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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 1: Whats the matter?(教学内容3a-3c)Teaching aims(教学目标)1 Master the skills of reading.2 Master the important phrases. Language points(语言点)1. 看到一个老人躺在路的一边2. 紧挨着他的一个妇女3. 呼喊救命4. 没有权衡利弊 5. 下车6. 有心脏病7. 带他去医院8. 期望乘客们下车9. 等下一趟公车10. 令他惊讶的是 11. 搬那个人上了车12. 多亏了13. 及时14. 考虑他自己15. 考虑挽救一个生命Difficult

2、 points:Having the right attitude of helping others.Teaching steps(教学步骤)Period 21. Review(课堂热身和复习)T:What did we learn yesterday? Have Ss review briefly. (老师可以鼓励学生说出尽可能多的答案)T: Oh. We learned a lot yesterday. Lets translate the phrases. (老师可以让学生一个个说答案,说完后可能齐读,对学生掌握不好的,要重复)教学设计说明:复习第一课时的词组为后面的阅读打下基础。2.

3、 Pre-readingT:present a picture) Ss, look at the picture. Can you guess:1. What happened to the old man?2. Whether the driver will save the old man?(老师可以鼓励学生多说,提高学生的口语)教学设计说明:通过展示图片来引起学生的兴趣,通过让学生猜测来提高学生口语,3. While-readingI T:Now, lets check your guesses. Turn to Page 3, skim the passage and answer t

4、he questions.1. What did the driver see when bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road?2. Thanks to whom, the doctor saved the man in time?在检测答案时,老师引导学生注意文章的头和尾。II Work on 3b After checking the answers, have Ss scan the passage and check () the things that happened in the story. 教学设计说明:老师在检测答案时,引导学生注

5、意文章的细节。IIIT: Lets fill in the blanks according to the story.Wang Ping, a bus driver, was going _ Zhongshan Road when he saw an old man _ the other side of the road. He stopped the bus without _ twice. He got off the bus and asked the woman next to the old man _ happened. She said that the man has a

6、heart _ and should go to the hospital. Wang Ping told the passengers that he must _ the man to the hospital. He expected the passengers to get off and _ for the next bus. But to his _, they helped him move the man _ the bus. _ to these people, the doctor saved the man in time. IV. Work on 3c. T: Ask

7、 the students to discuss the questions in pairs.教学设计说明:由于第三个问题没有固定答案,所以先听学生说了自己的看法后,再进行总结。4. After-readingI T: Lets look at some difficult sentences. IIRead and find out the phrases.1. 看到一个老人躺在路的一边2. 紧挨着他的一个妇女3. 呼喊救命4. 没有权衡利弊 5. 下车6. 有心脏病7. 带他去医院8. 期望乘客们下车9. 等下一趟公车10. 令他惊讶的是 11. 搬那个人上了车12. 多亏了13. 及时14. 考虑他自己15. 考虑挽救一个生命 教学设计说明:老师解释一些难点语法,并根据中考考纲配以相应的翻译句子,同时并对文章中的词组进行归纳总结。5. Homework1. Retell the story.2. Remember the phrases.3. Write an article about: An experience of helping others.教学设计说明:巩固记忆。


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