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1、初中英语单词分类记忆表 一、时间(time) century year season month week day hour minute second 世纪年季节月周天小时分钟秒 1.季节( season ) spring 春summer 夏autumn/fall 秋winter 冬 2.月份( month) January 一月April 四月July 七月October 十月 February 二月May 五月August 八月November 十一月 March 三月June 六月September 九月December 十二月 3.星期(week) Monday Tuesday We

2、dnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期天 4.天(day) morning 上午afternoon 下午evening 晚上noon 中午night 夜晚 二、人体部位(body) head mouth face lip hand leg foot nose eye ear 头嘴脸嘴唇手腿脚鼻子眼睛耳朵 finger hair back tooth arm neck stomach throat heart knee 手指头头发背牙齿胳膊脖子胃喉咙心膝盖 三、食物( food) sandwich bread mi

3、lk French fries porridge dumpling rice egg 三明治面包牛奶炸薯条麦片粥饺子大米鸡蛋 meat beef chicken vegetable cabbage tomato potato pea 肉牛肉鸡肉蔬菜卷心菜西红柿土豆豌豆 fish onion fruit peach apple orange banana grape 鱼洋葱水果桃子苹果桔子香蕉葡萄 coffee sugar salt peanut tea chocolate juice beer 咖啡糖盐花生茶巧克力果汁啤酒 noodles broccoli tofu bean pear col

4、a wine butter 面条甘蓝豆腐豆荚梨可乐白酒黄油 四、颜色 (color) red yellow white black green brown blue pink gray blond purple 红黄白黑绿棕蓝粉红灰金黄紫 五、职业 (job) policeman doctor nurse worker reporter shop assistant bank clerk dentist 警察医生护士工人记者售货员银行出纳牙医 driver athlete teacher farmer student inventor actor musician waiter 司机运动员教师

5、农民学生发明家演员音乐家服务员 六、服饰 (clothes) T-shirt socks shorts pants dress skirt sweater coat T 恤短袜短裤裤子连衣裙裙子毛衣大衣 cap/hat scarf shirt ring earring tie jacket wallet 帽子围巾衬衫戒指耳环领带夹克衫皮夹 /钱夹 backpack dress shoes belt jeans uniform veil nightdress 背包连衣裙鞋皮带牛仔裤制服面纱睡衣 七、动物 (animal) elephant lion tiger koala panda horse

6、 dolphin giraffe kangaroo 大象狮子老虎树袋熊熊猫马海豚长颈鹿袋鼠 pig dog cat bird fish bear duck monkey donkey/ass 猪狗猫鸟鱼熊鸭子猴子驴 chicken cock hen snake rabbit sheep dragon parrot butterfly 鸡公鸡母鸡蛇兔子绵羊龙鹦鹉蝴蝶 ant bee goose pigeon cow antelope turtle wolf fly 蚂蚁蜜蜂鹅鸽子奶牛羚羊龟狼苍蝇 八、国家 (country) China France the UK Australia Singa

7、pore Canada Japan 中国法国英国澳大利亚新加坡加拿大日本 America Germany India Thailand New Zealand Korea Russia 美国德国印度泰国新西兰韩国俄罗斯 九、学科 (subject) Chinese math English history geography chemistry 语文数学英语历史地理化学 physics politics biology art PE music 物理政治生物美术体育音乐 十、节日( holiday) The Spring Festival Christmas New Year Easter M

8、id-autumn Day Teachers Day 春节圣诞节新年复活节中秋节教师节 National Day Halloween Thanksgiving Children DayMother s Day 国庆节万圣节感恩节儿童节母亲节 十一、单位 厘米米千米克千克英里英寸 centimeter meter kilometer gram kilogram mile foot/feet 十二、数词( number)hundred 百 thousand千 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth one t

9、wo three four five six seven eight nine ten eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth 11 twelve 13 14 15 16 seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second 17 18 19 twenty 21 22 十三、天气 (weather) sunny rainy cloudy windy snowy foggy warm hot cool cold wet dry 晴雨

10、阴风雪雾暖热凉冷潮湿干燥 十四、学校 (school) classroom office reading-room dormitory dining-hall playground classmate lesson 教室办公室阅览室宿舍食堂操场同学课程 pen pencil ruler eraser pencil sharpener pencil case book desk dictionary 钢笔铅笔尺子橡皮铅笔刀铅笔盒书书桌字/词典 十五、乐器 (instrument) guitar violin drum trumpet piano 吉他小提琴鼓喇叭钢琴 十六、运动 (sports)

11、 high jump skiing table tennis volleyball basketball football baseball badminton 跳高滑雪乒乓球排球篮球足球棒球羽毛球 weight-lifting walk skating 拳击冲浪cycling running swimming 举重竞走滑冰boxing surfing 骑自行车跑步游泳 十七、交通工具 bus car jeep train plane subway bike trunk boat ship taxi 公车轿车吉普车火车飞机地铁自行车卡车小舟轮船 出租车 十八、场所类 school shop s

12、upermarket bank library factory farm hospital park 学校商店超市银行图书馆工厂农场医院公园 pool station post office museum gym bridge lawn street store 水池车站邮局博物馆体育馆桥草坪街道商店 十九、家( home) kitchen study living room dining room bedroom garden bathroom toilet 厨房书房客厅饭厅卧室花园浴室厕所 lamp paper sofa table bed computer TV fan cup bowl

13、 quilt key 台灯纸沙发桌子床电脑电视风扇杯子碗被子钥匙 二十、大自然( nature) sun moon earth river hill mountain tree grass stone water fire sea 太阳月亮地球河山高山树草石头水火大海 lake ocean wind cloud rain sunshine ice fog snow air flower sandstorm 湖海洋风云雨阳光冰雾雪空气花沙尘暴 二十一、行为、动作 come go walk run sit stand sleep eat drink hit get swim listen 来去走跑

14、坐站睡吃喝打/撞拿游泳听 write throw meet play ride drive catch look read watch see talk have 写扔 遇见 玩骑驾驶接住看读观看见交谈拥有 make stop keep feel put draw catch find lose use let close miss 制作停止保持 感觉 放画赶上 找到 丢使用让关上思念 change last wait cross mean like enjoy wash happen blow travel arrive stay 改变持续等通过意思喜欢享受洗发生吹旅游到达待 believe

15、 enter pass carry sweep tidy sing dance prepare shout hold say do 相信进入过搬打扫整理唱跳舞准备大喊举行说做 speak winjoingrowcheercaresavehatelastpaysmokepicklie 说赢加入生长庆祝在乎拯救讨厌持续付款抽烟捡起躺 preferarriveleavereturn relaxmindpracticeliftserveinventtravel 更喜欢到达离开返回放松介意练习举起服务发明旅游 scorefollowbuildbecomehostmiss improvecoughfeed

16、brushcause 得分跟随建设变得举办错过改进咳嗽喂刷引发 spreadhurrypaintlendcheckprayexaminewakelaughcontinuesolve 传播赶紧画画借出检查祈祷检查醒来笑继续解决 appearmendrepairregardweighcovercollectrebuildtidy download pull 出现修补修理认为重覆盖收集重建整理下载拉 protect sweepagreefillorderpush push enjoypress上传面对 保护打扫同意充满命令推推享受按,压upload 二十二、形容词( 的) big tall long

17、 early heavy open happy easy soft good fast high black 大的高的长的早的重的开着的快乐的容易的软的好的快的高的黑的 small short short late light closed sad difficult hard bad slow low white 小的矮的短的迟的轻的关着的悲伤的困难的的硬的坏的慢的低的白的 interesting interested kind careful clean strong bright nice expensive 有趣的 感兴趣的 友善的小心的干净强壮的明亮好的昂贵的 boring quie

18、t cruel careless dirty weak dark glade cheap 无聊的安静的残暴的粗心的脏的虚弱的黑暗高兴便宜的 bored noisy popular worried lonely friendly upset busy strange 无聊的 吵闹的流行的担心的 孤独的 友好的 心烦的 忙奇怪的 delicious pleased angry excited loud nervous brave free lovely 美味的高兴的生气的激动的大声的紧张的 勇敢的闲的 可爱的 important sweet cute dangerous patientsuccessful sleepy useful helpful 重要的甜的 可爱的危险的 耐心的成功的瞌睡的有用的有帮助的


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