2020学年人教版(八年级下册)英语导学案:Unit 1(第3课时)Section B(1a-1d).doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 Whats the matter?第三课时Section B(1a-1d) 【Free talk】When some accidents happen, what should we do?【学习目标】1. 学习下列单词:medicine, X-ray, sick, knee, hurt, hit2. 学习下列短语:feel sick, have a nosebleed, cut ones knee, have a fever, get hit on the head3. 学习下列重点句子: 1) Put some medicine on it. 2

2、) You should take him to the hospital to get an X-ray.【导学案】一、阅读1b,写出下列短语:1.感到恶心 _ 2. 流鼻血_ 3. 划伤了膝盖_4.发烧_5. 击中了头部_二、翻译下列句子。1.在上面上点药。2. 你应该带他到医院去做X光射线。【课中案】1、 自主学习1.交流检查课前预习情况。生生、师生互动互问探讨解决预习中存在的问题。2. 独立完成1a,同桌核对答案.2、 听力提高1. 听录音完成1b.2. 听录音完成1c.3. 再听一遍,小组核对答案。三、口语训练1.组内两两合作,根据1c听力内容模仿例子造新对话。2.展示对话。四、合作

3、探究,质疑解惑1. get hit on the headhit /beat + sb.+ on/in + the +身体部位(其中the不可用his等词替换).如果打在突出的部位(如head, nose,shoulder等),前面常用介词on如果打在凹陷的部位, (如face,eye等),前面常用介词in.还有一种是“drag sb by the +.”,表示拉某人的身体部位,一般是“hair, ear, leg, arm, clothes”2. He hurt himself in P.E. class.【要点探究】 wound,hurt和injure (1 ) hurt指“使人的肉体受伤

4、而疼痛”,或“伤了人的自尊心或感情”。 Xiao Li hurt herself when she fell down the stairs. 小李从楼梯摔下来,跌伤了。 That will hurt her feeling. 那会伤他的感情。 (2 )hurt常用作不及物动词,表示“痛”的意思。 例如 *My leg still hurts. 我的腿还在疼。 (3 )hurt的过去分词只作表语,不用作定语。hurt可以表示精神上的肉体上的“创伤”。 (4) wound主要用于肉体上的“创伤”,一般指严重的外伤,主要指在战场上受枪弹伤害。 作为及物动词,它的宾语是整个人,而不是受伤的部位。 例

5、如: *He got wounded in action. (5) injure一般指由于意外或事故造成损伤。它常暗示受伤部位的功能受到影响,而hurt 的结果不一定机能的发挥。 例如: Tom injured his leg in a skating accident. 汤姆在一次滑水事故中伤了腿。 【精题演练】 ( )(1) He _ himself in a traffic accident. A. hurt B. wounded C. injured D. damaged ( ) (2) That will _ his feelings. Dont do that. A. hurt B

6、. wound C. damage D. injure【课后案】补全对话。 A: Hi, Tina. You were not at school yesterday. (1)_B: Oh, I had a headache and I had to ask for a sick leave.A: Sorry to hear that. (2)_B: Yes, my mother took me to the hospital. The doctor looked me over and said I had a cold.A: (3) _B: Yes, a little. The doctor told me to take the medicine three times a day and drink more water.A: (4) _B: Yes, much better .A: (5) _B: I will. Thanks a lot.A. Was it serious?B. Take more exercise and keep healthy.C. Did you see the doctor?D. What was the matter?E. Are you feeling better now?


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