《 M6U3Reading Cultural differences 》设计方案.doc

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1、镇江市中小学中青年骨干教师现代教育技术实践活动教学设计方案教学目标分析(结合课程标准说明本节课学习完成后所要达到的具体目标):通过本课的学习培养学生的阅读能力,帮助学生了解不同国家的不同文化,从而唤醒学生学习英语的积极性.知识目标:锻炼学生口语的表达能力和阅读能力 能力目标:通过本课的学习提升学生运用英语的读写能力情感目标:培养学生的文化素养学习者特征分析(结合实际情况,从学生的学习习惯、心理特征、知识结构等方面进行描述):作为一所农村学校,学生阅读量少,知识面窄,对不同国家的文化差异了解甚少,学习英语的积极性不高.教学过程(按照教学步骤和相应的活动序列进行描述,要注意说明各教学活动中所需的具

2、体资源及环境):Step1: Lead-in How do Chinese people greet each other in formal situations?Shaking hands.However, people around the world have their own ways of greeting each other. Some of the ways are familiar to us while others seem rather strange. If we dont know about their greeting ways ,maybe we woul

3、d feel embarrassed (might be involved in awkward situations).It may cause misunderstanding.Have a test . Check if the students know something about different ways of greetings.Discussion : Why do you think people in different countries greet each other in different ways?There are cultural difference

4、s. We need to understand cultural differences to avoid mistakes incommunication. So besides greeting ways what other cultural differences do you know?festivalswedding customs eating and clothesbody language Step 2 Fast reading1.Skim the conversation and answer some questions 1. How many people are i

5、nvolved in this dialogue? Who are they?2. Where did this dialogue take place?3. Where do they come from?Actually, in the dialogue, Ma Li get several examples of cultural differences. Now first lets read the Reading Strategy about understanding the use of examples, and find out the functions of examp

6、les, in order to have a better understanding of the text.Try to list the functions of examples:Explain concepts and ideasSupport argumentsServe as interesting stories2.Listen and spot the examples that are mentioned in this dialogue.1. Thanksgiving2. eye contact3. wedding in Brunei4. Wedding in Ital

7、y is different from one in the UK.5. body language6. Common people cant wear yellow in Brunei7. People open the present as soon as he is given it.8. Chinese people greet each other by shaking hands.9. Take off shoes before going inside a house.10. Use thumb to point3.Put them in the correct order. W

8、eddings 4USA/UK cultural differences 1Thanksgiving 2color of clothing 6shoes 7presents 3pointing 5ExplanationBy skimming, the students get some important information, in which way their interest in reading the passage is aroused.Then the Reading Strategy: understand the use of examples is introduced

9、 to the students to help them understand the examples used in the text. At last, by listening, the students get a general idea of the whole passage and have a clear structure in their mind. In this section, remind the students only nead to find the information required. There is no need for them to

10、read the whole passage sentence by sentence.Step 3 Detailed readingPart One (lines1-18)1. What does Thanksgiving celebrate? Its to do with celebrating the first harvest after the settlers from Europe went to live in the USA. 2.What is the typical food at Thanksgiving? The huge turkey.Part Two (lines

11、 19-29)In the West, when is the time to open a present? Why? In the west , it is polite to open a present as soon as someone gives you one. Because people want to see the persons reaction. Part Three (lines 29 to 46) What are the similarities and differences in a wedding between Italy and the UK?Sim

12、ilarities: throwing confettiDifferences: giving presentsIn the UK, the guests are expected to give prensents to the newly-weds.In Italy the newly-weds should give presents to the guests.Differences in wedding reception in Brunei?The man and the woman _sit in a different area_. No _alcohol_. Play _dr

13、ums_ for a long time, sometimes _all night_.Part Four (lines 47-64)1.What should you do instead of pointing with your first finger in Brunei? In Brunei, people point with their thumb instead of first finger.2.What color cant people wear in Brunei? Why?Yellow. Because yellow is the royal color for th

14、e Sultan and his family.3.What customs do Chinese cities and Brunei have in common?Take off the shoes before going into someones house.ExplanationDivide the passage into four parts and ask the students to read each part at a time aloud and try to answer some detailed questions. In this way, the stud

15、ents will have a better understanding of the text.Step 4 Consolidation1. Task-based reading_1_ diffrencesSituationsReactions/CustomsThanksgivingThe American: talk much about Thanksgiving,which was held in_3_of the first havest after their settlement in the USA.The British: know _4_ about it_2_Both t

16、he American and the British will open it _5_ being given it. Wedding_6_In the west, throwing confetti is very common.DifferencesIn the UK, the guests are expected to give prensents to the newly-weds_7_in Italythe newly-weds should give presents to the guests.PointingIn Brunei, people point with thei

17、r thumb_8_of first finger.Colour of clothesIn Brunei, yellow is the_9_colour.ShoesIn both Brunei and China, shoes should be_10_ off before going inside someones house.Keys:1.Cultural 2.Presents 3.honor 4.nothing 5.upon6.Similarities 7.while 8.instead 9.royal 10.taken2.DebateDo you think it necessary

18、 or not to learn about cultural differences? Why3. Writing 假如你是马丽,从与网友韦德和皮特的交谈中得到一些文化差异的例子结合自身情况,以化差异为题完成一篇作文。要求如下:例子感恩节美国人讲起来滔滔,火鸡,纪念定居美洲的第一个丰收。英国人对之一无所知。中国人亦如此。 礼物在西方,一收到就拆在中国,单独拆用手指在中国以及很多国家用食指,在文莱用大拇指,觉得用食指不礼貌。好处避免不必要的错误和尴尬更好的理解和交流举止礼貌个人观点态度,建议。(至少两点)火鸡:turkey 文莱:Brunei 不少于150个字 Nowadays, cultur

19、al differences is becoming a hot topic, as more and more people are interested in it. _ExplanationCheck whether the students have already fully understood the text and can apply what theyve learnt to practice through task-based reading, debate and writing. And in the debate section, the students wil

20、l be given 3 minutes to discuss in groups of four, in which way they are encouraged to communicate and cooperate with ohers, which may let them know the importance of teamwork and arouse their interest.Step 5 Homework1.Finish the composition 2.Please search for more cultural differences.3.Review what we have leant today. 教学资源(说明在教学中资源应用的思路、制作或搜集方法):视频、音频、图片,网络上搜索评价方法或工具(说明在教学过程中将用到哪些评价工具,如何评价以及目的是什么):1、 学生自我评价 自我认识,自评自纠2、 小组评价 合作学习提高3、 教师评价 总结性评价,肯定优点,指出不足


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