《M8 unit4 Project 》设计方案.doc

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1、镇江市中小学中青年骨干教师现代教育技术实践活动教学设计方案教学目标分析(结合课程标准说明本节课学习完成后所要达到的具体目标):知识目标:1、Students are expected to learn about film reviews. 2、Students are expected know what should be included in a review.能力目标:1、Students are expected to learn by reading the passage how write a film review and 2、students are encouraged

2、 to use what they have learnt to finish a project by working together.3、Students will discuss what should be included in their film review and how to organize the facts and their opinions.情感目标:1、The film is a kind of art which can bring a lot of happiness, a lot of education and so on to all of us.

3、Hope the students can enjoy themselves.学习者特征分析(结合实际情况,从学生的学习习惯、心理特征、知识结构等方面进行描述):All the students are familiar with the topic. None of them have never seen a film. Perhaps most of them have read a film review, but few of them have known how to write a film review. Especially a film review in English

4、. Thus this is our task to help the students read a film review and let them know what is a film review, what should be included in a good film review. At the end of the lesson all the students should know how to write a film re view.教学过程(按照教学步骤和相应的活动序列进行描述,要注意说明各教学活动中所需的具体资源及环境):Step 1 Lead-in (PPT

5、45)(Play the short TV program)How many Harry Potter films have been produced? And which is your favorite?(Play part of the 7th film: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)What do you think of this film, compared with the others?Explanation播放文件夹中第一个电视节目视频,通过两个问题导出本文的主题,同时激发学生浓厚的兴趣;然后播放哈里波特第七部部分内容,让学生对

6、这篇影评有个背景的了解,并产生自己对影片的评价。Step 2 First reading (PPT6)How is this reading passage organized?Part 1: Para.13 brief introduction of the films plot.Part 2: Para.45 the writers commentary on the special effects and acting in the film.Part 3: Para. 67 problems of the film.Part 4: Para.8 recommendation by th

7、e writer.Step 3 Second reading (PPT7) What kind of person is Harry Potter? How do the Dursleys treat him? How did his parents die? Who are Harrys new friends? And what do they learn about together? What are many peoples complaints about the film? What does the reviews writer think of the film?Step 4

8、 Details: listen to the tape and complete the following table. (PPT 89)Main characterInformation about the characterPlayed byHarry Potterl (A sensitive boy whose parents were a wizard and a witch and were killed by an evil wizard when Harry was a baby.l living with his relatives, the Dursleys, and a

9、bused, ignored and hated by them.l having the magic powers of wizard and a reputation in the world of witches and wizards because of his parents.)(Daniel Radcliffe)Hagrid(a very large person who works at Hogwarts and rescues Harry from the Dursleys and takes him to the school)(Robbie Coltrane)Ron We

10、asley(Harrys friend and schoolmate)(Rupert Grint)Hermione Granger(Harrys friend and schoolmate)(Emma Eatson)Voldemort(the schools evil wizard, who killed Harrys parent)Explanation以上阅读练习有两个作用,一是培养学生对文章结构的了解、细节信息的把握等能力;二是让学生了解影评的写作结构和方法。Step 5 Language points (PPT1025)1. Harry, a sensitive young boy,

11、has been living with his relatives. (Line 3)1) 现在完成进行时可强调事件的延续性It has been raining non-stop since last night. I wonder when it will stop.2)现在完成进行时可表动作的重复I have been knocking. I dont think anybodys in.3) 现在完成进行时可表达感情色彩Oh, you have come at last! I have been waiting for you for two long hours.2. Contra

12、ry to this, Harry finds out that his father was a wizard( Line 6)contrary to此处意为 “和相反”,也可以表示 “不接受意见”。相当于一个介词短语,后面可跟名词、名词短语或从句。1)He is an able politician, _. (与普遍的看法相反)2)_, he gave up his job. (他不听任何人的意见)1)contrary to popular belief 2)Contrary to all advice3. While the report of Quidditch is an impor

13、tant part of the bookI feel that too much time is dedicated in the film to showing it. (Line 44)while : 尽管、虽然,引导让步状语从句,相当于 though、 although。1)尽管我愿意帮忙,但却没有多少时间。_.2)尽管这个老师爱学生,她对他们的要求还是非常严格的。_.1)While/Though/ Although I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.2)While/Though/ Although the

14、teacher loves her students, she is very strict with them. 4 I think this is more to highlight the advanced special effects than to help the films plot. (Line 44)我认为这是为了更加突出电影出色的特技,而不是有助于表现电影的情节。1. more than 1) I was more annoyed than worried when he didnt come home._2) To them, music is more a way o

15、f life than just an interest. _2. highlight是及物动词,意思是 “突出、强调、使显著” 3) 政府报告特别强调了教育改革的必要性和重要性。 The governmental report _.4) 找工作时,你应当突出你的经验和技能。When you apply for a job, you _.highlight也可以用做名词,意为“最好(或最精彩、激动人心)的部分; 增加亮度; 使醒目”。5) _(世界杯的最精彩部分)will be shown this Saturday evening as we expect.1) 与其说担心,不如说恼怒。2)

16、 更是一种生活方式,而不仅是一个兴趣。3) highlights the necessity and importance of educational reforms.4) should highlight your experience and skills 5) The highlights of the World Cup5 This shows that the film-makers did not give enough thought to who the audience of the film would be. (Line 51)give enough thought t

17、o:对给予考虑1) 纳塔利想对我说的话好好想一想。Natalie wanted to _.2) 他从来不把自己的病放在心上。He never _.3) 这件事情我未加思考就做了。It was something I did _.4) 想到要独自生活使她充满恐惧。_ filled her with fear.1) give a thought to what I said 2) gave a thought to his illness 3) without thought 4) The thought of living alone6 The important and interesting

18、 parts of the film occur in the world of magic, not at Privet Drive. (Line 55)occur为不及物动词,类似于happen、 take place、 come about1) 大火发生在清晨,许多人在火中丧身。_.2) 许多外国游客问:“熊猫是不是只在中国的四川才有?”_.3) 我们怎么也没想到他成了著名的科学家。_.4) 我想到一个绝妙的主意未来我们可以乘火箭到火星上去。_.1) The big fire occurred in the early morning and many people lost their

19、 lives.2) Many foreign tourists asked, “Do pandas occur in Sichuan of China only?”3) It never occurred to us that he had become a famous scientist.4) A wonderful idea occurred to me - we can travel to Mars in space shuttles in the future.Explanation本课的语言点知识比较重要,所以采用边讲边练的方法促进学生思中学,学中思。所以,设置以上主要以英汉互译形

20、式的练习来诠释语言点。Step 6 Starting the project(PPT2630)Purpose of a film review: to inform readers about a particular film before they watch it.Steps of writing a film review: planning, preparing, producing, presenting.1)What should be included in a film review?topic, production year, plot, major characters

21、, comment on the film.2)Choose a film to review.3) Practice your presentation.4)Present your review to the others.You decide which groups performance is the best.Explanation小组合作是本课的主要教学目标之一,所以,课堂上应留一部分时间供小组讨论Part B的问题,消化上课所分析的影评结构和写作风格,制定本小组的合作计划,并向全班同学展示。Step 7 Homework (PPT31)1) Review the text.2)

22、 Try to remember the language points and prepare to dictate them.教学资源(说明在教学中资源应用的思路、制作或搜集方法):1、教材配套的教学光盘是我们的首选资源,对网络资源的有效选择也是不可缺少的途径。其次是自己在历年的教学活动中所搜集的材料。2、教学资源是丰富的,但是如何做到有效就是课件制作者必须认真筛选和甄别的。我的思路是所有资源的选用必须符合学生的实际认知水平,必须最简洁最有效的解决本课的教学内容从而是学生在有限的课堂教学时间内掌握用英语写作电影评论的方法。评价方法或工具(说明在教学过程中将用到哪些评价工具,如何评价以及目的

23、是什么):我采用过英语课程的评价方法有:教师的评语、学科比赛的成绩、学习日记、情景测验和成长记录袋等。其中,我认为“档案袋评价”是英语课程改革倡导的一种重要的形成性评价方法。 学生成长档案袋的种类很多. 比如:学科成长记录袋、综合性成长记录袋、个人成长记录袋、组合性学生成长记录袋、展示型成长记录袋、评估型成长记录袋等等。英语档案袋收集学生在一学年的英语学习中的各种各样的作品,反映学生的成长和发展。它包含三个部分:主要作品产生过程的说明、丰富多样的学生作品和学生的自我反省。通过学生档案袋材料的收集使学生养成对自己的作品进行质疑和反省的学习习惯;档案袋的材料印证学生的成长,以帮助其成为能对自己的学习进行反省和评价。通过学生对自己的档案袋的回顾,从而看到自己的进步,发现自己的优缺点,并提出下一步的发展目标。


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