2020学年高中英语人教版必修1教案: unit 4 Earthquakes Using language 教案 (系列五) Word版.doc

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料必修一 Unit 4 EarthquakesUsing language 一、内容及其解析1、内容:a. Learn to write an outline of a newspaper. b. Learn to write a poster2、解析:Help the students to develop their writing ability by using some tips and useful expressions 二、目标及其解析1、目标a. Teach the students how to write an outline of a new

2、spaper.b. Teach the students how to write a poster.2、解析a. Teach the students the ways to express themselves, and form their own writing methods.b. Tell the students the difference of the outlines between a short story and a newspaper story.三、教学问题诊断分析本单元教学生如何写作文提纲,这在写作当中是非常重要的一个步骤,学生应该学会这一非法,以期在以后的写作

3、中有所进步。四、教学支持条件分析:多媒体课件。五、教学过程设计(一)教学基本流程:lead inguidingwriting(二)教学情景Step1. lead-in 教师提出问题:Ask students to read the instructions. And then answer the questions on the screen. Give them 2 minutes to read and think about the questions. 1. Why is an outline important?2. What should an outline include?3

4、. Why is a headline important?4. What are the steps to finish a newspaper story?5. What is the feature of a newspaper story?设计意图:通过提问,激发学生写作的兴趣。Step2.guidingIt seems that you have known how to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happened around us. Now please read the example

5、 of a newspaper story in Exercise 1 and then finish what youre asked to do.设计意图:通过练习知道写提纲的重要性。Step3.writing This project begins by asking students to review what they have learned about earthquakes and how people have coped with these sudden natural disasters. It then asks them to apply that knowled

6、ge by making a checklist of things that should be done before, during and after a quake hits. The functional item of the unit is reviewed as students are discussing and deciding the order of their checklists. It is not necessary or likely that students will number their checklists the same. What is

7、important is whether the sequence is logical and each group can justify, or explain it. Finally, the students must choose one action from the checklist to discuss in more detail. Suggested answer key to the project: (Maybe the sequence vary.)1. How to plan for future disaster;2. How to make new buil

8、dings safer;3. How to teach children about earthquake safety;4. How to rescue those still trapped in the ruins;5. How to take care of the survivors;6. How to organize shelters for survivors;7. Where to put information for survivors and their families; 8. What to do with the ruins; 9. What to do with the buildings that survived the quake;10. How to repair buildings that survived the quake; 11. Where to get money to build again; 12. Where to find people to help rebuild; 13. How to honor those killed in the quake; 14. How to honor the rescue workers;教学反思:


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