高中英语 Unit4Exploring plants-Using language课件 新人教选修9.ppt

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1、Reading and discussion on P37,Flowers and their animal pollinators,Bee,Humming-birds,Butterflies,moth,Difficult words and expressions,evolve evolution attach to bat tube odour give out,发展;进展;进化,发出;分发,气味,管子,演变;进化,附上;贴上,蝙蝠,What is the text about? What do pictures show you? What is the chart about?,1,T

2、he text is about flowers and their animal pollinators. The pictures show different kinds of animal pollinators and their flowers. The chart lists animal pollinators and the characteristics of the flowers they pollinate.,Answer the questions.,1. What is the advantage for animals of visiting flowers?

3、Animals get food called nectar from the flowers. 2. Why do some plants need animals? Some plants need animals to pollinate them.,2,3. How does an animal pollinate a flower? An animal pollinates a flower by collecting pollen from a flower and passing it onto another flower.,4. What features of a flow

4、er are important in attracting animal pollinators? The features of a flower that are important in attracting animal pollinators are its colour, shape, size and smell.,5. What is nectar? Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers and collected by bees. 6. What kinds of animals are most flowers poll

5、inated by? Most flowers are pollinated by bees, moths and butterflies.,True or false,1. Bees follow coloured lines to the nectar inside the flower. 2. Flowers that are white or pale can be seen by night pollinators. 3. Butterflies are attracted to sweet-smelling flowers.,T,T,F,3,4. Bats pollinate fl

6、owers at night. 5. Flower colour is not important to hummingbirds. 6. All pollinators need to land on the flower if they are to find the nectar.,T,F,F,Find other nouns in the chart that mean the same as “smell”. List adjectives from the chart that are used to describe different kinds of smells.,Noun

7、s that mean “smell”: _ _. Adjectives that describe smells: _.,odour,perfume,delicate, fragrant, odourless, strong, sweet, musty, fruity,4,1. evolve,evolve 常用作不及物动词,意为“进化,形成,发展”,常与from 搭配使用,意为“从发展而来”。如: The present British political system has evolved over several centuries. 英国的现行政治制度是经过几个世纪逐步发展而成的。,

8、单词讲解,The developmental history of society tells us that man has evolved from the ape. 社会发展史告诉我们人是从类人猿进化来的。 其名词形式为 evolution, 意为 “进化,演变,发展,渐进”。,如: 1). Darwins theory of evolution has been widely accepted. 达尔文的进化论已经被广泛接受。 2). The farmers benefit a lot from the evolution of farming methods. 耕种方法的发展使农民大

9、大受益。 其形容词形式为evolutionary, 意为“演变的,进化的,逐渐发展的”。如: The change has been evolutionary. 变化是渐进的。,小试 翻译下列句子。 这位设计师逐渐形成了自己的风格。 2. 这家公司已经发展成为一家大机构。,The designer gradually evolved the style of his own. The company has evolved into a large organization.,2. attach,attach sth. to sth. 表示“把附加、系上或缚在上” 。如: He attache

10、d a label to each piece of luggage. 他把每件行李都贴上标签。 attach to sb. / sth. 表示“(使)与有联系,与有关联”。如: It was just an accident and no blame attaches to either of you. 这只是一个意外,你俩一点责任也没有。,attach importance / value / weight, etc. to sth. 表示“认为有重要性/价值/分量等”。如: We should attach primary importance to the development of

11、 economy. 我们应把经济发展放在首要位置。,be attached to表示 “(变得)喜欢,依恋,对有感情”。如: I am much attached to my family. 我对我的家很依恋。 be attached to 还表示“附属于”。如: This middle school is attached to a normal college. 这所中学附属于一所师范院校。,attach oneself to sb. / sth. 表示“依附某人,参加某事”。如: He attached himself to the group of mountain climbers.

12、 他参加了那个登山队。,The hospital is attached to that university. 2. A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldnt get rid of him. 3. 在年底前你将一直属于这一部门。 4. 我们已变得十分留恋这所房子,舍不得搬家。,这家医院附属于那所大学。 在聚会上有个年轻人总缠着我,我简直无法摆脱他。 Youll be attached to this apartment until the end of the year. Weve grown very attached to this house and wouldnt move.,


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