2019-2020英语必修五讲义:Unit 2 Section Ⅶ Writing——如何写海报 .pdf

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1、Section Writing如何写海报如何写海报 海报写作属于应用文写作。海报是一种宣传广告,其内容是提供活动信息、 介绍产品或说服别人等。 一、海报的写作格式和内容 海报一般由标题、正文和落款三部分组成。 1标题 海报的标题写法较多,大体可以有以下几种形式: (1)单独由文体名构成。即在第一行中间写上“海报”字样。 (2)直接由活动的内容承担题目,如“影讯” 、“球讯”等。 (3)可以是一些描述性的文字,如“风采”等。 2正文 海报的正文要求写清楚以下内容: (1)活动的目的和意义。 (2)活动的主要项目、时间、地点等。 (3)参加的具体方法及一些必要的注意事项等。 3落款 要求署上主办单

2、位的名称及海报的发布日期。 以上的格式是就海报的整体而言的,实际的使用中,有些内容可以少写或省 略。 二、海报写作的注意事项 1海报一定要具体真实地写明活动的地点、时间及主要内容,文中可以用些 鼓励性的词语,但不可夸大事实。 2海报文字要求简洁明了、通俗易懂,篇幅要短小、精悍。 3海报的版式可以做些艺术性的处理,以吸引观众。 亮点句式 1招聘广告 (1)Would you like.? (2)If your answer is“Yes”,we have a job for you as a(n). (3)You should. (4)Have.years of work experience.

3、 (5)Please call.if you want to. 2活动宣传 (1)The time:from.to. (2)Aim:to raise money to help poor children 3人物介绍 (1)Date of birth:.Appearance:.Career:. (2)Place of birth:.Talent(s):. 写作任务 荒漠化问题在全世界日益严重。请根据下表要点以“Fighting against desertification”设计一则海报。 问题 全球荒漠化的面积占整个地球陆地面积的 1/4; 下个世纪,沙漠地 区的面积将增加 17% 原因人类

4、的行为,如滥砍滥伐等;旱涝灾害、气候变暖等 倡议植树造林;呼吁人们提高环保意识 注意:词数 100 左右。标题和署名已给出,不计入总词数。 Fighting against desertification The Students Union 审题谋篇 体裁英文海报时态一般现在时 主题对抗荒漠化人称第三人称 结构 第一段:荒漠化问题; 第二段:出现这些问题的原因; 第三段:发出倡议。 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇 1Illegal非法的 2result in 导致 3measure 措施 4take the responsibility to do sth. 担起做某事的责任 5phenomeno

5、n 现象 .巧用单元句式、语法 (一)完成句子 1毫无疑问,我们的环境会遭受很大的破坏。 There is no doubt that our environment will suffer a greater destruction. 2倘若我们让这种情况继续发展。 If we let this situation continue as it is. 3我们年轻人应当担负起责任,提高人们的环保意识。 We young people should take the responsibility to promote peoples awareness of the environmental

6、 protection. 4如果沙漠化更加严重,它将在许多方面极大地威胁我们。 If desertification becomes worse,it will greatly threaten us in many ways. (二)句式升级 5把句子 1、2 合并成复合句 There is no doubt that our environment will suffer a greater destruction if we let this situation continue as it is. 6用“the比较级,the比较级”升级句子 4 The worse desertific

7、ation becomes,the more greatly it will threaten us in many ways. 妙笔成篇 参考范文 Fighting against desertification As we all know, the worse desertification becomes, the more greatly it will threaten us in many ways. About one fourth of the worlds land surface has been replaced with desert.Worse still,its

8、likely that the area of desert will increase by 17% in the next century. A survey shows that many factors result in the phenomenon.First,human beings bad behaviour is to blame,such as illegal cutting,planting no trees and so on.Second, flood and global warming have also speeded up the process. There

9、 is no doubt that our environment will suffer a greater destruction if we let this situation continue as it is.The following measures may stop further desertification.On the one hand,the government should call on people to plant more trees.On the other hand,we young people should take the responsibility to promote peoples awareness of the environmental protection.Just take an active part in the activities! The Students Union


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