2020学年高中英语 Unit4 Learning about Language &amp Using Language课时作业 人教版必修1.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料 Unit4 Section Learning about Language & Using Language .单词拼写1You should make an_(提纲) before trying to write a composition.2I offer my hearty_(祝贺) on your success.3We met a group of_(骑自行车的人) on a tour in the Lake District.4Finally,Id like to_(表达) my thanks to all those who have helped

2、 me.5I wish you success in the future_(真诚地)6Whats the_(标题) of her new book?7The_(大字标题) in the newspaper stands out well.答案:1.outline2.congratulations3.cyclists4express5.sincerely6.title7.headline.完形填空Once a gentleman was traveling on a train.He felt _1_ and got off at a station in search of water.Wh

3、en he reached the water tap (水龙头),the _2_ started.He ran back but _3_ it.It was getting _4_ and he decided to spend the night at the station.The next morning he asked the ticket office about the next train and was told it would be on the next _5_.So he decided to find a place for a days _6_.He went

4、to the nearby hotels to ask for a room but found _7_.At last he _8_ a small house.He asked the _9_ whether he could stay in his house for a day.The owner immediately _10_,then served him food and gave him a room to stay._11_ he did not ask anything in return (作为回报)At seven,the gentleman heard a _12_

5、 at the door.The owner opened the door.The gentleman saw a man dressed in _13_ clothes enter the house and _14_ the owner to pay his debts (债务)The gentleman came to know that the owner was in need of _15_.The next morning he left a pack in the drawer of the room and _16_.When the owner found the pac

6、k,he saw that there was a _17_ written to him,which read:“You _18_ me but did not expect anything from me.Yesterday evening I heard the _19_ between you and the stranger and _20_ that you were in need of money.This is what you need.”1A.sleepy Bthirsty Chungry Dtired2A.passenger BofficerCtap Dtrain3A

7、.caught Blost Cmissed Dpassed4A.dark Bcold Chot Dbright5A.week Bmonth Chour Dday6A.work Bstay Cfun Dtravel7A.one Bnobody Cnone Dlots8A.built Brepaired Cenjoyed Dreached9A.owner Bmanager Cdriver Dguest10A.accepted BchangedCagreed Drefused11A.So BBut CBecause DUnless12A.knock Bsound Cnoise Dcall13A.ch

8、eap Bstrange Cexpensive Ddirty14A.invited Bhated Casked Dpromised15A.advice Bmoney Ctime Dwater16A.stayed up Bcame upCgave in Dwent away17A.note Bstory Cdiary Djoke18A.cheated Bsupported Chelped Dunderstood19A.quarrel BconversationCbargain Ddiscussion20A.planned Bexplained Choped Dlearned答案:解题导语俗话说“

9、投之以李,报之以桃”,对待帮助过自己的人要学会感恩。1B解析:由下文的“in search of water”以及“reached the water tap”可知他感到口渴(thirsty)。2D解析:由上文的“Once a gentleman was traveling on a train.”可知是火车(train)开了。3C解析:由下文的“asked the ticket office about the next train”可知在这位先生刚到达水龙头处时,火车(train)开了,他跑回去,但还是错过了(missed)。4A解析:天黑(dark)了,他决定在车站过夜。下文的“spen

10、d the night”是提示。5D解析:由下文的“find a place for a days _6_.”可知下一趟火车是在第二天。6B解析:由下文的“ask for a room”可知他决定找个地方住(stay)一个晚上。7C解析: 转折连词but说明他到附近的旅社去找房间,可是没有找到(none)。下段的“At last”之后的内容也是提示。8D解析:最后,他来到(reached)一个很小的房子那。9A解析:由“stay in his house”可知他问房屋的主人(owner)是否可以住一晚。10C解析:下文的“served him food and gave him a room

11、to stay.”可知房主同意了(agreed)。11B解析:由最后一段的“but did not expect anything from me”可推知此处上下句之间为转折关系。12A解析:由“The owner opened the door”可知听到敲门声(knock)。13C解析:由“pay his debts”推知敲门的人应该是身着华丽,很有钱。14C解析:来人要求(asked)房主偿还所欠的债务。15B解析:由“debts”可知房主需要钱(money)。下文的“you were in need of money”也是提示。16D解析:由“left”一词以及下文他的留言可知绅士留下一

12、个包裹,然后就离开了(went away)。17A解析:note:便条;story:故事;diary:日记;joke:玩笑。只有A符合语境。18C解析:房主看到有一张便条(note),上面写着“你帮助了(helped)我,却不索要任何东西”。19B解析:昨天,“我”听到了你和陌生人之间的谈话(conversation)。20D解析:昨天“我”听到了你和陌生人之间的谈话(conversation),知道(learned)你需要一笔钱。.七选五How to keep a good friendshipIts not easy for everyone to make friends. Once y

13、ou have friends, it takes contributions and work on both sides to keep the friendship going. In order to keep a good friendship,you will have to take time to develop your friendship.Work at keeping a twoway street with your friends.If only one person is attempting to be a good friend,the friendship

14、isnt going to work.It has to be a partnership where both contribute equally._ _1_If you only take and never give,the friendship will fall apart._2_Dont stand by and watch your friend make mistakes. If you think your friends is making a mistake,express your concerns.Be honest about how you feel, but

15、be careful not to criticize your friend.Try to avoid fighting and arguing.Naturally there will be times when you disagree with each other, but dont blow things out of proportion (小题大做)_3_Most situations people argue over arent worth ending a good friendship.Never date each others boyfriend or girlfr

16、iend. This is something that can tear a friendship apart.Friends should have enough love and respect for each other not to do things to hurt each other._4_Be there for each other through good times and bad times._5_Give each other room to grow, and give the friendship room to grow.ACommunicate with

17、one another.BA good friendship is both give and take.CSpeak up in order to protect your friend.DThis includes not dating anyone your friend has dated.EIf you realize that, your friendship will greatly improve.FInstead,try to talk things over and put the situation to rest.GCelebrate each others succe

18、ss, and help each other get through failures.答案:15BCFDG.书面表达假设你是李华。昨天,你所在的学校组织学生进行了一次地震逃生演习,请你根据下表的内容给你的英国笔友Tom写一封信,记述演习的经过,并谈谈自己参加这项活动的体会。时间,昨天下午,两节课后经过,(1)老师说明注意事项;(2)警报响起时,藏在比较安全的地方;(3)警报结束后,同学们依次跟着老师跑到操场体会,提高突发事件的逃生能力,并认识到冷静的重要性注意:(1)词数80100;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)参考词汇:演习drill;警报alarm;突发事件emergen

19、cy。参考范文Dear Tom,Im writing to tell you that an earthquake drill was held in our school yesterday.After we had two classes in the afternoon,our teacher gave us some instructions on what to do during the drill.When the alarm rang,all of us students hid ourselves in safer places.As soon as the alarm ended,we followed the teacher and ran downstairs one by one.We finally got together at the playground.Through the drill,we have learned how to escape in an emergency.I think it is important for us to remain calm and know what to do.Yours,Li Hua


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