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1、2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 1 2019 年八年级英语下册Unit9 单元测试卷 一. 单项选择 ( 每小题1 分, 共 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ()1.David,ifyoulearnChinese_a differentway,you won t getbored. A.onB.forC. byD.in ()2. Pleasecome overtohave dinner_you have time. Thankyou.Iwill. A.althoughB.unlessC. becauseD.whenev

2、er ()3.Thelittlelionhasgrownup and it s abletofindfoodby _. A.itselfB.itC.themselvesD.them ()4.Cindy sparentsencouragedher_todancewhen she was veryyoung. A.learnB.learnedC. tolearnD.learning ()5.Nickgot an A inthemath test.His parentswere happy and saidhe _alot. A.competedB.laughedC. communicatedD.p

3、rogressed ()6.Afterhearingthescarystory,thelittlekidhidbehindthedoorand shookwith _. A.stressB.surpriseC. laughterD. fear ()7.Therearemany carsinthestreet.It s not _forchildrento playthere. A.freeB.safeC.crazyD.useful ()8.Joe,you shouldgiveup playingcomputergames.It s _a wasteoftime. A.suddenlyB.har

4、dlyC.simplyD.heavily ()9. Whatdo youthinkaboutMaria? Oh,shes as _as hersister. A.friendlyB.morefriendly C. most friendlyD.themostfriendly ()10.Hangzhou isa beautifulcity._peoplevisititeveryyear. A.ThreethousandsB.Thousandof 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 2 C. ThousandsofD.Thousand ()11._oftheteach

5、ersinourschool_women. A.Threefourth;isB.Threefourths;are C. Threefourth;areD.Threefourths;is ()12. WhereisMr.Miller? He _toNew York.He _therethreetimes. A.has been;has goneB.has gone;hasgone C. has gone;has beenD.has been;hasbeen ()13.Itwas_bigsurprisetome when Katetoldme she wouldleavethecity inone

6、week. A.so aB.suchaC. a soD. a such ()14.Doyou know Bob? Who ishe? Ihave never_him. A.talkedaboutB.caredfor C. heardofD. heardfrom ()15.Ihaveneverfishedinwinter. Really?_.It s amazing. A.You shouldtryitB.It s up toyou C. You rerightD. Luckyyou 二. 完形填空 ( 每小题1 分,共10 分 ) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选

7、择可以填入空白处的最佳答 案。 Myname isPaul.Thishappenedtome when Iwas travelingin Paris. Iwas walkingon the streetwhen a mancameup to me. “Do you speak English? ”heasked. “Yes,”Isaid. Thenhe saidhe was a cookfrom Montreal,Canada.He toldme he hada(n)16 . “I m here in Pariswithmywifeandour17 children,and we dont h

8、ave enough moneyfora hotel. My wifetriedtogetmoney froma cash machine(自动取款机),butshe couldn t18 the PIN number ( 密码 ).Sheused thewrong number threetimes,so themachinekepthercard. Couldyou19 me? ” Iwasn t sure,so Iaskedtoseehispassport( 护照 ).“My passport 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 3 iswithmy wif

9、e.She istired,so shes 20 in acoffeeshop withourthreechildren. We onlyneed$100 forthenight,andI21 I llpayyou back. ”By thistimetheman wasactuallycrying,so Ithoughthe was tellingthetruth.I22 tolendhim themoney. Then we wenttoa cashmachine,and Igave himthemoney.He saidthankyou and left. I23 saw himorhe

10、ardfromhim again. Iknewmaybe hisstorywasn t true.24 IfeltlikeIhadtohelphim atthattime. What ifhe had some otherdifficultiesthathejusthoped to hide25 anyone? Anyway, $100 wasn tthatmuch and helpinghim made me feelpeaceful. ()16.A.planB.problemC.illnessD.idea ()17.A.fiveB.fourC.threeD.two ()18.A.remem

11、berB.writeC. changeD. copy ()19.A.forgetB.teachC.chooseD.help ()20.A.waitingB.actingC. practicingD.working ()21.A.realizeB.promiseC. adviseD.wonder ()22.A.missedB. hatedC.agreedD.hurried ()23.A.stillB.evenC.onlyD.never ()24.A.SoB.ButC. OrD. And ()25.A.fromB.underC. withD. into 三. 阅读理解 ( 每小题2 分,共20 分

12、 ) A Myname isSally.When Iwas tenyearsold,I had a lotoffriends.Butlookingback now,my bestfriendwas someone Ineverreallythoughtofas my friend,Rina. RinaisfouryearsolderthanI.She and Iused to liveinthesame neighborhood.She wenttoan artand dance schoolinthecity.Everyafternoonwhen I playedintheyard ( 院子

13、 ) withmy brotherKevin,Iwouldsee herwalkinghome fromthetrainstation. Duringtheweekend,therewas alwayssomethingtodo,thankstoRina.She was good atdrawing,so she wouldteachme and my brotherhow todraw.She alsomade upamazing games withinterestingcharactersforus toplay.Sometimes,KevintaughtRinaand me baske

14、tballand Itaughtthem guitar. Oneday,I was sittingintheyard.Itwas my birthday,butIwas sad.Rinaappeared and gave me a CDand a pictureshe had drawn forme. I was reallysurprised.To thisday, Istilldont know how Rinarememberedmy birthday,butI m gladshe did. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 4 NowIm sevente

15、enand I m inhighschool.When I gethome fromthetrainstation, Ialwayssee Alex,the littleboy who livesdown the street,and his sisterJenny.Sometimes Imake up games forthem toplay.And sometimesIteachthemhow todraw.I m happy to watch Alexand Jenny laughand play.ItremindsmeofRina,a girlwho leftmany wonderfu

16、l memories( 回忆 )inmy heart. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ()26.Whatcan we know aboutSallyand Rina? A.They livedinthesameneighborhood. B.They playedsoccerinthesameteam. C. They wenttothesameschool. D. They joinedthesameclub. ()27.Duringtheweekend,RinataughtSallyand herbrother_. A.how tosing B.how todraw C. basketbal

17、l D. guitar ()28.WhatdidRinagiveSallyon herbirthday? A.A CD and a book. B.A cardand a book. C. A CD and a picture. D. A cardand a picture. ()29.Whois Jenny? A.Kevins friend. B.Rinas friend. C. Sally s sister. D. Alexs sister. ()30.Whatcan we learnfromthestory? A.A truefriendhelpsoutwhenwe areintroub

18、le. B.Peoplewiththesameinterestscan be friends. 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 5 C. Good friendsareimpossibletoforget. D. Itishardtomakefriends. B Lastyear,myhusband and I decidedto visitNewZealand.Wewanted to tourthecountry, butwe bothhatelongcarjourneys.Our travelagentadviseda 13-daycoachtrip( 长

19、 途 客 车 旅 行 ).Itwas a goodprice,sowe booked( 预 订 )itandourplaneticketsto Christchurch.We made a good choice.The coachjourneyspassedquicklyand ourdriver toldus abouteachplace.We learneda lotfromhim. WeflewfromLondon to Christchurchand hada freeday therebeforethecoachtrip started.Wewerent atall,sowe wa

20、lkedaroundthecityfrommorningtonight. Ithas good museums, manyrestaurantsand lovelyshops. Themost unforgettableplacewe visitedon the tripwas Queenstown.Wehad threedays there,butitwasn t enough.Wedidlotsofthingsthere,fromsailing( 乘船航行 ) to climbing.Attheend ofeach day,we feltwe had no energy( 精力 ) ata

21、ll.Butthenext morningitseemed thateverythingwas freshagain! Allthehotelswe livedinwere good.My favoriteone was thePuka ParkLodge.Itwas on a hillabove a beach and therewere treeseverywhere.Wewoke up andlistenedtothe birdssinging.Now, when we reeatingbreakfastathome and wehearthenoiseofthe traffic( 路上

22、行驶的车辆),we thinkofthosebeautifulmorningsinNew Zealand! 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ()31.Howdidthewriterand herhusbandgo to Christchurch? A.By plane. B.By train. C. By coach. D. By boat. ()32.Thebestwordfor“” is“_”. A.brave B.surprised C. lucky D. tired ()33.WhatdidthewriterthinkofherstayinQueenstown? A.Strange. 20

23、19年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 6 B.Dangerous. C. Enjoyable. D. Relaxing. ()34.Wherewas thePuka ParkLodge? A.Inthecitycenter. B.Ina birdpark. C. On a beach. D. On a hill. ()35.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage? A.The writerdidn t likemuseumsin Christchurch. B.The writer s husbanddidntlik

24、ePuka ParkLodge. C. The writerand herhusbandlearneda lotfromtheircoachdriver. D. The writerand herhusbandplannedtovisitNew Zealandnextyear. 四. 情景交际 ( 每小题1 分,共5 分) 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。 A: Frank,haveyou seentheexhibits( 展览品 )attheartmuseum? B: (36)_.What aboutyou? A: IwenttherelastSunday.Isaw

25、a lotofgreatpaintings. B: (37)_? A: Yes.Itwas so crowdedthatitwas hardtosee everything. B: Didyou seemany paintingsby famousartists? A: Yes.MichelleTs paintingswere there. B: Ilikeherwork.(38)_? A: I d loveto,butI am busy thesedays.You can ask Joe.(39)_. B: OK. And hes interestedinart,right? A: (40)

26、_. 五. 词汇运用 ( 每小题1 分,共10 分 ) A) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 7 usual,perfect,collect,camera,rapid 41.They are_moneyforthehomeless. 42. With the developmentofscienceand technology,peoples lifehad a _ change. 43.We can use these_totakephotosinsunnyor cloudyconditions. 4

27、4.It s _forSue togetso angry.She s alwayssmiling. 45.Bob isinterestedinChineseand he speaks_Chinese. B) 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。 46.You havehad suchbadluck.It s _(believable). 47.Thereisno windand thelakelooksso _(peace). 48.Jilldoesnt likeeating_(Japan)food. 49.They plantogo tothezootosee _(fox)thisweeke

28、nd. 50.Most oftheAmericansusetheircars_(most)fortheirjob. 六. 完成句子 ( 每小题2 分,共10 分 ) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 51. 这儿的气温全年在20 摄氏度以下。 The temperaturehere_below 20 _. 52. 凯特,有几个女孩在等你。 Kate,thereare_waitingforyou. 53. 不管刮风还是下雨,鲍勃总是第一个到达学校。 _it s windy_rainy,Bob isalwaysthefirsttogettoschool. 54. 我爷爷有丰富的茶艺知识。 My

29、 grandpahas rich_knowledge. 55. 他们过去常常在山里野营。 They used to_inthemountains. 七. 综合填空 ( 每小题1 分,共10 分) 根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填空,使短文完整、通顺。 Mrs.Marksboughta printeryesterday.She was h(56)becauseshecouldprint anythingshe wantedatany time.H(57),afteraboutan hour,she was angrybecause 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案

30、8 she couldn t printthecolorblue.Alltheotherc(58)printedfine,except( 除了 ) blue,whichwas veryunusual. She d(59)tocalltheafter-salesservicedepartment( 售后服务部) tohelpher solvetheproblem.Davidansweredthephone.He t(60)everythinghe couldthinkof tohelpMrs.Marks.He askedhertoreinstall( 重新安装) theprogram,toreb

31、oot( 重 新启动 ) the computerand to turntheprinteron and off.N(61)ofthesethingshelped. Afterhoursoftrying,theproblems(62)wasnt solved.Finally,Davidasked Mrs.Marks ifhe couldgo toher h(63)andtrytosolvetheprobleminperson.Mrs. Marks agreedand t(64)himheraddress( 住址 ).When he arrivedatherhouse,she showedhim

32、hercomputerand theprinter.Davidu(65)whattheproblemwas right away. He toldher,“From now on,printon whitepaperinsteadofblue! ” 八. 书面表达 (15 分) 假如你是你校校报英语专栏的小记者,上周日你参加了你校组织的保护环境的主题活动。请 你根据以下表格提示,给校报写一篇报道。 活动地点迎泽公园 参与人员八年级全体师生 活动内容 上午:保护环境的演讲比赛 下午:打扫公园 活动感想 参考词汇:演讲比赛speechcompetition参加takepart(in.) 要求: 不

33、少于90 词,可适当发挥。 _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案 一.1-5DDACD6-10DBCAC11-15BCBCA 2019年人教版八年级英语下册Unit 9 单元测试卷含参考答案 9 二.16-20BCADA21-25BCDBA 三.26-30ABCDC31-35ADCDC 四. 36.No, Ihavent 37.Was themuseum crowded/Were therealotofvisitors 38.Can yougo to/Would you liketogo tothemuseum withme again 39.He hasneverbeen there 40.Yes,

34、youreright 五.41.collecting42.rapid43.cameras 44.unusual45.perfect46.unbelievable 47.peaceful48.Japanese49.foxes50.mostly 六.51.is;allyearround/around 52.a coupleofgirls 53.Whether;or 54.teaart 55.go camping 七.56.happy57.However58.colors 59.decided60.tried61.None62.still 63.house/home64.told65.underst

35、ood 八.Onepossibleversion: Inordertoencourageustoprotecttheenvironment,ourschoolorganizeda themeactivityin YingzePark lastSunday.AllthestudentsandteachersinGrade 8 took part. Inthemorning,the studentshad a speech competition.They talkedaboutmany waysto protectthe environment.They suggested,forexample,we shouldstoppouringdirtywater intotheriver.Intheafternoon,thestudentsand teacherscleanedupthepark. Ithinkthisactivityismeaningful.Have youevertakenpartinsuchanactivity? Ifnot,Ihope youcan have a try.


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