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1、2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 1 2019 年八年级英语下册Unit7 单元测试卷 一. 单项选择 ( 每小题1 分,共15 分 ) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ()1.Mikes room isnotbig.It s only4squaremeters_size. A.ofB.onC.inD. at ()2.Bob isa niceman _Iarguedwithhim. A.sinceB.eventhoughC. ifD.as longas ()3.The supermarketwas thefirstone_jobsf

2、orthedeaf. A.providingB.toprovideC. losingD. tolose ()4.Jillworkedso hardthatshe _verygood exam results. A.expectedB. improvedC.acceptedD. achieved ()5.Thereisnoneed towear _coats,forthereiswarm sunshineoutside. A.thickB.expensiveC. traditionalD.broken () 6. Doctorsaredoing_ to findout what willhapp

3、en when peoplestopsmoking. A.exerciseB. houseworkC. researchD.training ()7.My brotherhad togiveup _soccerbecauseofhissoreleg. A.toplayB.playingC.tomake D.making ()8.As timegoes by,you willgeta(n)_betterunderstandingofthejob. A.prettyB.quiteC.muchD. only ()9.Listen!Thereissomeone _inthenextroom.Do yo

4、uknow who itis? A.singsB.tosingC.singingD.sang ()10.AlthoughJaneis onlyten yearsold,she can swim as _ as her elderbrother. A.wellB.betterC.badlyD.worse ()11.Whilewe stayinthecountryside,weare so closetonatureand can _freshair. A.giveoutB.dependonC. takeinD.lookfor () 12. Mr.Millerthinksstayingwithhi

5、sfamilyisone of _ thingsin the world. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 2 A.happyB.happierC. happiestD. thehappiest ()13.ThismorningI_on theiceandhurtmy leftknee. A.felloverB.laydownC. dressedup D.hungout ()14._isthemountaininthevillage? It sabout2,000metershigh. A.How wideB.How oldC. How longD.Howhi

6、gh () 15.Look atthispicturetakenon December 19th,2016.Itshows the snow covering partoftheSaharaDesert. _.Itlastsnowed there38 yearsago. A.Itdoesn t matterB.Thats a pity C.Thats amazingD. Hope thingsworkout 二. 完形填空 ( 每小题1 分,共10 分 ) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答 案。 JennyJonesalwaysthough

7、therpetpigBobo was a good friend.Now she alsothinks of Boboas a hero ( 英雄 ).16? WhenJenny had a heartproblemseveralyearsago,Bobo saved herlife. Jennywas takingavacationinhercamper ( 野营车 )when shefellill.She shouted forhelp,but 17 heardtheshouts.Bobo 18 thatJennywas introuble.She pushedthrough asmall

8、doorand rantotheroad.She triedtostoppassingcars19shehad no luck.Bobo ranbacktothecamper threetimestosee how Jennywas. At lastBobo didsomethingdriverswere sureto 20 . She laydown on the roadand stuck ( 伸出 ) herfeetintheair.21 ,a carstopped.The drivergotoutand22Bobo untilthey came tothecamper.Jenny he

9、ardtheman knockingon ( 敲 ) thedoor. “Theressomething wrong withyourpig! ”he shouted.“Theres somethingwrongwith23! ”Jenny shouted back.“Call911!” Soon, 24 wason itsway.Today Jennyiswell,and theaccidentbroughthercloserto Bobo.“Iknow it s Bobo who25 me a secondlife,”saidJenny. ()16.A.WhyB.WhatC.WhereD.

10、 When ()17.A.somebody B.everybodyC.anybodyD.nobody ()18.A.wonderedB.answeredC.realizedD. agreed ()19.A.orB.butC. ifD.unless 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 3 ()20.A.waitB.shareC. moveD.notice ()21.A.FinallyB.UsuallyC. ProbablyD. Unluckily ()22.A.fedB.stoodC. pushedD.followed ()23.A.meB.itC.youD.her

11、 ()24.A.foodB.helpC.dangerD.water ()25.A.lentB.ledC.gaveD. found 三. 情景交际 ( 每小题1 分,共5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Ijustfinishedareallyinterestinginterview(采访 ),Bob. B: (26)_ A: Anna Wild.Sheworksata zoo and knows a lotaboutanimals. B: I likeanimals,too.My favoriteisthecheetah( 猎豹 ).Itcanrun

12、121 kilometers an hour. A: Thats fast.(27)_ B: Really?What isit? A: A kindoffalcon( 猎鹰 ).(28)_ B: Isee.Iknowkoalassleepthemost.(29)_ A: The shark.Itneverreallysleeps!Elephantsdont sleepmuch,either. B: (30)_ A: Aboutfourhours. A.Howmanyho ur sdoel ephant ssl eepani ght ? B.Itca nflyasfa stas30 0ki l

13、omet er sanho ur ! C.Te l lmean ot herin t er est i ngan i malfa ct. D.Butan ot heran i m alca nmoveev enfa st er. E.Whodi dyo uin t er v i ew? F.Whatisyo urfa v or i t ean i mal ? G.Butwhi chan i malsl eepsth ele ast ? 四. 阅读理解 ( 每小题2 分,共20 分 ) 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 4 A Tuesday,September1

14、3 I arrivedin NewYork two weeks ago.I amwritingmy diaryin Englishbecause myEnglish teacherRachelsaysitisa good way topracticeEnglish.So far,IlikeNew Yorkandmy school.Ihave threeclassesa day.Most ofmy classmatescome fromJapan,SouthKorea, Spain,Germany and Australia.There arent many Chinese students,s

15、oI have to use English most ofthetime.Iam learninga lot!Iamlivinginstudenthousing,and I have my own comfortableroom. Thursday,October20 My Englishishopeless!Iwas on thebus thismorningand a man spoketome, butI hardlyunderstoodhim. I was so embarrassed( 尴尬的 ).Whyis myEnglishimprovingsoslowly? I want t

16、o make lotsof Americanfriends,butthisisn t happeningsoeasily.I m a shy girl.Itishardforme totalktosome people,even myclassmates!Ilikethem,but sometimesIcant understandthem verywell.IthinkI m feelinghomesick( 想家的 ). Imissmy friendsand family. Thursday,October27 Iwent toaschoolpartylastFridayand itwas

17、 great.I talkedwitha Japaneseboy namedKenji,a German girlnamed Wendy and an Italiangirlnamed Carla.Wetalkedabout our countries customs ( 风俗 ) and our experiencesin Americaso far.Weare goingtowalk aroundNew Yorktogetherthisweekend.Also,Kenjiwantsme towriteforthestudent newspaperhereatschool.Maybe thi

18、ngsaregettingbetter! 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ()31.Where isthewritermost probablyfrom? A.Japan. B.China. C. Australia. D. America. ()32.Why didthewriterfeelembarrassedonOctober20? A.Becauseshe was lateforschool. B.Becauseshe tookthewrongbus. C. Becauseshe forgottobringherhomework. D. Becauseshe couldn t unders

19、tandsomeone. ()33.When didthewritergo toa schoolparty? 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 5 A.On September13. B.On September19. C. On October21. D. On October27. ()34.Who wantedthewritertowriteforthestudentnewspaper? A.Rachel. B.Wendy. C. Carla. D. Kenji. ()35.Which ofthefollowingisTRUE accordingtothe

20、material? A.Wendy lovesshopping. B.The writerisa shy girl. C. Carlacomes fromJapan. D. The writerhasfourclassesa day. B Pandas areverycuteanimals.In1972,twopandasnamed Hsing-Hsingand Ling-Ling weresentfromChinatotheUnitedStatesas a gift.The NationalZoo inWashington, D.C.became thepandasnew home. Ame

21、ricansfellinlovewiththe two pandas rightaway. On thefirstday thetwo pandascame tothezoo,about20,000peoplevisitedthem.The crowdskeptcomingyearafteryear. Hsing-HsingandLing-Lingwere justcubs ( 幼崽 ) when theygottotheUnitedStates. As theyearspassed,many hoped thepairwouldhave cubsoftheirown. Ling-Lingga

22、ve birthseveraltimes.Butnone ofthebabieslivedmore thana few days.Each timeacub died,peopleallaroundtheworldfeltsad. Bothofthepandaslivedtoanoldage.Ling-Lingwas 23 when shediedin1992. Hsing-Hsingdiedin1999attheageof28.Buttheywereneverforgotten. FollowingHsing-Hsingsdeath,the zoo received( 收到 ) lotsof

23、 lettersfrom theirfans. Thelettersshowed theirloveforthepandasand toldhow much theymissedthem. 根据材料内容完成下列任务。 任务一:判断正(T) 误 (F) 。 ()36.Hsing-Hsingand Ling-Lingcame totheUnitedStatesin1975. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 6 ()37.Ling-Linggave birthseveraltimes,butnoneofthebabieslivedlong. 任务二:完成句子,每空一

24、词。 38.Ling-Lingdied_ yearsearlierthanHsing-Hsing. 39.Afterthetwopandasdied,theNationalZoo gotlotsof_ fromtheirfans. 任务三:选择最佳答案。 ()40.Where mightyou see thispassage? A.Ina travelbook. B.Ina reporter sdiary. C. Ina medicaldictionary. D. Inan animalmagazine. 五. 词汇运用 ( 每小题1 分,共10 分 ) A) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词

25、填空,有的需要变换形式。 in c l ude,co ndi t i on,ad ul t ,ex c i t e,wei gh 61.My carisold,butitisinverygood_. 62.The farmer_thestoneinhishand.Itfeltlikeitwas 3 kg. 63.Marks heartisbeatingfastwith_. 64.The classoftwentypupils_sevengirls. 65.Ticketsare30 yuan for_and15 yuan forchildren. B) 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 66

26、.Thislakeistwice_(deep)thanthatone. 67.The man diedathome aftera long_(ill). 68.Withhiscamera aroundhisneck,helookedlikea typical_(tour). 69.Itwas veryearlyand Iwas onlyhalf_(wake). 70.We _(succeed)inrepairingthemachine. 六. 完成句子 ( 每小题2 分,共10 分 ) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 71. 她戴帽子保护她的皮肤不受日晒。 2019年人教版八年级英语下册

27、Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 7 Shewore a hatto_herskin_thesun. 72. 如果需要我的服务,请随时叫我。 Please_tocallme ifyou need my service. 73. 我的汽车最多能坐四个人。 Icantake_fourpeopleinmy car. 74. 就我所知,我们下星期一要进行一次考试。 _,we willhave a testnextMonday. 75. 中国人口比美国多。 Chinahasa(n)_thantheUSA. 七. 综合填空 ( 每小题1 分,共10 分 ) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填

28、空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。 bef or e,al s o,wai t ,weak,so und,wonder f ul ,ac t i v i t y ,s ee ,te ac h,wi t h Mrs.Patrickwasa pianoteacher.She (76)_ hundredsof students.At age 69, Mrs.Patrickhad a stroke( 中风 ).Shecouldn t move orspeak.As thedayspassed,she got better,but her righthandwas stillvery(77)_.She

29、 couldn t playthe piano anymore.She wasverysad. A few monthsafterherstroke,Mrs.Patrickwenttoa seniorcitizenscenter( 老 年活动中心).Therewere alotof (78)_atthecenter.The director( 负责人 ) was showingheraroundthe centerwhen Mrs.Patrick(79)_ a piano.She lookedsadlyat the piano.“Isanythingwrong?”the directorask

30、ed.“No,”Mrs. Patrickanswered.“The pianobringsback my memories ( 回忆 ).(80)_ my stroke,I playedthepiano. ”The directorlookedatMrs.Patrick s weak righthand and said,“(81)_here.I llbe rightback. ”A few minuteslaterthe directorcame back (82)_Mrs.Eisenberg. “MargaretPatrick,”thedirectorsaid,“meet RuthEise

31、nberg.Beforeherstrokeshe (83)_ playedthepiano.She has a good righthand,and you have a good lefthand. I thinkyou two can do something(84)_together. ”The two women satdown atthe pianoand began toplay.The music(85)_good.They werenotsadanymore. 八. 书面表达 (15 分) 英国的史密斯(Smith)先生和他的朋友打算明天游览长城。假如你是他们的导游,请你根据

32、以下提示写一篇英语短文,为此次导游任务做准备。 提示: 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷含参考答案 8 1. 世界上最长的城墙; 2. 约 45 米宽,最宽处可供五匹马或十个人并行; 3.2700 多年前,古代皇帝为保卫国家命人修建长城,后秦始皇等命人修整。 要求: 要点齐全,可适当发挥,90 词左右。 _ _ _ 参考答案 一. 1-5CBBDA6-10CBCCA11-15CDADC 二. 16-20ADCBD21-25ADABC 三. 26-30EDBGA 四. 31-35BDCDB36-37FT 38.7 /seven39.letters40.D 五. 41.Con

33、dition42.weighed43.excitement44.includes45.adults46.deeper 47.illness48.Tourist49.awake 50.succeeded 六.51.protect;from/against52.feelfree53.up to54.As faras I know55.larger /biggerpopulation 七. 56.Taught57.Weak58.Activities59.saw 60.Before 61.Wait62.with63.also64.Wonderful65.sounded 八.One possibleve

34、rsion: The GreatWallisthelongestwallintheworld.Thereareno otherman-made objects as big asit.Itisabout4 to 5 meterswide.At the widestpart,fivehorsesor ten mencan walkalongitsideby side. Ithas a longhistory.Around 2,700yearsago,the ancientemperorsmade peoplebuild ittoprotectthecountry.LaterQin Shihuangand otheremperorsalsomade peoplerepair it. It s a symbolofChinaand lotsoftouristsaroundtheworldvisititeveryyear.


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