a matter of fact事实上,其实 3give up放弃 4in no time立刻 5a good amount of大量,许多 6gain weight发胖,体重增加 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空。 1As a matter of fact,I have no

5、interest in maths. 2Nobody knows for sure what effects global warming has on our environment in the long term 3Study is a difficult job that needs a good amount of energy,time and work. 4I hope you will be all right in no time 5However hard the work is,youd better not give it up 寻规律 巧记忆 v.prep.n.动词短

6、语prep.no.n.介词短语 get into trouble 陷入困境 get into shape 强身健体 get into debt 欠债 in no sense 决不 in no case 决不 in no way 决不 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit. 健康的饮食加上经常锻炼也许是 变得健康的唯一途径。 the way to do. 做的方法。 Practice is the only way to learn a

7、 language well. 学好一门语言的唯一 途径就是实践。 2.Water helps keep your system clean. “keep宾语 宾语补足语”结 This woolen sweater may keep you warm in 水有助于保持人体内部系统清 洁。 构,意为“使 怎么样” 。 winter. 这件羊毛衫在冬天可 以保暖。 3.Experts suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising,five times a week. 专家建议,青少年每周至少应该 锻炼五次,每次至少 30

8、分钟。 suggest 意为“建 议” ,宾语从句用 虚拟语气。 They suggested that the factory (should)make full use of the equipment. 他们建议工厂充分利 用这些设备。 4.That is easy to do! 那一点很容易做到! 主语be adj.(easy, difficult, hard.) to do sth.不定式 用主动形式表示 被动含义。 The book is easy to read. 这本书很容易看懂。 5.Walking and riding your bike count,and so do s

9、chool sports. 步行和骑自行车就算,校内体育 活动也算。 “so系动词/助 动词/情态动词 主语” 表示前面的 肯定情况也适用 于后者。 I have been busy today,and so have you. 我今天一直在忙,你 也是这样。 (教材 P58)Diets are useless in the long term,yet approximately 20% of teenagers say they have tried going on a diet and skipping meals to control their weight. 从长远角度来看,节食并

10、不能奏效,然而有大约 20%的青少年声称,他们曾 尝试过节食或者有时不吃饭,以控制自己的体重。 (1)useless adj.无用的,无效的 (1)Error!做某事没有用 (2)use n.用处;使用 vt.利用,使用 be of use有用处 (3)useful adj.有用的 It is useless (no use) crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 He knew it was useless to protest. 他知道抗议是徒劳的。 It is no use telling (tell)him not to worry. 告诉他别担心是没用的。 I

11、hope this information will be of use to you. 希望这些信息对你有用。 (2)in the long term 从长远角度看 in the long term/run从长远角度看,就长期而言 in the short term/run就短期而言 in terms of.in.terms就而言 on ones terms按照某人的条件,根据某人的主张 come to terms with与达成协议,妥协 be on good/bad terms with与关系好/不好 In the short term/run we will lose money,bu

12、t in the long term/run the profits will be very large. 短期内我们会赔钱,但从长远看,利润将会是非常丰厚的。 We cannot do business on your terms. 我们不能按照你方的条件进行交易。 In terms(term)of finance,company A has great advantage. 从财力方面讲,A 公司更具有优势。 语境助记 In terms of money they are rich,but not in terms of happiness.So if you want to come

13、to terms with them,you cant often speak of money but their hobbies.In the short term,it is the best way to be on good terms with them. 就钱而言,他们富有,但不是就幸福而言。所以你如果想和他们达成协议的 话就不能经常说钱,而应说他们的爱好。从短期看,这是最好的与他们保持良好 关系的方式。 count vi.认为,算作;重要 vt.数数 (教材 P58)Walking and riding your bike count,and so do school spor

14、ts. 步行和骑自行车就算,校内体育活动也算。 (1)count.as.把视为 count up数数 count on指望,依赖;确信(某事会发生) (2)countable adj.可数的 uncountable adj.不可数的 Try to count(up)to ten before you lose your temper. 在你发脾气前尽量先数到 10。 Nobel was counted as one of the greatest scientists of the last century. 诺贝尔被认为是上世纪最伟大的科学家之一。 If I got into trouble

15、,I could always count on Rose. 如果我有麻烦,我总是可以依靠萝丝。 concentrate vt.&vi.集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注 (教材 P58)Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise,your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study. 很多青少年惊奇地得知,当你锻炼

16、时,你的体内会产生某些化学物质,这些 化学物质让你感到平静和放松,增强学习时的注意力。 (1)concentrate on/upon专注于 concentrate.on/upon.把专注于 (2)concentration n.专心,专注 with (great) concentration聚精会神地 How can I concentrate on/upon my study with so much noise going on? 现在这么吵,我怎么能安心学习呢? Concentration is essential if you want to do a good job. 如果你想把事

17、情做好,专心是必要的。 You must concentrate all your energies on the study of English. 你必须把所有精力集中在英语学习上。 I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding(find)somewhere to live. 我决定全力以赴找个住的地方。 amount n数量 (教材 P58)A good amount of sleep every night is also important for your health. 每晚保证充足的睡眠对你的健康也是很重要的。 (1)Er

18、ror!大量的 a small amount of少量的 the amount of的数量 (2)a large/great amount ofn.U“大量的” ,作主语时,谓语动词用单数; large amounts ofn.U“大量的” ,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 If you save a small amount of money,youll eventually have a large sum of money.积少成多,集腋成裘。 Every day,we produce a large amount of garbage,which is a big burden for o

19、ur earth. 每天我们制造大量的垃圾,这对地球来说是一个沉重的负担。 Large amounts of money were wasted. 大量的钱被浪费了。 A large amount of medicine has been sent(send)to the flood stricken area in the last few days. 在最近的几天中,大量的药品已经送到了遭受洪灾的地区。 (教材 P58)As a matter of fact,loss of sleep can make you look tired,and even cause you to gain w

20、eight. 事实上,睡眠不足会使你面带倦容,甚至身体发胖。 (1)loss n丧失,丢失,损失 (1)at a loss不知所措,困惑 loss of life丧生 suffer a great loss遭受巨大损失 make up for the loss弥补损失 (2)lose vt.丢失 (3)lost adj.失去的;丧失的;困惑的 lost in thought陷入沉思 The drought has led to widespread loss of life. 旱灾导致了很多人的死亡。 They have made up for the loss. 他们已经弥补了损失。 His

21、 comments left me at a loss for words. 他的评论让我不知说什么才好。 Though suffering personal gain and loss,your labour will not be lost.(lose) 尽管你们遭受了个人得失,但你们的努力不会白费。 语境助记 He suffered a great loss in his business yesterday.Today he has been staying in a coffee shop all day,lost in thought.I am at a loss,because

22、I have no idea how to help him come up with an idea to make up for the loss. 昨天他生意上遭受巨大损失。 今天他整天待在咖啡馆, 失魂落魄。 我不知所措, 不知如何帮助他想出个办法来弥补损失。 (2)gain vt.增加;获得,赢得 (1)gain from.从中获益 (2)gain n.好处,利益 gainful adj.有利益的,有利可图的 No pains,no gains.No gains without pains. 谚语不劳则无获。 The best way to learn is to put what

23、we gain from books into practice. 学习的最好方法就是把我们从书本中获得的(知识)运用到实践中。 明辨异同 gain/earn/get/win gain gain 指在斗争中、竞争中做出很大努力而“获得” ,且所得东西具有一 定价值。 earnearn 指经过艰苦努力而得到报偿,意为“赚得,挣得,博得” 。 get get 是最普通的用词,常用于口语,不管通过何种方式,无论是主动争 取还是被动接受,只要是“获得”都可用 get。 winwin 指具有优越的特质或条件而能克服各种困难而赢得。 gain,earn,get,win Mary got a special

24、 present from her best friend last year. Who won the race? Im new on the job but I am already gaining experience. They have bought a new house.They must have earned a lot of money. (教材 P58)Water helps keep your system clean. 水有助于保持人体内部系统清洁。 【要点提炼】 keep your system clean 为“keep宾语宾语补足语”结构, 意为“使怎么样” ,该

25、结构中宾语补足语通常是形容词、副词、名词、介词短 语、现在分词、过去分词等,但不能用不定式。 Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 少说话,多观察。 We need to keep the matter a secret. 我们要对此事保密。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting(wait)for such a long time.对不起让你久等 了。 I should try to keep my mind concentrated(concentrate)on what I have to do. 我应当努力让我的思

26、想集中在我必须做的事情上面。 名师点津 (1)当宾语和用作宾语补足语的动词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系时,要用现在 分词作宾语补足语; (2)当宾语和用作宾语补足语的动词之间存在逻辑上的被动关系时,要用过去 分词作宾语补足语。 (教 材 P58)Experts suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising,five times a week. 专家建议,青少年每周至少应该锻炼五次,每次至少 30 分钟。 【要点提炼】 本句中 suggest 后所跟宾语从句用了虚拟语气,即从句的谓语 动词用(should)动词原形。 sugg

27、est 表示“建议”时,后面宾语从句用虚拟语气 ; 而表示“表明、暗示”时, 后面宾语从句用陈述语气。 Her mother suggested that she should go and see the doctor. 她妈妈建议她去看医生。 It has been suggested that bright children (should) take(take)their exams early. 有人提议天资好的孩子提前考试。 His words suggested that he believed(believe)in us. 他的话表明他信任我们。 (教材 P58)Walking

28、 and riding your bike count,and so do school sports 步行和骑自行车就算,校内体育活动也算。 【要点提炼】 本句中 so do school sports 用了“so助动词主语”的倒装 结构,表示前面的情况也适用于后者。前后两个主语不一致。其中 so 作“这样; 如此”解。 (1)“so系动词/助动词/情态动词主语”的结构,常用来表示前面所述的肯 定情况也适用于另一个人或另一件事。 (2)“neither/nor助动词/系动词/情态动词主语”表示前面一种否定情况也 适用于另一个人或另一件事。 (3)“so主语系动词/助动词/情态动词”表示赞同(

29、某人或某物确实如此)。 (4)So it is/was with sb./sth.或 It is/was the same with sb./sth.用于前面句子中含有 不同类型的动词或既有肯定形式又有否定形式时,表示上述情况也适用于另外的 人或事物,意为“也是如此” 。 I dont know where he has gone,nor do I care about. 我不知道他去哪里了,我也不关心。 You have dropped a word here. Yes,so I have. 你在这里漏掉了一个字。 是的,的确如此。 He lives here but doesnt work

30、 here. So it is with me. 他住在这里却不在这里工作。 我也一样。 Toms father is a good worker and works very hard.It is the same with Jacks father.汤姆的父亲是个好工人,工作很卖力。杰克的父亲也是如此。 1 (教 材 P58)Diets are useless in the long term, yet approximately 20% of teenagers say they have tried going on a diet and skipping meals to contr

31、ol their weight. 【分析】 本句是一个并列复合句。连词 yet 后面是表转折意义的分句。分句 中 say 后面是一个省略了 that 的宾语从句,skipping meals 与 going on a diet 并列, 作 tried 的宾语,to control their weight 是目的状语。 【翻译】 从长远角度来看,节食并不能奏效,然而有大约 20%的青少年声 称,他们曾尝试过节食或者有时不吃饭,以控制自己的体重。 2(教材 P58)Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise,your

32、body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study. 【分析】 此句为一个主从复合句。第一个 that 引导宾语从句,作动词 learn 的宾语;第二个 that 引导定语从句,修饰其前面的名词 chemicals;when you exercise 作宾语从句的时间状语,而 when you study 作定语从句中的时间状语。 【翻译】 很多青少年惊奇地得知,当你锻炼时,你的体内会产生某些化学

33、物质,这些化学物质让你感到平静和放松,增强学习时的注意力。 .单句语法填空 1Learning is not always easy,but it is always good to everyone in the long term. 2It is useless spending/to spend (spend) much time on this matter. 3There is too much housework.She cant concentrate her attention on her hobby. 4 Michael put up a picture of Yao Mi

34、ng beside the bed to keep himself reminded(remind) of his own dreams. 5Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and neither/nor was I. 6Youd better make it prepared by yourself,and dont count on him. 7I was at a loss for words when he told me the bad news. 8For those teenagers who lik

35、e to watch TV too much,a large amount of time is wasted(waste) 9The country gained(gain)its independence ten years ago. 10His look in his eyes suggested that he was(be) not satisfied with the plan,so Mary suggested that we should pay(pay) more attention to the details. .完成句子 1医生建议,你不能吃饱后去游泳。 The doc

36、tor suggested that you shouldnt swim after eating a large meal.(swim) 2这个问题对我来说难以回答。 This question is hard for me to answer(answer) 3你最好关上门和窗以保持房间温暖。 Youd better close the door and windows to keep the room warm(keep) 4迈克学习努力,他的弟弟也是如此。 Mike is hardworking,and so is his younger brother(so) 5我有许多朋友,其中有一些是大医院里的医生。 I have many friends,some of whom are doctors in large hospitals.(some)


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