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2、后,再点击“提交”按钮);5. 请至少查看一位同伴提交的“培训成果资源包”初稿,在其作品的下方给出您的合理评价和建议。您的同伴会综合考虑这些评价和建议,后期对自己的作品进行进一步修订。温馨提醒:此项不作为考核内容,旨在与同伴分享交流培训成果。附件:教学设计模板教学设计模板聚焦教学重难点的信息化教学设计课题名称: Book6 Unit4 Global warming姓名:张丹工作单位:湖北恩施市三中学科年级:高二英语教材版本:人教版一、教学内容分析简要说明课题来源、学习内容、这节课的价值以及学习内容的重要性)本单元以Global warming 为主线,旨在通过单元教学使学生经过思考、学习,认识

3、到全球变暖的起因和它所带来的种种后果。Reading是一篇从杂志节选的文章。它讲述了全球加速变暖的原因人为温室效应,后果以及人们对此的不同观点。要求学生在理解文章大意的同时注意它的写作技巧:提出问题分析现象阐述各方面的不同观点以疑问句作为总结引发读者深思,自行做出判断。二、教学目标(从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个维度对该课题预计要达到的教学目标做出一个整体描述)1 Help the students learn how to talk about the causes and effects of global warming and express ideas about w

4、hat people should do about it. 2 Help the students learn how to debate over the topic “We should do nothing about global warming.”三、学习者特征分析(说明学习者在知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度等三个方面的学习准备(学习起点),以及学生的学习风格。最好说明教师是以何种方式进行学习者特征分析,比如说是通过平时的观察、了解;或是通过预测题目的编制使用等) RevisionCheck the homework.Review the useful expressions a

5、bout agreement and disagreement.Show the students some pictures on the screen. The students have to give names of different energy sources relative to the pictures and deicide which energy sources are renewable and which are not. Then ask the students to tell the effects of using these energy source

6、s. Pre-readingShow a picture of greenhouse on the screen. Talk about greenhouse, the atmosphere surrounding the earth and introduce an article “THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT DOES IT MATTER?” That attracts students interest.四、教学策略选择与设计(说明本课题设计的基本理念、主要采用的教学与活动策略) Listening, reading and group work.五

7、、教学重点及难点(说明本课题的重难点)Teaching important points: Help the students learn how to debate over the topic “We should do nothing about global warming.”Teaching difficult points: Enable the students to learn the writing skills of the text and get a better understanding of articles of this kind.: 六、教学过程(这一部分是

8、该教学设计方案的关键所在,在这一部分,要说明教学的环节及所需的资源支持、具体的活动及其设计意图以及那些需要特别说明的教师引导语)教师活动预设学生活动设计意图T: Now look at the picture. What is it in the picture?S: A greenhouse.T: Right .Who can tell me what it is used for?T: Exactly. Thank you. But today we are not going to talk about greenhouse, well talk about greenhouse gas

9、es. Have you heard about this before?T: Thats correct. Then what do you think greenhouse gases do?T: Yes. Last class we talked about the effects of burning fossil fuels. One of the effects is more and more carbon dioxide is being produced, which in turn increases the speed of global warming. Does it

10、 matter? Whatre your opinions? Next well read an article “THE EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT DOES IT MATTER?”Step While-readingGet the students to read the passage fast and meanwhile help the students form a good habit of reading.T: What do you think will be talked about at the sight of the title “THE

11、 EARTH IS BECOMING WARMER BUT DOES IT MATTER?” Now please skim the passage to obtain a general idea of the whole passage. While reading, pay attention to the writing skills and if possible, divide the whole passage into several parts and summarize the main idea for each part.After a few minutes.T: H

12、ow many parts can this text be divided into?T: Any different ideas? OK. Now lets finish the form on the screen.Show the form on the screen and let the students complete the form.S: A greenhouse.Sa: A greenhouse is made of glass and is used for growing plants, especially during cold weather.Sb: The a

13、ir inside is warm because the glass traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping. This makes the greenhouse heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period.Sc: I know. In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases, which are called “greenhouse gases”, including carb

14、on dioxide, methane and water vapor.Sc: I know. In the atmosphere surrounding the earth there are gases, which are called “greenhouse gases”, including carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor.Sd: Let me explain it. They trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.2 Pre-reading是Reading的热身活动。通

15、过组织学生对这些问题的讨论、回答,激活他们头脑中相关的内容模式,为下一步阅读做好准备。由于Global warming 是当今世界的一个热门话题,学生已从多种渠道对此有了很多的了解,因此教师可以在安排预习作业时让学生分组做 a project on global warming , 这样既符合了新课程的要求体现学生的主体地位,激发学生自主学习的热情,又能得到很好的教学效果。七、教学评价设计(创建量规,向学生展示他们将被如何评价(来自教师和小组其他成员的评价)。也可以创建一个自我评价表,这样学生可以用它对自己的学习进行评价)文章理解ABC写作技巧小组讨论八、板书设计(本节课的主板书)如板书中含有特殊符号、图片等内容,为方便展示,可将板书以附件或图片形式上传。Show the form on the screen and let the students complete the form.Main ideas of each partWriting techniques


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