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1、1 Unit6 A School Sale 【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册Unit6 【单元总目标】 本单元的教学内容设计了一个非常有教育意义的校园生活话题校园义卖。学生们参 与校园爱心义卖活动,用得来的收益去帮助那些贫穷地区的学生。在学习语言知识的同时, 让学生从小就树立关爱他人的意识,培养他们助人为乐、乐于奉献的思想品质:本单兀的主 要功能结构有:There will be a sale at our school. What will you sell? What shall we do with the . ? Well give it to .要求学生能理解并熟练运用本单元的词

2、汇和 功能语句完成会话及相关的语用练习。本单元教学一定不能忽视的是对学生情感教育的渗 透,否则就失去了本单元的话题意义。 本单元的教学分为4 个课时。 第一课时以Part A中 Warming-up 部分的活动引入与本单 元相关的话题学具,再进一步学习Let s learn部分的词汇;第二课时学习Part A中 Let s talk部分的对话内容,学习综合运用含有将来时态的的各种功能结构并进行会话; 第三课时主要学习Part B中的 Let s learn more部分,本部分是语篇教学,通过语篇中 的描述, 进一步学习一般现在时态和一般过去时态的综合运用,加强和拓展运用本单元功能 语句;第四

3、课时进行知识巩固,完成本单元Part C部分的其余检测活动。 【单元具体目标】 知识目标 一、能听、说、读、写以下词汇: notebook, magazine, glue, story book, model plane, toy car, a pair of scissors。 二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: 1. There will be a sale at our school. 2. What will you sell? I will sell some . and . 3. What shall we do with the . ? We ll give it to .

4、情感目标 一:教育学生从小树立关爱他人的意识,养成乐于助人、乐于奉献的良好品质。 二、丰富学生的校园生活,提高学生的组织能力,培养学生的团队合作精神。 Unit6 A School Sale 第 1 课时教学设计 2 【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit6 【主题】 Warming-up: Look and choose, Warming-up: Read and group, Let s lea rn 【课时】第 1 课时 一、教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写词汇:notebook, magazine, glue, story book, model plane, toy car,

5、 a pair of scissors。 2. 渗透英语学习的方法、技巧,培养学生自主学习的能力。 二、教学准备 1. 教师准备Let s learn部分的词汇教学卡片和实物。 2. 教师准备本课时的PPT教学课件。 3. 教师准备Let s learn部分的教学音频。 三、教学方法建议 课程导入 (Leading In) (1) 课前问答 T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Mr. / Miss .! T: It s time for English. Nice to see you again. Today, I have a magic bag to

6、 show you. Look! (在屏幕上呈现一幅图:一个大的“袋子”)Can you guess whats in it? Theyre all about school things and toys. S1: There is a/an . in the bag. S2: There is a/an . in the bag. . (2) 新课导入 1. Part A Warming-up: Look and choose 教师在以课件引入的过程中,可顺势引入本部分的物品,在以 PPT课件展示过本部分的 全部物品后,让学生自主完成长汇与图片的匹配。 参考答案: d,b,e, a,c 2

7、. Part A Warming-up: Read and group 此活动是以词汇分类的形式进行热行热身。教师可引领学生要起读一读这16 个单词, 在读的过程中即可顺势完成分组,并将相应序号或单词分别写入Toys 和 School things框 3 内。教师可以这样组织: T: Here are many things. Some are school things. Some are toys. Now please put them into different groups. What are toys in your idea? And what arc school thing

8、s? Now let s read aloud together! 参考答案: Toys: 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 School things: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 16 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1) 新课展示Part A Lets learn 教师出示 Let s learn部分的图片,向学生们介绍: T: Hello, boys and girls. Now we have more school things and toys. Lets have a look at them and learn

9、 the words. 1. 教授词汇story book, notebook, magazine 教师拿出所准备的包括课本、故事书(如白雪公主)和笔记本在内的几本书介绍生 词。 T: Look, children. What are these? Ss: They are books. T: Yes. Books are our good friends. Many people like reading books. Here in my hands, I have some kinds of books. 教师出示英语课本和故事书介绍story book。 T: We can learn

10、 English with this book. This is a textbook. In this book, we have a story about Snow White. This is a story book. 再拿出笔记本介绍notebook 。 T: Is this a story book? Ss: No. T: You re right. It s not a story book. Its a notebook. What can we do with it? T/Ss: We can write down some notes on it. We can writ

11、e a diary on it every day. 再拿出几本杂志介绍单词magazine。 T: Look, is this a book? Ss: ? 4 教师一本一本边翻看边介绍: T: There are beautiful pictures in it. We can read some important news and good articles in it. This is a magazine. 让学生通过教师的描述,大概理解这三种book 的功能作用。在学生明白之后,领读几 遍手里的这三种书:story book, notebook, magazine。然后在PPT上展

12、示出这些词汇的写 法,并领读几遍。 有意识地引导学生注意单词magazine 的重音和其中的两个a 的不同发音。 2. 教授词汇toy car, model plane, glue 教师同样借助所准备的实物介绍toy car和 model plane 。可以这样讲述: T: Look! It s a car. But you cannot drive it on the road. And this is a plane. But it cannot fly high in the sky. You can play with them. 板书并领读词汇model plane 和 toy ca

13、r 之后,再拿出一瓶去掉粘贴物的胶水,并可以 这样描述: T: Here is a small bottle. Whats in it? It looks like some water. But its not water. If you want to make a paper plane or a model plane, it can help you to stick. We can stick the paper together with it. 教师边介绍边演示,在学生听并猜过后,出示单词卡片glue 。 这里可以用迁移法帮助学生记住glue 的读音和拼写,即:由true, b

14、lue 到 glue, 引导 学生发现读音规律和技巧。 3. 教授短语a pair of scissors 教师可以先把剪刀藏在背后,用另一只手一边比划剪的动作,一边描述: T: There is another thing here in my hand. Can you guess what it is? We often use it to cut paper, rope and our hair. 出示单词 scissors,一起读写之后,再向学生介绍a pair of scissors。 教学小贴士 教师在这里可以引领学生回忆和了解更多可与a pair of搭配使用的其他词汇。如:a

15、 pair of glasses/pants/shorts/gloves/shoes/jeans等等。并复习复数的表达,如: two/three pairs of。 (2) 巩固活动 1. 教师播放录音,让学生边指图片边跟读Let s learn部分的词汇。 5 2. 学生看卡片读词。重复几遍后逐渐加快卡片的呈现速度,考验学生的反应能力和熟 练程度。 3. 看图读词,并要求学生拼出词汇,考验学生的词汇速记能力。 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) (1) 韵律问答 教师一边在PPT画面中呈现词汇图片,一边带着节奏读问题:What s in the picture

16、? What s in the picture? 引导学生说:A / An . is in the picture. A/An . is in the picture。师生互动,不断呈现单词图片并带着节奏重复问答。这样,既可以使课堂气氛变 得轻松活泼,也可以起到巩固词汇的作用。结构如下: What s in the picture? Whats in the picture? A notebook is in the picture, a notebook is in the picture. What,s in the picture? Whats in the picture? A bot

17、tle of glue is in the picture, a bottle of glue is in the picture. . 提醒学生注意: glue 是个不可数名词, 不能直接用不定冠词表示其数量,只可说 a bottle of glue 或 some glue 。 (2) 词汇记忆大比拼 教师让学生在规定的时间内,记忆本节课所学的词汇。然后,让学生进行听写练习。听 写完毕后, 教师引导学生分组分享他们各自记忆词汇的方法。教师给予积极评价与指导,并 归纳大家的词汇记忆方法。 【板书设计】 Unit6 A School Sale 第 2 课时教学设计 【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年

18、级下册 Unit6 【主题】Let s talk, Make a list and say, Choose and talk in pairs 【课时】第 2 课时 一、教学目标 1. 能听懂并理解Let s talk部分的对话内容。 2. 能流畅地朗读对话,并能在相应情景下灵活运用以下功能结构: (1) There will be a sale at our school. (2) What will you sell? 6 I will sell some . and . (3) What shall we do with the .? We ll give it to . 3. 要懂得关

19、心关爱他人,养成乐于助人、乐于奉献的品质。 二、教学准备 1. 教师准备本单元的词汇教学卡片。 2. 教师准备Let s talk部分的 PPT教学课件。 3. 教师准备Let s talk部分的教学音频。 三、教学方法建议 课程导入 (Leading In) (1) 课前问答 师生问答可围绕上节课所学的词汇进行: T. Do you often read after school? Ss: Yes, I do. T: What kind of books do you like reading? Ss:. T: Do you often read a magazine? Ss:. T: Do

20、 you have a notebook? Show me your notebook, please. Do you often play with toys? What toys do you have? (2) 新课导入 教师出示上节课的词汇卡片,让学生快速认读并拼读。之后,再让学生用There is/are . 结合这些词汇说句子, 复习 there be 结构,为新授环节中即将出现的There will be .表达做铺垫。 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1) 新课展示Part A: Let s talk 1. 教师承接上一环节,从学习单词sale 和

21、sell幵始新授活动。可以借助学生已有的 生活经验, 和他们相互交流。 如:Do you often go to the shopping mall or the supermarket? Sometimes you may see the word“sale ”in the shop or supermarket.然后,教师在画 面中展示一幅商场里的情景图。让学生在商品销售区域发现单词sale 字样的存在。学生会 7 豁然明白这个“熟悉”的单词。然后,领读几遍。并注意讲解单词sale 和 sell的意思和用 法,让学生明白两个单词的意思相同但词性不同,两者都是 “卖、出售” 的意思, 但是

22、sale 是名词, sell是动词。其中,sell的过去式是sold 。 教学小贴士 在商场或超市中,sale 通常是以on sale或 for sale的形式出现的。on sale是“出 售、上市”“廉价出售”的意思,而for sale则表示“供出售、待售”。 教师可以借助课件讲解,帮助学生理解这两个单词的用法:Look, what do they sell? Oh, story books, notebooks, glue, a pair of scissors, . They sell school things here. Look over there. There are many

23、 kinds of toys. The toy cars are on sale. 2. 承接上一环节,导入对话学习:Sometimes the sale will be not only in the shop, market, supermarket, shopping mall, but also in the school. Do you believe it? Now please watch it. 教师播放 Let s talk的教学视频。要求学生认真听,认真看。并在学生看完对话视频 后,提问下面几个问题: (1) Where will the sale be at? (2) W

24、hen will the sale be at? (3) What will they sell? (4) Will many pupils come and take part in it? 通过提问了解学生对对话的理解程度。之后,让学生打开课本,再听一遍对话。 教师帮助学生完整理解对话内容的同时,可适时进行情感渗透,告诉学生要学会关爱他 人,养成乐于助人、乐于奉献的良好品质。 3. 难点分析: (1) There will be a sale at our school. Will there be many pupils? 这是 there be 结构的一般将来时态,注意板书句型结构,

25、并用彩色粉笔标出There will be 和 Will there be之后,可通过课件展示例句帮助学生理解,再鼓励学生自己造句练习 运用,如: S1: There will be a basketball match on the playground this afternoon. S2: Will there be any teachers there? 8 S1: Yes, there will. S3. There will be a sale at our school tomorrow. S4: Will there be any books or magazines? S3:

26、 Of course there will. And there will be many toys, too. 教学小贴士 There be句式是英语中最常见的也是非常重要的特殊句型,表示“存在”的含义,其 句型结构通常为:There be + sb./sth. + some place. 在以前所学的知识内容中,已经接 触过这一结构的用法。 There be结构除可用be 的各种形式外,也可以根据表达的需要,在There 和 be 之间 加上恰当的情态动词或助动词,如can, may, must, should, will等,构成There can/may/must/should/will

27、 . be . 等。如: There may be a heavy rain tonight. There will be more subway lines in Xi an. (2) What shall we do with the money? 本句中的新短语do with ,在这里的意思是“处置”。可注意创设情境进行如下练习: S1: What should I do with the color pencils? S2: You can put them in the desk. What should I do with .? S3: You can . . (3) 引领学生回顾

28、六年级上册Unit 4 Lets Go on a Picnic中关于 shall的用法。 教学小贴士 will和 shall的用法区别 1. 两者皆可作为助动词构成一般将来时态,shall一般用于第一人称,而will般用 于第二、三人称,但在口语中,第一人称也常用will来代替。 2. shall用于第一人称时,如:Shall we .? / Shall I .?常表示说话人想要表 达或行使自己的意志,即“提出建议”,而 will主要是表达主语的“意志、意愿”。 (2) 巩固练习 1. 教师播放录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟读Let s talk部分的对话。 2. 同桌之间分角色朗读练习。 操练

29、活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 9 (1)Part B Make a list and say 1. 将学生分成若干小组,每个小组选一个话题,如There will be . in our class / school / family / city /. 然后大家一起畅想自己的班级、学校、家庭、城市等场所 未来将会出现的事物,展开小组讨论。 组内每个学生思考后提一个议案或说一句话,集体制 定一个规划,并选出一位“秘书”做好记录。 2. 每组的“秘书”根据记录在班上做汇报: Next year, there will be . Group 1: In our s

30、chool a new building Group 2: In our family a new house Group 1: Next year, there will be a new building in our school. Group 2: Next year, there will be a new house in my family. 教师对学生的表现要积极评价,多多鼓励。 (2)Part B Choose and talk in pairs 这也是一个有关there will be 结构的问答活动。 教师可以先让同桌之间两两进行练习, 根据图示情景从框中选择相应的语言信

31、息继续对话。然后,还可以进行拓展延伸练习,如: 让学生结合生活实际发挥想象,给出更多更丰富的回答。大家共同分享的同时,也是一种相 互促进。 【板书设计】 Unit6 A School Sale 第 3 课时教学设计 【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit6 【主题】 Let s learn more, Choose, complete and act 【课时】第 3 课时 一、教学目标 1. 能读懂并理解Let s learn more部分的内容,并顺利完成文后练习。 2. 能流利地朗读课文内容,要求语音语调准确自然。 二、教学准备 1. 教师准备Let s learn more部分的

32、教学挂图和教学视频。 10 2. 教师准备本课时的PPT教学课件。 3. 教师准备Let s learn more部分的教学音频。 三、教学方法建议 课程导入 (Leading In) (1) 课前问答 T: Hello, everyone! There will be a new library in our city. What will there be? Let s guess and make a chant. 教师可结合前面两个课时的教学内容及重点,设计一个有趣味的歌谣。让学生先试着读 一读,把每一句读熟,再尝试找出其中的节奏和韵律。之后,学生自编歌谣,读出自己的节 奏韵律。示例如

33、下: There will be a new library in our city. There will be many kinds of books in the library. There will be nice pictures in the magazines. And there ll be many interesting stories for us to read every day. (2) 新课导入 1. 单词匹配 带领学生回顾不规则动词的过去式,为新授内容做铺垫。学生连线选择, 并要求能够正 确读出读音来。 had say were is made sell sa

34、id do sold give was have did make gave are 鼓励学生回忆学过的更多不规则动词的过去式。 2. 谈话导入 T: There was a school sale at Alice and Colin s school last week. Many pupils were very active in it. Then, after the sale, they talked about it in class. Let s 11 see what they talked about? 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1) 新课

35、展示Part B Lets learn more 1. 课文呈现 方案 1:教师播放本部分的教学视频,让学生直观感受语言环境,理解课文大意。 方案 2:教师播放本部分的录音磁带,由于课文较长,可以让学生边看课文内容,边听 录音,尝试理解课文大意。 本部分内容段落较长,建议釆用较直观和情景化的方式呈现新课内容,这样有助于学生 理解课文大意。 2. 读课文,理解大意 教师提出问题, 之后让学生翻开课本,自读一遍课文, 并要求学生边读课文边勾画出文 中与问题相关的信息,问题可参考如下: (1) When and where did Yingcai School have a school sale

36、this year? (2) What did Su Nan bring? (3) What did Kitty sell? (4) How much did Kitty get? 随机挑选学生回答上述问题,检测他们对课文的理解情况。 3. 教师讲解重难点,帮助学生完整理解课文内容。 (1) Before the sale, the pupils brought many kinds of things to the playground. brought是 bring的过去式,意思是“带、带来”,bring sth. / sb. to sp.意为“把 某物或某人带到某处来”。 take则是“

37、拿去,带去” ,take sth. / sb. to sp.指“把某物 或某人带到某处去” 。 教师鼓励学生用一用,如: Bring your notebook to school next time, please. Father will take his daughter to the park this weekend. many kinds of“许多种,各种各样的”。学生前面已学过a kind of,在这里应该不难 理解这个短语。 (2) I learned a lot.我学到了很多东西。 a lot单独用在动何后时表所“很、非常”,等同于very much ;也可表示“很多东西”

38、, 等同于 many things ,如: 12 I ate a lot ( of things ) this morning. (3) I can help others with the money.我可以用这些钱来帮助别人。 教学小贴士 help . with 1. 用来帮助,如:The children helped the poor dog with food. 2. 帮助(某人)做,在某方面帮助,如:She often helps me with my English. 教师示范并领读较长较难读的两个句子: They always give the money to the poo

39、r pupils in the mountains. Before the sale, the pupils brought many kinds of things to the playground. (2) 巩固练习 1. 教师播放录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟读Let s learn more部分的内容。 2. 学生朗读课文。教师可先让几个自愿者分段试读一遍课文,并给予他们积极的评价 与必要的指导。 然后,让学生听录音或跟教师朗读课文。朗读练习不仅有助于提高学生的认 读能力, 更有助于培养学生的语调和语感。课文编排从对话形式到段落语篇形式的转变,体 现了学习难度在增加。因此,语篇朗读应该

40、作为学生英语学习的一个常规要求。 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) (1)Read again and complete the sentences 1. 趁热打铁,在朗读过后要求学生自主完成本部分的填空练习,检测他们对语篇重点 信息的掌握程度。然后,教师带领学生集体朗读本部分的五个句子,核查答案。 参考答案: 1. had a school sale 2. the playground 3. read his story books 4. Kitty, a pair of scissors 5. the poor pupils in the mountain

41、s 2. 答案核对完毕后, 教师可要求学生把这些句子连贯起来,构成一个较为完整的语篇, 自己试着讲一讲。 (2)Part C Choose, complete and act 选句完成对话练习考查的是学生的语言综合运用能力。建议让学生先以小组合作的形式 完成选句部分, 然后教师检查完成情况并核对答案。之后,让学生分角色练习朗读、演读对 话。 参考答案: e, c, a, d, b 【板书设计】 13 Unit6 A School Sale 第 4 课时教学设计 【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit6 【主题】 Listen and tick, Ask and answer, Read

42、 and fill in the blanks 【课时】第 4 课时 一、教学目标 1. 能听懂、理解并完成Part C的听力练习内容。 2. 能熟练地运用本单元所学词汇和功能结构进行会话练习。 二、教学准备 1. 教师准备相关教学挂图。 2. 教师准备Listen and tick部分的教学音频。 3. 教师准备本课时的PPT教学课件。 三、教学方法建议 课程导入 (Leading In) (1) 课前问答 T: Do you often go to the shop? Ss: Yes / No. T: What does the shop sell? Do you know? Ss: .

43、T: What will you buy there? S: . T: Do you often go to the library? Ss: Yes / No. T: What will you do in the library? Ss: . T: Shall we.? (2) 新课导入 One day, a girl went to a shop. She bought some things in the shop. What did she buy? Next, you will hear a dialogue in a shop. Please listen carefully.

44、课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)Part C Listen and tick 14 1. 听之前先让学生一起着图说说这些物品的英文名称,也可视情况让学生在每幅图旁 写出相应的词汇。 2. 教师播放本部分的录音,要求学生仔细听录音,了解对活中的女孩想买什么物品, 并勾出她要买的物品。 3. 学生举手用英语说出自己勾出的物品。 4. 逐句播放录音,让学生复述录音,核对答案。 本部分的录音内容如下: Boy: Can I help you? Girl: Yes. please. I want a bottle of glue. Boy: Here you are. I

45、ts one yuan. Girl: Thank you. And how much is the toy car? Boy: Its 20 yuan. Girl: Oh, its too expensive! How about the story book? Boy: Its 10 yuan. Girl: OK. Ill take the glue and the book. Here is the money. Boy: Thank you. 参考答案:勾出故事书和胶水 (2)Part C Ask and answer 这是一个对话替换练习,共有四幅画面,检测学生的语用能力。 1. 教师

46、展示第一幅图片(也可出示一张电影票或一张电影海报),和一学生模拟对话: T: Do you like to see films? S1: Sorry, I dont. S2: Miss ., I like to see films. T: There will be a new film tomorrow. S2: Really? Will you go to see it? T: Sure. Would you like to go to see the film with me? S2: Great! 2. 引导学生仔细观察另外三幅图,并读一读图下的提示词。 3. 同桌之间参考范例进行会话

47、练习。学生练熟后,可选出几组搭档进行演读,给学生 展示的机会。 15 (3)Part C Read and fill in the blanks 这是一个补全短文类的阅读练习。教师可先让学生观察本部分的背景图片,并说一说图 中的物品; 然后启发学生思考,引导他们结合上下文和首字母提示进行,看文中所缺的各个 单词分別是什么。 T: Look at the picture. What does the girl have? T/Ss: She has many school things and toys. They are ., and so on. T: There will be a sch

48、ool sale next week. What will the girl sell? Read and fill in the blanks. 可以让学生在小组内相互交流、合作完成填空。 之后教师可采用让学生接力读句子的方 式核对答案。 完成后, 建议教师留出一定的时间让学生进行语篇朗读练习,要求学生能够通 顺地读出文本。 参考答案: sale, friend, magazines, more, sell, toys 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) (1) 比一比,写一写 教师让学生每人拿出一张小纸,要求在上面写出所学过的学习用品和玩具类词汇,比比 看谁

49、在限定的时间内写得最多。可以这样介绍: T: Now, children. I d like you to take out a piece of paper and write words about school things and toys as many as you can. Let me see who can write more words than others. 之后, 随意指定几名学生读一读他们自己所写出的词汇,并表扬那些词汇写得多、语音 准确的学生。 (2)Let s chant 教师与学生一起打节奏改编歌谣,在复习巩固功能句的同时,感受语言的节奏和韵律, 训练学生的语感。如: There will be a library next to our school. There will be many pupils reading story books. There will be a heavy rain on Monda


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