2019-2020英语选修七讲义:Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Grammar——系动词 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Grammar系动词 语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句 Both of these medicines have proved beneficial to mankind since they were invented. Within a short time,aspirin became the bestselling medicine in the world for pain relief. He noted that a dish in which he was trying to grow bacteria for an experiment looked abn

2、ormal. Another drug that has helped increase the standard of peoples health is penicillin. Many people has fallen ill because of the cold weather. It turned out that my judgement was right. It seems as if he has lost interest in his new job again. Please keep silent at the meeting unless youre allow

3、ed to talk. 后自主感悟 1.以上各句中的黑体词均为系动词。系动词本身有一定词义,但是不能单独作 谓语。其中例句的 be 是最常用的系动词。 2.例句中的 look 为“感觉感知”类系动词。 3.例句中的keep为 “状态持续”类系动词, 而例句中的prove、 例句中的turn out 和例句中的 seem 为“主观判断”类系动词。 4.例句中的 become 和例句中的 fall 为“状态变化”类系动词。 系动词本身有词义, 但不能单独作谓语, 它后面必须带有表语(如名词、 形容词、 副词、介词短语、不定式、动名词、过去分词或从句等)形成“系表结构”。 一、系动词的种类 1“状态

4、持续”类系动词 这类系动词表示主语某种状态的持续。常见的有:remain(依然),keep (保持), stay(保持),lie(处于状态)等。 She remained silent all night,which made us all worried about her. 她整个晚上沉默不语,这让我们都为她担心。 I hope you can keep fit forever. 我希望你身体永远健康。 2“主观判断”类系动词 这类系动词包括 seem(似乎是),appear(似乎,显得),prove(证明是),turn out(结果是,证明是)。 In the eyes of our g

5、randparents,his painting seemed absurd. 在我们的祖父母看来,他的画似乎是荒唐可笑的。 She appears to have a lot of friends. 她似乎有很多朋友。 名师点津 (1)seem 和 appear 后可以接 to do,to be doing 以及 to have done 的形式,也可 用于 It seems/appears that主语其他。 (2)seem 后可以接 as if/as though 引导的表语从句。 3“感觉”类系动词 这类系动词是与五种感觉相关的动词。常见的有 : look(看起来),feel(摸上去)

6、, smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。 The food looks very delicious. 这食物看起来很好吃。 This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布料手感很软。 4“状态变化”类系动词 这类系动词表示主语从一种状态进入另一种状态。常见的有:become,turn, grow,go,come,fall,get 等。 She became a teacher. She turned teacher. 她成了一名教师。 He grew rich within a short time. 他没多长时间就富了。 即时

7、训练 1 用所给词的适当形式填空 The engine just wont start.Something seems to have gone(go) wrong with it. Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what looks(look) nice. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she went(go) pale. 二、使用系动词应注意的几点 1系动词后接形容词作表语时,表明事物或人的状态,无被动语态。除表示 人的身体目前状态外,均不

8、用进行时态,常用一般现在时或一般过去时的主动语 态形式。 The surface of the table feels smooth. 这桌子表面摸起来很光滑。 Hes not feeling well this morning. 今天早上他感觉不太舒服。 2有些系动词后接形容词作表语时,还可以表示事物或人的变化过程,可用 于进行时态。 The days are getting colder and colder. 天变得越来越冷了。 Since she eats a lot every day,she is becoming fatter and fatter. 她每天都吃很多,所以她变得越

9、来越胖了。 3某些系动词与形容词之间有固定的搭配。 get ill/angry,come true,go mad/hungry/wrong/blind,make certain/sure/ready, stand still, appear calm, look well/young/tired, prove correct, fall asleep, turn yellow/green/red,get excited/married/wet 等。 4有些系动词如 seem,appear,prove 可以和 to be 连用,to be 常被省略。 She appeared (to be) h

10、appy at the news. 听到这个消息她好像很高兴。 The rumour proved (to be) false. 这个传闻原来是假的。 即时训练 2 用所给词的适当形式填空 Suddenly he fell (fall) ill and ran a high fever. Mr Jones turned (turn) headmaster last year. The surface of the table feels (feel) smooth. .单句语法填空 1My parents have always made me feel(feel) good about my

11、self,even when I was twelve. 2Ladies and gentlemen,please remain seated (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop. 3The theory he stuck to proved (prove) wrong. 4His wish to become an astronaut came (come) true eventually. 5The children all looked sadly(sad) at the broken model plane and fe

12、lt quite sad. 6Tasting (taste) so delicious,the food was sold out soon. 7Do you think that bridge measures (measure) 2,000 meters long? It doesnt appear that long. 8The flowers smelling (smell) sweet in the botanical garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. 9Leaving the less important th

13、ings until tomorrow is(be) often acceptable. 10Do you wake up every morning feeling(feel) energetic and ready to start a new day? .完成句子 1This matter remains a mystery 此事仍是一个谜。 2It seems to me that it is the best solution. 在我看来这似乎是最好的解决方法。 3I heard that he fell ill because of hard work. 我听说他由于劳累而病倒了。

14、 4At the age of fifteen,he became a famous pianist 十五岁时他成了有名的钢琴家。 5Children,keep quiet,please.I have something important to tell you. 孩子们,请保持安静,我有要事告诉你们。 6Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days. 为什么不把肉放在冰箱里呢?会保鲜好几天的。 7The task proved more difficult than we had thought. 这项任务证明比我们想的更难。 8I hope you will keep fit and live a happy life. 我希望你们会身体健康生活幸福。 9The exercise looks easy,but in fact its very hard. 这个练习看上去容易但实际很难。 10Dont you think the music of the song sounds beautiful? 你不认为这首歌的音乐听起来很优美吗?


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