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1、任务型写作模板1、表明看法和观点 P100、22911In my opinion/ view/ eyesPersonally speakingAs far as I am concernedFrom my point of viewFrom my perspectiveI agree to do sthI support/ am in favor of/ cant agree more withI disagree to do sth.I believe that doing sth. should be banned.I oppose/ object to/ am against / can

2、t support sth表示赞同:l I fully agree with the statement that. mainly because.l From my point of view, I am in favour of the idea that.l As far as I am concerned, I cant agree more with. I hold my view for the reason. So it goes without saying that. l I firmly support the view that. There are two factor

3、s contributing to this point. In the first place,. In the second place,. Therefore, theres no doubt that. l From my point of view, I cant agree more with the activity that . I hold the view for the following two reasons. First of all,. Whats more, Therefore, there is no doubt that it is necessary an

4、d meaningful to .l I cant agree more with Dr. Gibbs way of planting trees for the reason that too much care would spoil the trees since they would depend on Dr. Gibbs care. Once they had lost the care, their survival ability was lost, too. 表示反对l Personally speaking, I am strongly against the opinion

5、/ idea/ statement/ activity that . My argument for this view are listed as follows. For one thing, . For another, l Personally speaking, I oppose the idea to. It is not only because., but also because.【观点论证】就是议论文体, 作者提出某个观点, 然后通过摆事实、讲道理等方式阐明理由, 证明自己的观点, 然后得出结论。提出论点: l In my opinion, no lesson is mor

6、e important than one on personal safety.l It is, of course, not right for children not to take on any responsibility in the household.l In my opinion, detention(留堂)has its advantages in educating misbehaved students.得出结论: l And only with a good sense of self-protection can we live a safe and happy l

7、ife.l So if possible, Ill certainly choose to get up late.l All in all, the students should be taught to relieve stress in a more gentle, peaceful and reasonable way rather than hitting a wall.【典例】你是否赞成假期外出旅游及理由【参考范文】Nowadays, more and more people are in favor of travelling during vacation. 表明观点To b

8、e frank, I cant agree more with it. 说明理由There are several factors contributing to my point.In the first place, journeys can widen our knowledge of geography, customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries and enrich our experiences. In the second place, it is a good way to relax

9、ourselves in my opinion. Furthermore, we can develop better relationship with our friends or family. 得出结论 Therefore, it goes without saying that we can benefit a lot from travelling.【典例】你是否赞成推迟高中早上的上课时间, 并说明理由。【参考范文】 (1) 表明观点 As far as I am concerned, I cant agree more with the idea to delay the ope

10、ning of the school day of Senior School. 说明理由 I hold my view for the simple reason that we senior students can have a really good rest after a whole days work. Whats more, students can enjoy their breakfast at ease which does good to their later study, because they often swallow their breakfast with

11、out enough time. 得出结论 So there is no doubt that delaying the opening of the school day of Senior School will benefit us a lot.(2) 表明观点 From my point of view, I oppose the idea to delay the opening of the school day of Senior School. 说明理由 For one thing, we senior students should seize every second to

12、 study hard and get ready for the college entrance exam, which is of great importance to us. And early morning is the best time for our learning. For another, it is likely that delaying the opening of the school day will make us form a bad habit of getting up late and it will be harmful to our healt

13、h.【典例】:时间比金钱重要【参考范文】:论点 (用论据)论证 结论 论点 People often say time is money, but in fact time is more valuable than money. 论据 When money is spent, we can earn it back, but when time is lost, it will never return. The time we have in all our life is limited, and it is even more precious for us senior studen

14、ts. Time is easily lost because of the fact that it is not scarce though it is limited, so it should be valued most. 结论 In a word, we should get into the habit of saving time and never leave what can be done today until tomorrow. 2、举例说明 P153 列举个例P92l However, there are other ways to make students wo

15、rk hard. For example, teachers can reward us with small gifts if we do a good job.l A good parent should possess some good qualities, especially when facing her children. Take my mother, a model parent, as an example. l After reading the passage/ report/ Toms story, I think of a similar experience o

16、f my friend three years ago.l This story reminds me of a similar experience of my friend three years ago.l There is no denying that confidence plays an important role in our life. A convincing example that jumps into my mind is about speaking English.l Such examples can be seen easily in our daily l

17、ife. A good case in point is . l Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, the wind and ocean tides.l After class we enjoy all kinds of activities, such as doing sport, doing experiments or surfing the Internet.l Besides running, we can do m

18、any sports such as morning exercises,playing ping-pong ball and playing basketball, but it shouldnt take up too much time.l This program will cover topics like history, education, scenic spots, foods and famous people of Foshan.l Middle school students from all over Guangzhou performed all kinds of

19、programs, like English songs, English short plays and English stories.【典例】你认为生活中的小善举能带来大作用吗?请举例说明。【参考范文】要证明的观点 I fully agree that trivial things play an important part in our life. 引出例子 Such examples can be seen easily in our daily life. A good case in point is, as we can see, a word of encouragemen

20、t from a sincere teacher often changes a downhearted students idea and behavior. Another example is that a warm smile to someone who loses courage and wants to commit suicide may comfort him, cheer him up and help him through the darkest night in his life.【典例】网购【参考范文】Shopping on the Internet is beco

21、ming very popular. People can shop for a variety of products on it. For example, on the Internet, people can buy various physical products like books, CDs, clothes, etc. They can also buy information products such as online news and stories at the same time. They can download computer softwares from

22、 the Internet. Whats more, services such as booking airline tickets or hotel rooms are also available on the Internet.超级仿写 以你自己或他人成长的某次经历, 说明父母过度照顾子女的影响。(2010广州一模) 叙述你或你的亲友通过勤奋创造奇迹的一次真实或虚构的经历。3、经历感受、心得体会P242 l From the experience/ report, I realize/ we can see that it is difficult but meaningful to

23、solve l In a word, I benefit a lot from this experience and realize that it is honesty that wins us the respect from others and brings us real happiness.l From what is mentioned above, we can safely draw the conclusion that confidence really makes a difference. Therefore its wise for us to stay conf

24、ident all the time.l After reading this story, I was lost in thought. I came to realize that l From the story, I learn/know that .l Having finished reading the story, I was deeply touched. I am aware of . .l I am so touched / inspired / encouraged / impressed byl The story teaches us that .l I was s

25、o astonished when I knew that .l From the story I have learned that the trails of life are of great importance in our growth. As the saying goes, “No cross, no crown.” Only by overcoming difficulties in our life can we grow up happily and healthily. 【典例】:诚实/勿以善小而不为【参考范文】:1.(2009广州调研) After reading t

26、he story, I am so touched by Alan, whose behavior is worth praising. There is no doubt that honesty still plays a very important role in peoples life and only those who are honest will be trusted and respected by people. 2.(2011汕头一模)After reading this story, I was lost in thought. I came to realize

27、that people should never ignore the deed of small kindness. Your small good deeds sometimes will get big returns or make a great difference! (勿以善小而不为)【典例】请就诚信重要性这篇文章谈谈你读后的感受【参考范文】After reading this speech, I felt really sorry for the student who had ruined his own future due to his gaining extra adv

28、antages. He was glad that he had got a high mark in the quiz. But when he came across a similar question in the final exam, he didnt know how to solve it and eventually failed the test.4、观点对比 P236表示赞成及理由的句式。l Some people say yes for they think l Some of them approve of it because l 68% of my classma

29、tes are for it, thinking 表示反对及理由的句式。l However, others think .should not,saying .besides, .l Another 30% are against the idea for the reason that 表明自己看法的开头语。l In my opinion, . l As for me, I 综合l Different people have different opinions on.Some people think . because.However, others think .for the rea

30、son that . l Opinions are various for this. Some believe that . while others argue that . Still others maintain that.l There are different opinions on how to.Many people take.seriously, while few treat . as .l Opinions vary from person to person. The majority of the people are in favour of.The rest

31、of them are against .l When it comes to.some people think that. On the other hand, others argue that.l When it comes to , opinions vary from person to person. The majority of the people are in favor of because ,on the other hand, the rest of them are against for the reason that 【典例】说说人们对幸福的理解【参考范文】

32、引出不同观点 Opinions are divided on the feeling of happiness. 观点一 Some people believe that if they have much money or many things, they will be happy. With great wealth, they will be able to do everything they want, with which they will be happy. 观点二 On the other hand, some people regard their intelligen

33、ce, or their health as their great happiness. 观点三 Still others maintain that happiness is closely tied to their family, for they believe that they feel happy when all members of their family are happy and healthy.【典例】: 学生网上交友【参考范文】提出问题 When it comes to whether students should make friends online, op

34、inions vary from person to person. 赞成及理由 Some people say yes for they think that the Internet helps make many friends. By chatting on line,students can more freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help in their foreign language studies. 反对及理由 Others, however, are against the idea fo

35、r the reason that making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated on line. 你的看法In my opinion, students should place their study, health and safety before other things, and as for friendship, we can easily find it on our

36、classmates and other people around us. 5、 利弊对比l Evidently, . has both negative and positive aspects. On one hand, . On the other hand, .l Evidently, . has both negative and positive aspects. Its advantages can be listed as follows. For one thing, .For another, . However, just as a popular saying goe

37、s, “every coin has two sides”, .is no exception, and in other words, it still has its negative aspects. To begin with, . In addition, .l Just as the old saying goes, there is no garden without weeds, and so does. On the one hand, on the other hand, Through the above analysis, I believe that the posi

38、tive aspects outweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like tol Evidently, . has both negative and positive aspects. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First.Second . But every coin has two sides. Obviously, it has some disadvantages, one of which is that .To make things worse, .

39、 From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of . we know that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. Therefore, I am a firm supporter of .【典例】网购的利弊【参考范文】点明主题 Nowadays many people prefer to shop on line. 罗列益处 Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First, its co

40、nvenient and quick for us to shop on line. Secondly, it helps us save much time, with which we can do more other important things. But just as the saying goes, every coin has two sides. Its negative aspects are also apparent. One of the disadvantages is that the purchases are not what we are claimed

41、 to be. To make things worse, the quality is far from our satisfaction. From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of shopping online, we know that its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. Therefore, I am a firm supporter of shopping online because of its convenience and q

42、uickness.【典例】随着国内经济迅速发展和人口增长, 城市规模也不断扩大, 这既带来了好处同时又产生了问题。请陈述它的利弊。【参考范文】 With economic development and population growth, the city size grows larger and larger, which brings about both benefits and disadvantages. As a result of the city expansion, local people are enjoying the convenience of commerci

43、al business and their residential conditions have also improved,and in this case, financial investment will pour into the area as well. On the other hand, some destruction of farmland is unavoidable when a city expands. Besides forms of pollution done to the land, wildlife, including both plants and

44、 animals, is put at risk.6、分析原因 P212l The reasons for can be listed as follows. To begin with, . In addition, l My support for is based on the following reasons. To begin with, . In addition, l There are several reasons that contribute to.l My views are based on the following reasons. l There are se

45、veral reasons why. First of all, .Secondly,.Finally,.l Reasons for this are varied. Some people think.Others think.l I firmly support the view that.because.In addition,.【典例】:人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照?【参考范文】指出现象 When visiting wildlife parks, many tourists love to take photos with animals. 分析原因 (引出) Reasons

46、 for this are varied. (逐条列出) (旅客) Some people want to remember their enjoyable and unforgettable experience with the animals by taking photos with them (第一条). (动物) Besides, animals like koala and panda are so lovely that many tourists can not help hugging them and photographing with them (第二条).【典例】分

47、析洋快餐在中国受欢迎的原因。【参考范文】Fast food is becoming popular in China, especially among children. Reasons for this can be listed as follows. To begin with , it is very convenient and time-saving to eat fast food. In other words, you just go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and then you can either

48、eat there or take it away. In addition, its popularity is also due to the comfortable environment and the quality of food in fast food restaurants.7、说明异同 P193l There are some similarities between A and B. However, there are also some evident differences.l There are some similarities between A and B. Both of them . However, some differences are also obvious.


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