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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版) Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?单元重点短语 英语汉语英语汉语the biggest screensMake upthe friendliest serviceTake .seriouslyThe best soundCome tureFor exampleAnd so onBe close toMore and more popularSo farSit the most comfortablyHave.in commonNo problem All kinds ofWelcome to.Be up toThe best

2、performerPlay a role Such as.单元重点句子英语汉语1. Its close to home.2. The DJs choose songs the most carefully.3. How much is a meal?4. Which is the worst clothes store in town?5. What do you think of 970AM?6. Thats up to you to decide. 7. They usually play a role in deciding the winner. 8. They give people

3、 a way to make their dream come ture.9. Talent shows are getting more and more popular. 10. Town Cinema has rhe most comfortable seats. 1. 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级: 原级、比较级、最高级: badly worse - worst2. 最高级:表示三者或三者以上(人或物)之间的比较。(最高级前勿忘the) 重点解析 最高级基本句型结构 系动词+ the+adj.(最) of + 同类 ( of all/us.) 1. 主语 + 谓语动词 + the +

4、adj./adv.(最) + 实义动词+ (the)+ adv.(最) in + 范围 (in China.)如:Tara is the youngest of all. Linda draws (the) most carefully in her class. 注:1. 副词的最高级前可省略 “the”: 如:sit (the) most comfortably 坐得最舒适 2. 最高级前有其它的限定词时,不加“the”: my best friend 2. Which / Who +the + 最高级, A, B or C ? e.g. Which do you like (the) b

5、est, apples, pears or oranges? 3. one of +the +最高级(形)+名(复): “最之一”。 e.g. Jack Chen is one of the most famous actors in the world. 4. the + 序数词+最高级(形)+名(单):e.g. Hainan is the second largest island in China. 5. This is the +最高级(形)+名(单)+ that 从句:e.g. This is the worst movie that I have ever seen. 这是我曾经看

6、过的最糟糕的电影。 6. a+最高级(形)+名(单) : 表示“非常”。 e.g. Spring is a best season. 原级、比较级、最高级的相互转换 1、原级与比较级的转换:比较级+than not.as/so.as.e.g. He speaks more loudly than me. I dont speak as/so loudly as he/him. 2、比较级与最高级的转换: the other +名(复) (在范围之内) the+最高级 比较级+than+ any other+名(单) e.g. Jim is the tallest student in our

7、class.Jim is taller than any other student in our class.Jim is taller than the other students in our class.21. Thats up to you to decide. 那由你决定。 be up to sb.( to decide.) 由某人决定 be up to (doing) sth. 胜任;适合 如:He isnt up to watching the flowers. Whats up?= Whats wrong?= Whats the matter? 怎么哪? whats mor

8、e: 另外;还有 ;再者 whats worse: 更糟糕的是22How do you like the neighborhood so far? so far: 迄今为止;到现在为止 同义句:1. How is the neighborhood? 2. What do you think of the neighborhood? 3. How do you feel about the neighborhood?23. Thanks for telling me. thanks(n):感谢 如:many thanks = Thank you very much. thanks for (do

9、ing) sth. = thank sb. for (doing) sth. 感谢某人做某事24No problem. 1). 不客气;(回答感谢) 2)、没关系(回答道歉)3). 没问题(回答请求)25-How far is it from your home to the school? - 10 minutes by bus. 乘车十分钟的路程。26Its always interesting to watch other people show their talents. 看其他人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。 do sth. ( 经常或已发生) doing sth. ( 某次或正在发生

10、) 如:I often hear her sing. (经常) I saw her come into the classroom. (已发生) I saw them playing basketball yesterday. ( 某次或正在发生)27. 全世界: around the world = in the world = all over the world.28. All these shows have one thing in common. 所有的这些节目都有一个共同之处。29. The cinema is the closest to my home. 电影院离我家最近30

11、When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. 当人们看节目的时候,他们通常扮演着决定获胜者的角色 play a role in doing. 在.扮演角色/起作用 如:play an important role in the family play a role of . 扮演.角色 如:play a role of a reporter play s role well 扮演.角色演得好 如:play Mulans role well 31. The winner always ge

12、ts a very good prize. 获胜者总能得到丰厚的奖励。32. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.有些人认为表演者的身世是编造出来的。33. One great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. 关于这类节目一个很好的事情是他们给人们提供了一个实现他们梦想的方式。1)give sb. a way to do sth : 给某人提供一个做. 的方式。2)come true: (梦想

13、等)实现 Study hard, your dream will come true one day. have a talent for (doing) sth. :有.的天赋 He has a talent for painting.35. 贫穷的;可怜的 如: She is such a poor girl that she cant buy a toy. 糟糕的;质量差的 如: Im poor in English. He is in poor health. 36. The place where you can enjoy your time. 你能享受时光的地方 A good p

14、lace to have fun. 一个好玩的地方新目标英语Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater? 单元检测试题.选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案(20分)( )1.That is _ expensive coat, but its _ most beautiful one.A. a, an B. an, the C. a, the D. the, the( )2.What is your favorite_?Swimming ,I think. A. food B. Time C. sport D. restaurant( )3.

15、Taiwan is _ the southeast _ China.A. to , of B. in , of C. on , in D. on , of( )4._ the price of the computer? Its 4,000 yuan A. How much B. What C. Whats D. How many( )5._ is it from here to the shop centre?20 minutes by bike.A. How far B. How long C. How much D. How many( )6.Is the bag heavy?Yes.

16、Its_ bigger than that one. A. very B. so C. much D. too( )7. RT-Market has the _ quality and _ prices.A. better, the lowest B. good, bad C. better, well D. best ,the highest( )8. Gina is the cleverest _. A. in them B. of them C. in they D. of they( )9. Liu Xiang is a very _ runner and he eats very _

17、.A. well, good B. good, well C. better, better D. best , best ( )10._ do you think is the _ actor? Mr. Bean.A. Who,funniest B. What , funniest C. Who , funnier D. Who, most funniest.( )11.Green city is one of _ in the big city.A. bigger city B. the biggest city C. bigger cities D. the biggest cities

18、( )12.The Yellow River is the second _ river in China.A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest ( )13.The park is _ than the other ones. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. the beautiful ( ) 14. The students should take the exams .A. serious B. seriously C. bad D. worse ( ) 15.

19、 Parents play a role in their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching ( ) 16. We should study hard to make our dream .A. come over B. come back C. come true D. come up( ) 17. It took me two weeks the novels (小说) by Guo Jingming. A. finish reading B. to finish reading C. to finish to re

20、ad D. finishing to read ( ) 18. Actions speak than words. A. loud B. louder C. loudest D. loudly ( ) 19. Shanghaiisbiggerthan cityinChina.A.anyB.anyotherC.theotherD.other( ) 20. is the book? Only one dollar.A. How much B. How many C. How often D. How far.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最

21、佳答案。(10分) Last Sunday our school had a great 21 show.I thought Eliza was 22 of all.Shes 23 excellent piano player.My good friend Lily thought Steve and his dog 24 the funniest, beacause all the teachers and students couldnt stop 25 .Our English teacher thought Vera was 26 act in the talent show.Beca

22、use few people could play the guitar upside down.After the program, Dennis performed a ball game,but I thought he was 27 of all.He was terrible! He kept 28 the balls.At last,our 29 sang a song.They were the loudest 30 sure. 21.A.talented B.talent C. talents D.good 22.A.the best B.best C.the worst D.

23、better 23.A.a B.an C.the D. 24.A.are B.is C.am D.were 25.A.to laugh B.laughed C.laughing D.laugh 26.A.the most creative B.the creativest C.more creative D.less creative 27.A.the best B.better C.worse D.the worst 28.A.dropped B.drop C.droped D.dropping 29.A.math teacher B.English teachers C.Chinese t

24、eacher D. P.E teacher30.A.in B.to C.of D.for.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子或回答所提问题的最佳答案。(15分)AName of storeClothesPriceLocation(位置)ServiceBobs StoreNot fashionable(流行)The cheapestNot convenient(便利的)The worstCathys StoreThe mostfashionableThe most expensiveThe most convenientThe bestDennys S

25、torefashionableNot expensiveNot convenientBadElizas StorefashionableA little expensiveconvenientGood31.Lucy wants to buy some fashionable clothes,Where wont she go? A. Cathys Store B. Bobs Store C. Dennys Store D. Elizas Store32.Kate wants to buy some fashionable but not expensive clothes.Which stor

26、e may she choose? A. Bobs Store B. Cathys Store C. Elizas Store D. Dennys Store33.Alice wants to go to a convenient store to buy some fashionable clothes.But she doesnt have too much money.She may go to _.A. Elizas Store B. Cathys Store C. Dennys Store D. Bobs Store 34.My sister wishes to buy some f

27、ashionable clothes and she hopes that the store has the friendliest salespeople(售货员).She may go to _.A. Cathys Store B. Bobs Store C. Dennys Store D. Elizas Store35.What can be the best title(标题)? A.The most fashionable clothes B.The most convenient store C.The best clothes D.Which store youd like t

28、o chooseB John was ten years old and was a very lazy (懒的)boy. He had to go to school every day. He didnt like school and didnt want to do much work. His parents were doctors. They hoped that their son would become a doctor when he grew up. But one day John said to his mother, “When I finish school,

29、I want to be a dustman(清洁工).” “A dustman?” his mother asked. She was very surprised. “Thats not a pleasant job. Why do you want to be a dustman?” “Because I only have to work one day a week,” John answered. “One day a week?” his mother asked. “What do you mean?” “Well,” John answered. “I know that t

30、he dustman only come to our house and work on Wednesday, because I only see her on that day.”36. John did not want to do much work at school because_. A. he was lazy B. he didnt like the teachers C. he was good at its lessons D. his parents would help him37. Johns parents wanted him to become a doct

31、or because_. A. they are doctors B. he is lazy C. its not busy D. they are busy 38. John wanted to be a dustman because he thought _. A. it was the easiest work B. it was the most interesting work C. it was much better than to be a doctor D. a dustman didnt have to work every day39. Johns mother tho

32、ught the dustmans job was . A. happy B. light C. not pleasant D. not busy40.Which of the following is right? A. John was a student of a very big school. B. Johns parents worked in the same hospital. C. John was the only son of the family. D. John didnt know how dustmen did their work.C It was a very

33、 hot day in the middle of summer, and there were no trees along the street. Mr. Read had another bad day: for the whole day no one had come to his small shop to buy anything. He closed his shop at half past five, and went out into the street and began walking to the bus stop. He was very fat. The su

34、n shone straight down the street, and in a few minutes Mr. Read felt hot. A small boy came out of another shop in the street and followed Mr. Read. He stayed very near him all the time, and he stepped on Mr. Reads shoes several times. Mr. Read looked at him angrily each time. After the fourth time,

35、Mr. Read stopped, turned round and said to the boy, “What are you doing? Stop following me like that! Youre going to hurt my feet.” “Im sorry, but dont stop me, please!” The small boy said. “Its very hot today, and there isnt any shade anywhere else in the street!”41. No one came to buy things from

36、Mr. Reads shop because . A. it was too small B. he closed it too early C. it was too hot D. there were no shops near his shop42. Mr. Read at about 5:30. A. was going to the bus stop B. was looking for his boy C. was going to another shop D. was looking for a shade in the street.43. In a few minutes,

37、 Mr. Read felt hot because_. A. he walked too fast B. he was a fat man C. he boy followed him too closely D. he stood too long in the sun44. why did Mr. Read become angry? A. The sun was too hot. B. The boy was too fat. C. There were no trees in the street. D. The boy was giving him some trouble.45.

38、 The boy followed Mr. Read so that A. he could do shopping in Mr. Reids shop B. nobody would see him C. he could find the bus stop D. the sun wouldnt shine on him补全对话 阅读对话,填入所缺内容。(5分)A: Hi, Judy!46 _?B: Great! Everything goes well. Do you want to go to the movie?A: Sure. 47_?B: Yes, Town Cinema, Scr

39、een City and Movie World.A: 48_?B: Movie World. It has the most comfortable seats and the biggest screen.A: 49_?B: No, It doesnt have a long waiting time.A: 50_?B: About twenty minutes by bike.A: OK. Lets go.46. A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Hows it going? D. Are you OK?47. A. Which movie do

40、you like to see? B. Are ther any movie theater here? C. Id like to see a movie. D. How many movie theater here?48. A. Whats the best movie theater? B. How far is it from here? C. Is Movie World the best? D. Where is Movie World?49. A. Is it far from here? B. How far is it from here? C. Does it has t

41、he shortest waiting time? D. Does it has a long waiting time?50. A. How long does it take? B. How far is it from here? C. How often do you go there? D. How can we get there? 读音写词 根据所给句子的句意及音标写出正确单词。(7分)51. KFC has the most creative food and the best _ /s:vIs/in our city.52. I dont know which coat to _ /u:z/, they look nice on me.53. Whats the best movie _/it / in town?54. Jia Hua Movie Theater has the most comfortable _/si:ts /55. Who did the _ /w:st/ i


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