2019-2020英语选修六讲义:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Language points(Ⅰ)(Welcome to the unit &amp Reading) 含答案.pdf

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1、Section Language points()(Welcome to the unit & Reading) .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词。 1Nowadays the old find it more and more difficult to adapt (适应)to the new world. 2In their eyes,they can accomplish (实现)anything with enough money,and this is where I disagree. 3China has made admirable (令人钦佩的)achievem

2、ents in scientific field. 4Many students find temporary (临时的)jobs during their summer holidays. 5Good friends should share happiness and sorrow (悲伤) 6Every time you celebrate an achievement,be thankful to those who made it possible. 7The house was surrounded by high walls. 8He made a quick decision

3、and now he is suffering for it. 9What he said and did at the party made us unbearable 10There are not many teachers who advocate traditional methods in English teaching. .拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词。 1surround vt.环绕,围绕surrounding adj.附近的,周围的surroundings n环境,周围的事物 2appreciate vt.欣赏;感激appreciation n感激,感谢;欣赏

4、;理解;(艺术 方面的)鉴定,评估 3accomplish vt.完成,实现accomplishment n完成,实现 4 adapt vi.& vt.(使)适应 ; 改编adaptable adj.能适应的, 可修改的adaptation n适应;改编;改编本,改写本 5admire vt.钦佩;赞赏;仰慕admirable adj.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的 admiration n钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 寻规律、巧记忆 adj.istn.n.fuladj. journalist n. 新闻工作者;记者 idealist n. 理想主义者 nationalist n. 民族主义者 useful ad

5、j.有用的 helpful adj.有帮助的,有益的 skillful adj.有技巧的 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语。 1be aware of 意识到,明白 2in case 以防 3describe.as 把描述成 4apart from 远离,和不在一起;除了 5cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来 6devote.to 把用于(投入到)中 7in good spirits 心情好 8focus on 集中于 9adapt to 适应 10go after 追求,谋求 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空。 1Give Mary a call;she needs ch

6、eering up/to be cheered up 2The exercise in this unit focuses on past and future tenses. 3I dont think people are really aware of just how much it costs. 4When asked,a witness described the murderer as tall and dark,and aged about 20. 5It so happened that both of them were going after the same job a

7、t that time. 寻规律、巧记忆 goprep.动词短语v.to(介词)动词短语 go against 背叛;违反 go through 经历;审查 go for 攻击;喜欢 lead to 导致;通往 stick to 坚持 turn to 求助于,翻到 1By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games,she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years. 到参加纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,桑兰已经是一名有着十一年经历的

8、 体操小将了。 记句式结构 by the time 意为“到时为止” ,常与完成时态连用。 仿写促落实 Much to my regret,my grandma had left by the time we reached home 令我非常遗憾的是,当我们到家的时候我的外祖母已经走了。 2Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. 尽管参加训练意味着她不得不与父母分开,但她还是乐意投身于体操

9、中。 记句式结构 even though 意为“即使,虽然” ,引导让步状语从句。 仿写促落实 I will go with you even though I am very busy 即使很忙,我也会和你一起去。 3It usually comes when we do activities that accomplish something,and these activities are not always pleasant. 这种幸福感通常会在我们做某些能够取得某种成功的活动时才会有,而且这 些活动并不总是令人快乐的。 记句式结构 not always 为“否定副词表绝对意义的词”

10、表部分否定。 仿写促落实 After all,failure is not always a bad thing. 毕竟,失败也不总是一件坏事。 4Yes,as long as I still had my family and friends. 是的,只要我还有我的家人和朋友。 记句式结构 as long as 意为“只要” ,引导条件状语从句。 仿写促落实 As long as you study hard,you will go to college. 只要你努力学习,你会考上大学的。 surround vt.围绕,环绕 (教材 P18)To some,happiness is bein

11、g surrounded by family and friends. 对一些人来说,幸福就是有家人和朋友陪伴在自己身边。 (1)be surrounded by/with 被包围(围绕) surround sb./sth.with sb./sth. 用某人/某物包围某人/某物 (2)surrounding adj. 周围的 (3)surroundings n. 复环境,周围的事物 The original builders surrounded the city with a wall. 最初的建设者们在该城的周围修起了城墙。 Vancouver is Canadas most beauti

12、ful city, surrounded (surround)by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. 温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市,被大山和太平洋环抱。 There are many tall buildings in the city and the surrounding (surround)area. 在这个城市及其周围地区有许多高楼。 in case 以免;以防万一 (教材 P18)Well,in case some of our viewers dont know her story,can you tell us a little bit about

13、Sang Lan and who she is? 嗯,以防我们有些观众还不知道桑兰的故事,您能为我们简单介绍一下桑兰 吗? in any case 无论如何;总之 in that case 如果那样的话 in no case 决不 as is often the case 这是常有的事 in case of 如果;万一(后跟名词或动名词) in the case of. 就来说,至于 In that case we will not stand by. 如果那样的话,我们不会袖手旁观。 In no case have I noticed that he left early. 我根本没有注意到

14、他早退了。 She was absent from class,as is often the case. 她没有来上课,这是常有的事。 名师点津 小“case”的用法 in case 起副词作用时意为“以防万一”在句中作状语;in no case 放句首时句 子用部分倒装。 junior adj.青少年的;地位(或职位、级别)低下的 (教材 P18)By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games,she had been a junior gymnast for elev

15、en years. 到参加纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,桑兰已经是一名有着十一年经历的 体操小将了。 be superior to比优越;不屈服于 be senior to 比级别(或地位)高 be junior to 比级别(或地位)低 He took part in the world junior tennis championship last year. 去年他参加了世界青少年网球锦标赛。 He is junior to me. 他的职位比我低。 名师点津 表示“小/大某人岁;比某人小/大岁”时,可以用 be.years sb.s junior/senior 或 be sb.s ju

16、nior/senior (by)years 等。这里 junior,senior 均用作名 词。 junior,senior,superior 等用作形容词时,本身已含有比较意义,所以不再 与 more 连用;要进行比较时用介词 to,而不用 than。 event n(体育运动中的)比赛项目;事情;(尤指)大事;事件 (教材 P18)Sang Lans best event was always the vault. 桑兰最拿手的项目一直是跳马。 The Alibaba Group listing on an American stock market is a big event for

17、Chinas online commerce. 阿里巴巴集团在美国上市对中国电子商务来说是一件大事。 明辨异同 event/accident/affair/business event 指重大的,能引起兴趣,且有影响力的大事件,特别指重大的 历史事件。 accident指意想不到,突如其来的“不幸事故” 。 affair 常用作复数。指头绪较多的事务,如:foreign affairs 外交事务, international affairs 国际事务。 business在作 “事务” 讲时, 和 affairs 相近, 但 business 一般只用作单数。 event/accident/af

18、fair/business The election was the main event of 2015. The President once was in charge of the foreign affairs We met by accident at the airport. My private life is none of your business devote oneself to 投身于;专心于; 致力于;献身于 (教材 P18)Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her par

19、ents,she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. 尽管参加训练意味着她不得不与父母分开,但她还是乐意投身于体操中。 (1)devote time/money/attention to. 为付出时间/金钱/注意力 (2)devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的 be devoted to 忠实于,全身心致力于 (3)devotion 深爱;献身;忠心 devotion to sth./sb. 对某事/某人的深爱或专心 He devoted himself to researching the Ebola virus. 他致力于研究埃博拉病毒。

20、 This magazine is devoted to science. 这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。 He had started to devote his energies to teaching(teach) 他已经开始将精力投入到教学中。 名师点津 介词“to”知多少 devote to 中的 to 为介词。to 为介词的词组还有:look forward to 盼望;pay attention to 注意;get down to 开始,着手;be/get used to 习惯于;lead to 导致, 通往;stick to 坚持;turn to 求助于等。 appreciatio

21、n n感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估 (教材 P19) Sang Lan knew that for many people the secret to happiness is to have appreciation for the good things in life,and to focus on goals. 桑兰知道,对很多人来说,幸福的秘诀在于欣赏生活中美好的东西,集中精 力实现自己的目标。 (1)have appreciation for欣赏 have an appreciation of 对有欣赏力/体谅 in appreciation of 作为对的感谢

22、 (2)appreciate vt. 感谢;感激 appreciate(doing) sth. 感激(做)某事 I would appreciate it if. 如果,我会感激不尽 (2019全国卷阅读理解 A)I once wrote a paper on the influence of fairy tales on Roald Dahls writing and it gave me a new appreciation for his strange and delightful words. 我曾经就童话对罗尔德达尔的作品的影响写过一篇论文,这让我对他的奇特 而令人愉快的文字有了新

23、的理解。 We would appreciate you letting (let) us know of any problems. 如有任何问题,请告诉我们。 I would appreciate it if you can give me a hand. 如果你能帮我一把,我会感激不尽。 名师点津 appreciate 作“感激”讲时,不可接 sb.作宾语。 appreciate 后跟宾语只能用名词或动名词,不接动词不定式。 adapt v(使)适应;改编 (教材 P19)And how has Sang Lan adapted to her new life?那桑兰是如何适应她 的新生

24、活的呢? (1)adapt(oneself) to使适应于 (2)adapt sth.from 根据改编某物 be adapted for 被改编成 (3)adaptable adj. 能适应的;可修改的 adaptation n. 适应;改编;改写本 Not only has she adapted herself to the fast rhythm of city life,but she is becoming more and more outgoing. 她不仅已经适应了快节奏的城市生活,而且变得越来越开朗。 This new film is said to be adapted

25、from a novel by Jane Austen. 据说这部新影片是根据简奥斯汀的一本小说改编的。 Im sure shell cope with the changes very wellshes very adaptable (adapt) 我相信她会很妥善地应付这些变化她的适应能力很强。 语境助记 The Greens adopted their friends advice and decided to adopt a child.The child tried his best to adapt to the new surroundings.A director was mo

26、ved by the story and then he adapted it for television. 格林夫妇采纳了朋友的建议决定收养一个孩子。这个孩子尽力适应了新的环 境。一个导演被这个故事感动,于是把它改编成电视剧。 advocate vt.拥护;支持;提倡 (教材 P19)However,her primary goal is to advocate better treatment for disabled people. 然而,她的首要目标是倡导给予残疾人更好的待遇。 advocate(doing)sth. 支持/提倡做某事 advocate that. 主张从句谓语动词用

27、 “(should)动词原形” advocate on sth. 在某方面支持 The group doesnt advocate the use of violence. 该团体不支持使用暴力。 Do you advocate banning(ban) cars in the city centre? 你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这一主张吗? I advocate that the bed in our room(should) be widened(wide) 我主张把我们卧室的床加宽。 admirable adj.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的 (教材 P19)I think her

28、courage is admirable. 我觉得她的勇气令人钦佩。 (1)admire vt. 钦佩;赞美,羡慕 admire sb.for(doing)sth. 因某事钦佩某人 (2)admiration n. 钦佩;赞赏 admiration for sb./sth. 赞赏某人/某物 with/in admiration 钦佩地 (3)admirer n. 钦佩者;赞赏者 I admire you very much. 我很钦佩你。 I have great admiration(admire) for her as a writer. 我十分钦佩她这个作家。 I admire Liu

29、Hulan for her spirits of not frightening her enemies. 我钦佩刘胡兰不怕敌人的精神。 go after 追求;谋求 (教材 P21)Some people advocate going after pleasure in order to find happiness. 有些人提倡追求快乐来寻找幸福。 go against 背叛;违背;违反;不利于 go in for 爱好;酷爱;从事;参加 go ahead 走在前面,领先;干吧,去吧 go by 走过(某处);时间过去、流逝 go over 越过;复习;仔细检查 go round/arou

30、nd 四处走动;绕道走;(病、消息)流传 go through 经历;审查 He went over the plans again and discovered two mistakes. 他再次检查这个计划,发现了两处错误。 As time goes by,the child grows up into a successful man. 随着时间的流逝,这个孩子长大成了一位成功人士。 Lets go over all the lessons we have learnt this term before the exam. 让我们在考试之前把我们这学期学过的所有课程复习一下吧。 (教材

31、P18)Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents,she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. 尽管参加训练意味着她不得不与父母分开,但她还是乐意投身于体操中。 要点提炼 even though 即使,虽然,引导让步状语从句。 even though 与 even if 可以互换,但 even if 更强调假定性。让步状语从句的引 导词还有 : although, though, no matter疑问词, whenever, wherev

32、er, however 等。 as 也可以引导让步状语从句,但要把其表语、谓语动词原形、宾语前置,且前置的 单数名词不可以用冠词修饰。 Ill get there,even though I have to walk. 即使走我也要走到那里。 Girl as/though she is,she can go alone in the darkness. 尽管是个女孩,她却敢一个人走夜路。 Whatever you do,do it well. 不管你做什么,把它做好。 (教材 P21)Yes,as long as I still had my family and friends.是的,只要我

33、还 有我的家人和朋友。 要点提炼 as long as/so long as 只要,引导条件状语从句。 条件状语从句常用连词: if/unless/as(so)long as/on condition that/provided(providing)that./suppose (supposing)that./say that./lets say that. unlessif.not,意为“如果不/没有” 注意 : 在陈述语气中, 主句是一般将来时, 条件和时间状语从句用一般现在时。 You can go where you like as long as you get back befor

34、e dark. 你可以随意到任何地方,只要你能在天黑前回来。 I will not attend the meeting unless (I am) invited (invite)除非被邀请,不然 我是不会参加会议的。 I will stay (stay) if you offer me more money. 你给我更多的钱我才会留下。 1(教材 P19)A coach changed the way the equipment was set up,but Sang Lan was not aware of the change until it was too late. 分析 这是复

35、合句。but 连接前后两个并列分句,在前一分句中包含定语从 句 the equipment was set up 修饰先行词 the way;后一个分句中包含 until 引导的时 间状语从句。 翻译 一位教练改变了设备安放的方式,当桑兰意识到这一变化时,为时已 晚。 2(教材 P19)Sang Lan knew that for many people the secret to happiness is to have appreciation for the good things in life,and to focus on goals. 分析 that 引导宾语从句作 knew 的

36、宾语, and 连接两个并列的不定式短语作 表语。 翻译 桑兰知道,对很多人来说,幸福的秘诀在于欣赏生活中美好的东西, 集中精力实现自己的目标。 3(教材 P19)When the doctors told her that she would never again be a gymnast, she was able to overcome her sorrow by being proud of the things she had accomplished. 分析 这是复合句。when 引导时间状语从句,该从句中还有 that 引导的宾 语从句。主句中 she had accompli

37、shed 是定语从句,修饰先行词 things。注意主句 中的谓语部分用的是 was able to overcome,表示过去特定场合下的能力,不能用 could 表示。 翻译 当医生告诉她,她再也不能当体操运动员时,桑兰能够通过为自己事 业已取得的成绩感到骄傲和自豪这种方式而战胜悲痛。 .单句语法填空 1The soldiers showed admirable (admire) bravery. 2What is the depth (deep)of this lake? 3 The report advocated that all buildings should be fitted

38、 (fit) with smoke detectors. 4He continued to work though his pain was almost unbearable (bearable) 5I could only devote two hours a day to the work. 6Its very important to have such a friend who will cheer you up when you are in a bad mood. 7Would you go through these papers and find out the old ph

39、otos which I want? 8He is a great admirer (admire) of Picassos early paintings. 9She is a specialist (special)in business. 10Surrounded (surround) by thick bamboos,the ancient city hadnt been discovered until the 1990s. .单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 1Im afraid he cant adapt from the idea of having a woman as h

40、is boss. fromto 2You must try and keep your spirit up. spiritspirits 3Write down some important numbers in case of you forget them. 去掉 of 4I am in great need of a job now,so Ive decided to go for that position in Ohio. forafter 5We really appreciate when she offered to help. appreciate 后加 it .完成句子 1

41、当房子的主人回来时,大火早已被扑灭。 By the time the owner of the house returned,the fire had been put out(put out) 2你决不应该放弃。 In no case should you give up(倒装) 3我想只要不影响学习,你可以玩电脑游戏。 As long as it doesnt affect your study,I think you can play computer games.(as long as) 4我们即使快赢了也决不可放松。 We must not let up,even though we are winning(even though) 5那就是我缺课的原因。 That is why I was absent from class(why)


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