2019-2020英语选修十一课时分层作业:8 Word power &amp Grammar and usage 含解析.pdf

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1、课时分层作业课时分层作业(八八) .单词拼写 1What is scientific (改正的) eyesight? 2There are now over four million (失业) workers in this country. 3Alice is (过敏) to the fur of cats. 4The manufacturers in some countries dumped their (过剩) goods abroad. 5A massive sea search has failed to find any (幸存者) 6He has a curious habit

2、 of (抓) his ear while he speaks. 7If youre still (不确定) about what you are supposed to do,speak up! 8One of the gang members had turned (告密者) 9You have considerable (灵活性) in this job and can choose how to do things. 10The government aims to achieve full (就业) within three years. 【答案】 1.correctional 2.

3、unemployed 3.allergic 4surplus 5.survivors 6.scratching 7.unsure 8informer 9.flexibility 10.employment .单句语法填空 1In the Chinese population the workers rank (two)to the peasants in number. 2He was found in (possess)of dangerous drugs. 3Why are you so sure that they are high quality? 4Eggs and milk soo

4、n go (worse)in summer. 5His encouraging remarks inspired (confident)in me. 6The invention of the computer is a great (achieve) 7She made a point sending a birthday present to her best friend. 8Can you make sense what this author says? 9There was only one (survive)from the plane crash. 10Nature is wh

5、at we humans depend upon for (survive) 【答案】 1.second 2.possession 3.of 4.bad 5.confidence 6.achievement 7.of 8.of 9survivor 10.survival .阅读理解 A 23 year old college dropout from Quebec has become the first Canadian champion of the World Series of Poker,trumping thousands of challengers to take home 8

6、.9 million US dollars in prize money. Jonathan Duhamel of Montreal beat Florida native John Racener,24,after 90 minutes of play on Monday,emitting primal screams as he gripped mounds of cash he won in pokers richest and most prestigious crown. He entered Monday nights play with a commanding sixtoone

7、 chip advantage in the NoLimit Texas Holdem tournament,and kept Racener from winning any big hands or dramatic hands. “This means so much to me,Im the happiest guy on the earth right now, ”said Duhamel,who was hoisted (升起) in the air by a crowd of hometown friends and relatives. “I am very happy to

8、be the first Canadian.Its an honour for me and its great for Canada, ”he said. The pair had been the last two remaining in an event that began in July with 7,319 entrants,who put up 10,000 dollars each or won entry in smaller tournaments. The final nine competitors played a 14hour session that ended

9、 early Sunday with Duhamel with a huge lead. His parents and closest friends sat on the stage at Penn & Teller Theater at the Rio Las Vegas resort, and dozens of Canadian fans filled the audience in Montreal Canadians jerseys to show support. Duhamels mother Johanne admitted after his victory the co

10、ncern she had felt for him when at age 19 he had quit a finance degree at the University of Quebec at Montreal to focus on poker. “Its not like a common (job),its not something safe, ” she said,adding that she would continue her own job because “Im not the one who won.” In recent years,the World Ser

11、ies of Poker championships have increasingly gone to nonAmericans.In 2005,Australian Joe Hachem won,followed in 2008 by Peter Eastgate of Denmark.Jerry Yang,who escaped Laos as a boy when Communists took over,won in 2007. Both Duhamel and Racener began their poker lives online.Racener won 5.5 millio

12、n dollars for placing second. 【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。来自蒙特利尔的乔纳森杜哈明在周一的 90 分钟比赛后击败了佛罗里达州 24 岁的当地居民约翰瑞斯纳, 获得了最负盛名的扑 克王冠。乔纳森在 19 岁时放弃了大学学位而专攻扑克,在获得冠军之后,他十分 兴奋并且很自豪,把这项冠军看作是荣誉。 1In which country was the Poker Championship held? AIn Canada. BIn America. CIn Australia. DIn Laos. 【解析】 细节理解题。根据文章第八段中的“at Penn & Tel

13、ler Theater at the Rio Las Vegas resort”可知,比赛在美国的拉斯维加斯举行,故选 B。 【答案】 B 2How was Jonathan Duhamel after he won the champion? AHe collapsed under great pressure. BHe felt very excited and proud. CHe decided to stop playing poker. DHe felt playing poker dangerous. 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二段的“emitting primal screa

14、ms”可知,乔纳森 很兴奋。再根据第四段和第五段中的 This means so much to me,Im the happiest guy.I am very happy.Its an honour.可知乔纳森不仅兴奋而且十分自豪,故选 B。 【答案】 B 3Whats Jonathan Duhamels mothers attitude towards his playing poker? Aworrieddiscouraged Bconcernedsupportive Cangrypreventive Dhappyapproved 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第九段中的“Duhamels

15、 mother Johanne admitted after his victory the concern she had felt”可知妈妈的忧虑,以及第八段中的“His parents and closest friends.and dozens of Canadian fans filled the audience in Montreal Canadians jerseys to show support.”可知妈妈的支持,故选 B。 【答案】 B 4What can we conclude from the passage? AThe World Series of Poker c

16、hampionship is held annually. BJonathan Duhamel has played poker only for five years. CDuhamels mother is also crazy about playing poker. DThe competitors competed against each other online in finals. 【解析】 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“followed in 2008 by Peter Eastgate of Denmark.Jerry Yang,who escaped Laos as a

17、 boy when Communists took over,won in 2007”可知 2007 年和 2008 年都举行了一届扑克锦标赛,由此推知扑 克锦标赛是每年一届,故选 A。 【答案】 A .完形填空 On a Saturday morning,my left arm went numb,and I felt dizzy.I was taken to hospital.After a quick 1 , the doctor said I had a stroke.As waves of paralysis(瘫痪) came over me,I slowly lost 2 of m

18、y body.I was just 50 and I thought about how 3 it was. After two operations,I was transferred to the Recovery Center.Though I had lost the use of my 4 arm and leg and couldnt see out of my left eye,the only thought on my mind was to return to my job.But the 5 was that I needed to relearn how to 6 an

19、d see first.I had always been kind of 7 ,and this just made me feel like recovery was impossible. A few days after my first 8 physical therapy(治疗) session,my mother came into my room with a neatlytyped 9 written by a nineyearold boy named Jackson.He told me about the stroke hed had only a year earli

20、er.He,too,had been paralyzed on his left side.But, 10 telling me what he had lost,Jackson shared what I would 11 “Do not give up on yourself.All the hard work is worth it, ” he wrote. And the advice kept on coming.He told me to 12 the therapy on the hospitals “grownup” floor,where “they make you wor

21、k hard and you get lots of things back fast” Here I was,a grown man and a senator of Illinois,getting 13 from a young boy I had 14 met. After a few weeks of correspondence(通信),I arranged for us to meet.He seemed 15 at first,but all the awkwardness quickly 16 Jackson showed me how he could run,and I

22、immediately felt 17 One thing I particularly 18 was the energy and dignity radiating from him. As for my recovery,it 19 just as Jackson said it would.After a year of intense physical therapy,I climbed to the top of the Capitol and returned to work.With every step I took,I thought of Jackson and his

23、20 Whenever I was tired or discouraged,I thought of him,the worlds strongest boy. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 “我”因中风而面临瘫痪,并为此感 到沮丧。此时一个同样因中风而面临瘫痪的九岁男孩的来信,给了“我”鼓励。 作者通过这个故事旨在启迪人们:面对逆境时,要坚强、勇敢地面对,不退缩、 不气馁,任何坎都会过去的。 1A.decision Bexamination Cdescription Ddiscussion 【解析】 根据本句中的“the doctor said I had a stroke”可知,

24、医生应是在检查 之后才知道“我”中风了。examination 意为“检查” ,符合语境。decision 意为 “决定” ;description 意为“描述” ;discussion 意为“讨论” ,均与语境不符。故答 案选 B。 【答案】 B 2A.hope Bsight Cmemory Dcontrol 【解析】 根据上文“waves of paralysis(瘫痪)came over me”可知,由于瘫痪, “我”慢慢失去了对身体的控制。control 意为“控制” ,符合语境。hope 意为“希 望” ; sight 意为“视力,景象” ; memory 意为“记忆” ,均与语境不

25、符。故答案选 D。 【答案】 D 3A.unbelievable Bordinary Csignificant Dcontroversial 【解析】 根据上文“I was just 50”可知,作者认为自己年龄不大,在这时候 中风是令人难以置信的。unbelievable 意为“难以置信的”符合语境。ordinary 意 为“普通的” ;significant 意为“重要的” ;controversial 意为“有争议的” ,均与语 境不符。故答案选 A。 【答案】 A 4A.right Bleft Csingle Donly 【解析】 根据第一段中的“my left arm went nu

26、mb”及下文“couldnt see out of my left eye”可知, “我”已无法使用左臂和左腿。故答案选 B。 【答案】 B 5A.effect Bconsequence Creality Dconclusion 【解析】 根据上文“the only thought on my mind”及“But”可知,前后两句之间 为转折关系,即“我的想法是而现实是” 。reality 意为“现实” ,符合语境。 effect 意为“影响” ;consequence 意为“结果” ;conclusion 意为“结论” ,均与语 境不符。故答案选 C。 【答案】 C 6A.speak Bst

27、and Crun Dclimb 【解析】 根据上文 “I had lost the use of my arm and leg”可知, “我” 无法使用左腿, 所以 “我” 需要重新学会如何站立。 stand 意为 “站” , 符合语境。 speak 意为“说话” ;run 意为“跑”climb 意为“爬” ,均与语境不符。故答案选 B。 【答案】 B 7A.pessimistic Boptimistic Cgenerous Drealistic 【解析】 根据下文“this just made me feel like recovery was impossible”可知, “我”本来就有点

28、悲观。pessimistic 意为“悲观的” ,符合语境。optimistic 意为“乐 观的” ;generous 意为“慷慨的” ;realistic 意为“现实的” ,均与语境不符。故答案 选 A。 【答案】 A 8A.efficient Bsatisfactory Cdiscouraging Damazing 【解析】 根据上文语境可知,作者很悲观,所以他认为康复的第一个疗程 是令人沮丧的。discouraging 意为“使人沮丧的” ,符合语境。efficient 意为“有效 的” ; satisfactory 意为“令人满意的” ; amazing 意为“令人惊奇的” ,均与语境不

29、符。 故答案选 C。 【答案】 C 9A.book Bposter Cslogan Dletter 【解析】 根据第五段第一句中的“After a few weeks of correspondence(通 信)”可知,此处指的是一封信。故答案选 D。 【答案】 D 10A.beyond Bby Cwithout Dexcept 【解析】 根据语境可知,Jackson 除了告诉“我”他失去的东西外,还分享 了“我”将获得的东西。beyond 意为“除之外(还)” ,符合语境。by 意为“被, 通过” ;without 意为“没有” ;except 意为“除外” ,均与语境不符。故答案选 A。

30、【答案】 A 11A.experience Bdiscover Close Dgain 【解析】 根据下文“All the hard work is worth it”可知,Jackson 劝“我”不要 放弃,并告诉“我”努力付出终会有回报,所以他是在和“我”分享“我”将会 得到的东西。experience 意为“经历” ; discover 意为“发现” ; lose 意为“失去” ; gain 意为“获得” 。故答案选 D。 【答案】 D 12A.attend Breject Cend Descape 【解析】 根据下文“wherethey make you work hard and y

31、ou get lots of things back fast”可知,他告诉“我”要参加治疗。attend 意为“参加” ,符合语 境。reject 意为“拒绝” ;end 意为“结束” ;escape 意为“逃脱” ,均与语境不符。 故答案选 A。 【答案】 A 13A.information Bknowledge Cadvice Dfreedom 【解析】 根据本段第一句中的“advice”可知, “我”从一个年轻的男孩那里 得到了建议。故答案选 C。 【答案】 C 14A.occasionally Bseldom Cever Dnever 【解析】 根据上下文语境及第五段中的“I arr

32、anged for us to meet”可知, “我” 从来没见过那个男孩。故答案选 D。 【答案】 D 15A.confident Bnervous Cupset Ddesperate 【解析】 根据下文“all the awkwardness”可知,起初他似乎很紧张。nervous 意为 “紧张的” , 符合语境。 confident 意为 “自信的” ; upset 意为 “心烦的” ; desperate 意为“不顾一切的,绝望的” ,均与语境不符。故答案选 B。 【答案】 B 16A.broke out Bcame over Cmelted away Dturned up 【解析】

33、 根据该句中的“but”可知,起初他很紧张,但所有的尴尬很快就消 失了。 melt away 意为 “消失” , 符合语境。 break out 意为 “爆发” ; come over 意为 “过 来” ;turn up 意为“出现” ,均与语境不符。故答案选 C。 【答案】 C 17A.inspired Brelaxed Cfrustrated Dconfused 【解析】 根据上文 “Jackson showed me how he could run”可知,“我” 从 Jackson 的事例中得到了鼓舞。 inspired 意为 “受鼓舞的” , 符合语境。 relaxed 意为 “放松

34、的” ; frustrated 意为“失意的” ;confused 意为“困惑的” ,均与语境不符。故答案选 A。 【答案】 A 18A.recommended Badmired Cdoubted Dobtained 【解析】 根据语境可知,尤其令“我”钦佩的是从他身上散发出来的能量 和尊严。admire 意为“钦佩” ,符合语境。recommend 意为“建议,推荐” ;doubt 意为“怀疑” ;obtain 意为“获得” 。故答案选 B。 【答案】 B 19A.came Bfell Cstayed Ddisappeared 【解析】 根据下文语境可知, “我”恢复了健康,重新回到了工作岗

35、位,所 以此处是指:至于“我”的恢复情况,正如 Jackson 所说的那样该来的总会来。故 答案选 A。 【答案】 A 20A.wisdom Bintelligence Cstrength Dlesson 【解析】 根据文章最后一句“Whenever I was tired or discouraged,I thought of him,the worlds strongest boy.”可知,此处是指“我”想起了 Jackson 以及他给 予 “我” 的力量。 strength 意为 “力量” , 符合语境。 wisdom 意为 “智慧” ; intelligence 意为“智力” ;lesson 意为“教训,课” ,均与语境不符。故答案选 C。 【答案】 C


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