人教版新目标九年级英语Unit 10知识点、短语及句型总结(精修版).doc

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit101. 过去完成时(1) 构成:由助动词had + 过去分词 构成 否定式:had not + 过去分词 缩写形式:hadnt (2) 用法:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。 (3) 它所表示的时间是“过去的过去”。表示过去某一时间可用by, before 等构成的短语来表示也可以用when, before, after 等引导的时间状语从句来表示 还可以通过宾语从句或通过上下文暗示。When I got there, you had already eaten you meal. 当我到达那里时,你已经开始了。By the

2、time he got here, the bus had left. 到他到达这里时,汽车已经离开了2. by the time 直到时候 指从过去某一点到从句所示的时间为止的一段时间 如:来源:学科网ZXXKBy the time we got to his house, he had finished supper. 在我们到达他就已经吃完了晚饭。3. 英语中表示“把某物遗忘在某处”常用 leave + 地点 ,而不是forget+地点 如:Unluckily, I left my book at home不幸的是,我把书忘在家里了。4. close v. 关 adv. 接近地 靠近地

3、closed adj. 关的5. come out 出来 6. on time 按时 准时 既不早也不迟 in time 及时 指在时限到来之前7. luckily adv. 幸运地 lucky adj. 幸运的 luck n. 好运8. give sb. a ride 让某搭便车 如: He often gives me a ride to school. 他经常让我搭便车去学校。9.only just 刚刚好、恰好 10. go off (闹钟)闹响 The alarm went off just now. 刚才警钟响了。11. break down 坏掉 12. fool n. 傻子 呆

4、子 v. 愚弄 欺骗 如: He is a fool. 他是一个呆子。 We cant fool our teach. 我们不能欺骗我们的教师。(动词)13. show up 出现 出席 She didnt show up last night. 昨晚她没有出现14. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某做事 如: My friend invited me to watch TV. 我的朋友邀请我看电视。15. set off 激起 出发 set up 建立16. so that 如此以致于引导结果状语从句,so后面接形容词、副词.so that作“为了”时,引导目的状语从

5、句,从句常出现情态动词, 作结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用情态动词 。如:She got up early so that she could catch the bus. 为了能赶上车,她起得很早。(目的状语从句) She was so sad that she couldnt say a word. 她悲伤得一句话也说不出来。(结果状语从句)17. flee from 从逃跑 避开 如:They fled from their home. 他们从他们的家里逃了出来。18. thrill v . 使人非常激动,使人非常紧张 thrilled adj. 指某人感到激动或感到紧张 thrilli

6、ng adj. 指某事物使人心情激动19. get married 结婚20. convince v. 使信服 convincing adj. 令人信服的21. land v. 着落22. be late for 迟到23. a piece of 一片/块/张 如: a piece of paper/ bread 一张纸/ 一块面包重点短语:1.到时候by the time +(句子)从过去某一点到从句所示时间为止的一段时间,即从句用过去时,主句用过去完成时。来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K2.(闹钟)闹响go off3.跑掉;迅速离开run off4.损坏break down (突然)中断br

7、eak off5.(在)愚人节(on) April Fools Day 6.激起;引 起set off7.一片,一块a piece of 8.按时on time 及时in time Section A1.从离开去leave (from)for 来源:学_科_网 把某物遗忘在某地leave sth. +介宾短语(表地点的) 忘记某人/某事forget sb /sth. 忘记去作forget to do 忘记已作了forget doing 2.在洗沐浴get in the shower3.开始作start/begin to do (前后不同的事)start/begin doing (前后相同的事)

8、4.我上学从未迟到,但昨天我差点迟到.I ve never been late for school ,but yesterday I came very close.5.等待(某人)作wait (for sb )to do 6.出来;开花come out 实现come ture 从旁而过come by 来自come/be from来源:Zxxk.Com7.我必须抓紧了.I had to really rush.8.飞快冲了个 澡take/have a quick shower9.给/让某人搭便车give/get sb. a ride =give /get a ride to sb.10.我恰

9、好赶上上课.I only just made it to my class.(此时,指约定之意)SectionB1.给某人穿衣服dress sb. 穿()衣服 be /get dressed (in +衣服) 化装;打扮dress up2.熬夜stay /sit up (late) 3.给某人看某物show sb .sth.=show sth .to sb. 带某人参观show sb.around sth. 卖弄show off 出席,露面show up 展览 be on show =be on display 4.化妆舞会a costume party5.在地球着陆land on the e

10、arth6.由演员奥森威尔斯主 持的广播节目a radio program by actor Orsom Welles7.遍及全国across the whole country =all over the whole country8.从逃跑;避开flee from=run away from(flee过去式为fled )9.将有the re will be .(一般将来时) there would be (过去将来时)10.买尽可能多的意大利面条buy as much spaghetti as they could /possible 11.让某人嫁过某人ask sb .to marry sb. 结婚get married 和结婚 get /be married with =marry 12.停止作stop doing 停下某事来作stop to do 13.在开学 第一天on the first day of school14.(向某人)打招呼say hello (to sb.)15.醒来wake up 叫醒来wake sb. up 16. 有一个很愉快的结局have a very happy ending 来源:Z。xx。k.Com17.失去了他的女朋友和他的观众lose both his girlfriend and his show


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