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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 9Can you come to my party?Unit 9单元自测一、完形填空(15分)When I was sixteen years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a _1_. It was the autumn of my first year at a junior high school, and my old school was far away. As a result, _2_ knew who I was. I was very lonely, and _3_ to ma

2、ke friends with anyone.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt my _4_ break. I couldnt talk about my _5_ with anyone. And I didnt want my parents to _6_ me.Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk _7_ as usual. At that moment, a b

3、oy entered the classroom. I didnt know who he was. He walked _8_ me and then turned back. He looked at me, without a word _9_ a smile.Suddenly, something bright and friendly made me feel happy, lively and _10_. That smile _11_ my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by d

4、ay,I became _12_ to everyone in my class. The boy _13_ the lucky smile has become my best friend now.One day I asked him _14_ he smiled at me, but he couldnt remember that! It doesnt matter _15_ all the dark days have gone. I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think it lonely, yo

5、u might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will smile back.(B)1.A. pen B. smileC. toy D. book(D)2.A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one(C)3.A. happy B. surprised C. afraid D. ready(B)4.A. leg B. heart C. ears D. mind(C)5.A. advice B. questionsC. problems D. answers(A)6.A. worry about

6、 B. look for C. be angry with D. agree with(D)7.A. happily B. loudly C. comfortably D. quietly(A)8.A. past B. intoC. across D. through(A)9.A. but B. as C. and D. or(B)10.A. sad B. warm C. angry D. friendly(B)11.A. enjoyed B. changed C. broke D. lost(C)12.A. better B. worse C. closer D. farther(A)13.

7、A. with B. without C. of D. on(A)14.A. why B. how C. when D. where(B)15.A. though B. because C. so D. before二、阅读理解(30分)AA Wedding(婚礼) InvitationYoure invited to the wedding of Carrie and Henry at St. Johns Church(教堂), on Saturday January 14th at 3:30 p.m. and dinner at Blue Sky Restaurant, at 6:00 p

8、.m. RSVP(请回复): December 29thDear Joe, Im so excited and I have to enjoy the news with you. Today is December 23rd. I got a very special invitation from Carrie before the New Year. Do you remember the party for the Sydney group at Henrys house? And do you remember my best friend, Carrie? Well, guess

9、what? Carrie and Henry are getting_married! Its so romantic! Love is here!Carrie and Henry are having a big wedding at St. Johns Church. Monica and James are going to their wedding. Oh, I cant wait to enjoy it. I got the invitation and it is for two people. Can you come to the wedding with me?Carrie

10、 and Henry are going to Hawaii for their honeymoon(蜜月). Im buying them a camera(照相机) for their wedding. But before the wedding, Id like to get my hair cut and buy a pink dress first.Call me at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, January 13th, OK? Maria(A)16.Maria got this invitation from _. A. Carrie B. Joe C. Mon

11、ica D. James(D)17.Monica and James are taking part in the wedding on_ afternoon. A. Friday B. Thursday C. Sunday D. Saturday(D)18.What does the underlined words “getting married” mean in the letter? A. 参加聚会 B. 过年 C. 做礼拜 D. 结婚(D)19.The friends to the wedding party are going to have dinner _. A. in Ha

12、waii B. at Henrys house C. at St. Johns Church D. at Blue Sky Restaurant(B)20.From the invitation card, we know _. A. Monica is having fun in Hawaii B. they will have the wedding in January C. Maria is going to buy a camera for Joe D. the wedding dinner starts at 7:00 p.m.BBilly:My birthday is on Ap

13、ril 29th. This year, I had a birthday party at home and invited all my friends.We put a big table with chairs around it in the living room. On the table there was a big cake. There were twelve candles on it. Everyone had a piece of cake. Then I got my gifts. I got a CD from my sister. My father and

14、mother gave me a CD player. My friends gave me a basketball and some books.Jacob:I love my birthday. Its on February 18th. This year, my mother and I made a big cake. That was fun. My friends came to my house and we played many games and they brought me lots of gifts. As usual, my parents gave me gr

15、eat books for my birthday.In the afternoon, my father took my friends and me to an old peoples home. We brought them some cakes and fruits. We read newspapers to them. They were very happy.Dale:My birthday is on July 1st. This year I had a birthday party in the park. I played football with my friend

16、s there. We all love playing football. At noon, we had a barbecue(户外烧烤), and everyone enjoyed it.(C)21.How old is Billy? A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve. D. Thirteen.(B)22.What do Jacobs parents usually give him for his birthday? A. CDs. B. Books. C. Cakes. D. Clothes.(A)23.Who took Jacob and his frien

17、ds to an old peoples home? A. His father. B. His mother. C. His uncle. D. His aunt.(D)24.What did Dale and his friends play in the park? A. Basketball. B. Volleyball. C. Baseball. D. Football.(C)25.You may find the material in a _. A. diary B. dictionary C. school magazine D. science newspaperCHow d

18、o you have a birthday party that you will never forget? Here are some tips to help you.Choose a suitable(合适的) theme. Think about the ages, interests and hobbies of your friends! Then choose a theme that is suitable for them!Plan first. Get your friend list made and your invitations out at least one

19、week earlier than the party. Then youll know how many people will come and decide on the best place to hold your group size.Download a song of the family party song singers. There are many websites of songs on the Internet.Decorate(装饰) the party. Try to get something new about your theme. For exampl

20、e, a large box can become a doghouse for a dog party.Make sure the food is about the theme.Keep your friends happy. Games always seem to be the favorite of the party! There are some great websites where you can find some special activities.(B)26.How many tips does the writer tell us about having a g

21、reat birthday party? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.(C)27.If you want to have a birthday party, what should you do a week earlier than the party? Make a list of your friends. Use a large box to make a doghouse. Prepare some interesting activities. Send your invitations to your friends. A. B. C.

22、 D. (A)28.What does the underlined word “download” mean in Chinese? A. 下载 B. 录音 C. 摄影 D. 制片(B)29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Choose a good theme according to your own interests and hobbies. B. You will know how many people will come if you make a plan ahead. C. It is

23、necessary for you to decorate the party with some beautiful flowers. D. Youd better prepare your favorite food and drinks.(B)30.What is the main idea of the passage? A. Choosing a theme for a birthday party is important. B. Some tips about having an unforgetable birthday party. C. How to decorate a

24、birthday party. D. When to have a special birthday party.三、任务型阅读(5分)A: Hello, Sandy.B: Hi, Marie. Im going to have a party next week.A: A party? Thats cool. Whats it for?B: Its my birthday on Wednesday. Im going to be 14 years old. Can you come to the party?A: Im sorry. Im visiting my grandparents o

25、n Wednesday.B: It doesnt matter. My birthday is on Wednesday. My birthday party is on Saturday, Dec.16th. After the party, were going to see a movie together that night.A: Thats OK. When does it start?B: At 3:00 p.m.A: That would be no problem.B: Its going to be at my home. Our house is at 28 Linhu

26、Road.A: OK. I can find it.B: Great. See you!A: See you!假设你是Sandy,你还想邀请好朋友Lily来参加你的生日聚会。请根据上面对话内容完成下面的邀请函。 Invitation Card Its a 31.birthday_party. For whom: 32.Sandy Date: 33.Dec.16th Time: 34.3:00_p.m. Place: 35.28_Linhu_Road Come and have fun!四、词汇运用(15分)(A)单词拼写。Robby lived in a small town with his

27、 mother. His mother wanted him to be a pianist, so she sent him to a piano teacher, Ms. Clark, to learn to play the piano on 36.weekdays(工作日). However, Robby learned very slowly because he was not a talented boy.One day, Robby didnt go to the class. He said he had the 37.flu(流感). And he didnt appear

28、(出现) for the next two weeks. New Year was coming. Ms. Clark would have a music 38.concert(音乐会) and all her students would perform in the concert. Robby heard the news, and asked if he could play. Ms. Clark 39.refused(拒绝) him because he was away for a long time. But Robby said he 40.prepared(准备) well

29、 and begged his teacher to 41.accept(接受) his request(请求). Finally, she agreed.Many 42.guests(宾客) came when the day came. It was Robbys turn. To Ms. Clarks 43.surprise(惊奇), Robby played really wonderfully.After that, Ms. Clark asked Robby how he could play so well. Robby 44.replied/answered(回答), “Thi

30、s morning, my mother passed away(去世). Its my mothers first time to hear me play because she couldnt hear anything during her life. I must show my best. Im sure she will be very 45.glad/happy(高兴的) to listen to me.”(B)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。delete, invite, catch, hang, without46.Thanks for the invitation to y

31、our housewarming party.47.Whats hanging outside the window? Its your fathers shirt.48.Sam got up so late that he hurried to school without breakfast this morning.49.This piece of news is outdated(过时的). Please delete it.50.Please be quick, or you wont catch the train to Hangzhou.五、语法填空(10分)When you v

32、isit a Chinese home, the host usually makes tea for you to welcome you. Then he 51.will_serve(serve) you snacks like nuts or candies. Someone in the home will also talk with you, never letting you 52.feel(feel) uncomfortable. Meanwhile, the other family 53.members(member) of the home will be prepari

33、ng a meal 54.for you. Chinese people provide their guests with a big meal. They always make 55.more(much) food than the guests can eat. On the table, the guests must be the first to eat. And the host usually picks food for the guests. He wants to make sure that you are relaxed and eat like you are a

34、t home. As you finish 56.eating(eat), the host usually says, “You didnt eat much; please eat more.” 57.Although/Though you tell them you are full, they still put more food in your bowl.Being warm and hospitable(好客的) always does 58.an important part in Chinese culture and tradition. As Confucius(孔子)

35、said 59.hundreds(hundred) of years ago, “To meet friends from a far place, 60.how happy we are!”六、书面表达(25分)61.假设你叫孙丽,你的美国同学Maria即将结束她在你们学校为期一年的交换生学习。为此,你准备这周六下午在教室里为她举办一场送别聚会。请根据以下要点提示,在你们班级群里写一封邀请信,邀请你班的其他同学参加本次聚会。开头和结尾已给出。提示:(1)对Maria的评价; (2)举办此次聚会的原因; (3)希望同学们来参加聚会并表演节目(put on a show)。Hi everyone

36、,_ Sun Li本篇书面表达要求写一封邀请信。此类书面表达的特点是简短、热情、给人真诚亲切的感觉。注意邀请信的内容要包含所给提示。正式邀请信的格式(信头、信内的地址、客套话等)要齐全,信的内容要用书面语。另外注意,因为聚会还没有举行,时态应该以一般将来时为主。Hi everyone,As Im sure you know by now, our classmate Maria is leaving soon to go back to the US. We are very sad that shes leaving because she is such a nice girl. She

37、studies very hard and is always ready to help others. I learned a lot from her. To show how much Ill miss her, I plan to have a surprise party for her in our classroom this Saturday afternoon. Can you come? If you can, please help me with these things. Think of some games to play and if you can put on a show at the party, that will be great. Sun Li


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