2019-2020英语选修八讲义:Unit 1 英美文化欣赏 含答案.pdf

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1、【导读】 爱情未必总是幸福的历程,相爱的人也未必总是彼此善待。我们 都熟知很多恋人因外来压力不能相聚的故事。在呼啸山庄中,使恋人隔开的 主要原因来自他们自身。让我们读下面的节选来了解他们的感情纠葛吧。 【节选】 1 Mr.Lockwood visits Wuthering Heights 1801 I have just returned from a visit to my landlord, Mr.Heathcliff.I am delighted with the house I am renting from him.Thrushcross Grange is miles away f

2、rom any town or village.That suits me perfectly. And the scenery here in Yorkshire is so beautiful! Mr.Heathcliff,in fact,is my only neighbour,and I think his character is similar to mine.He does not like people either. My name is Lockwood,I said,when I met him at the gate to his house.Im renting Th

3、rushcross Grange from you.I just wanted to come and introduce myself. He said nothing,but frowned,and did not encourage me to enter.After a while, however,he decided to invite me in. Joseph,take Mr.Lockwoods horse!he called.And bring up some wine from the cellar!Joseph was a very old servant,with a

4、sour expression on his face.He looked crossly up at me as he took my horse. God help us!A visitor!he muttered to himself.Perhaps there were no other servants,I thought.And it seemed that Mr.Heathcliff hardly ever received guests. His house is called Wuthering Heights. The name meansa windswept house

5、 on a hill,and it is a very good description.The trees around the house do not grow straight, but are bent by the north wind, which blows over the moors every day of the year.Fortunately,the house is strongly built,and is not damaged even by the worst winter storms.The nameEarushawis cut into a ston

6、e over the front door. Mr.Heathcliff and I entered the huge main room.It could have been any Yorkshire farmhouse kitchen,except that there was no sign of cooking,and no farmer sitting at the table.Mr.Heathcliff certainly does not look like a farmer.His hair and skin are dark, like a Gipsys,but he ha

7、s the manners of a gentleman.He could perhaps take more care with his appearance,but he is handsome.I think he is proud,and also unhappy. We sat down by the fire,in silence. Joseph!shouted Mr.Heathcliff.No answer came from the cellar,so he dived down there,leaving me alone with several rather fierce

8、looking dogs.Suddenly one of them jumped angrily up at me,and in a moment all the others were attacking me.From every shadowy corner in the great room appeared a growling animal, ready to kill me, it seemed. Help! Mr.Heathcliff! Help! I shouted, trying to keep the dogs back.My landlord and his serva

9、nt were in no hurry to help,and could not have climbed the cellar steps more slowly,but luckily a woman,who I supposed was the housekeeper, rushed into the room to calm the dogs. What the devil is the matter?Mr.Heathcliff asked me rudely,when he finally entered the room. Your dogs,sir!I replied.You

10、shouldnt leave a stranger with them.Theyre dangerous. Come, come, Mr.Lockwood.Have some wine.We dont often have strangers here,and Im afraid neither I nor my dogs are used to receiving them. I could not feel offended after this,and accepted the wine.We sat drinking and talking together for a while.I

11、 suggested visiting him tomorrow.He did not seem eager to see me again,but I shall go anyway.I am interested in him,even if he isnt interested in me. 1 洛克伍德先生造访呼啸山庄 1801 年,我刚刚拜访我的房东希斯克利夫先生回来。我喜欢从他那儿租来的 那座房子。画眉山庄无论离哪个村镇都有数英里之遥,正合我的心意。约克郡这 儿的风景太美了! 希斯克利夫先生实际上是我唯一的邻居,我觉得他的性情与我相仿。他也不 喜欢人群。 在通向他房子的院门前我见到

12、了他。“我姓洛克伍德,”我说道,“我租用着您 的画眉山庄。我是来同您打个招呼的。” 他没说话,却皱了一下眉头,不太愿意让我进去。但待了一会儿又决定请我 进屋。 “约瑟夫,牵走洛克伍德先生的马!”他喊道,“到地窖里拿些酒上来!”约瑟夫 是个很老的仆人,脸上表情乖戾。牵马时气鼓鼓地看了我一眼。 “上帝保佑!来了客人!”他自言自语地嘟囔着。我想可能再没有别的仆人了。 看来希斯克利夫先生几乎从不接待客人。 他的房子叫呼啸山庄。 意思是 “狂风肆虐的山丘上的房子”, 名字起得恰如其分。 房子周围的树不是直着长,而是被长年累月里从荒原过来的北风吹弯了。好在房 子造得结实,即使是冬天最烈的风暴也毁不了。房子

13、正门的一块石头上刻着“欧肖” 这个名字。 希斯克利夫先生和我进到极大的正房。它很像是约克郡一个普通农家的厨房, 只是没有做饭的迹象,桌旁也没坐着农夫。希斯克利夫先生看上去显然不像个农 夫,他的头发和皮肤是深色的,像吉卜赛人,但有绅士的派头。他还能对自己的 外表再多上点儿心,但已经算得上英俊了。我觉得他很高傲,而且郁郁寡欢。 我们在火旁坐下,都没说话。 “约瑟夫!”希斯克利夫先生高声喊道。地窖里没有回答,于是他钻了下去,只 剩下我单独和几条恶狗在一起。突然其中一条气势汹汹地跳起来扑向我,随即其 他的几条也都攻向我。这大屋子的每个阴暗角落都蹿出一条嗥叫的恶兽,一副要 杀了我的架势。 “救命呀!希斯

14、克利夫先生!救命!”我一边竭力不让狗近身,一边高声喊道。 我的房东和他的仆人根本不急于来解救我,不慌不忙地从地窖的楼梯往上爬。但 幸运的是有个女人,我猜她是这儿的女管家,冲进屋里把狗制服了。 “搞什么鬼?”希斯克利夫先生无礼地问我道,这时他终于进了屋。 “是您的狗,先生!”我回答。“您不应该把一个生人撇下,和它们在一起。它 们很危险。” “好了,好了,洛克伍德先生,喝点酒。我们这儿不常来生人,恐怕我和我这 些狗都不知道怎么接待客人。” 这么一来我倒没了被冒犯的感觉,接过了酒。我们坐在一起边喝边聊了一会 儿。我提议明天再来拜访他。他对再见我似乎并没有热情,但无论如何我也得去。 我对他很有兴趣,虽然他对我没有。 知识积累 1frown v皱眉 2mutter v.咕哝 3moor n.旷野,荒野 4Gipsy n.吉卜赛人 5growl v.低声吼叫 文化链接 在 呼啸山庄 中, 使恋人隔开的主要原因来自他们自身。 这个故事中的人物, 像现实世界的人们一样,有弱点正是这些弱点导致了他们的不幸。他们高傲、 自私;他们经常陷于感情纠葛之中,又不能决定自己的命运。爱情经常由于这些 原因而失败,但现实生活中很少有像这个故事中所描述的这样动人心魄。


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