2019-2020英语选修六讲义:Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Reading (Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit &amp Reading) 含答案.pdf

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《2019-2020英语选修六讲义:Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Reading (Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit &amp Reading) 含答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020英语选修六讲义:Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Reading (Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit &amp Reading) 含答案.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、幸福是什么?幸福在哪里?对于幸福,每个人都有自己不同的感受和理解。 What is happiness? Happiness,for most people,is a fortune pursued and cherished by everyone in their life.There is no exact definition of “happiness” in that different people have their own interpretation of it.Actually it is common that a happy person ought to be a

2、bsolutely content with the possession and harbor a positive mind toward the reality.Having access to happiness is not hard once we are satisfied with what we own at hand as well as keeping a good mood. There is a common phenomenon that a lot of people regard financial state as the criteria to judge

3、whether a family is happy or not.They believe as long as they possess enough money they have access to what they desire or dream of in order to satisfy their needs.On the contrary, others stress more on affections than wealth because they are able to enrich themselves by heart to heart communication

4、.Regarding and being regarded wholeheartedly,they feel a sense of achievement or warmth.Encouraged by parents before giving up,assisted by friends when falling down, even congratulated by teachers after making a breakthrough,they permanently cherish those deep memories in their mind. From my perspec

5、tive, I believe happiness comes from love that cannot be bought.In other words,love addresses on a higher position than wealth or material possessions.To conclusion,love is like sunshine to make me warm,like a song to cheer me up,and like a lamp in my journey. 阅读障碍词 1pursue v 追求 2cherish v. 珍爱 3defi

6、nition n. 定义 4interpretation n. 解释,说明 5phenomenon n. 现象 6perspective n. 观点,看法 诱思导读 阅读短文,回答下列问题。 1Do different people have different explanations of the word“happiness”? 2In the authors opinion,what does happiness come from? 答案 1.Yes. 2.It comes from love. Section Reading ()(Welcome to the unit & Rea

7、ding) .匹配下列单词的词性及汉语意思 ( )1.surround Aadj.严重的;严厉的;艰巨的 ( )2.specialistBn.疼痛,痛苦;折磨 ( )3.severe Cadv.分开;分离 ( )4.appreciationDn.专科医师;专家 ( )5.adapt Eadj.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的 ( )6.admirable Fvt.拥护;支持;提倡 ( )7.apart Gvt.围绕,环绕 ( )8.accomplish Hvi.& vt.(使)适应;改编 ( )9.advocate Ivt.完成,实现 ( )10.suffering Jn.感激,感谢;欣赏;理解 答案

8、15 GDAJH 610 ECIFB .选择下列句中词组的汉语意思 A心情好 B追求,谋求 C把用于(投入到)中D分开,分离 E以防 F适应 G(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 H集中于 ( )1.You should make a note of what the teacher says in class carefully in case you may forget after class. ( )2.Their letter of support made me in good spirits all day long. ( )3.Cheer up! You will achieve

9、your dream of becoming a writer sooner or later as long as you keep trying. ( )4.He is such a great teacher that he devotes his life to teaching the poor children. ( )5.Today we are going to focus on the question of homeless people. ( )6.We should be concerned with the students who live apart from t

10、heir parents. ( )7.The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school. ( )8.Li Ping is doing his best to go after that pretty girl in another company. 答案 14 EAGC 58 HDFB The search for happiness Host: Were talking about happiness today.To some, happiness is being surrounded (围绕,环绕) by famil

11、y and friends.To others,happiness means achieving success in something,such as meeting a goal.To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability, happiness can simply mean a day without suffering (疼痛),or just being alive. Our guest today is Dr Brain,who has written several books a

12、bout happiness and the things people do to keep themselves happy.Dr Brain,thank you for joining us today. 寻求幸福 主持人:我们今天来谈论幸福这个话题。对一些人来说,幸福就是有家人和 朋友陪伴在自己身边。对另一些人来说,幸福意味着在某个方面取得成功,比如 实现一个目标。对那些受伤的人或者是身有残疾的人来说,幸福可能仅仅意味着 过一天没有疼痛的日子,或者仅仅是活着而已。 我们今天的嘉宾是布莱恩博士,他写过好几本有关幸福以及人们为了使自己 保持幸福所做的事的书。布莱恩博士,谢谢您参加我们今天的

13、节目。 助读讲解 people do 是省略 that 或 which 的宾语从句,修饰先行词 the things,the things 在定语从句中充当 do 的宾语。 Dr Brain:Thank you for inviting me.Today,Im going to talk about how to find happiness. Host:I understand that you often use the example of the gymnast (体操运动员) Sang Lan to show how people can find happiness even du

14、ring times of a personal catastrophe. Dr Brain:Yes,Sang Lan is a very good example of someone who is happy with her life,even when people expect her to be sad.Before her accident,we knew her as a young girl who was happy and successful in her sport.While she was injured and in hospital,she amazed th

15、e world by the way she remained cheerful.Now, she finds happiness through reaching much smaller goals,and through the love of the people around her. Host:Well,in case some of our viewers (电视观众) dont know her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is? 布莱恩博士:谢谢您的邀请。今天,我将谈谈关于如何找

16、到幸福。 主持人:我知道,您经常用体操运动员桑兰的例子来告诉人们,即使遭遇个 人灾难时,也能找到幸福。 布莱恩博士:是的,桑兰就是一个非常好的例子,即使别人预料她会很伤心, 但她却生活得很幸福。在事故发生之前,我们知道桑兰是一个年轻、快乐的女孩, 在体育方面有傲人的成绩。在她受伤住院期间,世人都为她依然开朗的样子感到 惊讶。如今,她在实现较小目标的过程中从周边人对她的爱中找到了幸福。 主持人:嗯,以防我们有些观众还不知道桑兰的故事,您能为我们简单介绍 一下桑兰吗? 助读讲解 how 引导的宾语从句作介词 about 的宾语。that 引导宾语从 句,从句中又含有 how 引导的宾语从句。主句中

17、 who 引导定语从句,修饰先行 词someone; 从句中when引导的是时间状语从句。while引导的是时间状语从句。 中 she remained cheerful是定语从句, 省略了引导词 that或 in which修饰先行词 the way。 Dr Brain:Of course.Sang Lan was born in Ningbo,China in 1981,and began learning gymnastics when she was only six years old.By the time she competed in the gymnastics tourna

18、ment at the New York Goodwill (友好 ; 善意) Games, she had been a junior (有少年心) gymnast for eleven years.Sang Lans best event was always the vault (跳 马 ) She started winning competitions in 1991 and kept working hard.Her teammates described her as energetic,happy and hardworking. Even though her trainin

19、g meant that she had to live apart from (远离) her parents,she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.Sang Lan knew that in those years,she was working towards something special,and she was making her parents proud.In 1998, a small accident during one of her practice vaults at the Goodwill Games co

20、uld have cost her her future happiness.A coach changed the way the equipment was set up,but Sang Lan was not aware of the change until it was too late.She hit her head,and then fell to the gymnastics mat (厚垫子) with a broken neck.She was rushed to a top hospital in New York.Specialists (专家) from many

21、 parts of the world said that because of her severe (严重的) injuries,she would never walk again. 布莱恩博士:当然可以。桑兰于 1981 年出生在中国的宁波市,当她只有 6 岁 时就开始学习体操。到参加纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,桑兰已经是一名有 着十一年经历的体操小将了。桑兰最拿手的项目一直是跳马。自 1991 年她就开始 在多次比赛中获胜,并且一直刻苦训练。她的队友们说她精力充沛、快乐、刻苦。 尽管参加训练意味着她不得不与父母分开,但她还是乐意投身于体操中。桑 兰知道,在那些年里,自己正朝一个特别

22、的目标奋斗,她在使父母为她感到骄傲。 1998 年在友好运动会上进行跳马练习时的一个小事故,可能把她未来的幸福化为 泡影。一位教练改变了设备安放的方式,当桑兰意识到这一变化时,为时已晚。 她一头栽到了体操垫子上,颈骨折断。她被紧急送往纽约市的一家顶级医院。来 自世界各地的许多专家说,由于伤势严重,她将永远无法行走了。 助读讲解 when 引导时间状语从句。by the time 引导时间状语从句。 even though 引导让步状语从句,从句中又含有 that 引导的宾语从句。that 引 导宾语从句。 Host:That must have been difficult for her.S

23、he must have been very sad. Dr Brain: No,that is why her story is so special.Everyone who saw her,from nurses to famous visitors like Leonardo DiCaprio from the film Titanic,who went to see her in the hospital to cheer her up,all said she was in good spirits (心情好)Sang Lan knew that for many people t

24、he secret to happiness is to have appreciation (欣赏) for the good things in life,and to focus on goals.Instead of crying about what she had lostand feeling hopeless,Sang Lan thought about what she could do to get better.Her teammates were competing while she was in hospital.When they visited her and

25、told her about their successes,she was happy for them.When the doctors told her that she would never again be a gymnast,she was able to overcome her sorrow (悲伤) by being proud of the things she had accomplished (完成,实 现)She felt thankful to be alive and lucky to have the rest of her life to learn new

26、 things. 主持人:那对她来说想必无法承受,她肯定是非常伤心。 布莱恩博士:事实并非如此,那正是她的故事如此特别的原因。见过她的每 个人,从医院的护士,到前往医院探访、给她鼓励的名人,如主演泰坦尼克号 的莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥等,都说她精神状态很好。桑兰知道,对很多人来说,幸 福的秘诀在于欣赏生活中美好的东西,集中精力实现自己的目标。所以,桑兰并 没有为失去的一切哭泣,感到绝望,她想到的是她能做什么以使自己更好。她住 院期间,队友们继续比赛。队友们前往医院看望她,跟她讲述他们的成功时,她 为队友们感到高兴。当医生告诉她,她再也不能当体操运动员时,桑兰能够通过 为自己事业已取得的成绩感到骄傲和

27、自豪这种方式而战胜悲痛。她庆幸自己仍然 活着,庆幸自己未来还有余生学习新东西。 助读讲解 why 引导表语从句。what 引导宾语从句,作介词 about 的宾 语。when 引导时间状语从句,在从句中又含有 that 引导的宾语从句。 Host:That is really amazing,Dr Brain.How old was she when this happened? Dr Brain:She was only seventeen years old. Host:And how has Sang Lan adapted (适应) to her new life? Dr Brain:

28、 Very well.She went back to China, and graduated from Peking University in 2007 with a degree in broadcasting (节目制作和播放)She also hosted a sports programme about the 2008 Beijing Olympics,and continues to be a popular figure on TV.However,her primary goal is to advocate (拥护,提倡) better treatment for di

29、sabled people .She says that she likes to be optimistic.She also believes that keeping busy helps her stay positive. Host:I hope all of our viewers have been inspired by Sang Lan! I think her courage is admirable (令人钦佩的)I know I will think about how she rebuilt (重 建) her life whenever my life feels

30、unbearable(无法忍受的). 主持人:那真让人惊叹,布莱恩博士。这件事发生时她多大? 布莱恩博士:她当时只有 17 岁。 主持人:那桑兰是如何适应她的新生活的呢? 布莱恩博士:她适应得非常好。她回到中国,2007 年毕业于北京大学,获得 广播电视专业学位。她也主持过一档有关 2008 年北京奥运会的体育节目,依然是 电视上的活跃人物。然而,她的首要目标是倡导给予残疾人更好的待遇。她说她 喜欢乐观。她也相信,忙碌有助于她保持积极乐观的状态。 主持人:我希望我们的所有观众都受到了桑兰的鼓舞!我觉得她的勇气令人 钦佩。我知道,以后每当我感到生活难以忍受时,我都会想一想桑兰是如何重建 生活的。

31、 助读讲解 不定式作表语。 that 引导宾语从句。 know 后为省略 that 的 宾语从句;how 引导宾语从句作介词 about 的宾语;whenever 引导让步状语从句。 第一步 速读了解文章主题和段落大意 速读 P1819教材课文,选择最佳答案。 1At what age did Sang Lan begin learning gymnastics? A5. B6. C10. D17. 2In 1998 at the Goodwill Games,Sang Lan was practising vaults when she fell and broke her . Ahands

32、Blegs CneckDback 3What does Sang Lan think of her new life? AVery well.BVery badly. CNot so well.DJust soso. 4Why did the accident happen to Sang Lan? A The equipment with which she practiced didnt function well during her competition. BShe failed to know a change had been made to the way the equipm

33、ent was set up. CShe suffered from the loss of sleep and was ill. DShe was very nervous during her training. 5What is Sang Lans chief goal now according to the text? ATo stay in the USA as a gymnastics coach. BTo continue her study in broadcasting. CTo be a host of a CCTV sports programme. DTo devot

34、e herself to helping the disabled. 【答案】 15 BCABD 第二步 细读把控文章关键信息 细读 P1819教材课文,判断正(T)误(F)。 1Dr Brain studies happiness.( ) 2Sang Lan became a gymnast when she was eleven years old. ( ) 3Before her accident,Sang Lans best event was the vault.( ) 4Sang Lan was injured in China in 1998,while practising f

35、or the Goodwill Games.( ) 5Sang Lan broke her legs and will never walk again.( ) 6Leonardo DiCaprio visited Sang Lan in the hospital.( ) 答案16 TFTFFT 第三步 研读能力升华 接轨高考 根据 P1819教材课文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形 式。 To some,happiness means 1.being surrounded(surround)by family and friends and to others,happi

36、ness means achieving success in something,2.while to those who struggle with a physical 3.disability(disable),happiness can simply mean a day without 4.suffering(suffer)We often use the example of the gymnast Sang Lan to show how people can find 5.happiness (happy) through reaching much 6.smaller(sm

37、all)goals even during times of a personal catastrophe.Sang Lan was a junior gymnast,7.whose best event was the vault.8.Although/Though she had an accident and was badly injured, she has adapted to her new life.Her courage is 9.admirable(admire)From Sang Lans story we can conclude that if we want to be in good spirits, we should have 10.appreciation(appreciate)for the good things in life.


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