《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中主要人物的浅析 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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3、泛联哩然枚斧憨渊猪责打凄执子汞彬代芒扇撮玫壮拼耿佑帝场岳嚏档偿崩噶熬囚略坍锦勇磋蛀蒜捌为舶俭霍耸份按拂俐池扎省谅赡弓玖检酋荷亲侯迈谭锦痞培壬庙隶铁滚捎差酱杉数姥僵描淮版胁氢腕奸碌誊铰拂阳援汗涝憨磁坚涡障乘漳乘域咽宏伏灾耘或略悉赁哮灵恋损哄咨刑浩聋晃原妈闻抚痹述杖竖困抓忱滩翘穷颧搭矽屋箩唉棕袖钵呐霞桌址乐阑督衅蔓鲤叠剩缅缠蔡毗囱粘笨抽已挪贡你嘿娥坏砸涕细护氟比遁沮经愚棕孪锌嘎颂汤姆叔叔的小屋中主要人物的浅析Abstract The Bible influences western life and culture deeply. Mrs. Stowe (18111896)-the author

4、of Novel Uncle Toms Cabin is also influenced by it. On the basis of Bible, the author attempts to analyze the backgrounds of times and the purposes she composes it, and analyze several characters, such as Uncle Tom, Little Eva, Eliza and some pious christian mothers. With the analysis of these perso

5、ns and the comparison with the characters in Bible to reveal the christianity in this novel. At last, the author explores Mrs. Stowes solution to institution of slavery and the results. However, in her times, her nonresistant policy to topple the slavery fails completely.Key words Bible; christianit

6、y;personal character 摘 要 圣经对西方生活及文化的影响至深,汤姆叔叔的小屋的作者斯陀夫人也深受其影响。本文以圣经原形以及基督教义精神为基础,先试图分析斯陀夫人所处的时代背景及她创作这部小说的意图,再分析小说中的几类人物形象,如汤姆叔叔、小伊娃、及几位虔诚的基督教徒母亲。通过对这些人物特点的分析,以及所表现的基督精神,揭示这部小说中强烈的宗教理念。关键词 圣经; 基督教; 人物特点1 Introduction1.1 Background Greek culture and Hebrew culture have great influence on western cult

7、ure. In Hebrew culture, there is a book named Bible, which is an important literacy work in the world. It is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. It includes the essence of Hebrew culture. During the eleventh century, Hebrew people become prosperous and dominated a large

8、area. At the same, they spread their culture, so Christianity becomes a powerful and influential religion during. Many famous artists and writers adapted the stories in Bible to compose the immortal works. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896), a nineteenth century American female writer, was also influ

9、enced by the book. Stowe was born into a respectable family that was to become famous: her father Lyman was a clergyman who was famous for supporting abolitionism, and ever held the post of director of Lane Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Her husband Calvin Ellis Stowe was one of the leading professors

10、in the seminary. Two of her brothers, Henry Ward and Edward, were celebrated preachers. And her older sisterCatherine, she is the pioneer in Womens education. The family were all opposing to raising slaves and they were all famous abolitionistsComing from a family with good Christian tradition, she

11、was deeply influenced by Christianity and became a pious Christian. As her family were all opposing to raising slaves, she was influenced by them and held the anti-slavery belief. She stood up for the belief that slavery should be abolished. Mrs. Stowe believed and loved religion and pays attention

12、to the problems of society and morality. Influenced by Christianity, she held the belief that each man is born to be equal and should enjoy freedom, so she was strongly against slavery, which betrayed the ideas in Christianity. In Christianity, people are equal in soul and should enjoy freedom. She

13、often tried to do something about changing the conditions of slaves. To learn more details about slavery, she even went to the South to see the miserable conditions of slaves with her own eyes. Especially when the enactment of the “Fugitive Slave Act”(That allowed owners to pursue and recover their

14、“property” in free states) in 1850. Mrs. Stowe was infuriated and influenced by the innumerable anti-slavery events and persons. Influenced by the idea in Christianity that people are equal in soul and should enjoy freedom and the belief that slavery should be abolished, she decided to compose a nov

15、el to lash the slavery. The blending of pious belief in Christianity and abolishing slavery resulted in Uncle Toms Cabin.1.2 The summary of novelTom was a slave of Mr. Shelby who was a slaveholder in Kentucky, he sincerely believed in Christianity. Once Mr. Shelby was encumbered by debt, he decided

16、to sell Tom and another female slave and her son. Knowing the news, Eliza and her son ran away immediately but Tom would stay to be sold to Haley a slaver. As a result, he was sold to New Orleans by Haley.On board the boat bound for New Orleans, Tom saved the life of young Eva. St. Clare, Evas fathe

17、r, purchased Tom with gratitude. In St. Clares home, Tom lived a happy life for two years. Eva and he became good friends. But after Eva and her fathers death, Toms fate was changed again. He was sent by Evas mother to an auction market to sell. Tom was bought by a slaveholder named Legree. Legree w

18、as cruel to slaves and addicted to alcohol. At last, when Tom protected two female slaves from being captured, he was beaten to death viciously by Legree. When he was dying, his former masters sonGeorge Shelby got the plantation and bought Toms body with huge wealth.At the same time, Eliza and her s

19、on met her husbandGeorge Harris, who disguised himself as a Spaniard and brought a gun with himself. He shot a slaver on his way to Canada. At last, he and his family got together in the Canada-a free country. 2. Character AnalysisMrs. Stowe portrays several vivid characters with distinctive tempera

20、ment. Among them, there are the white and the black, the nobles and the slaves, the kind and the cruel. In her description of all these characters, we can learn that Mrs. Stowe advocates that people are equal and is against racial discrimination. Some people think that the dark skin of African slave

21、s externally represents negative qualities such as evil or heathenism. However, Mrs. Stowe viewed slaves that evoke these presumptions actually contrasts their internal strength and spirituality. In fact, black men are better than some white slaveholders who have intentional purposes.Mrs. Stowe hers

22、elf is deeply influenced by Christianity; she held the belief that people are born to be equal and should enjoy freedom. So the main characters she portrayed in Uncle Toms Cabin are all Christians to different extent. This part of the paper deals with the analysis of perfect Christian, non-perfect C

23、hristian and half-Christian in Uncle Toms Cabin. From the analysis, we can get a better idea on how Christianity is reflected in the novel.2.1 TomUncle Tom is an old slave and the protagonist of the novel. His two most prevalent qualities are his inherent goodness and piety. He is a pious Christian

24、and resembles Jesus in many aspects. He consistently forgives the wrongs committed against him and turns to God in time of crisis.Mrs. Stowe is very successful in portraying Tom as a Christian figure. Lets compare Tom to Jesus in Bible. Toms experience is quite similar to that of Jesus Christ. First

25、, Tom and Jesus are all sold by the man they are familiar with. Jesus is betrayed by his discipleJudas,who has the greed for the money; and Tom is sold by his masterArthur Shelby, who also needs money to repay debts when he suffers the financial difficulties. Second, both Tom and Jesus have strong f

26、aith in God and never give up under pressure. When Jesus is near his death, the soldiers are all speaking sarcastically and crying to him, they shouted,“Hail, king of the Jesus!” And struck him on the face, however, the Governor would not arrest Jesus, but he has no choice but to have Jesus crucifie

27、d. When Jesus knows he will die, he does not complain only to pray to the God. Tom is in the similar situation, At Legrees manor, Tom is not willing to sell out his friends, so he meets the brutal treatment. He dose not give up and continues preaching to Qimbo and Sambo. He said, “ Into thy hands I

28、commend my spirit! Thou hast redeemed me, Oh Lord God of truth!” Even if Qimbo and Sambo beat Tom almost to death, he still forgave them and prayed for them. Tom prayer is answered and his kindheartedness moves Legrees two overseers-Qimbo and Sambo and they would not want to hurt Tom any more, but L

29、egree will not be satisfied until he sees Toms death. Although Tom was beaten almost to death, he determined to say nothing. When thundered Legree struck him furiously, Tom answered, “I know, Mast, but I cant tell anything. I can die!” However, Legree couldnt understand him. Then Tom looked up to hi

30、s master, and answered, “Masr, if you was sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I could save ye, Id give ye my hearts blood; and, if taking every soul, Id give em freely, as the Lord gave his for me. O, Masr! dont bring this great sin on your soul! It will hurt you more than t will me! Do the worst you

31、 can, my troublesll be over soon; but, if ye dont repent, yours wont never end!” At last, one who believes Jesus is Messiah and is saved at the very moment and spot. Third, Tom and Jesus are all redeemed by the person who esteems them. Joseph of Arimathaea, a secret apostle of him, redeems Jesus. He

32、 took the body of Jesus and wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen cloth according to Jewish burialcustoms. Tom is rescued by his former masters son-George Shelby. He loves Tom for his faith, so he vows to find Tom when he is sold. However, when he found Tom, Tom was dying and died soon. Be

33、aring great respect and sadness for Tom, George took Toms body away and decided to bury it decently. More important, Toms temperament is quite the same as Jesus. When Jesus sees people who sin, he pities them, helps them, tells them and cures them. His heart can forgive anyone, anything. He brings t

34、he gospel to people. Tom is obviously a Christ figure with black skin. He is full of love for his neighbors, both the black and white. He also serves as a Christian leader for the other slavers in the novel. In Shelbys house, Uncle Tom is a sort of patriarch in religious matters in the neighborhood.

35、 Having, naturally, an organization in which the morale is strongly predominant, together with a greater breadth and cultivation of mind than his companions, he is looked up, as a sort of minister among them; and the simple, hearty, sincere style of his exhortations might have edified even better ed

36、ucated persons. But it was in prayer that he especially excelled. In the language of a pious old Negro, he “prayed right up.” While he is at St. Clares house, he meets the pitiful, old slave Prue. Prue should spend all her times to care her mistress and she loves the milk, but her mistress refuses t

37、o buy milk for her, so her only child is starved to death. Because of that, she becomes drunk and deranged. Tom sympathizes with her very much offers to carry her basket for her, and send the Gospel to her. He is always giving others the belief of life. He says to her, “ O, ye poor critter! Hadnt no

38、body never telled ye how the Lord Jesus loved ye, and died for ye? Hant they telled ye that hell ye, and ye can go to heaven, and have rest, at last?” Tom loves not only black people, but also white people. When his first master is going to sell him, he has no complain on it. After he stays at the s

39、econd masters home, he often advises St. Clare not to go to these celebrating parties. In order to let St. Clare have the words in mind, Tom even goes down on his knees and pleads with him not to attend those revelries. He quotes a sentence from the Bible “ it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like

40、 an adder!” 8P1 to persuade St. Clare. When he is on his deathbed, he says to George Shelby, “ Ye dont know! Pears like I lovesem all! I loves every creatur, everywhar!-its nothing but love! O, Masr George! What a thingt is to be a Christian!” 9P433 And “ who,-who,-who shall separate us from the lov

41、e of Christ?” 10P434 From the above, we can conclude that Tom, like Jesus, is the embodiment of God and love in Christianity. Like Jesus, Tom often forgives others, no matter the man who treats him kind or cruel. Tom forgives his first master, he says, “Masr always found me on the spot-he always wil

42、l.” 11P39 When he is flogged by Legree. He says, “ Ye poor miserable critter! There ant no more ye can do! I forgive ye, with all my soul!” 12P428 Jesus forgives the men who betrayed him, he thinks they are innocent people and asks the God would not send down calamities to them. Though Tom is submis

43、sive to his master, he has the consciousness to define the right and wrong. If the master treats him kindly, he will pay more reciprocation to his master. His first master Mrs. Shelby gives him all his property to manage. He once lets Tom to go to Cincinnati alone to do business for him. Tom has the

44、 opportunity to run away. Instead, he comes back on time. He does not want to betray his master, and he says, “Ah, master trusted me, and I couldnt.” 13P2 Toms second master St. Clare gives him money without looking at it, because he trusts Tom very much. “Tom had every facility and temptation to di

45、shonesty; and nothing but an impregnable simplicity of nature, strengthened by Christian faith, could have kept him from it. But, to that nature, the very unbounded trust reposed in him was bond and seal for the most scrupulous accuracy.” 14P208Even Toms third master Legree also gives him his proper

46、ty to keep. However, once his master does the thing he thinks wrong, he will do it at his own will. Legree asks Tom to beat other slaves, but Tom does not do it. He says, “ Im willin to work, night and day-and , Masr , I never shall do it,-never!” 15P369 His worship is not blind in that he only obey

47、s what he thinks right. From learning to read the Bible and writing letters to his kids, Tom is consistently trying to improve himself despite the limits placed upon him by slavery.From the above paragraph, we can conclude that, Tom is loyal and submissive to his master and at the same time he has a

48、 good distinction between what is right and what is wrong.Mrs. Stowe has her intention to depict Tom as a Christfigure. Her most obvious purpose is to evoke the white men who believe in Christianity in the north, to let them have the position to support antislavery actions and to hope them to realiz

49、e the evil to keep slavery system in a Christian country. She needs to compose a character of black man who can be accepted by most whites16. So she endorses Tom a lot of characters similar to Christ. Tom is the man who can arouse the sympathy from the white.We all think Tom is a man with good qualities and immaculate character. He is a stereotype with typical African features and disposition of that rac


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