选修八 1.1《Unit 1 A land of diversity》.ppt

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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)8-1.1,Unit 1 A land of diversity,This is the map of the _.,USA,Warming up ( 5m),Look at the map of the USA with your group. Write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can.,Ocean on the east coast _ Ocean on the west cost _ Country to the north of USA _ Countr

2、y to the south of USA _ Mountains range in the west _,Atlantic Ocean,Pacific Ocean,Canada,Mexico,Rocky Mountains,Great Lakes :,Longest river in the USA :,Some important cities:,Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario,Mississippi River,New York, Washington D C, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago

3、, New Orleans,California (one of the 50 states of the USA),CALIFORNIA (the Golden State),Lying on the Ocean, California is on the coast of the United States, which is diverse in topography(地形),climate and ecological environment. It has an area of 411 square kilometers, and it is one of the US states

4、 of the population, with the most developed economy. Meanwhile ,its pleasant weather, long beach, and graceful natural landscape make the prosperous.,Pacific,west,largest,tourism,California,Pre-reading-(2 m),Native California Indians,California gold miners around 1849,Chinatowns in California,A land

5、 of diversity,Reading,Skimming: answer the following questions:,Who were the first to arrive in California to rush for gold? When and why did the large number of Chinese immigrate to California? What attracted people from different parts of the world to immigrate to California?,1. Who were the first

6、 to arrive in California to rush for gold?,2. When and why did the large number of Chinese immigrate to California?,Keys:,South Americans and people from the United States.,During the gold rush period, many Chinese immigrated to California to achieve their dream of becoming rich, and in the 1860s, a

7、 large number of Chinese went there to build the railway from the west to east coast.,3. What attracted people from different parts of the world to immigrate to California?,Keys:,The temperate climate, the modern lifestyle and its diverse cultures attracted immigrates to California.,Detailed reading

8、 I,Read paragraph 1 to paragraph 5 again and try to fill in the form, you can have a discussion in group of four.,Arrived first,Suffered by Europeans,Took natives land,Ruled by Spain,Became part of Mexico,Declared war;give back,Settled in,Discovered&rush for gold,Became a state,California is the thi

9、rd largest state in the 序数词可以修饰形容词的最高级 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 可以修饰形容词最高级的词:far / by far /much 可以修饰比较的词:no / a little / a bit / any / slightly You re standing too near the camera . Can you move _? A a bit far B a little farther C a bit of farther D a little far,2. popu

10、lation un / cn. 人口 The population of China_ large. And 70% of the population of China_ peasants. 表示整体人口时谓语动词用单数,表示部分人口时谓语动词用复数。 而形容人口的多少通常用large / small.,is,are,对人口的多少进行疑问时,可用 Whats the population of .? Whats the population of Guangdong? have a population of . 有多少人口 China has a population of 1.3 bil

11、lion. an increase / growth in population 人口 3. multicultural adj. multi- 多、多方面、多方向的 multi-coloured 多色的 multi-racial 多种族的 multi-media 多媒体,4. When the first people arrived in what we now know as California,宾语从句 = the place that we now know as California. 定语从句 George Washington was born in _ is now the

12、 state of Virginia. which B. where C. that D. what = George Washington was born in the place that is now the state of Virginia.,D,Pudong Development Zone is no longer a rural area _ it used to be. 2. Pudong Development Zone is no longer _ it used to be. A. what B. where C. that D. there,C,A,定语从句, 先行

13、词是, 作关系词,表语从句,1 However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.,Language points for Reading I,It is likely/possible/probable that sb/sth is likely to do sth 某人/物有可能做某事,注意: likely 比较级为 likelier, 最高级为 likeliest,e.g. She is _to succeed. 她有可能会成功

14、. = It is likely that she will succeed.,likely,This is a _story. 这是一个有可能发生的故事.,likely,辨析: likely, possible, probable 按可能性程度,probable可能性最大,其次为 likely, 最小为possible.但需要注意的是,likely的主语可以是人,但possible, probable却只能用形式主语it.,5. by means of: by using 用办法,借助 He crossed the river by means of a raft. We express o

15、ut feelings by means of words. 小偷想从一条暗道逃走,但被捉住了。 The thief had wanted to escape by means of a secret tunnel, but was caught. means 单复数同形。 All possible means have been tried. The quickest means of travel is by plane.,2.In addition, many died from the disease brought by Europeans.,in addition to: 除此之外

16、,另外,加之,e.g. I met my past teacher and some former classmates _ in the supermarket. 我在超市里遇见了我以前的老师,还有些同班同学.,in addition,_cakes and candies, guests were also provided with fruits. 除了有蛋糕和糖果,还给客人们准备了水果.,In addition to,2.In addition, many died from the disease brought by Europeans.,in addition to: 除此之外,另

17、外,加之,e.g. I met my past teacher and some former classmates _ in the supermarket. 我在超市里遇见了我以前的老师,还有些同班同学.,in addition,_cakes and candies, guests were also provided with fruits. 除了有蛋糕和糖果,还给客人们准备了水果.,In addition to,brought by Europeans 为过去分词作定语,相当于which were brought by Europeans, 注意单个分词作定语放在所修饰的词前面,分词短

18、语作定语需放在所修饰的词之后.,English is a _ language. 英语是一种被广泛使用的语言.,widely used,This is one of the schools _ in 1980s. 这是八十年代所建的学校之一.,built,3. However, some survived these terrible times today there are more Native Americans living in California than in any other state.,to not die in an accident, on war or from

19、 an illness.幸免,幸免于难 e.g. Only 12 of the 140 passengers _ 在140名乘客中只有12人幸免于难.,survive,survived,2)to continue to live normally and not be too Upset by the problems. 挺过来,挣扎过下去 e.g. I dont think I _ another Year as a teacher; just too stressful.,could survive,3)To live longer than someone else, usually s

20、omeone closely related to you 比(某人)长寿,比(通常指亲人)活的更长 e.g. Harry _his wife by three months. 哈里比他妻子多活了三个月.,survived,living in California 为现在分词短语作定语,相当 于定语从句who live in California. 现在分词一般 表示经常性的动作或现在的状态,也可以表示动作现在正在发生或者与谓语动词所表示的的动作同时发生.,e.g. There are three types of tiger living in China (that live in Chi

21、na). 目前中国有三种虎. The picture hanging (that is hanging) on the wall is painted by my nephew. 墙上挂着的那幅画是我侄儿画的.,4. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious men who came to teach the Catholic region to the natives. majority : most of the people or things in a Particular group.,

22、e.g. Those who favor the proposal are _. 赞成该提案者占多数. _approved the policy. 大多数的人赞同该提案.,in the majority,The great majority,7. majority n. 大多数 The majority_ for the budget. The majority of students _ hard-working. The majority of the damage _ easy to repair. 单独做主语时,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数, 强调个体时,谓语动词用复数 。 the ma

23、jority of + n. 后可用不可数名词,也可用 可数名词复数, 谓语动词由后面的名词决定。 minority 少数的,was / were,are,is,8. declare vt. 1)To make known publicly or officially 宣布,宣告 The chairman declared the results of the election. War was declared on the enemy. 警方现在已经对这个地区的毒贩宣战了. The police have declared war on drug dealers in this area.

24、 2)To state with great forces so that there is no doubt about the meaning. 宣称,声称,断言 She solemnly declared that she knew nothing about it. 他郑重声明此事属实. He declared that it was true.,9. Russian- Americans 美籍俄罗斯人 Chinese Americans 美籍华人 10. make a life 开始新生活,习惯于新的生活方式 Many farmers go to the big cities to

25、make a life. Its not easy to make a life in a new country. 11. it was the building of the railway from the west to the east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the 1860s. 强调句,12. immigrant: who immigrates 移民者 immigrate : come as a settler 移民 Lots of the rich choose to immigrate t

26、o another country, nowadays. 13. percentage: - What percentage of students in your school go to college ? - 97 percent . percentage 百分比,百分率, 前面不能用具体 的数据。 percent 百分之, 通常有具体的数据。,14.It is believed that It is said that It is hoped that It is supposed that It is suggested that It is reported that 主语从句 I

27、t is reported that some European countries are flooded severely . It is hoped that the cost of medical care can be cut down.,15. mix 混合 n. We have to come up with a mix of policies to please the voters. v. You can mix yellow and blue together to make green. We can not mix work with pleasure. mixture

28、 n. 混合物,混合体 The drink is a mixture of 3 different sorts of drinks.,16.nationality 国籍 She has American nationality but lives in China. -Whats your nationality? -Chinese.,Detailed reading II,Read paragraph 6 to paragraph 8 again and try to fill in the form, you can have a discussion in group of four.,

29、Worked in computer industry,Immigrated,Immigrated,Moved from Mexico,Built the railway,Farmed,Established a town,Developed industry,Fished and made wine,Worked in ship& aircraft industry,Discussion,What do you think California is like after your reading the passage? Discuss with you partners and try to give a simple introduction of it.,Homework,Surf the Internet to find more information about California and you are expected to present it to your peer in the next class.,


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