2019-2020英语选修八讲义:Unit 1 Section Ⅴ Reading (Ⅱ) (Project) 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Reading () (Project) .匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思 ( )1.supremeAn.遗孀,寡妇 ( )2.debtBadj.神圣的,圣洁的 ( )3.holy Cadj.最高的,至高无上的 ( )4.widowDn.纪念碑,纪念馆,纪念塑像;古迹 ( )5.monumentEn.债务,欠款 ( )6.paragraphFn.押韵;押韵词;押韵短诗 vi.& vt.(使)押韵 ( )7.rhymeGn.曲调,曲子 vt.调音,校音; 调频道;调节 ( )8.tuneHn.段落 ( )9.springIn.名声,名誉 ( )10.reputationJvi.突然

2、出现;跳,蹦 答案 15 CEBAD 610 HFGJI .选择下列句中词组的汉语意思 A目的是 B由组成 C为向表示敬意D负债 E谈及,涉及F音调准确 ( )1.He died heavily in debt. ( )2.She is intended to get angry if you annoy her. ( )3.The committee consists of ten members. ( )4.In his speech he was only able to touch on a few aspects of the problem. ( )5.Youre not sing

3、ing in tune. ( )6.They held a reception in honour of the foreign visitors. 答案 16 DABEFC 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P1415教材课文,匹配段落大意 1(Paragraphs 14) AThe poemA Red,Red Rosewith its introduction and explanation 2(Paragraphs 57)BIntroduction of Robert Burns 3(Paragraphs 89) CSome information about a movemen

4、t of poets called the Romantic Movement 答案 13 BCA 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P1415教材课文,选择最佳答案 1What made Burns full of inspiration to write poems? AMaking a fortune. BLove. CStaying at home without work. DIntending to become famous. 2Why did Burns die at an early age? ABecause he lost his hope for life. BBec

5、ause he was so sad to lose his first love. CBecause he lived a hard life and his health was poor as well. DBecause he was killed by others. 3What is the main theme in romantic poetry? ALove.BFriendship. CPerson.DNature. 4Whats the main idea of Paragraph Five? ABurns belonged to a group of poets call

6、ed the Romantic poets. BThe Romantic Movement started around 1780. CThe poetry of the Romantic period often focuses on freedom and beauty. D The poetry of the Romantic period tends to use imagination and touch on strong feelings. 答案 14 BCDA 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P1415教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形 式。 R

7、obert Burns had a reputation for 1.being(be) funny.He was regarded as Scotlands supreme literary hero.He was born in a poor family.Even after he became famous,he still had to earn his income by 2.farming(farm).3.Therefore, a hard life and weak health made his life short.After his 4.death(die), many

8、people donated money to support his widow and children. Robert Burns 5.belonged(belong) to a group of poets 6.called(call) the Romantic poets.The poetry of that time focused on concepts like freedom and beauty.The poets often tended to use 7.imagination(imagine) and touched 8.on strong feelings.They were 9.interested(interest) in nature and used it as a theme in their poetry.This is probably 10.why Burns talked about a rose in his famous poem,“A Red,Red Rose”


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